[CmdletBinding()] param ( #%%PARAMETER%% ) $NodeFilePath = "%%NODEFILEPATH%%" $NodeTemplateConfigurationPath = "%%NODETEMPLATECONFIGURATION%%" # # Load the ParameterNames $ScriptParameterData = Get-ASTScriptParameters -ScriptPath $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # # Get the NodeConfigurationPath Paramter Items $ParamtersToSubstitute = Get-NodeTemplateConfigParams -TemplateFilePath $NodeTemplateConfigurationPath $FormattedYAMLTemplate = Get-Content -LiteralPath $NodeTemplateConfigurationPath | ConvertFrom-Yaml -Ordered # # Iterate through each of the NodeConfiguration Items and interpolate the items using the arrayIndex Property. # This simplifies the logic to a replacement, rather then a lookup and replace. ForEach ($ParameterName in $ScriptParameterData.Parameters) { # Perform a lookup to get the parameter value $lookupVar = Get-Variable -Name $ParameterName.TrimStart('$') -ErrorAction Stop # Perform a lookup in the parameter JSON data to see if it exists. [array]$matched = $ScriptParameterData.YAMLData | Where-Object { ('${0}' -f $_.Name) -eq $ParameterName } # # If there is a match, associate the lookup according the metadata. # and then continue. if ($matched.count -eq 1) { [ScriptBlock]::Create(('{0} = "{1}"' -f $matched.LookupValue, $lookupVar.value)).Invoke() continue } # # Otherwise, just perform a regualar lookup and replace. [Array]$matched = $ParamtersToSubstitute | Where-Object { ('${0}' -f $_.ParameterName) -eq $ParameterName } # # Validate if there is a match. If not, skip! if ($matched.count -eq 0) { continue } [ScriptBlock]::Create(('{0} = "{1}"' -f $Matched.YAMLPath, $lookupVar.value)).Invoke() } # # Onboard the Virtual Machine into Desired State Configuration $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' Add-SRDSCNode -NodeName $NodeName -DSCPullServer $Global:SRDSC.DSCPullServer.DSCPullServerName -Force # # Write the output of the file $FormattedYAMLTemplate | Format-YAML -Property $Global:SRDSC.DatumModule.YAMLSortOrder | ConvertTo-Yaml | Set-Content -LiteralPath $NodeFilePath |