function Raise-SdtAlert { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Subject, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Body, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$To = @($SdtDBAGroupMailId), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Email")] [string[]]$Attachments, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Email")] [Switch]$BodyAsHtml, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Email")] [string]$SmtpServer = $SdtSmtpServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Email")] [int]$Port = $SdtSmtpServerPort, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ParameterSetName="Email")][ValidateSet('Normal', 'High', 'Low')] $Priority = 'Normal', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][ValidateSet('Email', 'Slack', 'MSTeams')] $AlertType = 'Email', [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [int]$DelayMinutes = 15, [Switch]$ClearAlert ) $alertTime = Get-Date $alertTimeString = $alertTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd') $AlertRetentionHours = 168 # 7 days # Import existing active alerts $allAlerts = @() $allAlertsNew = @() $currentAlert = @() $otherAlert = @() $lastAlertDate = $alertTime; $xmlLogFileBaseName = "SdtAlerts.xml" $xmlLogFile = Join-Path $SdtLogsPath $xmlLogFileBaseName if(Test-Path $xmlLogFile) { Write-Verbose "Import existing alerts from $xmlLogFileBaseName" $allAlerts += Import-Clixml -Path $xmlLogFile } Write-Debug "Inside Raise-SdtAlert.ps1" # divide current & other alerts from history if($allAlerts.Count -gt 0) { $currentAlert += $allAlerts | Where-Object {$_.AlertKey -eq $Subject} $otherAlert += $allAlerts | Where-Object {$_.AlertKey -ne $Subject -and $_.LastUpdated -gt ($alertTime).AddHours(-$AlertRetentionHours)} # remove alerts older than $AlertRetentionHours } # if alert is not active, remove it if($ClearAlert -and $currentAlert.Count -gt 0) { Write-Verbose "Clear alert from logs history" if($otherAlert.Count -gt 0) { $allAlertsNew += $otherAlert } } # if alert is active, and present in history. Then update history if( (-not $ClearAlert) -and $currentAlert.Count -ne 0 ) { Write-Verbose "Alert found for '$Subject' in history logs" # capture LastUpdated time $lastAlertDate = $currentAlert[0].LastAlertDate; $newAlertDate = $lastAlertDate; if ($lastAlertDate -le $alertTime.AddMinutes(-$DelayMinutes)) { $newAlertDate = $alertTime } # update alert fields $activeAlert = $currentAlert | ForEach-Object { $_.UpdateCounts += 1; $_.LastUpdated = $alertTime; $_.LastAlertDate = $newAlertDate; $_ } $currentAlert = @() $currentAlert += $activeAlert $allAlertsNew += $otherAlert + $currentAlert } # if alert is active, but not found in history if( (-not $ClearAlert) -and $currentAlert.Count -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "No existing alert found for '$Subject'" $currentAlert += $(New-Object psobject -Property @{ CreatedDate = $alertTime; AlertKey = $Subject; To = $To; State = $(if($ClearAlert){'Cleared'}else{'Active'}); LastUpdated = $alertTime; LastAlertDate = $alertTime; UpdateCounts = 0; }) $allAlertsNew += $otherAlert + $currentAlert } # Save alert back to xml log file Write-Verbose "Exporting updated alert history to log file '$xmlLogFileBaseName'" $allAlertsNew | Export-Clixml -Path $xmlLogFile if($ClearAlert -and $currentAlert.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host "Clear the alert '$Subject'" -ForegroundColor Yellow Send-MailMessage -From $SdtAlertEmailAddress -To $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -Priority $Priority -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess, OnFailure -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $Port -BodyAsHtml:$BodyAsHtml } else { if ( ($lastAlertDate -eq $alertTime) -or ($lastAlertDate -le $alertTime.AddMinutes(-$DelayMinutes)) ) { if ($AlertType -eq 'Email') { if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Attachments)) { Send-MailMessage -From $SdtAlertEmailAddress -To $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -Priority $Priority -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess, OnFailure -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $Port -BodyAsHtml:$BodyAsHtml } else { Send-MailMessage -From $SdtAlertEmailAddress -To $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -Attachments $Attachments -Priority $Priority -DeliveryNotificationOption OnSuccess, OnFailure -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $Port -BodyAsHtml:$BodyAsHtml } } } else { "{0} {1,-10} {2}" -f "($((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')))","(INFO)","Raise-SdtAlert => Last alert was sent @ $($lastAlertDate.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd'))" | Write-Output "{0} {1,-10} {2}" -f "($((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')))","(INFO)","Raise-SdtAlert => Last alert is within `$DelayMinutes ($DelayMinutes). So skipping current alert." | Write-Output } if ($AlertType -eq 'Slack') { Write-Host "Send Slack Alert" } if ($AlertType -eq 'MSTeams') { Write-Host "Send MSTeams Alert" } } <# .SYNOPSIS Send Alert on Email, Slack, or MS Teams. .DESCRIPTION This function helps to send alert message with attachment using Mail, Slack or Microsoft Teams .PARAMETER Subject Alert Subject. Would be used as Subject for Email. .PARAMETER Body Text of alert body .PARAMETER AlertKey String that uniquely identifies the Alert. Based on alert key, existing alert is found & cleared when required. .PARAMETER To Receiver of alert. Could be comma separated list of email addresses, slack channel or team channel name. .PARAMETER Attachments Comma separated list of documents to be sent with email as attachment. .PARAMETER BodyAsHtml Switch when alert need to be send as html body. .PARAMETER SmtpServer SMTP Server name .PARAMETER Port SMTP Server port .PARAMETER Priority Email priority. Possible values are Normal, High, Low. Default is Normal. .PARAMETER AlertType Alert type. Possible values are Email, Slack, MSTeams. Default is Email. .PARAMETER ClearAlert When this switch is used, alert matching by Alert Key would be cleared. .EXAMPLE Raise-SdtAlert -To $SdtDBAMailId -Subject 'Raise-SdtAlert' -Body "Testing Email using SQLDBATools PowerShell module" Send a normal email alert .EXAMPLE Raise-SdtAlert -To $SdtDBAMailId -Subject 'Raise-SdtAlert' -Body 'Testing Email using <span style="color:blue;">SQLDBATools</span> PowerShell module' -BodyAsHtml -Priority High Send a high priority email alert with html body .LINK #> } |