function Copy-DatabaseTables { [cmdletbinding()] param( [Alias("ssn","sourceserver")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SourceServerName, [Alias("sin","sourceinstance")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SourceInstanceName = "DEFAULT", [Alias("sdn","sourcedatabase")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SourceDatabaseName, [Alias("sscn","sourceschema")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SourceSchemaName, [Alias("stn","sourcetable")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$SourceTableName = $null, [Alias("dsn","destinationserver")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DestinationServerName, [Alias("din","destinationinstance")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string]$DestinationInstanceName = "DEFAULT", [Alias("ddn","destinationdatabase")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DestinationDatabaseName, [Alias("dscn","destinationschema")] [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$DestinationSchemaName, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$WorkingDirectory, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$noCheckConstraints, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$REBUILD ) $sourceSQLCmdServerInstance = $SourceServerName $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance = $DestinationServerName if ($SourceInstanceName -ne "DEFAULT") { $sourceSQLCmdServerInstance += "\" + $SourceInstanceName } if ($DestinationInstanceName -ne "DEFAULT") { $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance += "\" + $DestinationInstanceName } Write-Verbose "Getting existing table information from $destinationServerName, instance name $destinationInstanceName" $destinationPath = "SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $destinationServerName + "\" + $destinationInstanceName + "\Databases\" + $destinationDatabaseName + "\tables" $sourcePath = "SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $sourceServerName + "\" + $sourceInstanceName + "\Databases\" + $sourceDatabaseName + "\tables" $destinationDB = Get-ChildItem -Path ("SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $destinationServerName + "\" + $destinationInstanceName + "\Databases") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $DestinationDatabaseName} $sourceDB = Get-ChildItem -Path ("SQLSERVER:\SQL\" + $sourceServerName + "\" + $sourceInstanceName + "\Databases") | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $SourceDatabaseName} $destinationDB.Tables.Refresh() $tables = Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationPath $sbviews = Get-ChildItem -Path "SQLSERVER:\SQL\$destinationServerName\$destinationInstanceName\Databases\$destinationDatabaseName\views" | Where-Object {$_.IsSchemaBound -eq $true} foreach ($t in $tables) { $t.ForeignKeys.Refresh() } $tables = $tables | Where-Object {$_.Schema -eq $DestinationSchemaName} $sourceTables = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath | Where-Object {$_.Schema -eq $sourceSchemaName} if ($SourceTableName) { Write-Verbose "Selecting table $sourceSchemaName.$sourcetablename only" $tables = $tables | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $SourceTableName -and $_.Schema -eq $SourceSchemaName} $sourceTables = $sourceTables | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $SourceTableName -and $_.Schema -eq $SourceSchemaName} } $permissions = @() $foreignKeys = @() $indexes = @() $timestamp = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" $dropFileName = $WorkingDirectory + "\CopyDatabaseTables_DropFile_" + $DestinationServerName + "_" + $DestinationDatabaseName + "_" + $timestamp + ".sql" $workFileName = $WorkingDirectory + "\CopyDatabaseTables_WorkFile_" + $DestinationServerName + "_" + $DestinationDatabaseName + "_" + $timestamp + ".sql" $fkWorkFileName = $WorkingDirectory + "\CopyDatabaseTables_FKWorkFile_" + $DestinationServerName + "_" + $DestinationDatabaseName + "_" + $timestamp + ".sql" $scriptingSrv = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server($sourceSQLCmdServerInstance) $dropOptions = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter($scriptingSrv) $dropOptions.options.ScriptDrops = $true $dropOptions.options.IncludeIfNotExists = $true $scriptingOptions = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter($scriptingSrv) $scriptingOptions.options.IncludeIfNotExists = $true $scriptingOptions.options.DriPrimaryKey = $true $fkscriptingOptions = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Scripter($scriptingSrv) if ($noCheckConstraints) { $fkscriptingOptions.options.DriWithNoCheck = $true } foreach ($sbv in $sbviews) { $currentView = $sbv.Schema + "." + $sbv.Name Write-Verbose "Scripting schema bound view $currentView..." $dropCode = $dropOptions.Script($sbv) $dropCode | Out-File $dropFileName -Append } foreach ($st in $sourceTables) { $currentTable = $st.Schema + "." + $st.Name Write-Verbose "Scripting table $currentTable..." $dropCode = $dropOptions.Script($st) $tblCode = $scriptingOptions.Script($st) $dropCode | Out-File $dropFileName -Append $tblCode | Out-File $workFileName -Append } foreach ($sbv in $sbviews) { $currentView = $sbv.Schema + "." + $sbv.Name Write-Verbose "Scripting schema bound view $currentView..." $tblCode = $scriptingOptions.Script($sbv) $tblCode | Out-File $workFileName -Append } #foreach ($sbv in $sbviews) #{ # $currentView = $sbv.Schema + "." + $sbv.Name # Write-Verbose "Scripting schema bound view $currentView..." # $dropCode = $dropOptions.Script($sbv) # $dropCode | Out-File $dropFileName -Append #} Write-Verbose "Finding and saving any existing foreign key and index information.." ForEach ($t in $tables) { $t.ForeignKeys.Refresh() $objectPermissions += $t.EnumObjectPermissions() $foreignKeys += $t.ForeignKeys $indexes += $t.Indexes | Where-Object {$_.IndexKeyType -ne "DriPrimaryKey"} } $foreignKeys += (Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationPath | Where-Object {$_.ForeignKeys.ReferencedTableSchema -eq $DestinationSchemaName}).ForeignKeys | Where-Object {$_.ReferencedTableSchema -eq $DestinationSchemaName -and $foreignKeys -notcontains $_} Write-Verbose "Capturing Permissions..." ForEach ($p in $objectPermissions) { $permissionsString = ($p.PermissionState).ToString() + " " + ($p.PermissionType).ToString() + " ON [" + ($p.ObjectSchema).ToString() + "].[" + ($p.ObjectName).ToString() + "] TO [" + ($p.Grantee).ToString() + "]"; Write-Verbose "Capturing object permission: $permissionsString" $permissionsString | Out-File $workFileName -Append } $totalForeignKeys = $foreignKeys.Count $totalIndexes = $indexes.Count Write-Verbose "There are $totalIndexes indexes to script out..." ForEach ($in in $indexes) { $currentIndex = $in.name Write-Verbose "Scripting index $currentIndex..." $inCode = $in.Script() $inCode | Out-File $workFileName -Append } Write-Verbose "There are $totalForeignKeys foreign keys to script out..." if ($totalForeignKeys -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "Using script file: $workFileName (for foreign keys)" } foreach ($fk in $foreignKeys) { (Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationPath | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $fk.ReferencedTable -and $_.Schema -eq $fk.ReferencedTableSchema}).ForeignKeys.Refresh() $fkObject = (Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationPath | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $fk.Parent.Name -and $_.Schema -eq $fk.Parent.Schema}).ForeignKeys | Where-Object {$_.name -eq $fk.Name} $currentFKName = $fkObject.name Write-Verbose "Scripting foriegn key $currentFKName..." $fkCode = $fkscriptingOptions.Script($fkObject) $fkCode | Out-File $fkWorkFileName -Append Write-Verbose "Dropping foriegn key $currentFKName..." $fkObject.Drop() } Write-Verbose "Applying dropfile $dropfileName" Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $DestinationDatabaseName -InputFile $dropfilename -Verbose Write-Verbose "Applying workfile $workfilename" Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $DestinationDatabaseName -InputFile $workfilename -Verbose ForEach ($st in $sourceTables) { $currentTable = $st.Schema + "." + $st.Name if ($REBUILD -or (Get-ChildItem -Path $destinationPath | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $st.Name -and $_.Schema -eq $st.Schema})) { Write-Verbose "----------------------------" Write-Verbose "Current table: $currentTable" $masterData = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query ("SELECT * FROM " + $currentTable) -ServerInstance $sourceSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $SourceDatabaseName $currentData = Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query ("SELECT * FROM " + $currentTable) -ServerInstance $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $DestinationDatabaseName $properties = $st.Columns | Where-Object {$_.Computed -eq $false} $dataTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable ForEach ($p in $properties) { $dataTable.Columns.Add($p.Name) | Out-Null if ($p.DataType.SqlDataType -eq "uniqueidentifier") {$dataTable.Columns[$p.name].DataType = "guid"} } if ($currentData) { $primaryKey = $st.indexes | Where-Object {$_.IndexKeyType -eq "DriPrimaryKey"} $primaryKeyColumns = $primaryKey.IndexedColumns.Name Write-Verbose "Primary key column is $primaryKeyColumns" Write-Verbose "Comparing source and destination..." $dataDiff = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $masterData -DifferenceObject $currentData -Property $primaryKeyColumns -IncludeEqual $inserts = $dataDiff | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="} if ($inserts) { $targetConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $targetConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};Trusted_Connection=True;Connection Timeout=15" -f $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance, $DestinationDatabaseName $bcp = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy($targetConnectionString, [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions]::KeepIdentity) $bcp.DestinationTableName = "{0}.{1}" -f $st.Schema, $st.Name $bcp.BatchSize = 1000 ForEach ($p in $properties) { $mapObj = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping($p.Name,$p.Name) [void]$bcp.ColumnMappings.Add($mapObj) } ForEach ($i in $inserts) { $missingRow = $i.$primaryKeyColumns $rowData = $masterData | Where-Object {$_.$primaryKeyColumns -eq $missingRow} Write-Verbose "There is no row with primary key value $missingRow in the destination; it will be inserted" $newRow = $dataTable.NewRow() ForEach ($p in $properties) { $newRow[$p.Name] = $rowData.($p.Name) } $dataTable.Rows.Add($newRow) } $bcp.WriteToServer($dataTable) } $deletes = $dataDiff | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"} ForEach ($d in $deletes) { $missingRow = $d.$primaryKeyColumns Write-Verbose "There is no row with primary key value $missingRow in the source; it will be removed" if ($missingRow.GetType().Name -eq "String") {$missingRow = "'" + $missingRow + "'"} $code = "DELETE FROM " + $currentTable + " WHERE " + $primaryKeyColumns + " = " + $missingRow Write-Verbose "SQL Code: $code" Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $code -ServerInstance $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $DestinationDatabaseName } $compares = $dataDiff | Where-Object {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=="} ForEach ($c in $compares) { $keyValue = $c.$primaryKeyColumns $leftHash = $masterData | Where-Object {$_.$primaryKeyColumns -eq $keyValue} $rightHash = $currentData | Where-Object {$_.$primaryKeyColumns -eq $keyValue} ForEach ($p in $properties) { $leftVal = ($leftHash.($p.Name)).ToString() $rightVal = ($rightHash.($p.Name)).ToString() if (($leftHash.($p.Name)).ToString() -ne ($rightHash.($p.Name)).ToString()) { Write-Verbose "Rows with key value $keyvalue do not match in source and destination; the row will be refreshed" $newValue = Select-Object -InputObject $leftHash -ExpandProperty $p.Name if ($newValue.GetType().Name -eq "String") {$newValue = "'" + $newValue + "'"} $code = "UPDATE " + $currentTable + " SET " + $p.Name + " = " + $newValue + " WHERE " + $primaryKeyColumns + " = " + $keyValue Write-Verbose "SQL Code: $code" Invoke-Sqlcmd -Query $code -ServerInstance $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $DestinationDatabaseName } } } } else { Write-Verbose "No data exists in the destination tables; doing a bulk insert from the source." $targetConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $targetConnectionString = "Server={0};Database={1};Trusted_Connection=True;Connection Timeout=15" -f $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance, $DestinationDatabaseName $bcp = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy($targetConnectionString, [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions]::KeepIdentity) $bcp.DestinationTableName = "{0}.{1}" -f $st.Schema, $st.Name $bcp.BatchSize = 1000 $bcp.SqlRowsCopied ForEach ($p in $properties) { $mapObj = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping($p.Name,$p.Name) [void]$bcp.ColumnMappings.Add($mapObj) } ForEach ($m in $masterData) { $newRow = $dataTable.NewRow() ForEach ($p in $properties) { $newRow[$p.Name] = $m.($p.Name) } $dataTable.Rows.Add($newRow) } $bcp.WriteToServer($dataTable) } } else { Write-Warning "The table $currentTable doesn't exist at the destination; use -REBUILD to copy the table" } } if ($totalForeignKeys -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "Applying FK workfile $fkworkfilename" Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $destinationSQLCmdServerInstance -Database $DestinationDatabaseName -InputFile $fkworkfilename -Verbose } <# .SYNOPSIS Allows for a synchronization of tables belonging to a particular schema or just one particular table inside that database between two SQL Server instances. .DESCRIPTION This script will attempt to synchronize a collection of table objects from a provided schema name (or one object inside the same schema). The script will find all indexes, permissions, and foreign keys on the tables bein synced AND all related tables and drop and reapply them. Data will also be copied. The script will log all DDL statements to a .SQL file located in the provided -WorkingDirectory parameter .PARAMETER SourceServerName Aliases: ssn, sourceserver The hostname of the SQL server you want to copy from. This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER SourceInstanceName Aliases: sin, sourceinstance The instance name of the SQL server you want to copy from. Default value is "DEFAULT" for non-named SQL instances. This is an optional parameter. .PARAMETER SourceDatabaseName Aliases: sdn, sourcedatabase The name of the database the schema/object you want to copy reside in. This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER SourceSchemaName Aliases: sscn, sourceschema The name of the schema you want to synchronize. This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER SourceTableName Aliases: stn, sourcetable Tha name of the table you want to synchronize. Providing this parameter will ONLY synchronize that table, ignoring all other tables in the schema. Only the table name should be provided, not schema and table name. This is an optional parameter. .PARAMETER DestinationServerName Aliases: dsn, destinationserver The hostname of the SQL server you want to copy to. This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER DestinationInstanceName Aliases: din, destinationinstance The instance name of the SQL server you want to copy to. Default value is "DEFAULT" for non-named SQL instances. This is an optional parameter. .PARAMETER DestinationDatabaseName Aliases: ddn, destinationdatabase The name of the database the schema/object you want to copy the objects to. This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER DestinationSchemaName Aliases: dscn, destinationschema The name of the schema you the copied objects to appear in. The schema must exist already. This is a required parameter. .PARAMETER WorkingDirectory The path on your local computer where the DDL SQL statements will reside. Used during a rebuild to store object definitions. This is a required parameter. .EXAMPLE Connect to a SQL server of hostname 'RemoteServer' and collect all tables in the MDM database that reside in the MDM schema. Then, rebuild all the tables and data on the destination server .\Copy-DatabaseTables.ps1 -SourceServerName RemoteServer -SourceDatabaseName MDM -SourceSchemaName MDM -DestinationServerName localhost -DestinationDatabaseName SomeDatabase -DestinationSchemaName MDM -WorkingDirectory C:\Scripts .EXAMPLE Connect to a SQL server of hostname 'RemoteServer' and collect the table named Sometimes in the MDM database in the MDM schema and copy it to the destination. .\Copy-DatabaseTables.ps1 -SourceServerName RemoteServer -SourceDatabaseName MDM -SourceSchemaName MDM -SourceTableName SomeTable -DestinationServerName localhost -DestinationDatabaseName SomeDatabase -DestinationSchemaName MDM -WorkingDirectory C:\Scripts .OUTPUTS None, unless -VERBOSE is specified. In fact, -VERBOSE is reccomended so you can see what is happening and when. .NOTES #> } Copy-DatabaseTables -SourceServerName 'tul1dbapmtdb1' ` -SourceInstanceName 'SQL2016' ` -SourceDatabaseName 'YourOrgSQLInventory' ` -SourceSchemaName 'dbo' ` -DestinationServerName 'tul1dbapmtdb1' ` -DestinationDatabaseName 'YourOrgSQLInventory' ` -DestinationSchemaName 'dbo' ` -WorkingDirectory 'c:\temp\migration' ` -REBUILD |