function Wait-ForSeconds([int]$seconds = 3, [bool]$displayMessage = $false) { if ($displayMessage) { Write-Host "Waiting for ${seconds} seconds and continue..." } Start-Sleep -s $seconds } function Wait-ForMilliseconds([int]$ms = 300, [bool]$displayMessage = $false) { if ($displayMessage) { Write-Host "Waiting for ${seconds} ms and continue..." } Start-Sleep -m $ms } function Wait-ForKeyPress ([string]$message = "Press any key to continue…", [bool] $shouldExit = $false) { if ($psISE) { $Shell = New-Object -ComObject "WScript.Shell" $null = $Shell.Popup($message, 0, "Script Paused", 0) } elseif ($host.Name -cmatch "ConsoleHost") { Write-Host "$message" -ForegroundColor Yellow $null = $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") } else { Write-Host "$Message`nCurrently is running in '$($host.Name)' and not running in 'ConsoleHost', so sleep for 3 seconds" Wait-ForSeconds 3 } if ($shouldExit) { exit } } function Wait-OrPressAnyKey([string]$prompt = "Press any key to continue or it continue after {0} seconds", [int]$secondsToWait = 10) { Write-Host -NoNewline ($prompt -f $secondsToWait) $secondsElapsed = 0 $millisecondsCounter = 0 while ((!$host.ui.rawui.KeyAvailable) -and ($secondsElapsed -lt $secondsToWait) ) { start-sleep -m 10 $millisecondsCounter += 10 if ($millisecondsCounter -eq 1000) { $secondsElapsed++ $millisecondsCounter = 0 Write-Host -NoNewline "." } if ($secondsElapsed -eq $secondsToWait) { Write-Host "`r`n" return $false; } } Write-Host "`r`n" return $true; } |