$sizeThreshold_In_MB = 5; $pingResultPath = 'F:\PingMirroringPartners\'; $pingResultFile = 'F:\PingMirroringPartners\pingResult'; $names = @('Server01','Server02'); # Delete files older than 15 days $limit = (Get-Date).AddDays(-15); Get-ChildItem -Path $pingResultPath -Recurse -Force | Where-Object {$_.Name -like 'pingResult*' -and !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit } | Remove-Item -Force; if (Test-Path $pingResultFile -PathType Leaf) { $fileDetails = Get-ItemProperty $pingResultFile; $sizeInKB = ([Math]::Ceiling(($fileDetails.Length/1mb))); if ($sizeInKB -ge $sizeThreshold_In_MB) { Write-Host "Renaming file $pingResultFile to $($pingResultFile) $(Get-Date -Format ddMMMyyyyTHHmm) since threshold size of $sizeThreshold_In_MB MB is crossed."; Rename-Item -Path $pingResultFile -NewName ($pingResultFile+(Get-Date -Format ddMMMyyyyTHHmm)); } } foreach ($name in $names) { if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $name -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Out-File -FilePath $pingResultFile -Append -InputObject "$((Get-Date).ToString()) - $name is Up and Running"; } else { Out-File -FilePath $pingResultFile -Append -InputObject "$((Get-Date).ToString()) - $name is not connecting"; Out-File -FilePath $pingResultFile -Append -InputObject (Test-Connection $name -Count 1 ); } } # Return 0 for Success return 0; |