Function Get-SdtSQLInstanceInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves SQL Server instance general information. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves SQL Server instance general information based on ComputerName parameter value. .NOTES Name: Get-SdtSQLInstanceInfo Author: Ajay Dwivedi .EXAMPLE Get-SdtSQLInstanceInfo -ServerName $env:COMPUTERNAME Description ----------- Retrieves SQL Server instance general information based on ComputerName parameter value. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact='None')] Param( <# [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [String[]]$ServerName #> [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('SqlInstance')] [String[]]$ServerName ) BEGIN { $Check = $false; $Result = @(); $InstanceInfo = @(); } PROCESS { Write-Verbose "Inside PROCESS block"; if($_ -ne $null) { $ServerName = $_; Write-Verbose "Parameters received from PipeLine."; } # Loop through each machines foreach($machine in $ServerName) { Write-Verbose "Processing ServerName: $machine"; $isManagedComputerAccessible = $true; # Reset with each loop $Discover = $true; $instances = @(); if($Global:sdtPrintUserFriendlyMessage) { Write-Host "Starting:- Searching for instances on $machine" -ForegroundColor Yellow; } Write-Debug "Before Error" if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($machine) -or (Test-Connection -ComputerName $machine -Count 1 -Quiet) -eq $false) { $MessageText = "(Get-SdtSQLInstanceInfo)=> Supplied value '$machine' for ServerName parameter is invalid, or server is not accessible."; if($Global:sdtPrintUserFriendlyMessage) { Write-Host $MessageText -ForegroundColor Red; } Continue; } else { $FQDN = (Get-SdtFullQualifiedDomainName -ComputerName $machine); $pServerName = if($FQDN -match "^(?'ServerName'[0-9A-Za-z_-]+)\.*?.*"){$Matches['ServerName']}else{$null} if([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($machine)) { if($Global:sdtPrintUserFriendlyMessage) { Write-Host "(Get-SdtFullQualifiedDomainName)=> Server '$machine' is not reachable." -ForegroundColor Red; } Continue; } } Write-Verbose "Creating ManagedComputer Object to find installed Sql Instances"; $m = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Wmi.ManagedComputer') "$FQDN"; try{ $InstanceNames = $m.ServerInstances.Name; } catch { Write-Verbose "ManagedComputer object did not return value. So trying raw method of Get-Service"; $isManagedComputerAccessible = $false; $InstanceNames = @(); Get-Service -Name *sql* -ComputerName $machine | ForEach-Object { if($_.DisplayName -match "SQL Server \((?'InstanceName'\w+)\)") { $InstanceNames += $Matches['InstanceName'] } } } try { #$productKeys = Get-DbaProductKey -ComputerName "$pServerName"; $productKeys = Get-SqlServerProductKeys -Servers $FQDN -ErrorAction Stop; } catch { $returnMessage = $null; $formatstring = "{0} : {1}`n{2}`n" + " + CategoryInfo : {3}`n" + " + FullyQualifiedErrorId : {4}`n" $fields = $_.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name, $_.ErrorDetails.Message, $_.InvocationInfo.PositionMessage, $_.CategoryInfo.ToString(), $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId $returnMessage = $formatstring -f $fields; $returnMessage = @" $ErrorText $($_.Exception.Message) "@ + $returnMessage; if($sdtLogErrorToInventoryTable) { Add-SdtCollectionError -ComputerName $FQDN ` -Cmdlet 'Get-DbaProductKey' ` -CommandText "Get-DbaProductKey -ComputerName '$FQDN'" ` -ErrorText $returnMessage; } if ($Global:sdtPrintUserFriendlyMessage) { Write-Host $returnMessage -ForegroundColor Red; } } foreach($Instance in $InstanceNames) { Write-Debug "Inside foreach block of `$InstanceNames"; # Instantiate Server Object for SqlInstance $sqlInstance = if($Instance -eq 'MSSQLSERVER') {"$pServerName"} else {"$pServerName\$Instance"}; $Server = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server($sqlInstance); $info = $Server.Information; $CommonVersion = ($info.VersionMajor).ToString() + '.' + ($info.VersionMinor).ToString(); $VersionString = if($CommonVersion -eq '9.0') { 'SQL Server 2005' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '10.0') { 'SQL Server 2008' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '10.50') { 'SQL Server 2008 R2' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '11.0') { 'SQL Server 2012' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '12.0') { 'SQL Server 2014' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '13.0') { 'SQL Server 2016' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '14.0') { 'SQL Server 2017' } elseif ($CommonVersion -eq '15.0') { 'SQL Server 2019' } #$productKeys $productKey = ($productKeys | Where-Object {$_.InstanceName -eq $Instance}).ProductKey; $DefaultDataLocation = $Server.Settings.DefaultFile; $DefaultLogLocation = $Server.Settings.DefaultLog; if ($DefaultDataLocation.Length -eq 0) { $DefaultDataLocation = $Server.Information.MasterDBPath } if ($DefaultLogLocation.Length -eq 0) { $DefaultLogLocation = $Server.Information.MasterDBLogPath } $DefaultBackupLocation = $Server.Settings.BackupDirectory; if($isManagedComputerAccessible) { $m = New-Object ('Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.WMI.ManagedComputer') "$FQDN"; $port = $m.ServerInstances["$Instance"].ServerProtocols['Tcp'].IPAddresses['IPALL'].IPAddressProperties['TcpPort'].Value; } else { $port = $null; } [boolean]$IsStandaloneInstance = $false; [boolean]$IsSqlCluster = $false; [boolean]$IsAgListener = $false; [boolean]$IsAGNode = $false; [string]$AGListener = $null; # If AlwaysOn feature is Installed if($Server.IsHadrEnabled) { # Find Listener name $AGListener = $Server.AvailabilityGroups.AvailabilityGroupListeners[0].Name; if(!([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AGListener))) # If Listener name is not empty { if($AGListener -eq $pServerName) { $IsAgListener = $true; $AGListener = $null; } else { $IsAGNode = $true; } } } elseif ($Server.IsClustered) { $IsSqlCluster = $true } else { $IsStandaloneInstance = $true; } $instanceProps = [Ordered]@{ #'InstanceID' = $null; #'ServerID' = $null; 'ServerName' = $pServerName; # Should be taken from Passed ServerName variable 'SqlInstance' = $sqlInstance; 'InstanceName' = $Instance; 'RootDirectory' = $info.RootDirectory; 'Version' = $info.VersionString; 'CommonVersion' = $CommonVersion; 'Build' = $info.BuildNumber; 'VersionString' = $VersionString; <# VersionString=SQL Server 2008 R2 for @@version = 10.50.4000.0 #> 'Edition' = $info.Edition; 'Collation' = $info.Collation; 'ProductKey' = if($productKey -notlike "*Could not read*") {$productKey} else {$null}; 'DefaultDataLocation' = $DefaultDataLocation; 'DefaultLogLocation' = $DefaultLogLocation; 'DefaultBackupLocation' = $DefaultBackupLocation; 'ErrorLogPath' = $info.ErrorLogPath; 'ServiceAccount' = $Server.ServiceAccount; 'Port' = $port; 'IsStandaloneInstance' = $IsStandaloneInstance; 'IsSqlCluster' = $IsSqlCluster; 'IsAgListener' = $IsAgListener; 'IsAGNode' = $IsAGNode; 'AGListenerName' = $AGListener; #'HasOtherHASetup' = $null; #'HARole' = $null; #'HAPartner' = $null; #'IsPowershellLinked' = 1; #'IsDecom' = 0; #'DecomDate' = $null; #'CollectionDate' = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); #'CollectedBy' = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"; #'UpdatedDate' = (Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); #'UpdatedBy' = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\$($env:USERNAME)"; #'Remark1' = $null; #'Remark2' = $null; } $instanceObj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $instanceProps; $InstanceInfo += $instanceObj; } # $instances loop } # process loop } END { Write-Output $InstanceInfo; } } |