
function Get-ASTScriptParameters {
Get-ASTScriptParameters is used by New-VirtualMachine.ps1 to dynamically enumerate it's input
paramters and YAML Node Template Configuration configuration stored as JSON. The JSON metadata
stored is the _YAMLPath (Generated by Format-YAMLObject) associating the parameter
to the corrosponding Node Template Configuration. The JSON is formatted as follows:

    Name = # Enumerated Script Parameter Name
    LookupValue = #_YAMLPath object structure (Generated by Format-YAMLObject)

(See ConvertTo-PowerShellParameter)

Using this information, PowerShell can then associate the parameters enumerated with the corrosponding
JSON metadata.


New-VirtualMachine is dynamically generated script with changing paramters based on the Datum Module,
Resolution Precidence and node configuration. To address this, Get-ASTScriptParamters loads and associates
those paramters to the correct Node Template Configuration items.

FilePath of the PowerShell Script to load.


    $ScriptParameterData = Get-ASTScriptParameters -ScriptPath $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path

Returns a list of paramters and optional JSON data in an object for a given PowerShell Script.
        # Parameter help description

    $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

        Parameters = (Get-Command $ScriptPath).ScriptBlock.Ast.ParamBlock.Parameters.Name.Extent.Text
        YAMLData = Get-Content $ScriptPath | Where-Object {$_ -like '*#JSONData:*'} | ForEach-Object {
            if (-not($_ -match '\#(JSONData:?)(?<json>.+)')) { return }
            $Matches['json'] | ConvertFrom-Json


if ($isModule) { Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-ASTScriptParameters }