#region HEADER $script:projectPath = "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\.." | Convert-Path $script:projectName = (Get-ChildItem -Path "$script:projectPath\*\*.psd1" | Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.Directory.Name -match 'source|src' -or $_.Directory.Name -eq $_.BaseName) -and $(try { Test-ModuleManifest -Path $_.FullName -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $false }) }).BaseName $script:moduleName = Get-Module -Name $script:projectName -ListAvailable | Select-Object -First 1 Remove-Module -Name $script:moduleName -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' $importedModule = Import-Module $script:moduleName -Force -PassThru -ErrorAction 'Stop' #endregion HEADER Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot\..\..\IntegrationTestHelpers.psm1" Install-TreeCommand Describe 'Custom Module Plaster Template' { Context 'When creating a new module project with all features but without a license' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) '.github' '.vscode' 'output' 'output/RequiredModules' 'source' 'source/Classes' 'source/DSCResources' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US' 'source/Enum' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Examples/Resources' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' 'tests/QA' 'tests/Unit' 'tests/Unit/Classes' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources' 'tests/Unit/Private' 'tests/Unit/Public' # Files (relative to module root) '.gitattributes' '.gitignore' '.kitchen.yml' '.markdownlint.json' 'azure-pipelines.yml' 'build.ps1' 'build.yaml' 'CHANGELOG.md' 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' 'GitVersion.yml' 'README.md' 'RequiredModules.psd1' 'Resolve-Dependency.ps1' 'Resolve-Dependency.psd1' '.vscode/analyzersettings.psd1' '.vscode/settings.json' '.vscode/tasks.json' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/Classes/1.class1.ps1' 'source/Classes/2.class2.ps1' 'source/Classes/3.class11.ps1' 'source/Classes/4.class12.ps1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.psm1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.schema.mof' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US/DSC_Folder.strings.psd1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' 'source/Examples/README.md' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/1-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsSystemConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/2-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsUserConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/3-DscResourceTemplate_RemoveFolderConfig.ps1' 'source/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.ps1' 'source/Public/Get-Something.ps1' 'tests/QA/module.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class1.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class11.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class12.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class2.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources/DSC_Folder.Tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Public/Get-Something.tests.ps1' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'All' } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with license MIT and all features' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) '.github' '.vscode' 'output' 'output/RequiredModules' 'source' 'source/Classes' 'source/DSCResources' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US' 'source/Enum' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Examples/Resources' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' 'tests/QA' 'tests/Unit' 'tests/Unit/Classes' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources' 'tests/Unit/Private' 'tests/Unit/Public' # Files (relative to module root) '.gitattributes' '.gitignore' '.kitchen.yml' '.markdownlint.json' 'azure-pipelines.yml' 'build.ps1' 'build.yaml' 'CHANGELOG.md' 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' 'GitVersion.yml' 'LICENSE' 'README.md' 'RequiredModules.psd1' 'Resolve-Dependency.ps1' 'Resolve-Dependency.psd1' '.vscode/analyzersettings.psd1' '.vscode/settings.json' '.vscode/tasks.json' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/Classes/1.class1.ps1' 'source/Classes/2.class2.ps1' 'source/Classes/3.class11.ps1' 'source/Classes/4.class12.ps1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.psm1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.schema.mof' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US/DSC_Folder.strings.psd1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' 'source/Examples/README.md' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/1-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsSystemConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/2-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsUserConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/3-DscResourceTemplate_RemoveFolderConfig.ps1' 'source/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.ps1' 'source/Public/Get-Something.ps1' 'tests/QA/module.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class1.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class11.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class12.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class2.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources/DSC_Folder.Tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Public/Get-Something.tests.ps1' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'true' LicenseType = 'MIT' Features = 'All' } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with license Apache and all features' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( '.github' '.vscode' 'output' 'output/RequiredModules' 'source' 'source/Classes' 'source/DSCResources' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US' 'source/Enum' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Examples/Resources' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' 'tests/QA' 'tests/Unit' 'tests/Unit/Classes' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources' 'tests/Unit/Private' 'tests/Unit/Public' # Files (relative to module root) '.gitattributes' '.gitignore' '.kitchen.yml' '.markdownlint.json' 'azure-pipelines.yml' 'build.ps1' 'build.yaml' 'CHANGELOG.md' 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' 'GitVersion.yml' 'LICENSE' 'README.md' 'RequiredModules.psd1' 'Resolve-Dependency.ps1' 'Resolve-Dependency.psd1' '.vscode/analyzersettings.psd1' '.vscode/settings.json' '.vscode/tasks.json' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/Classes/1.class1.ps1' 'source/Classes/2.class2.ps1' 'source/Classes/3.class11.ps1' 'source/Classes/4.class12.ps1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.psm1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.schema.mof' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US/DSC_Folder.strings.psd1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' 'source/Examples/README.md' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/1-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsSystemConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/2-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsUserConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/3-DscResourceTemplate_RemoveFolderConfig.ps1' 'source/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.ps1' 'source/Public/Get-Something.ps1' 'tests/QA/module.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class1.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class11.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class12.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class2.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources/DSC_Folder.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Public/Get-Something.tests.ps1' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'true' LicenseType = 'Apache' Features = 'All' } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with all features but with the license type ''None''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) '.github' '.vscode' 'output' 'output/RequiredModules' 'source' 'source/Classes' 'source/DSCResources' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US' 'source/Enum' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Examples/Resources' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' 'tests/QA' 'tests/Unit' 'tests/Unit/Classes' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources' 'tests/Unit/Private' 'tests/Unit/Public' # Files (relative to module root) '.gitattributes' '.gitignore' '.kitchen.yml' '.markdownlint.json' 'azure-pipelines.yml' 'build.ps1' 'build.yaml' 'CHANGELOG.md' 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' 'CONTRIBUTING.md' 'GitVersion.yml' 'LICENSE' 'README.md' 'RequiredModules.psd1' 'Resolve-Dependency.ps1' 'Resolve-Dependency.psd1' '.vscode/analyzersettings.psd1' '.vscode/settings.json' '.vscode/tasks.json' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/Classes/1.class1.ps1' 'source/Classes/2.class2.ps1' 'source/Classes/3.class11.ps1' 'source/Classes/4.class12.ps1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.psm1' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/DSC_Folder.schema.mof' 'source/DSCResources/DSC_Folder/en-US/DSC_Folder.strings.psd1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' 'source/Examples/README.md' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/1-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsSystemConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/2-DscResourceTemplate_CreateFolderAsUserConfig.ps1' 'source/Examples/Resources/Folder/3-DscResourceTemplate_RemoveFolderConfig.ps1' 'source/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.ps1' 'source/Public/Get-Something.ps1' 'tests/QA/module.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class1.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class11.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class12.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Classes/class2.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/DSCResources/DSC_Folder.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.tests.ps1' 'tests/Unit/Public/Get-Something.tests.ps1' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'true' LicenseType = 'Apache' Features = 'All' } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Enum''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/Enum' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'Enum' } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Classes''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/Classes' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'Classes' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''DSCResources''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/DSCResources' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'DSCResources' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''SampleScripts''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' 'source/Private/Get-PrivateFunction.ps1' 'source/Public/Get-Something.ps1' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'SampleScripts' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''git''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) '.gitattributes' '.gitignore' 'CHANGELOG.md' 'CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md' 'GitVersion.yml' 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'git' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Gherkin''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'specs' 'specs/steps' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'Gherkin' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''UnitTests''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'UnitTests' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''ModuleQuality''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' 'tests/QA' # Files (relative to module root) 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' 'tests/QA/module.tests.ps1' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'ModuleQuality' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''Build''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) 'build.ps1' 'build.yaml' 'README.md' 'RequiredModules.psd1' 'Resolve-Dependency.ps1' 'Resolve-Dependency.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'Build' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''AppVeyor''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' # Files (relative to module root) 'appveyor.yml' 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'AppVeyor' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } Context 'When creating a new module project with only the feature ''TestKitchen''' { BeforeAll { $mockModuleName = 'ModuleDsc' $mockModuleRootPath = Join-Path -Path $TestDrive -ChildPath $mockModuleName $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders = @( # Folders (relative to module root) 'source' 'source/en-US' 'source/Examples' 'source/Private' 'source/Public' 'tests' # Files (relative to module root) '.kitchen.yml' 'README.md' 'source/ModuleDsc.psd1' 'source/ModuleDsc.psm1' 'source/en-US/about_ModuleDsc.help.txt' ) } It 'Should create a new module without throwing' { $invokePlasterParameters = @{ TemplatePath = Join-Path -Path $importedModule.ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Templates/Sampler' DestinationPath = $TestDrive SourceDirectory = 'source' NoLogo = $true Force = $true # Template ModuleType = 'CustomModule' # Template properties ModuleName = $mockModuleName ModuleAuthor = 'SamplerTestUser' ModuleDescription = 'Module description' ModuleVersion = '1.0.0' CustomRepo = 'PSGallery' License = 'false' Features = 'TestKitchen' # All,Enum,Classes,DSCResources,SampleScripts,git,Gherkin,UnitTests,ModuleQuality,Build,AppVeyor,TestKitchen } { Invoke-Plaster @invokePlasterParameters } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have the expected folder and file structure' { $modulePaths = Get-ChildItem -Path $mockModuleRootPath -Recurse -Force # Make the path relative to module root. $relativeModulePaths = $modulePaths.FullName -replace [RegEx]::Escape($mockModuleRootPath) # Change to slash when testing on Windows. $relativeModulePaths = ($relativeModulePaths -replace '\\', '/').TrimStart('/') # check files & folders discrepencies $missingFilesOrFolders = $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders.Where{$_ -notin $relativeModulePaths} $unexpectedFilesAndFolders = $relativeModulePaths.Where{$_ -notin $listOfExpectedFilesAndFolders} $TreeStructureIsOk = ($missingFilesOrFolders.count -eq 0 -and $unexpectedFilesAndFolders.count -eq 0) # format the report to be used in because $report = ":`r`n Missing:`r`n`t$($missingFilesOrFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n Unexpected:`r`n`t$($unexpectedFilesAndFolders -join "`r`n`t")`r`n." # Check if tree structure failed. If so output the module directory tree. if ( -not $TreeStructureIsOk) { $treeOutput = Get-DirectoryTree -Path $mockModuleRootPath Write-Verbose -Message ($treeOutput | Out-String) -Verbose } $TreeStructureIsOk | Should -BeTrue -Because $report } } } |