Function Get-SdtPerfMonCounters { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Alias('ComputerName','MachineName')] [String[]]$ServerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME, [String]$InstanceName ) # Loop through each Server provided in Parameter foreach( $srv in $ServerName) { Write-Host "Getting counters for server: $srv" -BackgroundColor Green; # If instance name is provided, then get counters for that instance, else fetch all instances if ($InstanceName.Length -eq 0) { Write-Host "No instance name provided. So will return counters for all instances."; $srvInstances = Get-ChildItem SQLSERVER:\SQL\$srv | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PSChildName; } else { $srvInstances = $InstanceName; } # Loop through each instance selected foreach( $inst in $srvInstances) { Write-Host " Getting counters for instance: $inst" -BackgroundColor Gray; if ($inst -eq 'DEFAULT') { # Get counters for DEFAULT instance $counterPrefix = 'SQLServer:' } else { # Get Counters for Named instance $counterPrefix = "MSSQL`$$($inst):" #Get-Counter -ComputerName $srv -ListSet "MSSQL`$$($inst):*" | Select-Object CounterSetName, Paths | ft -AutoSize } # Prepare list of PerfMon Counters $counterList = @( # counters to Analyze Memory Pressure "\Memory\Available MBytes",# "\Memory\Pages/sec",# "\Memory\Page Faults/sec",# "\Memory\Pages Input/sec",# "\Memory\Pages Output/sec",# "\Paging File(_Total)\% Usage", "\Paging File(_Total)\% Usage Peak", "\$($counterPrefix)Buffer Manager\Buffer cache hit ratio",# "\$($counterPrefix)Buffer Manager\Page Life Expectancy",# "\$($counterPrefix)Buffer Manager\Checkpoint Pages/sec",# "\$($counterPrefix)Buffer Manager\Lazy writes/sec",# "\$($counterPrefix)Memory Manager\Memory Grants Pending",# "\$($counterPrefix)Memory Manager\Target Server memory (KB)",# "\$($counterPrefix)Memory Manager\Total Server Memory (KB)" ,# "\Process(sqlservr)\Private Bytes", # counters to Disk IO "\PhysicalDisk(*)\% Disk Time", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk Queue Length", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Read", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Avg. Disk sec/Write", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Current Disk Queue Length", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Disk Bytes/sec", "\PhysicalDisk(*)\Disk Transfers/sec", # counters to Analyze Processor "\Processor(_Total)\% Privileged Time", "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time", "\$($counterPrefix)SQL Statistics\Batch Requests/sec", "\$($counterPrefix)SQL Statistics\SQL Compilations/sec", "\$($counterPrefix)SQL Statistics\SQL Re-Compilations/sec", "\System\Context Switches/sec", "\System\Processor Queue Length" # counters to Analyze Network ); #Write-Host "Selected counters are: $counterList"; $counterResult = Get-Counter -SampleInterval 5 -MaxSamples 3 -Counter $counterList; foreach( $counter in $counterResult ) { $counterData += $counter.CounterSamples } } # End loop for instances } # End loop for Servers # Show the result as Table $counterData | Format-Table TimeStamp, Path, InstanceName, CookedValue -AutoSize -Wrap; } |