Set-StrictMode -Off #region Script Cop Rule Commands . $psScriptRoot\Get-ScriptCopRule.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Register-ScriptCopRule.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Test-ScriptCopRule.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Unregister-ScriptCopRule.ps1 #endregion Script Cop Rule Commands Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ScriptCopRule, Register-ScriptCopRule, Unregister-ScriptCopRule #region Script Cop Fixer Commands . $psScriptRoot\Get-ScriptCopFixer.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Register-ScriptCopFixer.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Test-ScriptCopFixer.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Unregister-ScriptCopFixer.ps1 #endregion Script Cop Fixer Commands Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ScriptCopFixer, Register-ScriptCopFixer, Unregister-ScriptCopFixer #region Patrol Functions . $psScriptRoot\Get-ScriptCopPatrol.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Register-ScriptCopPatrol.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Save-ScriptCopPatrol.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Unregister-ScriptCopPatrol.ps1 #endregion Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ScriptCopPatrol, Register-ScriptCopPatrol, Unregister-ScriptCopPatrol #region General Purpose Functions . $psScriptRoot\Get-FunctionFromScript.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-ScriptToken.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Save-Function.ps1 #endregion #region Command Coverage . $psScriptRoot\Disable-CommandCoverage.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Enable-CommandCoverage.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Get-CommandCoverage.ps1 #endregion #region Major exported commands . $psScriptRoot\Test-Command.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Repair-Command.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Show-ScriptCoverage.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Test-Module.ps1 . $psScriptRoot\Test-Stress.ps1 Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-Command, Test-Module,Repair-Command, Show-ScriptCoverage, Test-Stress, Enable-CommandCoverage, Disable-CommandCoverage,Get-CommandCoverage #endregion #region Import Rules From Rules Directory Get-ChildItem $psScriptRoot\Rules | Get-Command { $_.Fullname } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_ -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo] } | Foreach-Object -Verbose:($Verbose -ne 'SilentlyContinue') { Write-Verbose "Attempting to Import $_" $_ | Test-ScriptCopRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable RuleImportError if ($RuleImportError) { # Ok, see if it contains functions $functionOnly = Get-FunctionFromScript -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create($_.ScriptContents)) $cmds = @() foreach ($f in $functionOnly) { . ([ScriptBlock]::Create($f)) $matched = $f -match "function ((\w+-\w+)|(\w+))" if ($matched -and $matches[1]) { $cmds+=Get-Command $matches[1] } } $cmds | Where-Object { $_ | Test-ScriptCopRule -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable RuleImportError2 if ($ruleImportError2) { Write-Verbose ($RuleImportError2 |Out-String) } else { $_ } } | Register-ScriptCopRule if (-not $RuleImportError2) { Write-Debug ($RuleImportError |Out-String) } } else { $_ | Register-ScriptCopRule } } Get-ChildItem $psScriptRoot\Fixers | Get-Command { $_.Fullname } -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_ -is [Management.Automation.ExternalScriptInfo] } | Foreach-Object { Write-Verbose "Attempting to Import $_" $_ | Test-ScriptCopFixer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable RuleImportError if ($RuleImportError) { Write-Verbose ($RuleImportError |Out-String) # Ok, see if it contains functions $OldFunctionList = Get-Command -CommandType Function . $_ $NewFunctionList = Get-Command -CommandType Function $functions= Compare-Object $OldFunctionList $NewFunctionList | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject $functions | Where-Object { $_ | Test-ScriptCopFixer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable RuleImportError2 if ($ruleImportError2) { Write-Verbose ($RuleImportError2 |Out-String) } else { $_ } } | Register-ScriptCopFixer if (-not $RuleImportError2) { Write-Verbose ($RuleImportError1 |Out-String) } } else { $_ | Register-ScriptCopFixer } } #endregion #region Import Patrols Get-ChildItem $psScriptRoot\Patrols -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Filter *.patrol.psd1 | ForEach-Object { $fullPath = $_.fullname $name = $_.Name.Replace(".patrol.psd1", "") $patrolContent = try { ([PowerShell]::Create().AddScript(" `$executionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = 'RestrictedLanguage' $([IO.File]::ReadAllText($fullPath)) ").Invoke())[0] } catch { Write-Debug "Error Importing $fullpath : $($_ | Out-string)" } if ($patrolContent) { $patrolContent.Name = $name Register-ScriptCopPatrol @patrolContent } } #endregion #region Conditionally load Show-ScriptCop if ShowUI is found if (Get-Module ShowUI) { . $psScriptRoot\Show-ScriptCop.ps1 Export-ModuleMember -Function Show-ScriptCop } else { # Get-Module -ListAvailable has a heisenbug, so test for ShowUI without it $passiveTestForModule = $env:PSModulePath -split ";" | Get-ChildItem -Filter ShowUI -ErrorAction Silentlycontinue | Get-ChildItem -Filter ShowUI.psd1 -ErrorAction Silentlycontinue if ($passiveTestforModule) { Import-Module ShowUI -Global } if (Get-Module ShowUI) { . $psScriptRoot\Show-ScriptCop.ps1 Export-ModuleMember -Function Show-ScriptCop } } #endregion |