function Get-SdtVolumeSpaceConsumers { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays all files and folders with sizing information for folder on computerName. .DESCRIPTION This gives all files and folders including hidden items with details like Owner, Size, Created Date, Updated By etc path passed in parameter. .PARAMETER ComputerName Computer name on which the folder to analyze is present. .PARAMETER pathOrFolder Folder or drive path which needs to be analyzed .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SdtVolumeSpaceConsumers -ComputerName $env:computerName -pathOrFolder 'D:\' | Out-GridView Returns all files and folder with size, owner, and last modified date. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('ServerName','MachineName')] [String]$ComputerName = $env:ComputerName, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [Alias('FolderOrPath')] [String]$pathOrFolder ) if($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent -or $Global:PrintUserFriendlyMessage) { Write-Host "Setting ownership to Administrators for path '$pathOrFolder'" -ForegroundColor Yellow; if ($ComputerName -eq $env:ComputerName) { $cmdCommand = "{ takeown /f `"$pathOrFolder`" /r /d y /a }"; Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $cmdCommand; } else { $command = { "takeown --% /f `"$pathOrFolder`" /r /d y /a" } Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $command } #$cmdCommand = "takeown /s `"$ComputerName`" /f `"$pathOrFolder`" /r /d y /a"; #Write-Host $cmdCommand; #Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {takeown --% /f "$pathOrFolder" /r /d y /a} # Transfer Ownership of files/folders to Administrators #cmd.exe /c "$cmdCommand"; #& $cmdCommand; #& "takeown" /s "$ComputerName" /f `"$pathOrFolder`" /r /d y /a"; Write-Host "Ownership transfer is done." -ForegroundColor Green; } $searchPath = "\\$ComputerName\$pathOrFolder" -replace ":","$"; Write-Host "`$searchPath = '$searchPath'" -ForegroundColor Green; # Get Folders Write-Host " Finding all folders on search path" -ForegroundColor Green; $folders = Get-ChildItem -Path $searchPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer} | Select-Object @{l='Name';e={$_.FullName -replace "\\\\$computerName\\", ""}}, @{l='Parent';e={(Split-Path -Path $_.FullName) -replace "\\\\$computerName\\", ""}}, @{l='SizeBytes';e={$null}}, @{l='Size(KB)';e={$null}}, @{l='Size(MB)';e={$null}}, @{l='Size(GB)';e={$null}}, @{l='Owner';e={((Get-ACL $_.FullName).Owner)}}, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, @{l='IsFolder';e={1}}, @{l='SortColumn';e={$_.FullName -replace "\\\\$computerName\\", ""}}; # Get Base Details $baseFolder = Get-ItemProperty -Path $searchPath | Select-Object @{l='Name';e={$_.FullName -replace "\\\\$computerName\\", ""}}, @{l='Parent';e={$null}}, @{l='SizeBytes';e={$null}}, @{l='Size(KB)';e={$null}}, @{l='Size(MB)';e={$null}}, @{l='Size(GB)';e={$null}}, @{l='Owner';e={((Get-ACL $_.FullName).Owner)}}, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, @{l='IsFolder';e={1}}, @{l='SortColumn';e={$null}}; # Get all containers as One $folders = $folders + $baseFolder; # Get All Files Write-Host " Finding all files on search path" -ForegroundColor Green; $files = Get-ChildItem -Path $searchPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $false} | ForEach-Object {$counter = 1} {$counter++; $_ | Add-Member -Name ID -Value $counter -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru} | ForEach-Object { New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property ` @{ 'Name' = $_.Name; 'Parent' = ((Split-Path -Path $_.FullName) -replace "\\\\$computerName\\", ""); 'SizeBytes' = [convert]::ToInt64($_.Length); 'Size(KB)' = [convert]::ToInt64($_.Length/1kb); 'Size(MB)' = [convert]::ToInt64($_.Length/1mb); 'Size(GB)' = [convert]::ToInt64($_.Length/1gb); 'Owner' = ((Get-ACL $_.FullName).Owner); 'CreationTime' = $_.CreationTime; 'LastAccessTime' = $_.LastAccessTime; 'LastWriteTime' = $_.LastWriteTime; 'IsFolder' = 0; 'SortColumn' = ((Split-Path -Path $_.FullName) -replace "\\\\$computerName\\", ""); } } | Select-Object Name, Parent, SizeBytes, 'Size(KB)', 'Size(MB)', 'Size(GB)',Owner, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, IsFolder, SortColumn; Write-Host " Computing Size for folders.." -ForegroundColor Green; foreach($f in $folders) { # Get Size of folders $f.SizeBytes = [convert]::ToInt64(($files | Where-Object {$_.Parent -like "$($f.Name)*"} | Measure-Object -Property SizeBytes -Sum).Sum); $f.'Size(MB)' = [convert]::ToInt64(($files | Where-Object {$_.Parent -like "$($f.Name)*"} | Measure-Object -Property SizeBytes -Sum).Sum/1mb); $f.'Size(KB)' = [convert]::ToInt64(($files | Where-Object {$_.Parent -like "$($f.Name)*"} | Measure-Object -Property SizeBytes -Sum).Sum/1kb); $f.'Size(GB)' = [convert]::ToInt64(($files | Where-Object {$_.Parent -like "$($f.Name)*"} | Measure-Object -Property SizeBytes -Sum).Sum/1gb); } $AllFilesAndFolders = $folders + $files; $AllFilesAndFolders = $AllFilesAndFolders | Sort-Object -Property SortColumn, @{Expression="IsFolder";Descending=$true}, Name | ForEach-Object {$counter = 0} {$counter++; $_ | Add-Member -Name SortingOrderID -Value $counter -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru} | Select-Object @{l='Name';e={if($_.IsFolder){$_.Name}else{ (" |" * (($_.Parent).Length + 1 - (($_.Parent -replace "\\","").Length))) + " $($_.Name)" }}}, @{l='Parent';e={if(($_.Parent).Length -eq 2){$_.Parent+'\'}else{$_.Parent}}}, SizeBytes, 'Size(KB)', 'Size(MB)', 'Size(GB)', Owner, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, IsFolder, @{l='FileName';e={if($_.IsFolder){$null}else{$_.Name}}}, SortingOrderID | Select-Object @{l='Name';e={if($_.Name.Substring(1,1) -eq '$') { $_.Name.Insert(1,':').Remove(2,1); } else { $_.Name; }}}, @{l='Parent';e={if($_.Parent.Substring(1,1) -eq '$') { $_.Parent.Insert(1,':').Remove(2,1); } else { $_.Parent; }}}, SizeBytes, 'Size(KB)', 'Size(MB)', 'Size(GB)', Owner, CreationTime, LastAccessTime, LastWriteTime, IsFolder, @{l='FileName';e={if($_.FileName.Substring(1,1) -eq '$') { $_.FileName.Insert(1,':').Remove(2,1); } else { $_.FileName; }}}, SortingOrderID; $finalResult = @(); foreach($item in $AllFilesAndFolders) { $SizeBytes = "{0:N5}" -f $item.SizeBytes; $SizeBytesKB = "{0:N5}" -f $item.'Size(KB)'; $SizeBytesMB = "{0:N5}" -f $item.'Size(MB)'; $SizeBytesGB = "{0:N5}" -f $item.'Size(GB)'; $hash = [Ordered]@{ Name = $item.Name; Parent = $item.Parent; SizeBytes = [double]$SizeBytes; 'Size(KB)' = [double]$SizeBytesKB; 'Size(MB)' = [double]$SizeBytesMB; 'Size(GB)' = [double]$SizeBytesGB; Owner = $Item.Owner; CreationTime = $item.CreationTime; LastAccessTime = $item.LastAccessTime; IsFolder = $item.IsFolder; FileName = $item.FileName; SortingOrderID = $item.SortingOrderID; } $obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject -Property $hash; $finalResult += $obj; } Write-Host " Writing the result to default Output.." -ForegroundColor Green $finalResult | Write-Output; } #Get-SdtVolumeSpaceConsumers -ComputerName $env:COMPUTERNAME -pathOrFolder 'E:\' | Out-GridView |