function Import-SAMPackageDefinitionSms { <# .SYNOPSIS Import PackageDefinition.sms file to a PackageDefinitionSms object. .DESCRIPTION Import PackageDefinition.sms file to a PackageDefinitionSms object. .EXAMPLE Import-SAMPackageDefinitionSms -Path "c:\temp\package01\PackageDefinition.sms" .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: github/trondr Company: github/trondr Repository: #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] [Alias("FullName")] [string[]] $Path ) begin { } process { foreach($p in $Path) { try { Assert-SAMFileExists -Path $p -Message "PackageDefinition.sms file not found." Write-Verbose "Importing PackageDefinition.sms: $p" $Name = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section "Package Definition" -Key "Name" $Version = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section "Package Definition" -Key "Version" $Publisher = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section "Package Definition" -Key "Publisher" $Comment = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section "Package Definition" -Key "Comment" $Language = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section "Package Definition" -Key "Language" -AllowEmptyOrNull $Programs = $(Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section "Package Definition" -Key "Programs") -Split "," $ProgramSmsArray = $Programs | ForEach-Object{ $programName = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section $_ -Key "Name"; $commandLine = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section $programName -Key "CommandLine"; $programComment = Get-SAMIniFileValue -Path $p -Section $programName -Key "Comment" Write-Output -InputObject $([ProgramSms]::New($programName,$CommandLine,$programComment)) } Write-Output -InputObject $([PackageDefinitionSms]::New($Name,$Version,$Publisher,$Comment,$Language,$ProgramSmsArray)) } catch { Write-Host "Import-SAMPackageDefinitionSms failed processing '$($p)' due to: $($_.Exception.Message) (Line: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber))(Script: $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptName))" -ForegroundColor Red } } } end { } } #TEST: #Import-SAMPackageDefinitionSms -Path "c:\temp\PackageDefinition.sms" |