function Convert-HashtableToString { param ( [Parameter()] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Hashtable ) $values = @() foreach ($pair in $Hashtable.GetEnumerator()) { if ($pair.Value -is [System.Array]) { $str = "$($pair.Key)=($($pair.Value -join ","))" } elseif ($pair.Value -is [System.Collections.Hashtable]) { $str = "$($pair.Key)={$(Convert-HashtableToString -Hashtable $pair.Value)}" } else { $str = "$($pair.Key)=$($pair.Value)" } $values += $str } [array]::Sort($values) return ($values -join "; ") } function Get-CodeCoverageThreshold { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $CodeCoverageThreshold, [Parameter()] [PSObject] $BuildInfo ) # If no codeCoverageThreshold configured at runtime, look for BuildInfo settings. if ($CodeCoverageThreshold -eq '') { if ($BuildInfo.ContainsKey('Pester') -and $BuildInfo.Pester.ContainsKey('CodeCoverageThreshold')) { $CodeCoverageThreshold = $BuildInfo.Pester.CodeCoverageThreshold Write-Debug -Message "Loaded Code Coverage Threshold from Config file: $CodeCoverageThreshold %." } else { $CodeCoverageThreshold = 0 Write-Debug -Message "No code coverage threshold value found (param nor config), using the default value." } } else { $CodeCoverageThreshold = [int] $CodeCoverageThreshold Write-Debug -Message "Loading CodeCoverage Threshold from Parameter ($CodeCoverageThreshold %)." } return $CodeCoverageThreshold } function Get-ModuleVersion { [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $OutputDirectory, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectName, [Parameter()] [System.String] $ModuleVersion ) if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ModuleVersion)) { $moduleInfo = Import-PowerShellDataFile "$OutputDirectory/$ProjectName/*/$ProjectName.psd1" -ErrorAction 'Stop' if ($preReleaseString = $moduleInfo.PrivateData.PSData.Prerelease) { <# The cmldet Publish-Module does not yet support semver compliant pre-release strings. If the prerelease string contains a dash ('-') then the dash and everything behind is removed. For example 'pr54-0012' is parsed to 'ps54'. #> $validPreReleaseString, $preReleaseStringSuffix = $preReleaseString -split '-' $moduleVersion = $moduleInfo.ModuleVersion + '-' + $validPreReleaseString } else { $moduleVersion = $moduleInfo.ModuleVersion } } else { <# This handles a previous version of the module that suggested to pass a version string with metadata in the CI pipeline that can look like this: 1.15.0-pr0224-0022+Sha.47ae45eb2cfed02b249f239a7c55e5c71b26ab76.Date.2020-01-07 #> $moduleVersionWithoutMetadata = ($ModuleVersion -split '\+', 2)[0] $moduleVersion, $preReleaseString = $moduleVersionWithoutMetadata -split '-', 2 if ($preReleaseString) { <# The cmldet Publish-Module does not yet support semver compliant pre-release strings. If the prerelease string contains a dash ('-') then the dash and everything behind is removed. For example 'pr54-0012' is parsed to 'ps54'. #> $validPreReleaseString, $preReleaseStringSuffix = $preReleaseString -split '-' $moduleVersion = $moduleVersion + '-' + $validPreReleaseString } } return $moduleVersion } function Get-OperatingSystemShortName { [CmdletBinding()] param () $osShortName = if ($isWindows -or $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -le 5) { 'Windows' } elseif ($isMacOS) { 'MacOS' } else { 'Linux' } return $osShortName } function Get-PesterOutputFileFileName { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ProjectName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $ModuleVersion, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $OsShortName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $PowerShellVersion ) return '{0}_v{1}.{2}.{3}.xml' -f $ProjectName, $ModuleVersion, $OsShortName, $PowerShellVersion } function Get-CodeCoverageOutputFile { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject] $BuildInfo, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $PesterOutputFolder ) if ($BuildInfo.ContainsKey('Pester') -and $BuildInfo.Pester.ContainsKey('CodeCoverageOutputFile')) { $codeCoverageOutputFile = $executioncontext.invokecommand.expandstring($BuildInfo.Pester.CodeCoverageOutputFile) if (-not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute $codeCoverageOutputFile)) { $codeCoverageOutputFile = Join-Path -Path $PesterOutputFolder -ChildPath $codeCoverageOutputFile Write-Debug -Message "Absolute path to code coverage output file is $codeCoverageOutputFile." } } else { $codeCoverageOutputFile = $null } return $codeCoverageOutputFile } function Get-CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [PSObject] $BuildInfo ) if ($BuildInfo.ContainsKey('Pester') -and $BuildInfo.Pester.ContainsKey('CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding')) { $codeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = $BuildInfo.Pester.CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding } else { $codeCoverageOutputFileEncoding = $null } return $codeCoverageOutputFileEncoding } function Merge-JaCoCoReports { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $OriginalDocument, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $MergeDocument ) foreach ($mPackage in $MergeDocument.report.package) { Write-Verbose " Processing package: $($mPackage.Name)" $oPackage = $OriginalDocument.report.package | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $mPackage.Name } foreach ($mSourcefile in $mPackage.sourcefile) { Write-Verbose " Processing sourcefile: $($mSourcefile.Name)" if ($null -ne $oPackage) { foreach ($mPackageLine in $mSourcefile.line) { $oSourcefile = $oPackage.sourcefile | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $mSourcefile.name } $oPackageLine = $oSourcefile.line | Where-Object { $_.nr -eq $mPackageLine.nr } if ($null -eq $oPackageLine) { # Missed line in origin, covered in merge Write-Verbose " Adding line: $($mPackageLine.nr)" $null = $oPackage.sourcefile.AppendChild($oPackage.sourcefile.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($mPackageLine, $true)) continue } if (($oPackageLine.ci -eq 0) -and ($oPackageLine.mi -ne 0) -and ` ($mPackageLine.ci -ne 0) -and ($mPackageLine.mi -eq 0)) { # Missed line in origin, covered in merge Write-Verbose " Updating missed line: $($mPackageLine.nr)" $oPackageLine.ci = $mPackageLine.ci $oPackageLine.mi = $mPackageLine.mi continue } if ($oPackageLine.ci -lt $mPackageLine.ci) { # Missed line in origin, covered in merge Write-Verbose " Updating line: $($mPackageLine.nr)" $oPackageLine.ci = $mPackageLine.ci $oPackageLine.mi = $mPackageLine.mi continue } } } else { # New package, does not exist in origin. Add package. Write-Verbose " Package '$($mPackage.Name)' does not exist in original file. Adding..." foreach ($xmlElement in $OriginalDocument.report) { if ($xmlElement -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { $null = $xmlElement.AppendChild($OriginalDocument.report.OwnerDocument.ImportNode($mPackage, $true)) break } } } } } return $OriginalDocument } function Update-JaCoCoStatistics { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Xml.XmlDocument] $Document ) Write-Verbose "Start updating statistics!" $totalInstructionCovered = 0 $totalInstructionMissed = 0 $totalLineCovered = 0 $totalLineMissed = 0 $totalMethodCovered = 0 $totalMethodMissed = 0 $totalClassCovered = 0 $totalClassMissed = 0 foreach ($oPackage in $Document.report.package) { Write-Verbose "Processing package $($oPackage.name)" $packageInstructionCovered = 0 $packageInstructionMissed = 0 $packageLineCovered = 0 $packageLineMissed = 0 $packageMethodCovered = 0 $packageMethodMissed = 0 $packageClassCovered = 0 $packageClassMissed = 0 foreach ($oPackageClass in $oPackage.class) { $classInstructionCovered = 0 $classInstructionMissed = 0 $classLineCovered = 0 $classLineMissed = 0 $classMethodCovered = 0 $classMethodMissed = 0 Write-Verbose " Processing sourcefile $($oPackageClass.sourcefilename)" $oPackageSourcefile = $oPackage.sourcefile | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq $oPackageClass.sourcefilename } $oneMethodProcessed = $false for ($i = 0; $i -lt ([array]($oPackageClass.method)).Count; $i++) { $methodInstructionCovered = 0 $methodInstructionMissed = 0 $methodLineCovered = 0 $methodLineMissed = 0 $methodCovered = 0 $methodMissed = 0 $currentMethod = [array]$oPackageClass.method $start = $currentMethod[$i].line if ($i -ne ($currentMethod.Count - 1)) { $end = $currentMethod[$i+1].Line Write-Verbose " Processing method: $($currentMethod[$i].Name)" [array]$coll = $oPackageSourcefile.line | Where-Object { [int]$_.nr -ge $start -and [int]$_.nr -lt $end } foreach ($line in $coll) { $methodInstructionCovered += $line.ci $methodInstructionMissed += $line.mi } [array]$cov = $coll | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ci -ne "0" } $methodLineCovered = $cov.Count [array]$mis = $coll | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ci -eq "0" } $methodLineMissed = $mis.Count } else { Write-Verbose " Processing method: $($currentMethod[$i].Name)" [array]$coll = $oPackageSourcefile.line | Where-Object { [int]$_.nr -ge $start } foreach ($line in $coll) { $methodInstructionCovered += $line.ci $methodInstructionMissed += $line.mi } [array]$cov = $coll | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ci -ne "0" } $methodLineCovered = $cov.Count [array]$mis = $coll | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.ci -eq "0" } $methodLineMissed = $mis.Count } $classInstructionCovered += $methodInstructionCovered $classInstructionMissed += $methodInstructionMissed $classLineCovered += $methodLineCovered $classLineMissed += $methodLineMissed if ($methodInstructionCovered -ne 0) { $methodCovered = 1 $methodMissed = 0 $classMethodCovered++ } else { $methodCovered = 0 $methodMissed = 1 $classMethodMissed++ } if ($currentMethod[$i].Name -ne '<script>' -and $methodMissed -eq 0) { $oneMethodProcessed = $true } # Update Method stats $counterInstruction = $currentMethod[$i].counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'INSTRUCTION' } $counterInstruction.covered = [string]$methodInstructionCovered $counterInstruction.missed = [string]$methodInstructionMissed $counterLine = $currentMethod[$i].counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'LINE' } $counterLine.covered = [string]$methodLineCovered $counterLine.missed = [string]$methodLineMissed $counterMethod = $currentMethod[$i].counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'METHOD' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$methodCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$methodMissed Write-Verbose " Method Instruction Covered : $methodInstructionCovered" Write-Verbose " Method Instruction Missed : $methodInstructionMissed" Write-Verbose " Method Line Covered : $methodLineCovered" Write-Verbose " Method Line Missed : $methodLineMissed" Write-Verbose " Method Covered : $methodCovered" Write-Verbose " Method Missed : $methodMissed" } $packageInstructionCovered += $classInstructionCovered $packageInstructionMissed += $classInstructionMissed $packageLineCovered += $classLineCovered $packageLineMissed += $classLineMissed $packageMethodCovered += $classMethodCovered $packageMethodMissed += $classMethodMissed if ($oneMethodProcessed -eq $true) { $packageClassCovered++ $classClassCovered = 1 $classClassMissed = 0 } else { $classClassCovered = 0 $classClassMissed = 1 } # Update Class stats $counterInstruction = $oPackageClass.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'INSTRUCTION' } $counterInstruction.covered = [string]$classInstructionCovered $counterInstruction.missed = [string]$classInstructionMissed $counterLine = $oPackageClass.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'LINE' } $counterLine.covered = [string]$classLineCovered $counterLine.missed = [string]$classLineMissed $counterMethod = $oPackageClass.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'METHOD' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$classMethodCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$classMethodMissed $counterMethod = $oPackageClass.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'CLASS' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$classClassCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$classClassMissed # Update Sourcefile stats $counterInstruction = $oPackageSourcefile.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'INSTRUCTION' } $counterInstruction.covered = [string]$classInstructionCovered $counterInstruction.missed = [string]$classInstructionMissed $counterLine = $oPackageSourcefile.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'LINE' } $counterLine.covered = [string]$classLineCovered $counterLine.missed = [string]$classLineMissed $counterMethod = $oPackageSourcefile.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'METHOD' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$classMethodCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$classMethodMissed $counterMethod = $oPackageSourcefile.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'CLASS' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$classClassCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$classClassMissed Write-Verbose " Class Instruction Covered : $classInstructionCovered" Write-Verbose " Class Instruction Missed : $classInstructionMissed" Write-Verbose " Class Line Covered : $classLineCovered" Write-Verbose " Class Line Missed : $classLineMissed" Write-Verbose " Class Method Covered : $classMethodCovered" Write-Verbose " Class Method Missed : $classMethodMissed" } $totalInstructionCovered += $packageInstructionCovered $totalInstructionMissed += $packageInstructionMissed $totalLineCovered += $packageLineCovered $totalLineMissed += $packageLineMissed $totalMethodCovered += $packageMethodCovered $totalMethodMissed += $packageMethodMissed $totalClassCovered += $packageClassCovered $totalClassMissed += $packageClassMissed # Update Package stats $counterInstruction = $oPackage.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'INSTRUCTION' } $counterInstruction.covered = [string]$packageInstructionCovered $counterInstruction.missed = [string]$packageInstructionMissed $counterLine = $oPackage.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'LINE' } $counterLine.covered = [string]$packageLineCovered $counterLine.missed = [string]$packageLineMissed $counterMethod = $oPackage.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'METHOD' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$packageMethodCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$packageMethodMissed $counterClass = $oPackage.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'CLASS' } $counterClass.covered = [string]$packageClassCovered $counterClass.missed = [string]$packageClassMissed Write-Verbose " Package Instruction Covered: $packageInstructionCovered" Write-Verbose " Package Instruction Missed : $packageInstructionMissed" Write-Verbose " Package Line Covered : $packageLineCovered" Write-Verbose " Package Line Missed : $packageLineMissed" Write-Verbose " Package Method Covered : $packageMethodCovered" Write-Verbose " Package Method Missed : $packageMethodMissed" Write-Verbose " Package Class Covered : $packageClassCovered" Write-Verbose " Package Class Missed : $packageClassMissed" } #Update Total stats $counterInstruction = $Document.report.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'INSTRUCTION' } $counterInstruction.covered = [string]$totalInstructionCovered $counterInstruction.missed = [string]$totalInstructionMissed $counterLine = $Document.report.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'LINE' } $counterLine.covered = [string]$totalLineCovered $counterLine.missed = [string]$totalLineMissed $counterMethod = $Document.report.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'METHOD' } $counterMethod.covered = [string]$totalMethodCovered $counterMethod.missed = [string]$totalMethodMissed $counterClass = $Document.report.counter | Where-Object { $_.type -eq 'CLASS' } $counterClass.covered = [string]$totalClassCovered $counterClass.missed = [string]$totalClassMissed Write-Verbose "----------------------------------------" Write-Verbose " Totals" Write-Verbose "----------------------------------------" Write-Verbose " Total Instruction Covered : $totalInstructionCovered" Write-Verbose " Total Instruction Missed : $totalInstructionMissed" Write-Verbose " Total Line Covered : $totalLineCovered" Write-Verbose " Total Line Missed : $totalLineMissed" Write-Verbose " Total Method Covered : $totalMethodCovered" Write-Verbose " Total Method Missed : $totalMethodMissed" Write-Verbose " Total Class Covered : $totalClassCovered" Write-Verbose " Total Class Missed : $totalClassMissed" Write-Verbose "----------------------------------------" Write-Verbose "Completed merging files and updating statistics!" return $Document } Export-ModuleMember -Function @( 'Convert-HashtableToString' 'Get-CodeCoverageThreshold' 'Get-ModuleVersion' 'Get-OperatingSystemShortName' 'Get-PesterOutputFileFileName' 'Get-CodeCoverageOutputFile' 'Get-CodeCoverageOutputFileEncoding' 'Merge-JaCoCoReports' 'Update-JaCoCoStatistics' ) |