
Function Format-YAMLObject {
Format-YAMLObject indexes YAML Object's (Hashtables), by dynamically iterating through each
Keys and Arrays to generate a object cached stucture that's used to perform a direct lookup of the
object in the future. In each Key/Item it locates, it appends the object adding the _YAMLPath property
to the object. The _YAMLPath property, contains a PowerShell string representation of the .NET path
to resolve that property.


Format-YAMLObject was written to search and set object properties directly without needing to
perform multiple recursive searches. It's used by New-VirtualMachine paramters to match the parameter
name to the exact .NET object property.

What does this look like?

Consider the following object structure:

$HashTable = @{
    Object = @{
        Array = @(
                Property = 'Value'

To resolve this, in PowerShell would be:


This function performs a similar process:

$property = $HashTable."Object"."Array"[0]."Property"
$value = 'Test123'

Note the double quotes wrapped around the properties. This is to ensure that object's or properties
that contains spaces are handled.

This string can then be parsed into a PowerShell ScriptBlock to Get/Set the value dynamically.
For Example, PowerShell will dynamically set 'Test123' to $HashTable:

[ScriptBlock]::Create(('{0} = "{1}"' -f $property, $value)).Invoke()

The Deseralized YAML object as [HashTable].

Not used

A string representation of the Object Name (include '$')


    $FormattedYAMLTemplate | Format-YAML -Property $Global:SRDSC.DatumModule.YAMLSortOrder

Iterates through the YAML file and create linking properties to the parent.
This is used to create a PowerShell Object property structure when searching for a PowerShell Key/Value
    param (
        [String]$YAMLLookupPath = "",

    # Format the Parent Path

    $ParentPath = $(

        # Top-Level Object
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($YAMLLookupPath)) {
            # Object name must exist if $YAMLLookupPath is null
            if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ObjectName)) { Throw "Error... ObjectName, must be defined!" }
            '${0}' -f $ObjectName
        } else {
            '{0}' -f $YAMLLookupPath


    # Create an HashTable, with property information that contains
    # object matching infomation that can be used
    # to construct a lookup string.

    switch ($YAMLObject) {

        # If the YAMLObject is a hashtable, iterate through each of the properties and
        # prase the object in.

        {$YAMLObject.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable'} {

            $newYAMLObject = @{}            
            ForEach($Key in $YAMLObject.Keys) {

                $params = @{
                    YAMLObject = $YAMLObject[$Key]
                    YAMLLookupPath = '{0}."{1}"' -f $ParentPath, $Key

                $newYAMLObject."$Key" = Format-YAMLObject @params




        # If the YAML Object type is an array.
        # Iterate through each of the items in the array

        {$YAMLObject.GetType().Name -eq 'List`1'} {

            $newYAMLObject = @()
            #$newYAMLObject = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()

            # Iterate through each of the index items and call them
            For($index = 0; $index -ne $YAMLObject.Count; $index++) {

                $params = @{
                    YAMLObject = $YAMLObject[$index]
                    YAMLLookupPath = '{0}[{1}]' -f $ParentPath, $index

                $newYAMLObject += Format-YAMLObject @params



        # These are property types. (String, Int, DateTime)
        default {

            $newYAMLObject = $YAMLObject
            $newYAMLObject = $newYAMLObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name '_YAMLPath' -Value $ParentPath -Force -PassThru



    return $newYAMLObject   
