
function Read-DatumConfiguration {
Read-DatumConfiguration is the first step in loading and pre-parsing the datum configuration and
the file structure. It utilizes Resolve-DatumItem to read the Datum Resolution Precidence
and Resolve-YamlItem to parse and match the Datum directory/file structure defined in the resolution

.PARAMETER DatumConfigurationFile
The Filepath of the Datum.yaml file.

.PARAMETER DatumConfigurationPath
The 'sources' directory filepath within the datum module.


$DatumConfiguration = Read-DatumConfiguration `
        -DatumConfigurationFile $Global:SRDSC.DatumModule.ConfigurationFile `
        -DatumConfigurationPath $Global:SRDSC.DatumModule.ConfigurationPath

Loads the Datum Resolution Precidence and pre-parses the datum file structure as values into datum object structure.
    param (
        # Datum.yml file
            Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        # Datum Configuration Path
            Test-Path -LiteralPath $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    $DatumConfiguration = Get-Content $DatumConfigurationFile | ConvertFrom-Yaml
    $DatumConfiguration.ResolutionPrecedence | Resolve-DatumItem -YamlItems (Resolve-YamlItem -FilePath $DatumConfigurationPath)
