
.VERSION 0.1.0
.GUID 2720e889-1287-4cab-8945-01a7f89b53cc
.AUTHOR Gael Colas
.COMPANYNAME SynEdgy Limited
.COPYRIGHT (c) SynEdgy, All rights reserved
.TAGS build powershell module bootstrap InvokeBuild tasks template
Initial version

 Bootstrap and build script for PowerShell module pipeline


    [Parameter(Position = 0)]
    [string[]]$Tasks = '.',

        { Test-Path -Path $_ }
    $BuildConfig = './build.yaml',

    # A Specific folder to build the artefact into.
    $OutputDirectory = 'output',

    # Can be a path (relative to $PSScriptRoot or absolute) to tell Resolve-Dependency & PSDepend where to save the required modules,
    # or use CurrentUser, AllUsers to target where to install missing dependencies
    # You can override the value for PSDepend in the Build.psd1 build manifest
    # This defaults to $OutputDirectory/modules (by default: ./output/modules)
    $RequiredModulesDirectory = $(Join-Path 'output' 'RequiredModules'),

    # Filter which tags to run when invoking Pester tests
    # This is used in the tasks

    # Filter which tags to exclude when invoking Pester tests
    # This is used in the tasks

    $CodeCoverageThreshold = 50,



# The BEGIN block (at the end of this file) handles the Bootstrap of the Environment before Invoke-Build can run the tasks
# if the -ResolveDependency (aka Bootstrap) is specified, the modules are already available, and can be auto loaded

Process {

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notLike '*Invoke-Build.ps1') {
        # Only run the process block through InvokeBuild (Look at the Begin block at the bottom of this script)

    # Execute the Build Process from the .build.ps1 path.
    Push-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot -StackName BeforeBuild

    try {
        Write-Host -ForeGroundColor magenta "[build] Parsing defined tasks"

        # Load Default BuildInfo if not provided as parameter
        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BuildInfo')) {
            try {
                if (Test-Path $BuildConfig) {
                    $ConfigFile = (Get-Item -Path $BuildConfig)
                    Write-Host "[build] Loading Configuration from $ConfigFile"
                    $BuildInfo = switch -Regex ($ConfigFile.Extension) {
                        # Native Support for PSD1
                        '\.psd1' {
                            Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $BuildConfig
                        # Support for yaml when module PowerShell-Yaml is available
                        '\.[yaml|yml]' {
                            Import-Module -ErrorAction Stop -Name 'powershell-yaml'
                            ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (Get-Content -Raw $ConfigFile)
                        # Native Support for JSON and JSONC (by Removing comments)
                        '\.[json|jsonc]' {
                            $JSONC = (Get-Content -Raw -Path $ConfigFile)
                            $JSON = $JSONC -replace '(?m)\s*//.*?$' -replace '(?ms)/\*.*?\*/'
                            # This should probably be converted to hashtable for splatting
                            $JSON | ConvertFrom-Json
                        default {
                            Write-Error "Extension '$_' not supported. using @{}"
                            @{ }
                else {
                    Write-Host -Object "Configuration file $BuildConfig not found" -ForegroundColor Red
                    $BuildInfo = @{ }
            catch {
                Write-Host -Object "Error loading data from $ConfigFile" -ForegroundColor Red
                $BuildInfo = @{ }
                Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

        # If the Invoke-Build Task Header is specified in the Build Info, set it
        if ($BuildInfo.TaskHeader) {
            Set-BuildHeader ([scriptblock]::Create($BuildInfo.TaskHeader))

        # Import Tasks from modules via their exported aliases when defined in BUild Manifest
        if ($BuildInfo.containsKey('ModuleBuildTasks')) {
            foreach ($Module in $BuildInfo['ModuleBuildTasks'].Keys) {
                try {
                    $LoadedModule = Import-Module $Module -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
                    foreach ($TaskToExport in $BuildInfo['ModuleBuildTasks'].($Module)) {
                            # using -like to support wildcard
                            $_.Key -like $TaskToExport
                            # Dot sourcing the Tasks via their exported aliases
                            . (get-alias $_.Key)
                catch {
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -Object "Could not load tasks for module $Module."
                    Write-Error $_

        # Loading Build Tasks defined in the .build/ folder (will override the ones imported above if same task name)
        Get-ChildItem -Path ".build/" -Recurse -Include *.ps1 -ErrorAction Ignore | Foreach-Object {
            "Importing file $($_.BaseName)" | Write-Verbose
            . $_.FullName

        # Synopsis: Empty task, useful to test the bootstrap process
        task noop { }

        # Define default task sequence ("."), can be overridden in the $BuildInfo
        task . {
            Write-Build Yellow "No sequence currently defined for the default task"

        # Load Invoke-Build task sequences/workflows from $BuildInfo
        foreach ($Workflow in $BuildInfo.BuildWorkflow.keys) {
            Write-Verbose "Creating Build Workflow '$Workflow' with tasks $($BuildInfo.BuildWorkflow.($Workflow) -join ', ')"
            $WorkflowItem = $BuildInfo.BuildWorkflow.($Workflow)
            if ($WorkflowItem.Trim() -match '^\{(?<sb>[\w\W]*)\}$') {
                $WorkflowItem = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Matches['sb'])
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Adding $Workflow"
            task $Workflow $WorkflowItem

        Write-Host -ForeGroundColor magenta "[build] Executing requested workflow: $($Tasks -join ', ')"

    finally {
        Pop-Location -StackName BeforeBuild

Begin {
    # Bootstrapping the environment before using Invoke-Build as task runner

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notLike '*Invoke-Build.ps1') {
        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Starting Build Init"
        Push-Location $PSScriptRoot -StackName BuildModule

    if ($RequiredModulesDirectory -in @('CurrentUser', 'AllUsers')) {
        # Installing modules instead of saving them
        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Required Modules will be installed for $RequiredModulesDirectory, not saved."
        # Tell Resolve-Dependency to use provided scope as the -PSDependTarget if not overridden in Build.psd1
        $PSDependTarget = $RequiredModulesDirectory
    else {
        if (-Not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path $OutputDirectory)) {
            $OutputDirectory = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $OutputDirectory

        # Resolving the absolute path to save the required modules to
        if (-Not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path $RequiredModulesDirectory)) {
            $RequiredModulesDirectory = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $RequiredModulesDirectory

        # Create the output/modules folder if not exists, or resolve the Absolute path otherwise
        if (Resolve-Path $RequiredModulesDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
            Write-Debug "[pre-build] Required Modules path already exist at $RequiredModulesDirectory"
            $RequiredModulesPath = Convert-Path $RequiredModulesDirectory
        else {
            Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Creating required modules directory $RequiredModulesDirectory."
            $RequiredModulesPath = (New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $RequiredModulesDirectory).FullName

        # Prepending $RequiredModulesPath folder to PSModulePath to resolve from this folder FIRST
        if ($RequiredModulesDirectory -notIn @('CurrentUser', 'AllUsers') -and
            (($Env:PSModulePath -split [io.path]::PathSeparator) -notContains $RequiredModulesDirectory)) {
            Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Prepending '$RequiredModulesDirectory' folder to PSModulePath"
            $Env:PSModulePath = $RequiredModulesDirectory + [io.path]::PathSeparator + $Env:PSModulePath

        # Prepending $OutputDirectory folder to PSModulePath to resolve built module from this folder
        if (($Env:PSModulePath -split [io.path]::PathSeparator) -notContains $OutputDirectory) {
            Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Prepending '$OutputDirectory' folder to PSModulePath"
            $Env:PSModulePath = $OutputDirectory + [io.path]::PathSeparator + $Env:PSModulePath

        # Tell Resolve-Dependency to use $RequiredModulesPath as -PSDependTarget if not overridden in Build.psd1
        $PSDependTarget = $RequiredModulesPath

    if ($ResolveDependency) {
        Write-Host -Object "[pre-build] Resolving dependencies." -foregroundColor Green
        $ResolveDependencyParams = @{ }

        # If BuildConfig is a Yaml file, bootstrap powershell-yaml via ResolveDependency
        if ($BuildConfig -match '\.[yaml|yml]$') {
            $ResolveDependencyParams.add('WithYaml', $True)

        # TODO: 3 way merge: BoundParameter over BuildInfo over Scope variables (i.e. defaults from args)
        $ResolveDependencyAvailableParams = (get-command -Name '.\Resolve-Dependency.ps1').parameters.keys
        foreach ($CmdParameter in $ResolveDependencyAvailableParams) {

            # The parameter has been explicitly used for calling the .build.ps1
            if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($CmdParameter)) {
                $ParamValue = $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($CmdParameter)
                Write-Debug " adding $CmdParameter :: $ParamValue [from user-provided parameters to Build.ps1]"
                $ResolveDependencyParams.Add($CmdParameter, $ParamValue)
            # Use defaults parameter value from Build.ps1, if any
            else {
                if ($ParamValue = Get-Variable -Name $CmdParameter -ValueOnly -ErrorAction Ignore) {
                    Write-Debug " adding $CmdParameter :: $ParamValue [from default Build.ps1 variable]"
                    $ResolveDependencyParams.add($CmdParameter, $ParamValue)

        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Starting bootstrap process."
        .\Resolve-Dependency.ps1 @ResolveDependencyParams

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notLike '*Invoke-Build.ps1') {
        Write-Verbose "Bootstrap completed. Handing back to InvokeBuild."
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResolveDependency')) {
            Write-Verbose "Dependency already resolved. Removing task"
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ResolveDependency')
        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[build] Starting build with InvokeBuild."
        Invoke-Build @PSBoundParameters -Task $Tasks -File $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
        Pop-Location -StackName BuildModule