
    Module Name:- SQLDBATools
    Created By:- Ajay Kumar Dwivedi
    Email ID:- ajay.dwivedi2007@gmail.com
    Modified Date:- 07-Nov-2021
    Version:- 0.0.6


# Establish and enforce coding rules in expressions, scripts, and script blocks.
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

Write-Verbose "Inside '$MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path'"

# Check for OS version
if([bool]($PSVersionTable.PSobject.Properties.name -match "Platform")) {
    [bool]$isWin = $PSVersionTable.Platform -match '^($|(Microsoft )?Win)'
else {
    [bool]$isWin = $true
$global:SdtModulePath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent;
$global:SdtFunctionsPath = Join-Path $SdtModulePath 'Functions'
$global:SdtPrivatePath = Join-Path $SdtModulePath 'Private'
$global:SdtDependenciesPath = Join-Path $SdtModulePath 'Dependencies'
#$global:SdtLogsPath = Join-Path $SdtModulePath 'Logs'
$global:SdtPathSeparator = if($isWin) {'\'} else {'/'}
$verbose = $false;
if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Verbose')) { # Command line specifies -Verbose[:$false]
    $verbose = $PSBoundParameters.Get_Item('Verbose')
$isEnvFileLoaded = $false

# Set basic environment variables
$envFileBase = Join-Path $SdtDependenciesPath 'Set-SdtEnvironmentVariables.ps1'
$global:SdtEnvFile = Join-Path $SdtPrivatePath 'Set-SdtEnvironmentVariables.ps1'

# First Load Environment Variables
# File :Set-EnvironmentVariables.ps1" is also present inside Functions subdirectory with dummy values.
if($verbose) {
    Write-Host "====================================================";
    Write-Host "'Environment Variables are being loaded from '$envFile'.." -ForegroundColor Yellow;
# If environment variable file present
if(Test-Path $SdtEnvFile) {
    & "$SdtEnvFile";
    $isEnvFileLoaded = $true

    # Create Logs Directory
    if( -not (Test-Path $SdtLogsPath) ) { [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($SdtLogsPath) | Out-Null }
else {
    if(-not (Test-Path $SdtPrivatePath)) {
    Copy-Item $envFileBase -Destination $SdtEnvFile | Out-Null;
    Write-Output "Environment file '$SdtEnvFile' created.`nKindly modify the variable values according to your environment";
    & "$SdtEnvFile";
    $isEnvFileLoaded = $true

$M_dbatools = Get-Module -Name dbatools -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false;
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($M_dbatools)) {
    Write-Output 'dbatools powershell module needs to be installed. Kindly execute below command in Elevated shell:-'
    Write-Output "`tInstall-Module -Name dbatools -Scope AllUsers -Force -Confirm:`$false -Verbose:`$false'"
elseif ($isEnvFileLoaded)
{ # If dbatools is present and environment variables are loaded, then check for required tables
    # if Inventory setup has to be done
        # $SdtInventoryTable
        $r = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $SdtInventoryInstance -Database $SdtInventoryDatabase `
                        -Query "select [exists] = convert(bit,(case when object_id('$SdtInventoryTable') is not null then 1 else 0 end));" -EnableException
        if(-not $r.exists)
        { # Inventory table does not exist
            $message = "Table '$SdtInventoryTable' not found in [$SdtInventoryDatabase] database of [$SdtInventoryInstance] server.
    `nIf already existing in another server/database, then update `$SdtInventoryInstance & `$SdtInventoryDatabase variables in 'SQLDBATools\Private\Set-SdtEnvironmentVariables.ps1' file.
    `nIf not existing anywhere, then kindly create it in [$SdtInventoryInstance].[$SdtInventoryDatabase] database using below tsql -

            Write-Warning -Message $message;
        { # Inventory table exists. So validate required columns
            Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $SdtInventoryInstance -Database 'tempdb' -Query $SdtInventoryTableDefinitionSql -ErrorAction Ignore | Out-Null;
            $r = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $SdtInventoryInstance -Database 'tempdb' `
                            -Query @"
    set nocount on;

    select [exists] = convert(bit,(case when exists (
    select *
    from tempdb.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS t with (nolock)
    left join $SdtInventoryDatabase.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS i with (nolock)
        and t.COLUMN_NAME = i.COLUMN_NAME
    where (t.TABLE_SCHEMA+'.'+t.TABLE_NAME) = '$SdtInventoryTable'
    and i.COLUMN_NAME is null
    ) then 0 else 1 end))

            if(-not $r.exists) # If required columns not found
                $message = "Table '$SdtInventoryTable' in [$SdtInventoryInstance].[$SdtInventoryDatabase] does not have matching columns required.
        `nKindly update table columns according to definition mentioned in 'SQLDBATools\Private\Set-SdtEnvironmentVariables.ps1' file.

                Write-Warning -Message $message;

        # $SdtAlertTable
        $r = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $SdtInventoryInstance -Database $SdtInventoryDatabase `
                        -Query "select [exists] = convert(bit,(case when object_id('$SdtAlertTable') is not null then 1 else 0 end));"
        if(-not $r.exists)
            $message = "Table '$SdtAlertTable' not found in [$SdtInventoryDatabase] database of [$SdtInventoryInstance] server.
    `nKindly create it in [$SdtInventoryInstance].[$SdtInventoryDatabase] database using below tsql -

            Write-Warning -Message $message;

# Check for SqlServer PS Module
$M_SqlServer = Get-Module -Name SqlServer -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false;
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($M_SqlServer)) {
    Write-Output 'SqlServer powershell module needs to be installed. Kindly execute below command in Elevated shell:-'
    Write-Output "`tInstall-Module -Name SqlServer -Scope AllUsers -Force -Confirm:`$false -Verbose:`$false'"

$M_PoshRSJob = Get-Module -Name PoshRSJob -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false;
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($M_PoshRSJob)) {
    Write-Output 'PoshRSJob powershell module needs to be installed. Kindly execute below command in Elevated shell:-'
    Write-Output "`tInstall-Module -Name PoshRSJob -Scope AllUsers -Force -Confirm:`$false -Verbose:`$false'"

$M_ImportExcel = Get-Module -Name ImportExcel -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false;
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($M_ImportExcel)) {
    Write-Output 'ImportExcel powershell module needs to be installed. Kindly execute below command in Elevated shell:-'
    Write-Output "`tInstall-Module -Name ImportExcel -Scope AllUsers -Force -Confirm:`$false -Verbose:`$false'"

$M_EnhancedHTML2 = Get-Module -Name EnhancedHTML2 -ListAvailable -Verbose:$false;
if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($M_EnhancedHTML2)) {
    Write-Output 'EnhancedHTML2 powershell module needs to be installed. Kindly execute below command in Elevated shell:-'
    Write-Output "`tInstall-Module -Name EnhancedHTML2 -Scope AllUsers -Force -Confirm:`$false -Verbose:`$false'"

# Check for ActiveDirectory module
if ( (Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'ActiveDirectory' }) -eq $null )
        Write-Host "====================================================";
        Write-Host "'ActiveDirectory' module is not installed." -ForegroundColor DarkRed;
    ** So, few functions like 'Add-SdtApplicationInfo' might not work with this module. Kindly execute below Functions to import ActiveDirectory.

        Install-Module ServerManager -Force;
        Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell;
        Install-Module ActiveDirectory -Force;

 | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow;

if($verbose) {
    Write-Host "====================================================";
    Write-Host "'Get-SqlServerProductKeys.psm1' Module is being loaded.." -ForegroundColor Yellow;
Import-Module -Name $(Join-Path $SdtModulePath "ChildModules$($SdtPathSeparator)Get-SqlServerProductKeys.psm1")

if($verbose) {
    Write-Host "====================================================";
    Write-Host "Loading other Functions.." -ForegroundColor Yellow;
foreach($file in Get-ChildItem -Path $SdtFunctionsPath) {
    . ($file.FullName)
#Export-ModuleMember -Alias * -Function * -Cmdlet *


Get-Variable Sdt* | Remove-Variable
Remove-Module SQLDBATools,dbatools,SqlServer -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue;
Import-Module SQLDBATools -DisableNameChecking