<# .Synopsis Finds the names of all the files in a folder that match. .Description This CmdLet downloads all the files that match the matches in a particular folder. .Parameter Matches This parameter contains list of string matches. .Parameter Path This parameter contains path in which to download the files on your local machine. .Parameter Connection This parameter provides the context for the call. The default is the current connection returned by "Get-PnPConnection". .Example PS> Get-SSPFiles -Matches ("*.png", "*.jpg") -Folder "SiteAssets" -Path "." #> function Get-SSPFiles { param( [string] $folder, [string[]] $matches = @("*"), [string] $path, $connection = (Get-PnPConnection) ) $files = Find-SSPFiles -Matches $matches -Folder $folder -Connection $connection $fileNames = @() if ($files) { # Only get the top level files, no sub folders foreach ($f in $files) { if ($f.ServerRelativeUrl -and (-not ($f.ServerRelativeUrl -match "$($folder)/.*/"))) { Write-Host Downloading $f.ServerRelativeUrl as $f.Name Get-PnPFile -Url $f.ServerRelativeUrl -AsFile -Path "$path" -FileName $f.Name -Force -Connection $connection $fileNames += $f.Name } } } return $fileNames } |