param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='TestModuleInfo',Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo] $ModuleInfo ) process { $moduleRoot = $ModuleInfo | Split-Path $ModuleManifest = $ModuleInfo | Split-Path | Get-ChildItem -Filter "$($ModuleInfo.Name).psd1" if (-not $moduleManifest) { Write-Error "$ModuleInfo does not have a manifest" -ErrorId "TestModuleManifestQuality.NoManifest" return } $manifestContent = ([PowerShell]::Create().AddScript(" `$executionContext.SessionState.LanguageMode = 'RestrictedLanguage' $([IO.File]::ReadAllText($moduleManifest.Fullname)) ").Invoke())[0] $ht = @{} + $manifestContent $manifestContent = New-Object PSObject -Property $ht if (-not $manifestContent.FileList) { Write-Error -Message "Module Manifest does not contain a file list" -ErrorId "TestModuleManifestQuality.MissingFileList" } if (-not $manifestContent.Guid) { Write-Error "Module Manifest does not have a GUID" -ErrorId "TestModuleManifestQuality.MissingGUID" } if (-not $manifestContent.Description) { Write-Error "Module Manifest does not have a Description" -ErrorId "TestModuleManifestQuality.MissingDescription" } if (-not $manifestContent.Copyright) { Write-Error "Module Manifest does not have a Copyright Notice" -ErrorId "TestModuleManifestQuality.MissingCopyrightNotice" } if (-not $manifestContent.Author) { Write-Error "Module Manifest does not have an Author" -ErrorId "TestModuleManifestQuality.MissingAuthor" } if ($manifestContent.ModuleToProcess -like "*.psm1") { $psm1Path = "$moduleRoot\$($manifestContent.ModuleToProcess)" } } |