function Test-ForOutputType { <# .Synopsis Tests for the presence of an output type .Description Tests for the presence of an output type. If the output type isn't a declared object, this also checks to see that the output .Example Get-Command CommandToTest | Test-ForOutputType .Link Test-Command #> param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName='TestCommandInfo',Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Management.Automation.CommandInfo] $CommandInfo ) process { #region Check that commands have an output type if (-not $commandInfo.OutputType) { Write-Error "$CommandInfo does not have an output type" return } #endregion Check that commands have an output type #region Check dynamic property bags if ($commandInfo -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) { $help = Get-Help $commandInfo.Name $notesText = if ($help.alertSet) { $help.alertSet.alert | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Text } else { "" } } foreach ($outType in $commandInfo.OutputType) { if ($outType.Name -and -not $outType.Type) { # It's an unnanmed type. Make sure that the type is documented somewhere. # If it's a function, check for the presence of the name within the notes section of help if ($commandInfo -is [Management.Automation.FunctionInfo]) { if ($notesText -and $notesText -notlike "*$($outType.Name)*") { Write-Error "$CommandInfo returns a custom type, but doesn't document it in the function's notes" } } elseif ($commandInfo -is [Management.Automation.CmdletInfo]) { if ($notesText -and $notesText -notlike "*$($outType.Name)*") { Write-Error "$CommandInfo returns a custom type, and that command has help, but doesn't document it in the commands's notes" } # If the type is compiled, look for an internal class in the same namespace as the cmdlet called ".PS${OutputTypeName}" $expectedPsuedoTypeName = if ($outType.Name.Contains(".")) { $outType.Name } else { $commandInfo.ImplementingType.Namespace + ".PS" + $outType.Name } $psuedoType = $commandInfo.ImplementingType.GetAssembly().GetType("$expectedPsuedoTypeName") if (-not $psuedoType) { Write-Error "$commandInfo returns a property bag, but does not have an internal type declaring what properties should exist on that property bag. Declare a class (preferably an internal class)" continue } $staticProperties = Get-Member -InputObject $psuedoType -MemberType Properties -Static if (-not $staticProperties) { Write-Error "$commandInfo returns a property bag, but does not have an internal type declaring what properties should exist on that property bag" continue } } } } #endregion Check dynamic property bags } } |