<# .SYNOPSIS This build task updates the changelog with the release and creates a PR to merge. .PARAMETER ProjectPath The root path to the project. Defaults to $BuildRoot. .PARAMETER OutputDirectory The base directory of all output. Defaults to folder 'output' relative to the $BuildRoot. .PARAMETER BuiltModuleSubdirectory The parent path of the module to be built. .PARAMETER VersionedOutputDirectory If the module should be built using a version folder, e.g. ./MyModule/1.0.0. Defaults to $true. .PARAMETER ProjectName The project name. .PARAMETER SourcePath The path to the source folder. .PARAMETER MainGitBranch The name of the default branch. Defaults to 'main'. It is used to compare and target the PR against. .PARAMETER BasicAuthPAT The personal access token to use to access the Azure DevOps Git repository to create the PR. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigBranchName The name of the branch to base the PR from (source branch). Defaults to 'updateChangelogAfterv{0}'. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigInstance The name of the Azure DevOps instance to use, where the PR should be created. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigCollection The name of the Azure DevOps collection to use, where the PR should be created. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigProject The name of the Azure DevOps project to use, where the PR should be created. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigRepositoryID The name of the Azure DevOps repository to use, where the PR should be created. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigDebug When set to $true will output the response from the Rest API call. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigTitle The title of the PR. Defaults to 'Updating Changelog since release of v{0} +semver:skip'. .PARAMETER PullRequestConfigDescription The description of the PR. Defaults to 'Updating Changelog since release of v{0} +semver:skip'. .PARAMETER BuildInfo The build info object from ModuleBuilder. Defaults to an empty hashtable. .NOTES This is a build task that is primarily meant to be run by Invoke-Build but wrapped by the Sampler project's build.ps1 (https://github.com/gaelcolas/Sampler). #> param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectPath = (property ProjectPath $BuildRoot), [Parameter()] [System.String] $OutputDirectory = (property OutputDirectory (Join-Path $BuildRoot 'output')), [Parameter()] [System.String] $BuiltModuleSubdirectory = (property BuiltModuleSubdirectory ''), [Parameter()] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] $VersionedOutputDirectory = (property VersionedOutputDirectory $true), [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectName = (property ProjectName ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $SourcePath = (property SourcePath ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $MainGitBranch = (property MainGitBranch 'main'), [Parameter()] [System.String] $BasicAuthPAT = (property BasicAuthPAT ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigBranchName = (property PullRequestConfigBranchName 'updateChangelogAfterv{0}'), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigInstance = (property PullRequestConfigInstance ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigCollection = (property PullRequestConfigCollection ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigProject = (property PullRequestConfigProject ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigRepositoryID = (property PullRequestConfigRepositoryID ''), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigTitle = (property PullRequestConfigTitle 'Updating Changelog since release of v{0} +semver:skip'), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigDescription = (property PullRequestConfigDescription 'Updating Changelog since release of v{0} +semver:skip'), [Parameter()] [System.String] $PullRequestConfigDebug = (property PullRequestConfigDebug $false), [Parameter()] $BuildInfo = (property BuildInfo @{ }) ) # Synopsis: Creates a PR to update the changelog with the released version task Create_PR_From_SourceBranch { . Set-SamplerTaskVariable $BranchName = $PullRequestConfigBranchName -f $ModuleVersion Write-Build DarkGray ('About to create a PR based on the branch {0}.' -f $BranchName) Write-Build DarkGray ("`tVerifying that the branch '{0}' exist." -f $BranchName) # This should not use Invoke-SamplerGit as this should not throw if fails. $upstreamChangelogBranch = git -c http.sslbackend=schannel ls-remote --heads origin $BranchName if ($upstreamChangelogBranch) { foreach ($gitConfigKey in @('BranchName', 'Instance', 'Collection', 'Project', 'RepositoryID', 'Debug', 'Title', 'Description')) { $gitConfigVariableName = 'PullRequestConfig{0}' -f $gitConfigKey <# Using values in the following order: 1. Set in build configuration 2. Parameter, environment variable, passed from parent scope, or default value. #> if ($BuildInfo.PullRequestConfig -and $BuildInfo.PullRequestConfig.($gitConfigKey)) { Write-Build DarkGray "`t`t$gitConfigVariableName was set in build configuration with the value $configurationValue" $configurationValue = $BuildInfo.PullRequestConfig.($gitConfigKey) Set-Variable -Name $gitConfigVariableName -Value $configurationValue } elseif ((Get-Variable -Name $gitConfigVariableName -ValueOnly -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue')) { Write-Build DarkGray "`t`t$gitConfigVariableName was set to the the value $configurationValue from parameter, environment variable, passed from parent scope, or was the default value." } } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($BasicAuthPAT)) { throw 'Must provide a personal access token to create a pull request.' } Write-Build DarkGray "`tCreating PR based on the branch." if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RepositoryID)) { $RepositoryID = $ProjectName } $payload = @{ sourceRefName = "refs/heads/$BranchName" targetRefName = "refs/heads/$MainGitBranch" title = $PullRequestConfigTitle -f $ModuleVersion description = $PullRequestConfigDescription -f $ModuleVersion completionOptions = @{ deleteSourceBranch = $true } } $patBase64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(('{0}:{1}' -f 'PAT', $BasicAuthPAT))) $uri = 'https://{0}/{1}/{2}/_apis/git/repositories/{3}/pullrequests?supportsIterations=false&api-version=6.0' -f @( $PullRequestConfigInstance, $PullRequestConfigCollection, $PullRequestConfigProject, $PullRequestConfigRepositoryID ) $invokeRestMethodParameters = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' Headers = @{ AUTHORIZATION = 'basic {0}' -f $patBase64 } Body = $payload | ConvertTo-Json ErrorAction = 'Stop' } $result = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodParameters if ($PullRequestConfigDebug) { $result } Write-Build Green ('Opened a PR for the branch ''{0}''.' -f $BranchName) } else { Write-Build Yellow 'No branch was found. Nothing to do, exiting.' } } |