function Get-ScriptCopRule { <# .Synopsis Gets all of the script cop rules. .Description Gets all of the script cop rules, and the relative path to the file defining the rule .Example Get-ScriptCopRule .Link Test-Command #> param() begin { if (-not $script:ScriptCopRules) { $script:ScriptCopRules = @{ TestCommandInfo = @() TestCmdletInfo = @() TestScriptInfo = @() TestFunctionInfo = @() TestApplicationInfo= @() TestModuleInfo = @() TestScriptToken = @() TestHelpContent = @() } } } process { $script:ScriptCopRules | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Values | Select-Object -Unique | ForEach-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { $_ } | Select-Object Name, @{ Label='File' Expression={ if ($_.Path){ $_.Path.Replace("$psScriptRoot\", "") } else { $_.ScriptBlock.File.Replace("$psScriptRoot\", "") } } } | ForEach-Object { $_.psObject.typenames.clear() $null = $_.psObject.typenames.Add('ScriptcopRule') $_ } } } |