.SYNOPSIS Adding code elements (function, enum, class, DSC Resource, tests...) to a module's source. .DESCRIPTION Add-Sample is an helper function to invoke a plaster template built-in the Sampler module. With this function you can bootstrap your module project by adding classes, functions and associated tests, examples and configuration elements. .PARAMETER Sample Type of module element you would like to add: - Classes: A sample of 4 classes with inheritence and how to manage the orders to avoid parsing errors. - ClassResource: A Class-Based DSC Resources showing some best practices including tests, Reasons, localized strings. - Composite: A DSC Composite Resource (a configuration block) packaged the right way to make sure it's visible by Get-DscResource. - Enum: An example of a simple Enum. - MofResource: A sample of a MOF-Based DSC Resource following the DSC Community practices. - PrivateFunction: A sample of a Private function (not exported from the module) and its test. - PublicCallPrivateFunctions: A sample of 2 functions where the exported one (public) calls the private one, with the tests. - PublicFunction: A sample public function and its test. .PARAMETER DestinationPath Destination of your module source root folder, defaults to the current directory ".". We assume that your current location is the module folder, and within this folder we will find the source folder, the tests folder and other supporting files. .EXAMPLE C:\src\MyModule> Add-Sample -Sample PublicFunction -PublicFunctionName Get-MyStuff .NOTES This module requires and uses Plaster. #> function Add-Sample { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSReviewUnusedParameter', '')] [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType()] param ( [Parameter()] # Add a sample component based on the Plaster templates embedded with this module. [ValidateSet('Classes','ClassResource','Composite','Enum','Examples','MofResource','PrivateFunction','PublicCallPrivateFunctions','PublicFunction')] [string] $Sample, [Parameter()] # Destination folder where to add the Sample files to the module. # This assume the repository root folder, not the source folder. [string] $DestinationPath = '.' ) dynamicparam { $paramDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary if ($null -eq $Sample) { return } $sampleTemplateFolder = Join-Path -Path 'Templates' -ChildPath $Sample $templatePath = Join-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase -ChildPath $sampleTemplateFolder try { # Let's convert non-terminating errors in this function to terminating so we # catch and format the error message as a warning. $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' # The constrained runspace is not available in the dynamicparam block. Shouldn't be needed # since we are only evaluating the parameters in the manifest - no need for EvaluateConditionAttribute as we # are not building up multiple parametersets. And no need for EvaluateAttributeValue since we are only # grabbing the parameter's value which is static. $templateAbsolutePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($TemplatePath) if (!(Test-Path -LiteralPath $templateAbsolutePath -PathType Container)) { throw ("Can't find plaster template at {0}." -f $templateAbsolutePath) } $plasterModule = Get-Module -Name Plaster # Load manifest file using culture lookup (using Plaster module private function GetPlasterManifestPathForCulture) $manifestPath = &$plasterModule { param ( [Parameter()] [string] $templateAbsolutePath, [Parameter()] [string] $Culture ) GetPlasterManifestPathForCulture $templateAbsolutePath $Culture } $templateAbsolutePath $PSCulture if (($null -eq $manifestPath) -or (!(Test-Path $manifestPath))) { return } $manifest = Plaster\Test-PlasterManifest -Path $manifestPath -ErrorAction Stop 3>$null # The user-defined parameters in the Plaster manifest are converted to dynamic parameters # which allows the user to provide the parameters via the command line. # This enables non-interactive use cases. foreach ($node in $manifest.plasterManifest.parameters.ChildNodes) { if ($node -isnot [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { continue } $name = $node.name $type = $node.type if ($node.prompt) { $prompt = $node.prompt } else { $prompt = "Missing Parameter $name" } if (!$name -or !$type) { continue } # Configure ParameterAttribute and add to attr collection $attributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $paramAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $paramAttribute.HelpMessage = $prompt $attributeCollection.Add($paramAttribute) switch -regex ($type) { 'text|user-fullname|user-email' { $param = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($name, [string], $attributeCollection) break } 'choice|multichoice' { $choiceNodes = $node.ChildNodes $setValues = New-Object string[] $choiceNodes.Count $i = 0 foreach ($choiceNode in $choiceNodes) { $setValues[$i++] = $choiceNode.value } $validateSetAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute $setValues $attributeCollection.Add($validateSetAttr) if ($type -eq 'multichoice') { $type = [string[]] } else { $type = [string] } $param = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($name, $type, $attributeCollection) break } default { throw "Unrecognized Parameter Type $type for attribute $name" } } $paramDictionary.Add($name, $param) } } catch { Write-Warning "Error processing Dynamic Parameters. $($_.Exception.Message)" } $paramDictionary } end { $plasterParameter = $PSBoundParameters $null = $plasterParameter.remove('Sample') $sampleTemplateFolder = Join-Path -Path 'Templates' -ChildPath $Sample $templatePath = Join-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase -ChildPath $sampleTemplateFolder $plasterParameter.Add('TemplatePath', $templatePath) if (-not $plasterParameter.ContainsKey('DestinationPath')) { $plasterParameter['DestinationPath'] = $DestinationPath } Invoke-Plaster @plasterParameter } } |