
 Bootstrap and build script for PowerShell module pipeline

    [Parameter(Position = 0)]
    [string[]]$Tasks = '.',

    $CodeCoverageThreshold = '',

        { Test-Path -Path $_ }

    # A Specific folder to build the artefact into.
    $OutputDirectory = 'output',

    # Subdirectory name to build the module (under $OutputDirectory)
    $BuiltModuleSubdirectory = '',

    # Can be a path (relative to $PSScriptRoot or absolute) to tell Resolve-Dependency & PSDepend where to save the required modules,
    # or use CurrentUser, AllUsers to target where to install missing dependencies
    # You can override the value for PSDepend in the Build.psd1 build manifest
    # This defaults to $OutputDirectory/modules (by default: ./output/modules)
    $RequiredModulesDirectory = $(Join-Path 'output' 'RequiredModules'),


    # Filter which tags to run when invoking Pester tests
    # This is used in the Invoke-Pester.pester.build.ps1 tasks

    # Filter which tags to exclude when invoking Pester tests
    # This is used in the Invoke-Pester.pester.build.ps1 tasks

    # Filter which tags to run when invoking DSC Resource tests
    # This is used in the DscResource.Test.build.ps1 tasks

    # Filter which tags to exclude when invoking DSC Resource tests
    # This is used in the DscResource.Test.build.ps1 tasks




# The BEGIN block (at the end of this file) handles the Bootstrap of the Environment before Invoke-Build can run the tasks
# if the -ResolveDependency (aka Bootstrap) is specified, the modules are already available, and can be auto loaded


    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notLike '*Invoke-Build.ps1')
        # Only run the process block through InvokeBuild (Look at the Begin block at the bottom of this script)

    # Execute the Build Process from the .build.ps1 path.
    Push-Location -Path $PSScriptRoot -StackName BeforeBuild

        Write-Host -ForeGroundColor magenta "[build] Parsing defined tasks"

        # Load Default BuildInfo if not provided as parameter
        if (!$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('BuildInfo'))
                if (Test-Path $BuildConfig)
                    $ConfigFile = (Get-Item -Path $BuildConfig)
                    Write-Host "[build] Loading Configuration from $ConfigFile"
                    $BuildInfo = switch -Regex ($ConfigFile.Extension)
                        # Native Support for PSD1
                            Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $BuildConfig
                        # Support for yaml when module PowerShell-Yaml is available
                            Import-Module -ErrorAction Stop -Name 'powershell-yaml'
                            ConvertFrom-Yaml -Yaml (Get-Content -Raw $ConfigFile)
                        # Native Support for JSON and JSONC (by Removing comments)
                            $JSONC = (Get-Content -Raw -Path $ConfigFile)
                            $JSON = $JSONC -replace '(?m)\s*//.*?$' -replace '(?ms)/\*.*?\*/'
                            # This should probably be converted to hashtable for splatting
                            $JSON | ConvertFrom-Json
                            Write-Error "Extension '$_' not supported. using @{}"
                            @{ }
                    Write-Host -Object "Configuration file $BuildConfig not found" -ForegroundColor Red
                    $BuildInfo = @{ }
                Write-Host -Object "Error loading Config $ConfigFile.`r`n Are you missing dependencies?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                Write-Host -Object "Make sure you run './build.ps1 -ResolveDependency -tasks noop' to restore the Required modules the first time" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                $BuildInfo = @{ }
                Write-Error $_.Exception.Message

        # If the Invoke-Build Task Header is specified in the Build Info, set it
        if ($BuildInfo.TaskHeader)
            Set-BuildHeader ([scriptblock]::Create($BuildInfo.TaskHeader))

        # Import Tasks from modules via their exported aliases when defined in BUild Manifest
        # https://github.com/nightroman/Invoke-Build/tree/master/Tasks/Import#example-2-import-from-a-module-with-tasks
        if ($BuildInfo.containsKey('ModuleBuildTasks'))
            foreach ($Module in $BuildInfo['ModuleBuildTasks'].Keys)
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray -Verbose "Importing tasks from module $Module"
                    $LoadedModule = Import-Module $Module -PassThru -ErrorAction Stop
                    foreach ($TaskToExport in $BuildInfo['ModuleBuildTasks'].($Module))
                            # using -like to support wildcard
                            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "`t Loading $($_.Key)..."
                            $_.Key -like $TaskToExport
                            # Dot sourcing the Tasks via their exported aliases
                            . (Get-Alias $_.Key)
                    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -Object "Could not load tasks for module $Module."
                    Write-Error $_

        # Loading Build Tasks defined in the .build/ folder (will override the ones imported above if same task name)
        Get-ChildItem -Path ".build/" -Recurse -Include *.ps1 -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object {
            "Importing file $($_.BaseName)" | Write-Verbose
            . $_.FullName

        # Synopsis: Empty task, useful to test the bootstrap process
        task noop { }

        # Define default task sequence ("."), can be overridden in the $BuildInfo
        task . {
            Write-Build Yellow "No sequence currently defined for the default task"

        # Load Invoke-Build task sequences/workflows from $BuildInfo
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray "Adding Workflow from configuration:"
        foreach ($Workflow in $BuildInfo.BuildWorkflow.keys)
            Write-Verbose "Creating Build Workflow '$Workflow' with tasks $($BuildInfo.BuildWorkflow.($Workflow) -join ', ')"
            $WorkflowItem = $BuildInfo.BuildWorkflow.($Workflow)
            if ($WorkflowItem.Trim() -match '^\{(?<sb>[\w\W]*)\}$')
                $WorkflowItem = [ScriptBlock]::Create($Matches['sb'])
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkGray " +-> $Workflow"
            task $Workflow $WorkflowItem

        Write-Host -ForeGroundColor magenta "[build] Executing requested workflow: $($Tasks -join ', ')"

        Pop-Location -StackName BeforeBuild

    # Find build config if not specified
    if (-not $BuildConfig) {
        $config = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\*" -Include 'build.y*ml', 'build.psd1', 'build.json*' -ErrorAction:Ignore
        if (-not $config -or ($config -is [array] -and $config.Length -le 0)) {
            throw "No build configuration found. Specify path via -BuildConfig"
        elseif ($config -is [array]) {
            if ($config.Length -gt 1) {
                throw "More than one build configuration found. Specify which one to use via -BuildConfig"
            $BuildConfig = $config[0]
        else {
            $BuildConfig = $config
    # Bootstrapping the environment before using Invoke-Build as task runner

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notLike '*Invoke-Build.ps1')
        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Starting Build Init"
        Push-Location $PSScriptRoot -StackName BuildModule

    if ($RequiredModulesDirectory -in @('CurrentUser', 'AllUsers'))
        # Installing modules instead of saving them
        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Required Modules will be installed for $RequiredModulesDirectory, not saved."
        # Tell Resolve-Dependency to use provided scope as the -PSDependTarget if not overridden in Build.psd1
        $PSDependTarget = $RequiredModulesDirectory
        if (-Not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path $OutputDirectory))
            $OutputDirectory = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $OutputDirectory

        # Resolving the absolute path to save the required modules to
        if (-Not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute -Path $RequiredModulesDirectory))
            $RequiredModulesDirectory = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath $RequiredModulesDirectory

        # Create the output/modules folder if not exists, or resolve the Absolute path otherwise
        if (Resolve-Path $RequiredModulesDirectory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
            Write-Debug "[pre-build] Required Modules path already exist at $RequiredModulesDirectory"
            $RequiredModulesPath = Convert-Path $RequiredModulesDirectory
            Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Creating required modules directory $RequiredModulesDirectory."
            $RequiredModulesPath = (New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $RequiredModulesDirectory).FullName

        # Prepending $RequiredModulesPath folder to PSModulePath to resolve from this folder FIRST
        if ($RequiredModulesDirectory -notIn @('CurrentUser', 'AllUsers') -and
            (($Env:PSModulePath -split [io.path]::PathSeparator) -notContains $RequiredModulesDirectory))
            Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Prepending '$RequiredModulesDirectory' folder to PSModulePath"
            $Env:PSModulePath = $RequiredModulesDirectory + [io.path]::PathSeparator + $Env:PSModulePath

        # Checking if the user should -ResolveDependency
        if ((!(Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-yaml) -or !(Get-Module -ListAvailable InvokeBuild) -or !(Get-Module -ListAvailable PSDepend)) -and !$ResolveDependency)
            if ($AutoRestore -or !$PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Tasks') -or $Tasks -contains 'build')
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "[pre-build] Dependency missing, running './build.ps1 -ResolveDependency -Tasks noop' for you `r`n"
                $ResolveDependency = $true
                Write-Warning "Some required Modules are missing, make sure you first run with the '-ResolveDependency' parameter."
                Write-Warning "Running 'build.ps1 -ResolveDependency -Tasks noop' will pull required modules without running the build task."

        if ($BuiltModuleSubdirectory)
            if (-Not (Split-Path -IsAbsolute $BuiltModuleSubdirectory))
                $BuildModuleOutput = Join-Path $OutputDirectory $BuiltModuleSubdirectory
                $BuildModuleOutput = $BuiltModuleSubdirectory
            $BuildModuleOutput = $OutputDirectory

        # Prepending $BuildModuleOutput folder to PSModulePath to resolve built module from this folder
        if (($Env:PSModulePath -split [io.path]::PathSeparator) -notContains $BuildModuleOutput)
            Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Prepending '$BuildModuleOutput' folder to PSModulePath"
            $Env:PSModulePath = $BuildModuleOutput + [io.path]::PathSeparator + $Env:PSModulePath

        # Tell Resolve-Dependency to use $RequiredModulesPath as -PSDependTarget if not overridden in Build.psd1
        $PSDependTarget = $RequiredModulesPath

    if ($ResolveDependency)
        Write-Host -Object "[pre-build] Resolving dependencies." -foregroundColor Green
        $ResolveDependencyParams = @{ }

        # If BuildConfig is a Yaml file, bootstrap powershell-yaml via ResolveDependency
        if ($BuildConfig -match '\.[yaml|yml]$')
            $ResolveDependencyParams.add('WithYaml', $True)

        $ResolveDependencyAvailableParams = (Get-Command -Name '.\Resolve-Dependency.ps1').parameters.keys
        foreach ($CmdParameter in $ResolveDependencyAvailableParams)

            # The parameter has been explicitly used for calling the .build.ps1
            if ($MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($CmdParameter))
                $ParamValue = $MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey($CmdParameter)
                Write-Debug " adding $CmdParameter :: $ParamValue [from user-provided parameters to Build.ps1]"
                $ResolveDependencyParams.Add($CmdParameter, $ParamValue)
            # Use defaults parameter value from Build.ps1, if any
                if ($ParamValue = Get-Variable -Name $CmdParameter -ValueOnly -ErrorAction Ignore)
                    Write-Debug " adding $CmdParameter :: $ParamValue [from default Build.ps1 variable]"
                    $ResolveDependencyParams.add($CmdParameter, $ParamValue)

        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[pre-build] Starting bootstrap process."
        .\Resolve-Dependency.ps1 @ResolveDependencyParams

    if ($MyInvocation.ScriptName -notLike '*Invoke-Build.ps1')
        Write-Verbose "Bootstrap completed. Handing back to InvokeBuild."
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ResolveDependency'))
            Write-Verbose "Dependency already resolved. Removing task"
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('ResolveDependency')
        Write-Host -foregroundColor Green "[build] Starting build with InvokeBuild."
        Invoke-Build @PSBoundParameters -Task $Tasks -File $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
        Pop-Location -StackName BuildModule