param ( # Base directory of all output (default to 'output') [Parameter()] [string] $OutputDirectory = (property OutputDirectory (Join-Path $BuildRoot 'output')), [Parameter()] $ChangelogPath = (property ChangelogPath 'CHANGELOG.md'), [Parameter()] $ReleaseNotesPath = (property ReleaseNotesPath (Join-Path $OutputDirectory 'ReleaseNotes.md')), [Parameter()] [string] $ProjectName = (property ProjectName ''), [Parameter()] [string] $GitHubToken = (property GitHubToken ''), # retrieves from Environment variable [Parameter()] [string] $ReleaseBranch = (property ReleaseBranch 'master'), [Parameter()] [string] $GitHubConfigUserEmail = (property GitHubConfigUserEmail ''), [Parameter()] [string] $GitHubConfigUserName = (property GitHubConfigUserName ''), [Parameter()] $GitHubFilesToAdd = (property GitHubFilesToAdd ''), [Parameter()] $BuildInfo = (property BuildInfo @{ }), [Parameter()] $SkipPublish = (property SkipPublish ''), [Parameter()] $MainGitBranch = (property MainGitBranch 'master') ) Import-Module -Name "$PSScriptRoot/Common.Functions.psm1" # Until I can use a third party module . $PSScriptRoot/GitHubRelease.functions.ps1 task Publish_release_to_GitHub -if ($GitHubToken) { if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ProjectName)) { $ProjectName = Get-ProjectName -BuildRoot $BuildRoot } if (!(Split-Path $OutputDirectory -IsAbsolute)) { $OutputDirectory = Join-Path $BuildRoot $OutputDirectory } if (!(Split-Path -isAbsolute $ReleaseNotesPath)) { $ReleaseNotesPath = Join-Path $OutputDirectory $ReleaseNotesPath } $getModuleVersionParameters = @{ OutputDirectory = $OutputDirectory ProjectName = $ProjectName } $ModuleVersion = Get-BuiltModuleVersion @getModuleVersionParameters $ModuleVersionFolder, $PreReleaseTag = $ModuleVersion -split '\-', 2 # find Module's nupkg $PackageToRelease = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $OutputDirectory "$ProjectName.$ModuleVersion.nupkg") $ReleaseTag = "v$ModuleVersion" Write-Build DarkGray "About to release '$PackageToRelease' with tag and release name '$ReleaseTag'" $remoteURL = git remote get-url origin if ($remoteURL -notMatch 'github') { Write-Build Yellow "Skipping Publish GitHub release to $RemoteURL" return } # find owner repository / remote $Repo = GetHumanishRepositoryDetails -RemoteUrl $remoteURL # Retrieving ReleaseNotes or defaulting to Updated ChangeLog if (Import-Module ChangelogManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -PassThru) { $ReleaseNotes = (Get-ChangelogData -Path $ChangeLogPath).Unreleased.RawData -replace '\[unreleased\]', "[v$ModuleVersion]" } else { if (-not ($ReleaseNotes = (Get-Content -raw $ReleaseNotesPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))) { $ReleaseNotes = Get-Content -raw $ChangeLogPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } # if you want to create the tag on /release/v$ModuleVersion branch (default to master) $ReleaseBranch = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($ReleaseBranch) $releaseParams = @{ Owner = $Repo.Owner Repository = $Repo.Repository Tag = $ReleaseTag ReleaseName = $ReleaseTag Branch = $ReleaseBranch AssetPath = $PackageToRelease Prerelease = [bool]($PreReleaseTag) Description = $ReleaseNotes GitHubToken = $GitHubToken } if (!$SkipPublish) { Write-Build DarkGray "Publishing GitHub release:" Write-Build DarkGray ($releaseParams | Out-String) $APIResponse = Publish-GitHubRelease @releaseParams } Write-Build Green "Release Created. Follow the link -> $($APIResponse.html_url)" } task Create_ChangeLog_GitHub_PR -if ($GitHubToken) { # # This is how AzDO setup the environment: # git init # git remote add origin https://github.com/gaelcolas/Sampler # git config gc.auto 0 # git config --get-all http.https://github.com/gaelcolas/Sampler.extraheader # git @('pull', 'origin', $MainGitBranch) # # git fetch --force --tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules origin # # git @('checkout', '--progress', '--force' (git @('rev-parse', "origin/$MainGitBranch"))) foreach ($GitHubConfigKey in @('GitHubFilesToAdd', 'GitHubConfigUserName', 'GitHubConfigUserEmail', 'UpdateChangelogOnPrerelease')) { if ( -Not (Get-Variable -Name $GitHubConfigKey -ValueOnly -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { # Variable is not set in context, use $BuildInfo.GitHubConfig.<varName> $ConfigValue = $BuildInfo.GitHubConfig.($GitHubConfigKey) Set-Variable -Name $GitHubConfigKey -Value $ConfigValue Write-Build DarkGray "`t...Set $GitHubConfigKey to $ConfigValue" } } git @('pull', 'origin', $MainGitBranch, '--tag') # Look at the tags on latest commit for origin/$MainGitBranch (assume we're on detached head) $TagsAtCurrentPoint = git @('tag', '-l', '--points-at', (git @('rev-parse', "origin/$MainGitBranch"))) # Only Update changelog if last commit is a full release if ($UpdateChangelogOnPrerelease) { $TagVersion = [string]($TagsAtCurrentPoint | Select-Object -First 1) Write-Build Green "Updating Changelog for PRE-Release $TagVersion" } elseif ($TagVersion = [string]($TagsAtCurrentPoint.Where{ $_ -notMatch 'v.*\-' })) { Write-Build Green "Updating the ChangeLog for release $TagVersion" } else { Write-Build Yellow "No Release Tag found to update the ChangeLog from" return } $BranchName = "updateChangelogAfter$TagVersion" git checkout -B $BranchName try { Write-Build DarkGray "Updating Changelog file" Update-Changelog -ReleaseVersion ($TagVersion -replace '^v') -LinkMode None -Path $ChangelogPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue git add $GitHubFilesToAdd git config user.name $GitHubConfigUserName git config user.email $GitHubConfigUserEmail git commit -m "Updating ChangeLog since $TagVersion +semver:skip" $URI = [URI](git remote get-url origin) $URI = $Uri.Scheme + [URI]::SchemeDelimiter + $GitHubToken + '@' + $URI.Authority + $URI.PathAndQuery # Update the PUSH URI to use the Personal Access Token for Auth git remote set-url --push origin $URI # track this branch on the remote 'origin git push -u origin $BranchName # Grab the Repo info for creating new PR $RepoInfo = GetHumanishRepositoryDetails -RemoteUrl (git remote get-url origin) $NewPullRequestParams = @{ GitHubToken = $GitHubToken Repository = $RepoInfo.Repository Owner = $RepoInfo.Owner Title = "Updating ChangeLog since release of $TagVersion" Branch = $BranchName ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $Response = New-GitHubPullRequest @NewPullRequestParams Write-Build Green "`n --> PR #$($Response.number) opened: $($Response.url)" } catch { Write-Build Red "Error trying to create ChangeLog Pull Request. Ignoring.`r`n $_" } } |