
$code = @"
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace SccmAM
    public static class PathOperation
        public static string GetUncPath(string path, bool useAdminShareForLocalDrive)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("path", "Invalid (null or empty) path.");
            if (IsUncPath(path))
                return path;
            string drive = null;
            if (path[1] == ':')
                drive = path.Substring(0, 2);
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Path '{0}' is not a unc path or a drive path.", path));
            path = path.TrimEnd(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
            var driveInfo = new DriveInfo(drive);
            if (driveInfo.DriveType == DriveType.Network)
                //A network drive get unc path
                string uncPath;
                var buffer = IntPtr.Zero;
                    // Call WNetGetUniversalName to get buffer size.
                    var size = 0;
                    var apiReturnValue = WNetGetUniversalName(path, UniversalNameInfoLevel, (IntPtr) IntPtr.Size,
                        ref size);
                    if (apiReturnValue != ErrorMoreData)
                        throw new Win32Exception(apiReturnValue);
                    // Allocate the buffer.
                    buffer = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(size);
                    // Now make the call.
                    apiReturnValue = WNetGetUniversalName(path, UniversalNameInfoLevel, buffer, ref size);
                    if (apiReturnValue != NoError)
                        throw new Win32Exception(apiReturnValue);
                    // Get the string.
                    uncPath = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(new IntPtr(buffer.ToInt64() + IntPtr.Size), size);
                    uncPath = uncPath.Substring(0, uncPath.IndexOf('\0'));
                    // Release buffer.
                return uncPath;
                if (path.Length > 2)
                    return string.Format(@"\\{0}\{1}${2}", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTERNAME"), path[0], path.Substring(2, path.Length - 2));
                return string.Format(@"\\{0}\{1}$", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("COMPUTERNAME"), path[0]);
            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Path '{0}' cannot be converted to a unc path.", path));
        public static bool IsUncPath(string path)
            var uri = new Uri(path);
            return uri.IsUnc;
        private const int UniversalNameInfoLevel = 0x00000001;
        private const int ErrorMoreData = 234;
        private const int NoError = 0;
        [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)]
        private static extern int WNetGetUniversalName(string lpLocalPath, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] int dwInfoLevel, IntPtr lpBuffer, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)] ref int lpBufferSize);

if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'SccmAM.PathOperation').Type)
    Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code -Language CSharp