param ( # Project path [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectPath = (property ProjectPath $BuildRoot), [Parameter()] # Base directory of all output (default to 'output') [System.String] $OutputDirectory = (property OutputDirectory (Join-Path $BuildRoot 'output')), [Parameter()] [System.String] $BuiltModuleSubdirectory = (property BuiltModuleSubdirectory ''), [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $VersionedOutputDirectory = (property VersionedOutputDirectory $true), [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectName = (property ProjectName ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PesterOutputFolder = (property PesterOutputFolder 'testResults'), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PesterOutputFormat = (property PesterOutputFormat ''), [Parameter()] [System.Object[]] $PesterScript = (property PesterScript ''), [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $PesterTag = (property PesterTag @()), [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $PesterExcludeTag = (property PesterExcludeTag @()), [Parameter()] [System.String] $CodeCoverageThreshold = (property CodeCoverageThreshold ''), # Build Configuration object [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $BuildInfo = (property BuildInfo @{ }) ) # Synopsis: Making sure the Module meets some quality standard (help, tests). task Invoke_Pester_Tests { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-SamplerProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } $OutputDirectory = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $OutputDirectory -RelativeTo $BuildRoot $PesterOutputFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $PesterOutputFolder -RelativeTo $OutputDirectory "`tProject Name = '$ProjectName'" "`tOutput Directory = '$OutputDirectory'" "`tPester Output Folder = '$PesterOutputFolder" if ($VersionedOutputDirectory) { # VersionedOutputDirectory is not [bool]'' nor $false nor [bool]$null # Assume true, wherever it was set $VersionedOutputDirectory = $true } else { # VersionedOutputDirectory may be [bool]'' but we can't tell where it's # coming from, so assume the build info (Build.yaml) is right $VersionedOutputDirectory = $BuildInfo['VersionedOutputDirectory'] } $GetBuiltModuleManifestParams = @{ OutputDirectory = $OutputDirectory BuiltModuleSubDirectory = $BuiltModuleSubDirectory ModuleName = $ProjectName VersionedOutputDirectory = $VersionedOutputDirectory ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $builtModuleBase = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Base = '$builtModuleBase'" $builtModuleManifest = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Manifest = '$builtModuleManifest'" if ($builtModuleRootScriptPath = Get-SamplerModuleRootPath -ModuleManifestPath $builtModuleManifest) { $builtModuleRootScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path $builtModuleRootScriptPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName } "`tBuilt ModuleRoot script = '$builtModuleRootScriptPath'" $builtDscResourcesFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path 'DSCResources' -RelativeTo $builtModuleBase "`tBuilt DSC Resource Path = '$builtDscResourcesFolder'" $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams $ModuleVersionObject = Split-ModuleVersion -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion $ModuleVersionFolder = $ModuleVersionObject.Version $preReleaseTag = $ModuleVersionObject.PreReleaseString "`tModule Version = '$ModuleVersion'" "`tModule Version Folder = '$ModuleVersionFolder'" "`tPre-release Tag = '$preReleaseTag'" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder)) { Write-Build -Color 'Yellow' -Text "Creating folder $PesterOutputFolder" $null = New-Item -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ItemType 'Directory' -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop' } $GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters = @{ RuntimeCodeCoverageThreshold = $CodeCoverageThreshold BuildInfo = $BuildInfo } $CodeCoverageThreshold = Get-CodeCoverageThreshold @GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters Import-Module -Name 'Pester' -MinimumVersion 4.0 -ErrorAction Stop $isPester5 = (Get-Module -Name 'Pester').Version -ge '5.0.0' # Same parameters for both Pester 4 and Pester 5. $defaultPesterParams = @{ PassThru = $true } $defaultScriptPaths = @( 'tests', (Join-Path -Path $ProjectName -ChildPath 'tests') ) if ($isPester5) { $defaultPesterParams['Path'] = $defaultScriptPaths $defaultPesterParams['Output'] = 'Detailed' } else { $defaultPesterParams['Script'] = $defaultScriptPaths $defaultPesterParams['CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat'] = 'JaCoCo' $defaultPesterParams['OutputFormat'] = 'NUnitXML' } $DefaultExcludeFromCodeCoverage = @('test') $pesterCmd = Get-Command -Name 'Invoke-Pester' <# This will build the Pester* variables (e.g. PesterScript, or PesterOutputFormat) in this scope that are used in the rest of the code. It will use values for the variables in the following order: 1. Skip creating the variable if a variable is already available because it was already set in a passed parameter (Pester*). 2. Use the value from a property in the build.yaml under the key 'Pester:'. 3. Use the default value set previously in the variable $defaultPesterParams. #> foreach ($paramName in $pesterCmd.Parameters.Keys) { $taskParamName = "Pester$paramName" $pesterBuildConfig = $BuildInfo.Pester # Skip if a value was passed as a parameter. if (-not (Get-Variable -Name $taskParamName -ValueOnly -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') -and ($pesterBuildConfig)) { $paramValue = $pesterBuildConfig.($paramName) # The Variable is set to '' so we should try to use the Config'd one if exists if ($paramValue) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "Using $taskParamName from Build Config" Set-Variable -Name $taskParamName -Value $paramValue } # or use a default if available elseif ($defaultPesterParams.ContainsKey($paramName)) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "Using $taskParamName from Defaults" Set-Variable -Name $taskParamName -Value $DefaultPesterParams.($paramName) } } else { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "Using $taskParamName from Build Invocation Parameters" } } <# For Pester 5, switch over to Pester 4 variable name. This is done to reduce the code changes needed to get both Pester 4 and Pester 5 compatibility. The variable PesterPath comes from the child key 'Path:' under the parent key 'Pester:' in the build configuration file. For Pester 4 the key is 'Script:' instead of 'Path:'. For Pester 5, if the variable $PesterScript is set then the user passed in a value in the parameter 'PesterScript' (most likely through the build.ps1). If that is the case the value in $PesterScript take precedence. If there is no value in $PesterScript then we set it to the value of $PesterPath. #> if ($isPester5 -and [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PesterScript)) { $PesterScript = $PesterPath } $pesterBuildConfig = $BuildInfo.Pester # Code Coverage Exclude if (-not $ExcludeFromCodeCoverage -and ($pesterBuildConfig)) { if ($pesterBuildConfig.ContainsKey('ExcludeFromCodeCoverage')) { $ExcludeFromCodeCoverage = $pesterBuildConfig['ExcludeFromCodeCoverage'] } else { $ExcludeFromCodeCoverage = $DefaultExcludeFromCodeCoverage } } "`tProject Path = $ProjectPath" "`tProject Name = $ProjectName" "`tTest Scripts = $($PesterScript -join ', ')" "`tTags = $($PesterTag -join ', ')" "`tExclude Tags = $($PesterExcludeTag -join ', ')" "`tExclude Cov. = $($ExcludeFromCodeCoverage -join ', ')" "`tModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion" $osShortName = Get-OperatingSystemShortName $powerShellVersion = 'PSv.{0}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters = @{ ProjectName = $ProjectName ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion OsShortName = $osShortName PowerShellVersion = $powerShellVersion } $pesterOutputFileFileName = Get-PesterOutputFileFileName @getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters $pesterOutputFullPath = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath "$($PesterOutputFormat)_$pesterOutputFileFileName" $moduleUnderTest = Import-Module -Name $ProjectName -PassThru $PesterCodeCoverage = (Get-ChildItem -Path $moduleUnderTest.ModuleBase -Include @('*.psm1', '*.ps1') -Recurse).Where{ $result = $true foreach ($excludePath in $ExcludeFromCodeCoverage) { if (-not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute $excludePath)) { $excludePath = Join-Path -Path $moduleUnderTest.ModuleBase -ChildPath $excludePath } if ($_.FullName -match ([regex]::Escape($excludePath))) { $result = $false } } $result } $pesterParams = @{ PassThru = $true } if ($isPester5) { $pesterParams['Output'] = $PesterOutput } else { $pesterParams['OutputFormat'] = $PesterOutputFormat $pesterParams['OutputFile'] = $pesterOutputFullPath } $getCodeCoverageOutputFile = @{ BuildInfo = $BuildInfo PesterOutputFolder = $PesterOutputFolder } $CodeCoverageOutputFile = Get-SamplerCodeCoverageOutputFile @getCodeCoverageOutputFile if (-not $CodeCoverageOutputFile) { $CodeCoverageOutputFile = (Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath "CodeCov_$pesterOutputFileFileName") } if (-not $isPester5 -and $codeCoverageThreshold -gt 0) { $pesterParams.Add('CodeCoverage', $PesterCodeCoverage) $pesterParams.Add('CodeCoverageOutputFile', $CodeCoverageOutputFile) $pesterParams.Add('CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat', $PesterCodeCoverageOutputFileFormat) } "`t" "`tCodeCoverage = $($pesterParams['CodeCoverage'])" "`tCodeCoverageOutputFile = $($pesterParams['CodeCoverageOutputFile'])" "`tCodeCoverageOutputFileFormat = $($pesterParams['CodeCoverageOutputFileFormat'])" $codeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = Get-SamplerCodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding -BuildInfo $BuildInfo if (-not $isPester5 -and $codeCoverageThreshold -gt 0 -and $codeCoverageOutputFileEncoding) { $pesterParams.Add('CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding', $codeCoverageOutputFileEncoding) } "`tCodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = $($pesterParams['CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding'])" if ($PesterExcludeTag.Count -gt 0) { if ($isPester5) { $pesterParams.Add('ExcludeTagFilter', $PesterExcludeTag) } else { $pesterParams.Add('ExcludeTag', $PesterExcludeTag) } } if ($PesterTag.Count -gt 0) { if ($isPester5) { $pesterParams.Add('TagFilter', $PesterTag) } else { $pesterParams.Add('Tag', $PesterTag) } } # Test folders is specified, do not run invoke-pester against $BuildRoot if ($PesterScript.Count -gt 0) { if ($isPester5) { $pesterParams.Add('Path', @()) } else { $pesterParams.Add('Script', @()) } Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text " Adding PesterScript to params" <# Assuming that if the first item in the PesterScript array is of a certain type, all other items will be of the same type. #> switch ($PesterScript[0]) { { $_ -is [System.String] } { foreach ($testFolder in $PesterScript) { if (-not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute $testFolder)) { $testFolder = Join-Path -Path $ProjectPath -ChildPath $testFolder } Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text " ... $testFolder" # The Absolute path to this folder exists, adding to the list of pester scripts to run if (Test-Path -Path $testFolder) { if ($isPester5) { $pesterParams.Path += $testFolder } else { $pesterParams.Script += $testFolder } } } } { $_ -is [System.Collections.Hashtable] } { foreach ($scriptItem in $PesterScript) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text " ... $(Convert-SamplerHashtableToString -Hashtable $scriptItem)" if ($isPester5) { $pesterParams.Path += $scriptItem } else { $pesterParams.Script += $scriptItem } } } } } # Add all Pester* variables in current scope into the $pesterParams hashtable. foreach ($paramName in $pesterCmd.Parameters.keys) { if (-not $isPester5 -or ($isPester5 -and 'Simple' -in $pesterCmd.Parameters.$paramName.ParameterSets.Keys)) { $paramValueFromScope = (Get-Variable -Name "Pester$paramName" -ValueOnly -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') if (-not $pesterParams.ContainsKey($paramName) -and $paramValueFromScope) { $pesterParams.Add($paramName, $paramValueFromScope) } } } if ($codeCoverageThreshold -eq 0 -or (-not $codeCoverageThreshold)) { Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "Removing Code Coverage parameters" foreach ($CodeCovParam in $pesterParams.Keys.Where{ $_ -like 'CodeCov*' }) { $pesterParams.Remove($CodeCovParam) } } $script:TestResults = Invoke-Pester @pesterParams $PesterResultObjectCliXml = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath "PesterObject_$pesterOutputFileFileName" $null = $script:TestResults | Export-Clixml -Path $PesterResultObjectCliXml -Force } # Synopsis: This task ensures the build job fails if the test aren't successful. task Fail_Build_If_Pester_Tests_Failed { "Asserting that no test failed" if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-SamplerProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } $OutputDirectory = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $OutputDirectory -RelativeTo $BuildRoot $PesterOutputFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $PesterOutputFolder -RelativeTo $OutputDirectory "`tProject Name = '$ProjectName'" "`tOutput Directory = '$OutputDirectory'" "`tPester Output Folder = '$PesterOutputFolder'" $osShortName = Get-OperatingSystemShortName $GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters = @{ RuntimeCodeCoverageThreshold = $CodeCoverageThreshold BuildInfo = $BuildInfo } $CodeCoverageThreshold = Get-CodeCoverageThreshold @GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters "`tCode Coverage Threshold = '$CodeCoverageThreshold'" if ($VersionedOutputDirectory) { # VersionedOutputDirectory is not [bool]'' nor $false nor [bool]$null # Assume true, wherever it was set $VersionedOutputDirectory = $true } else { # VersionedOutputDirectory may be [bool]'' but we can't tell where it's # coming from, so assume the build info (Build.yaml) is right $VersionedOutputDirectory = $BuildInfo['VersionedOutputDirectory'] } $GetBuiltModuleManifestParams = @{ OutputDirectory = $OutputDirectory BuiltModuleSubDirectory = $BuiltModuleSubDirectory ModuleName = $ProjectName VersionedOutputDirectory = $VersionedOutputDirectory ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $builtModuleBase = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Base = '$builtModuleBase'" $builtModuleManifest = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Manifest = '$builtModuleManifest'" if ($builtModuleRootScriptPath = Get-SamplerModuleRootPath -ModuleManifestPath $builtModuleManifest) { $builtModuleRootScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path $builtModuleRootScriptPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName } "`tBuilt ModuleRoot script = '$builtModuleRootScriptPath'" $builtDscResourcesFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path 'DSCResources' -RelativeTo $builtModuleBase "`tBuilt DSC Resource Path = '$builtDscResourcesFolder'" $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams $ModuleVersionObject = Split-ModuleVersion -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion $ModuleVersionFolder = $ModuleVersionObject.Version $preReleaseTag = $ModuleVersionObject.PreReleaseString "`tModule Version = '$ModuleVersion'" "`tModule Version Folder = '$ModuleVersionFolder'" "`tPre-release Tag = '$preReleaseTag'" $powerShellVersion = 'PSv.{0}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters = @{ ProjectName = $ProjectName ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion OsShortName = $osShortName PowerShellVersion = $powerShellVersion } $PesterOutputFileFileName = Get-PesterOutputFileFileName @getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters $PesterResultObjectClixml = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath "PesterObject_$PesterOutputFileFileName" Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "`tPester Output Object = $PesterResultObjectClixml" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PesterResultObjectClixml)) { if ($CodeCoverageThreshold -eq 0) { Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text "Pester run and Coverage bypassed. No Pester output found but allowed." return } else { throw "No command were tested. Threshold of $CodeCoverageThreshold % not met" } } else { $pesterObject = Import-Clixml -Path $PesterResultObjectClixml -ErrorAction 'Stop' Assert-Build -Condition ($pesterObject.FailedCount -eq 0) -Message ('Failed {0} tests. Aborting Build' -f $pesterObject.FailedCount) } } # Synopsis: Fails the build if the code coverage is under predefined threshold. task Pester_If_Code_Coverage_Under_Threshold { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-SamplerProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourcePath)) { $SourcePath = Get-SamplerSourcePath -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } $OutputDirectory = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $OutputDirectory -RelativeTo $BuildRoot "`tProject Name = '$ProjectName'" "`tSource Path = '$SourcePath'" "`tOutput Directory = '$OutputDirectory'" if ($VersionedOutputDirectory) { # VersionedOutputDirectory is not [bool]'' nor $false nor [bool]$null # Assume true, wherever it was set $VersionedOutputDirectory = $true } else { # VersionedOutputDirectory may be [bool]'' but we can't tell where it's # coming from, so assume the build info (Build.yaml) is right $VersionedOutputDirectory = $BuildInfo['VersionedOutputDirectory'] } $GetBuiltModuleManifestParams = @{ OutputDirectory = $OutputDirectory BuiltModuleSubDirectory = $BuiltModuleSubDirectory ModuleName = $ProjectName VersionedOutputDirectory = $VersionedOutputDirectory ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $builtModuleBase = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Base = '$builtModuleBase'" $builtModuleManifest = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Manifest = '$builtModuleManifest'" if ($builtModuleRootScriptPath = Get-SamplerModuleRootPath -ModuleManifestPath $builtModuleManifest) { $builtModuleRootScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path $builtModuleRootScriptPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName } "`tBuilt ModuleRoot script = '$builtModuleRootScriptPath'" $builtDscResourcesFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path 'DSCResources' -RelativeTo $builtModuleBase "`tBuilt DSC Resource Path = '$builtDscResourcesFolder'" $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams $ModuleVersionObject = Split-ModuleVersion -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion $ModuleVersionFolder = $ModuleVersionObject.Version $preReleaseTag = $ModuleVersionObject.PreReleaseString "`tModule Version = '$ModuleVersion'" "`tModule Version Folder = '$ModuleVersionFolder'" "`tPre-release Tag = '$preReleaseTag'" $GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters = @{ RuntimeCodeCoverageThreshold = $CodeCoverageThreshold BuildInfo = $BuildInfo } $CodeCoverageThreshold = Get-CodeCoverageThreshold @GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters "`tCode Coverage Threshold = '$CodeCoverageThreshold'" if (-not $CodeCoverageThreshold) { $CodeCoverageThreshold = 0 } $PesterOutputFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $PesterOutputFolder -RelativeTo $OutputDirectory "`tPester Output Folder = '$PesterOutputFolder'" if (-not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute $PesterOutputFolder)) { $PesterOutputFolder = Join-Path -Path $OutputDirectory -ChildPath $PesterOutputFolder } $osShortName = Get-OperatingSystemShortName $powerShellVersion = 'PSv.{0}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters = @{ ProjectName = $ProjectName ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion OsShortName = $osShortName PowerShellVersion = $powerShellVersion } $PesterOutputFileFileName = Get-PesterOutputFileFileName @getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters $PesterResultObjectClixml = Join-Path $PesterOutputFolder "PesterObject_$PesterOutputFileFileName" Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "`tPester Output Object = $PesterResultObjectClixml" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PesterResultObjectClixml)) { if ($CodeCoverageThreshold -eq 0) { Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text "Pester run and Coverage bypassed. No Pester output found but allowed." return } else { throw "No command were tested. Threshold of $CodeCoverageThreshold % not met" } } else { $pesterObject = Import-Clixml -Path $PesterResultObjectClixml } if ($pesterObject.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed) { $coverage = $pesterObject.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsExecuted / $pesterObject.CodeCoverage.NumberOfCommandsAnalyzed if ($coverage -lt $CodeCoverageThreshold / 100) { throw "The Code Coverage FAILURE: ($($Coverage*100) %) is under the threshold of $CodeCoverageThreshold %." } else { Write-Build -Color Green -Text "Code Coverage SUCCESS with value of $($coverage*100) % (Threshold $CodeCoverageThreshold %)" } } } # Synopsis: Convert JaCoCo coverage so it supports a built module by way of ModuleBuilder. task Convert_Pester_Coverage { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-SamplerProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourcePath)) { $SourcePath = Get-SamplerSourcePath -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } $OutputDirectory = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $OutputDirectory -RelativeTo $BuildRoot "`tProject Name = '$ProjectName'" "`tSource Path = '$SourcePath'" "`tOutput Directory = '$OutputDirectory'" if ($VersionedOutputDirectory) { # VersionedOutputDirectory is not [bool]'' nor $false nor [bool]$null # Assume true, wherever it was set $VersionedOutputDirectory = $true } else { # VersionedOutputDirectory may be [bool]'' but we can't tell where it's # coming from, so assume the build info (Build.yaml) is right $VersionedOutputDirectory = $BuildInfo['VersionedOutputDirectory'] } $GetBuiltModuleManifestParams = @{ OutputDirectory = $OutputDirectory BuiltModuleSubDirectory = $BuiltModuleSubDirectory ModuleName = $ProjectName VersionedOutputDirectory = $VersionedOutputDirectory ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $builtModuleBase = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Base = '$builtModuleBase'" $builtModuleManifest = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Manifest = '$builtModuleManifest'" if ($builtModuleRootScriptPath = Get-SamplerModuleRootPath -ModuleManifestPath $builtModuleManifest) { $builtModuleRootScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path $builtModuleRootScriptPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName } "`tBuilt ModuleRoot script = '$builtModuleRootScriptPath'" $builtDscResourcesFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path 'DSCResources' -RelativeTo $builtModuleBase "`tBuilt DSC Resource Path = '$builtDscResourcesFolder'" $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams $ModuleVersionObject = Split-ModuleVersion -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion $ModuleVersionFolder = $ModuleVersionObject.Version $preReleaseTag = $ModuleVersionObject.PreReleaseString "`tModule Version = '$ModuleVersion'" "`tModule Version Folder = '$ModuleVersionFolder'" "`tPre-release Tag = '$preReleaseTag'" $GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters = @{ RuntimeCodeCoverageThreshold = $CodeCoverageThreshold BuildInfo = $BuildInfo } $CodeCoverageThreshold = Get-CodeCoverageThreshold @GetCodeCoverageThresholdParameters "`tCode Coverage Threshold = '$CodeCoverageThreshold'" if (-not $CodeCoverageThreshold) { $CodeCoverageThreshold = 0 } $PesterOutputFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $PesterOutputFolder -RelativeTo $OutputDirectory "`tPester Output Folder = '$PesterOutputFolder'" $osShortName = Get-OperatingSystemShortName $powerShellVersion = 'PSv.{0}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $moduleFileName = '{0}.psm1' -f $ProjectName "`tModule File Name = '$moduleFileName'" #### TODO: Split Script Task Variables here $getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters = @{ ProjectName = $ProjectName ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion OsShortName = $osShortName PowerShellVersion = $powerShellVersion } $pesterOutputFileFileName = Get-PesterOutputFileFileName @getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters $getCodeCoverageOutputFile = @{ BuildInfo = $BuildInfo PesterOutputFolder = $PesterOutputFolder } $CodeCoverageOutputFile = Get-SamplerCodeCoverageOutputFile @getCodeCoverageOutputFile if (-not $CodeCoverageOutputFile) { $CodeCoverageOutputFile = (Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath "CodeCov_$pesterOutputFileFileName") } "`t" "`tCodeCoverageOutputFile = $CodeCoverageOutputFile" $CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = $BuildInfo.Pester.CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding if (-not $CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding) { $CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = 'ascii' } "`tCodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = $CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding" "" $PesterResultObjectClixml = Join-Path $PesterOutputFolder "PesterObject_$pesterOutputFileFileName" Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "`tPester Output Object = $PesterResultObjectClixml" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PesterResultObjectClixml)) { if ($CodeCoverageThreshold -eq 0) { Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text 'Coverage bypassed. Nothing to convert.' return } else { throw "No command were tested, nothing to convert." } } else { $pesterObject = Import-Clixml -Path $PesterResultObjectClixml } # Get all missed commands that are in the main module file. $missedCommands = $pesterObject.CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.File -match [RegEx]::Escape($moduleFileName) } # Get all hit commands that are in the main module file. $hitCommands = $pesterObject.CodeCoverage.HitCommands | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.File -match [RegEx]::Escape($moduleFileName) } <# The command Convert-LineNumber uses 'PassThru' very strange. It is needed to update the content of passed in object correctly (from the pipeline in this case). When using PassThru the command adds the properties SourceFile and SourceLineNumber. The command Convert-LineNumber is part of ModuleBuilder. #> $missedCommands | Convert-LineNumber -ErrorAction 'Stop' -PassThru | Out-Null $hitCommands | Convert-LineNumber -ErrorAction 'Stop' -PassThru | Out-Null # Blank line in output. "" Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "Missed commands in source files:" # Output missed commands to visualize it in the pipeline output. $allMissedCommandsInSourceFiles = $missedCommands + ( $pesterObject.CodeCoverage.MissedCommands | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.File -notmatch [RegEx]::Escape($moduleFileName) } ) $allMissedCommandsInSourceFiles | Select-Object @{ Name = 'File' Expr = { if ($_.SourceFile) { $_.SourceFile } else { $_.File } } }, @{ Name = 'Line' Expr = { if ($_.SourceLineNumber) { $_.SourceLineNumber } else { $_.Line } } }, Function, Command | Out-String # Blank line in output. "" Write-Build -Color 'White' -Text "Converting coverage file." <# Cannot find a good example how package and class relate to PowerShell. This implementation tries to mimic what Pester outputs in its coverage file. #> Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tBuilding new code coverage file against source." [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $coverageXml = '' <# This need to be set on Windows PowerShell even if it is already $null otherwise 'CreateDocumentType()' below will try to load the DTD. This does not happen on PowerShell and this line is not needed it Windows PowerShell is not used at all. Seems that setting this property changes something internal in [System.Xml.XmlDocument]. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11135343/xml-documenttype-method-createdocumenttype-crashes-if-dtd-is-absent-net-c-sharp. #> $coverageXml.XmlResolver = $null # XML header. $xmlDeclaration = $coverageXml.CreateXmlDeclaration('1.0', 'UTF-8', 'no') # DTD: https://www.jacoco.org/jacoco/trunk/coverage/report.dtd $xmlDocumentType = $coverageXml.CreateDocumentType('report', '-//JACOCO//DTD Report 1.1//EN', 'report.dtd', $null) $coverageXml.AppendChild($xmlDeclaration) | Out-Null $coverageXml.AppendChild($xmlDocumentType) | Out-Null # Root element 'report'. $xmlElementReport = $coverageXml.CreateNode('element', 'report', $null) $xmlElementReport.SetAttribute('name', 'Sampler ({0})' -f (Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss')) <# Child element 'sessioninfo'. The attributes 'start' and 'dump' is the time it took to run the tests in milliseconds, but it is not used in the end, we just add a plausible number here so it passes the referenced DTD, or any other parsing that might be done in the future. #> $testRunLengthInMilliseconds = 1785237 # ~30 minutes [System.Int64] $sessionInfoEndTime = [System.Math]::Floor((New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date -Date '01/01/1970') -End (Get-Date)).TotalMilliseconds) [System.Int64] $sessionInfoStartTime = [System.Math]::Floor($sessionInfoEndTime - $testRunLengthInMilliseconds) $xmlElementSessionInfo = $coverageXml.CreateNode('element', 'sessioninfo', $null) $xmlElementSessionInfo.SetAttribute('id', 'this') $xmlElementSessionInfo.SetAttribute('start', $sessionInfoStartTime) $xmlElementSessionInfo.SetAttribute('dump', $sessionInfoEndTime) $xmlElementReport.AppendChild($xmlElementSessionInfo) | Out-Null <# This is how each object in $allCommands looks like: # A method in a PowerShell class located in the Classes folder. File : C:\source\DnsServerDsc\output\MyModule\1.0.0\MyModule.psm1 Line : 168 StartLine : 168 EndLine : 168 StartColumn : 25 EndColumn : 36 Class : ResourceBase Function : Compare Command : $currentState = $this.Get() | ConvertTo-HashTableFromObject HitCount : 86 SourceFile : .\Classes\001.ResourceBase.ps1 SourceLineNumber : 153 # A function located in private or public folder. File : C:\source\DnsServerDsc\output\MyModule\1.0.0\MyModule.psm1 Line : 2658 StartLine : 2658 EndLine : 2658 StartColumn : 26 EndColumn : 29 Class : Function : Get-LocalizedDataRecursive Command : $localizedData = @{} HitCount : 225 SourceFile : .\Private\Get-LocalizedDataRecursive.ps1 SourceLineNumber : 35 #> $allCommands = $hitCommands + $missedCommands $sourcePathFolderName = (Split-Path -Path $SourcePath -Leaf) -replace '\\','/' $reportCounterInstruction = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $reportCounterLine = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $reportCounterMethod = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $reportCounterClass = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $packageCounterInstruction = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $packageCounterLine = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $packageCounterMethod = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $packageCounterClass = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $allSourceFileElements = @() # This is what the user expects to see. $packageDisplayName = $sourcePathFolderName # The module version is what is expected to be in the XML. $xmlPackageName = $ModuleVersionFolder Write-Debug -Message ('Creating XML output for JaCoCo package ''{0}''.' -f $packageDisplayName) <# Child element 'package'. This implementation assumes the attribute 'name' of the element 'package' should be the path to the folder that contains the PowerShell script files (relative from GitHub repository root). #> $xmlElementPackage = $coverageXml.CreateElement('package') $xmlElementPackage.SetAttribute('name', $xmlPackageName) $commandsGroupedOnSourceFile = $allCommands | Group-Object -Property 'SourceFile' foreach ($jaCocoClass in $commandsGroupedOnSourceFile) { $classCounterInstruction = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $classCounterLine = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $classCounterMethod = @{ Missed = 0 Covered = 0 } $classDisplayName = ($jaCocoClass.Name -replace '^\.', $sourcePathFolderName) -replace '\\','/' # The module version is what is expected to be in the XML. $sourceFilePath = ($jaCocoClass.Name -replace '^\.', $ModuleVersionFolder) -replace '\\','/' <# Get class name if it exist, otherwise use function name. The first object should in the array should give us the right information. #> $xmlClassName = if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($jaCocoClass.Group[0].Class)) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($jaCocoClass.Group[0].Function)) { '<script>' } else { $jaCocoClass.Group[0].Function } } else { $jaCocoClass.Group[0].Class } $sourceFileName = $sourceFilePath -replace [regex]::Escape('{0}/' -f $ModuleVersionFolder) Write-Debug -Message ("`tCreating XML output for JaCoCo class '{0}'." -f $classDisplayName) # Child element 'class'. $xmlElementClass = $coverageXml.CreateElement('class') $xmlElementClass.SetAttribute('name', $xmlClassName) $xmlElementClass.SetAttribute('sourcefilename', $sourceFileName) <# This assumes that a value in property Function is never $null. Test showed that commands at script level is assigned empty string in the Function property, so it should work for missed and hit commands at script level too. Sorting the objects after StartLine so they come in the order they appear in the code file. Also, it is necessary for the command Update-JoCaCoStatistic to work. #> $commandsGroupedOnFunction = $jaCocoClass.Group | Group-Object -Property 'Function' | Sort-Object -Property { # Find the first line for each method. ($_.Group.SourceLineNumber | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum } foreach ($jaCoCoMethod in $commandsGroupedOnFunction) { $functionName = if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($jaCoCoMethod.Name)) { '<script>' } else { $jaCoCoMethod.Name } Write-Debug -Message ("`t`tCreating XML output for JaCoCo method '{0}'." -f $functionName) <# Sorting all commands in ascending order and using the first 'SourceLineNumber' as the first line of the method. Assuming every code line for the method was in either $missedCommands or $hitCommands which the sorting is based on. #> $methodFirstLine = $jaCoCoMethod.Group | Sort-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty 'SourceLineNumber' # Child element 'method'. $xmlElementMethod = $coverageXml.CreateElement('method') $xmlElementMethod.SetAttribute('name', $functionName) $xmlElementMethod.SetAttribute('desc', '()') $xmlElementMethod.SetAttribute('line', $methodFirstLine) <# Documentation for counters: https://www.jacoco.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/counters.html #> <# Child element 'counter' and type INSTRUCTION. Each command can be hit multiple times, the INSTRUCTION counts how many times the command was hit or missed. #> $numberOfInstructionsCovered = ( $jaCoCoMethod.Group | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.HitCount -ge 1 } ).Count $numberOfInstructionsMissed = ( $jaCoCoMethod.Group | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.HitCount -eq 0 } ).Count $xmlElementCounterMethodInstruction = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounterMethodInstruction.SetAttribute('type', 'INSTRUCTION') $xmlElementCounterMethodInstruction.SetAttribute('missed', $numberOfInstructionsMissed) $xmlElementCounterMethodInstruction.SetAttribute('covered', $numberOfInstructionsCovered) $xmlElementMethod.AppendChild($xmlElementCounterMethodInstruction) | Out-Null $classCounterInstruction.Covered += $numberOfInstructionsCovered $classCounterInstruction.Missed += $numberOfInstructionsMissed $packageCounterInstruction.Covered += $numberOfInstructionsCovered $packageCounterInstruction.Missed += $numberOfInstructionsMissed $reportCounterInstruction.Covered += $numberOfInstructionsCovered $reportCounterInstruction.Missed += $numberOfInstructionsMissed <# Child element 'counter' and type LINE. The LINE counts how many unique lines that was hit or missed. #> $numberOfLinesCovered = ( $jaCoCoMethod.Group | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.HitCount -ge 1 } | Sort-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' -Unique ).Count $numberOfLinesMissed = ( $jaCoCoMethod.Group | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.HitCount -eq 0 } | Sort-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' -Unique ).Count $xmlElementCounterMethodLine = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounterMethodLine.SetAttribute('type', 'LINE') $xmlElementCounterMethodLine.SetAttribute('missed', $numberOfLinesMissed) $xmlElementCounterMethodLine.SetAttribute('covered', $numberOfLinesCovered) $xmlElementMethod.AppendChild($xmlElementCounterMethodLine) | Out-Null $classCounterLine.Covered += $numberOfLinesCovered $classCounterLine.Missed += $numberOfLinesMissed $packageCounterLine.Covered += $numberOfLinesCovered $packageCounterLine.Missed += $numberOfLinesMissed $reportCounterLine.Covered += $numberOfLinesCovered $reportCounterLine.Missed += $numberOfLinesMissed <# Child element 'counter' and type METHOD. The METHOD counts as covered if at least one line was hit in the method. This value seem not to be higher than 1, assuming that is true. #> $isLineInMethodCovered = ( $jaCoCoMethod.Group | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.HitCount -ge 1 } ).Count <# If at least one instructions was covered in the method, then method was covered. #> if ($isLineInMethodCovered) { $methodCovered = 1 $methodMissed = 0 $classCounterMethod.Covered += 1 $packageCounterMethod.Covered += 1 $reportCounterMethod.Covered += 1 } else { $methodCovered = 0 $methodMissed = 1 $classCounterMethod.Missed += 1 $packageCounterMethod.Missed += 1 $reportCounterMethod.Missed += 1 } $xmlElementCounterMethod = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounterMethod.SetAttribute('type', 'METHOD') $xmlElementCounterMethod.SetAttribute('missed', $methodMissed) $xmlElementCounterMethod.SetAttribute('covered', $methodCovered) $xmlElementMethod.AppendChild($xmlElementCounterMethod) | Out-Null $xmlElementClass.AppendChild($xmlElementMethod) | Out-Null } $xmlElementCounter_ClassInstruction = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ClassInstruction.SetAttribute('type', 'INSTRUCTION') $xmlElementCounter_ClassInstruction.SetAttribute('missed', $classCounterInstruction.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ClassInstruction.SetAttribute('covered', $classCounterInstruction.Covered) $xmlElementClass.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ClassInstruction) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_ClassLine = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ClassLine.SetAttribute('type', 'LINE') $xmlElementCounter_ClassLine.SetAttribute('missed', $classCounterLine.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ClassLine.SetAttribute('covered', $classCounterLine.Covered) $xmlElementClass.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ClassLine) | Out-Null if ($classCounterLine.Covered -gt 1) { $classCovered = 1 $classMissed = 0 $packageCounterClass.Covered += 1 $reportCounterClass.Covered += 1 } else { $classCovered = 0 $classMissed = 1 $packageCounterClass.Missed += 1 $reportCounterClass.Missed += 1 } $xmlElementCounter_ClassMethod = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ClassMethod.SetAttribute('type', 'METHOD') $xmlElementCounter_ClassMethod.SetAttribute('missed', $classCounterMethod.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ClassMethod.SetAttribute('covered', $classCounterMethod.Covered) $xmlElementClass.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ClassMethod) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_Class = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_Class.SetAttribute('type', 'CLASS') $xmlElementCounter_Class.SetAttribute('missed', $classMissed) $xmlElementCounter_Class.SetAttribute('covered', $classCovered) $xmlElementClass.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_Class) | Out-Null $xmlElementPackage.AppendChild($xmlElementClass) | Out-Null <# Child element 'sourcefile'. Add sourcefile element to an array for each class. The array will be added to the XML document at the end of the package loop. #> $xmlElementSourceFile = $coverageXml.CreateElement('sourcefile') $xmlElementSourceFile.SetAttribute('name', $sourceFileName) $linesToReport = @() # Get all instructions that was covered by grouping on 'SourceLineNumber'. $linesCovered = $jaCocoClass.Group | Sort-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' | Where-Object { $_.HitCount -ge 1 } | Group-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' -NoElement # Add each covered line with its count of instructions covered. $linesCovered | ForEach-Object { $linesToReport += @{ Line = [System.UInt32] $_.Name Covered = $_.Count Missed = 0 } } # Get all instructions that was missed by grouping on 'SourceLineNumber'. $linesMissed = $jaCocoClass.Group | Sort-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' | Where-Object { $_.HitCount -eq 0 } | Group-Object -Property 'SourceLineNumber' -NoElement # Add each missed line with its count of instructions missed. $linesMissed | ForEach-Object { # Test if there are an existing line that is covered. if ($linesToReport.Line -contains $_.Name) { $lineNumberToLookup = $_.Name $coveredLineItem = $linesToReport | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Line -eq $lineNumberToLookup } $coveredLineItem.Missed += $_.Count } else { $linesToReport += @{ Line = [System.UInt32] $_.Name Covered = 0 Missed = $_.Count } } } $linesToReport | Sort-Object -Property 'Line' | ForEach-Object -Process { $xmlElementLine = $coverageXml.CreateElement('line') $xmlElementLine.SetAttribute('nr', $_.Line) <# Child element 'line'. These attributes are best explained here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33868761/how-to-interpret-the-jacoco-xml-file #> $xmlElementLine.SetAttribute('mi', $_.Missed) $xmlElementLine.SetAttribute('ci', $_.Covered) $xmlElementLine.SetAttribute('mb', 0) $xmlElementLine.SetAttribute('cb', 0) $xmlElementSourceFile.AppendChild($xmlElementLine) | Out-Null } <# Add counters to sourcefile element. Reuses those element that was created for the class element, as they will be the same. #> $xmlElementSourceFile.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ClassInstruction.CloneNode($false)) | Out-Null $xmlElementSourceFile.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ClassLine.CloneNode($false)) | Out-Null $xmlElementSourceFile.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ClassMethod.CloneNode($false)) | Out-Null $xmlElementSourceFile.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_Class.CloneNode($false)) | Out-Null $allSourceFileElements += $xmlElementSourceFile } # end class loop # Add all sourcefile elements that was generated in the class-element-loop. $allSourceFileElements | ForEach-Object -Process { $xmlElementPackage.AppendChild($_) | Out-Null } # Add counters at the package level. $xmlElementCounter_PackageInstruction = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_PackageInstruction.SetAttribute('type', 'INSTRUCTION') $xmlElementCounter_PackageInstruction.SetAttribute('missed', $packageCounterInstruction.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_PackageInstruction.SetAttribute('covered', $packageCounterInstruction.Covered) $xmlElementPackage.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_PackageInstruction) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_PackageLine = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_PackageLine.SetAttribute('type', 'LINE') $xmlElementCounter_PackageLine.SetAttribute('missed', $packageCounterLine.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_PackageLine.SetAttribute('covered', $packageCounterLine.Covered) $xmlElementPackage.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_PackageLine) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_PackageMethod = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_PackageMethod.SetAttribute('type', 'METHOD') $xmlElementCounter_PackageMethod.SetAttribute('missed', $packageCounterMethod.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_PackageMethod.SetAttribute('covered', $packageCounterMethod.Covered) $xmlElementPackage.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_PackageMethod) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_PackageClass = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_PackageClass.SetAttribute('type', 'CLASS') $xmlElementCounter_PackageClass.SetAttribute('missed', $packageCounterClass.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_PackageClass.SetAttribute('covered', $packageCounterClass.Covered) $xmlElementPackage.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_PackageClass) | Out-Null $xmlElementReport.AppendChild($xmlElementPackage) | Out-Null # Add counters at the report level. $xmlElementCounter_ReportInstruction = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ReportInstruction.SetAttribute('type', 'INSTRUCTION') $xmlElementCounter_ReportInstruction.SetAttribute('missed', $reportCounterInstruction.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ReportInstruction.SetAttribute('covered', $reportCounterInstruction.Covered) $xmlElementReport.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ReportInstruction) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_ReportLine = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ReportLine.SetAttribute('type', 'LINE') $xmlElementCounter_ReportLine.SetAttribute('missed', $reportCounterLine.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ReportLine.SetAttribute('covered', $reportCounterLine.Covered) $xmlElementReport.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ReportLine) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_ReportMethod = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ReportMethod.SetAttribute('type', 'METHOD') $xmlElementCounter_ReportMethod.SetAttribute('missed', $reportCounterMethod.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ReportMethod.SetAttribute('covered', $reportCounterMethod.Covered) $xmlElementReport.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ReportMethod) | Out-Null $xmlElementCounter_ReportClass = $coverageXml.CreateElement('counter') $xmlElementCounter_ReportClass.SetAttribute('type', 'CLASS') $xmlElementCounter_ReportClass.SetAttribute('missed', $reportCounterClass.Missed) $xmlElementCounter_ReportClass.SetAttribute('covered', $reportCounterClass.Covered) $xmlElementReport.AppendChild($xmlElementCounter_ReportClass) | Out-Null $coverageXml.AppendChild($xmlElementReport) | Out-Null if ($DebugPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') { $StringWriter = New-Object -TypeName 'System.IO.StringWriter' $XmlWriter = New-Object -TypeName 'System.XMl.XmlTextWriter' -ArgumentList $StringWriter $xmlWriter.Formatting = 'indented' $xmlWriter.Indentation = 2 $coverageXml.WriteContentTo($XmlWriter) $XmlWriter.Flush() $StringWriter.Flush() # Blank row in output "" Write-Debug -Message ($StringWriter.ToString() | Out-String) } $newCoverageFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath 'source_coverage.xml' Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tWriting converted code coverage file to '$newCoverageFilePath'." $xmlSettings = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings' $xmlSettings.Indent = $true $xmlSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($newCoverageFilePath, $xmlSettings) $coverageXml.Save($xmlWriter) $xmlWriter.Close() Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tImporting original code coverage file '$CodeCoverageOutputFile'." $originalXml = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlDocument' <# This need to be set on Windows PowerShell even if it is already $null otherwise 'Load()' below will try to load the DTD. This does not happen on PowerShell and this line is not needed it Windows PowerShell is not used at all. Seems that setting this property changes something internal in [System.Xml.XmlDocument]. See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11135343/xml-documenttype-method-createdocumenttype-crashes-if-dtd-is-absent-net-c-sharp. #> $originalXml.XmlResolver = $null $originalXml.Load($CodeCoverageOutputFile) $codeCoverageOutputBackupFile = $CodeCoverageOutputFile -replace '\.xml', '.xml.bak' $newCoverageFilePath = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath $codeCoverageOutputBackupFile Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tWriting a backup of original code coverage file to '$codeCoverageOutputBackupFile'." $xmlSettings = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings' $xmlSettings.Indent = $true $xmlSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($codeCoverageOutputBackupFile, $xmlSettings) $originalXml.Save($xmlWriter) $xmlWriter.Close() Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tRemoving XML node from original code coverage." $xPath = '//package[@name="{0}"]' -f $ModuleVersionFolder Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`t`tUsing XPath: '$xPath'." $elementToRemove = Select-XML -Xml $originalXml -XPath $xPath if ($elementToRemove) { $elementToRemove.Node.ParentNode.RemoveChild($elementToRemove.Node) | Out-Null } Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tMerging temporary code coverage file with the original code coverage file." $targetXmlDocument = Merge-JaCoCoReport -OriginalDocument $originalXml -MergeDocument $coverageXml Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tUpdating statistics in the new code coverage file." $targetXmlDocument = Update-JaCoCoStatistic -Document $targetXmlDocument Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text ("`tUpdating path to include source folder '{0}' in the package element in the coverage file." -f $sourcePathFolderName) Select-Xml -Xml $targetXmlDocument -XPath '//package' | ForEach-Object -Process { $_.Node.name = $_.Node.name -replace '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+', $sourcePathFolderName } Write-Build -Color 'DarkGray' -Text "`tWriting back updated code coverage file to '$CodeCoverageOutputFile'." $xmlSettings = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings' $xmlSettings.Indent = $true $xmlSettings.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding $xmlWriter = [System.Xml.XmlWriter]::Create($CodeCoverageOutputFile, $xmlSettings) $targetXmlDocument.Save($xmlWriter) $xmlWriter.Close() Write-Build -Color Green -Text 'Code Coverage successfully converted.' } # Synopsis: Uploading Unit Test results to AppVeyor. task Upload_Test_Results_To_AppVeyor -If { (property BuildSystem 'unknown') -eq 'AppVeyor' } { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-SamplerProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } $OutputDirectory = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $OutputDirectory -RelativeTo $BuildRoot $PesterOutputFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path $PesterOutputFolder -RelativeTo $OutputDirectory "`tProject Name = '$ProjectName'" "`tOutput Directory = '$OutputDirectory'" "`tPester Output Folder = '$PesterOutputFolder'" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder)) { Write-Build -Color 'Yellow' -Text "Creating folder $PesterOutputFolder" $null = New-Item -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop' } $osShortName = Get-OperatingSystemShortName if ($VersionedOutputDirectory) { # VersionedOutputDirectory is not [bool]'' nor $false nor [bool]$null # Assume true, wherever it was set $VersionedOutputDirectory = $true } else { # VersionedOutputDirectory may be [bool]'' but we can't tell where it's # coming from, so assume the build info (Build.yaml) is right $VersionedOutputDirectory = $BuildInfo['VersionedOutputDirectory'] } $GetBuiltModuleManifestParams = @{ OutputDirectory = $OutputDirectory BuiltModuleSubDirectory = $BuiltModuleSubDirectory ModuleName = $ProjectName VersionedOutputDirectory = $VersionedOutputDirectory ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $builtModuleBase = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleBase @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Base = '$builtModuleBase'" $builtModuleManifest = Get-SamplerBuiltModuleManifest @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams "`tBuilt Module Manifest = '$builtModuleManifest'" if ($builtModuleRootScriptPath = Get-SamplerModuleRootPath -ModuleManifestPath $builtModuleManifest) { $builtModuleRootScriptPath = (Get-Item -Path $builtModuleRootScriptPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FullName } "`tBuilt ModuleRoot script = '$builtModuleRootScriptPath'" $builtDscResourcesFolder = Get-SamplerAbsolutePath -Path 'DSCResources' -RelativeTo $builtModuleBase "`tBuilt DSC Resource Path = '$builtDscResourcesFolder'" $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @GetBuiltModuleManifestParams $ModuleVersionObject = Split-ModuleVersion -ModuleVersion $ModuleVersion $ModuleVersionFolder = $ModuleVersionObject.Version $preReleaseTag = $ModuleVersionObject.PreReleaseString "`tModule Version = '$ModuleVersion'" "`tModule Version Folder = '$ModuleVersionFolder'" "`tPre-release Tag = '$preReleaseTag'" $powerShellVersion = 'PSv.{0}' -f $PSVersionTable.PSVersion $getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters = @{ ProjectName = $ProjectName ModuleVersion = $ModuleVersion OsShortName = $osShortName PowerShellVersion = $powerShellVersion } $pesterOutputFileFileName = Get-PesterOutputFileFileName @getPesterOutputFileFileNameParameters $pesterOutputFullPath = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath "$($PesterOutputFormat)_$pesterOutputFileFileName" $testResultFile = Get-Item -Path $pesterOutputFullPath -ErrorAction 'Ignore' if ($testResultFile) { Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text " Uploading test results $testResultFile to Appveyor" $testResultFile | Add-TestResultToAppveyor Write-Build -Color 'Green' -Text " Upload Complete" } } # Synopsis: Meta task that runs Quality Tests, and fails if they're not successful task Pester_Tests_Stop_On_Fail Invoke_Pester_Tests, Upload_Test_Results_To_AppVeyor, Fail_Build_If_Pester_Tests_Failed |