<# ~~~~~~~~~~ MOST IMPORTANT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Set variable SdtEnableInventory to $True in order to enable inventory system # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #> $global:SdtEnableInventory = $false # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $global:SdtInventoryInstance = 'InventoryInstance' $global:SdtInventoryDatabase = 'SQLDBATools' $global:SdtDbaDatabase = 'DBA' $global:SdtAutomationDatabase = 'SQLDBATools' $global:SdtInventoryTable = 'dbo.sdt_server_inventory' $global:SdtErrorTable = 'dbo.sdt_error' $global:SdtAlertTable = 'dbo.sdt_alert' $global:SdtAlertRulesTable = 'dbo.sdt_alert_rules' $global:SdtLogsPath = $(Join-Path $SdtModulePath 'Logs') $global:SdtSmtpServer = '' $global:SdtSmtpServerPort = 587 $global:SdtUseSsl = $(if($SdtSmtpServer -eq ''){$true}else{$false}) $global:SdtSmtpGmailUserName = '' # For more, $global:SdtSmtpGmailPassword = 'YouGmailSecretAppPassword' $global:SdtSmtpGmailCredential= $(New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($SdtSmtpGmailUserName, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $SdtSmtpGmailPassword -AsPlainText -Force))); $global:SdtAlertEmailAddress = 'SQLAlerts@domain.local' $global:SdtDBAMailId = 'dba@domain.local' $global:SdtDBAGroupMailId = 'DBAGroup@domain.local' $global:SdtLogErrorToInventory = $false $global:SdtPrintUserFriendlyMessage = $false $global:SdtServiceAccount = "$($env:USERDOMAIN)\SQLDBATools" $global:SdtSqlServerRepository = '\\itserver\SqlServer\SQL_Server_Setups\' $global:SdtGrafanaBaseURL = "$($SdtInventoryInstance):3000" $global:SdtDOP = 4 # Variable Placeholders $Global:SdtInventoryTableData = @() # data from $SdtInventoryTable. Populated using Get-SdtServers $Global:SdtServerList = @() # Unique values of [server] from $SdtInventoryTable. Populated using Get-SdtServers $Global:SdtFriendlyNameList = @() # Unique values of [friendly_name] from $SdtInventoryTable. Populated using Get-SdtServers $Global:SdtSqlInstanceList = @() # Unique values of [sql_instance] from $SdtInventoryTable. Populated using Get-SdtServers # Table definition $global:SdtInventoryTableDefinitionSql= @" /* ALTER TABLE $SdtInventoryTable SET ( SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF) go drop table $SdtInventoryTable go drop table $($SdtInventoryTable)_history go */ create table $SdtInventoryTable ( server varchar(500) not null, friendly_name varchar(255) not null, sql_instance varchar(255) not null, ipv4 varchar(15) null, stability varchar(20) default 'DEV', server_owner varchar(500) null, is_active bit default 1, monitoring_enabled bit default 1 ,valid_from DATETIME2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START HIDDEN NOT NULL ,valid_to DATETIME2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END HIDDEN NOT NULL ,PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (valid_from,valid_to) ,constraint pk_$($SdtInventoryTable -replace 'dbo.', '') primary key clustered (friendly_name) ) WITH (SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON (HISTORY_TABLE = dbo.sdt_server_inventory_history)) go create unique index uq_$($SdtInventoryTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__server__sql_instance on $SdtInventoryTable (server, sql_instance); go create unique index uq_$($SdtInventoryTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__sql_instance on $SdtInventoryTable (sql_instance); go create index ix_$($SdtInventoryTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__is_active__monitoring_enabled on $SdtInventoryTable (is_active, monitoring_enabled); go alter table $SdtInventoryTable add constraint chk_$($SdtInventoryTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__stability check ( [stability] in ('DEV', 'UAT', 'QA', 'STG', 'PROD', 'PRODDR', 'STGDR','QADR', 'UATDR', 'DEVDR') ) go "@ # Table definition $global:SdtErrorTableDefinitionSql= @" create table $SdtErrorTable ( collection_time_utc datetime2 not null default getutcdate(), server varchar(500) null, cmdlet varchar(125) not null, command varchar(1000) null, error varchar(500) not null, remark varchar(1000) null ) go "@ # Table definition $global:SdtAlertTableDefinitionSql= @" create table $SdtAlertTable ( id bigint identity(1,1) not null, created_date_utc datetime2 not null default sysutcdatetime(), alert_key varchar(255) not null, email_to varchar(500) not null, [state] varchar(15) not null default 'Active', -- 'Active','Suppressed','Cleared' [severity] varchar(15) not null default 'High', -- 'Critical', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low' last_occurred_date_utc datetime not null default getutcdate(), last_notified_date_utc datetime not null default getutcdate(), notification_counts int not null default 1, suppress_start_date_utc datetime null, suppress_end_date_utc datetime null, servers_affected varchar(1000) null ) go alter table $SdtAlertTable add constraint pk_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '') primary key (id) go alter table $SdtAlertTable add constraint chk_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__state check ( [state] in ('Active','Suppressed','Cleared') ) go alter table $SdtAlertTable add constraint chk_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__severity check ( [severity] in ('Critical', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low') ) go alter table $SdtAlertTable add constraint chk_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__suppress_state check ( (case when [state] <> 'Suppressed' then 1 when [state] = 'Suppressed' and ( suppress_start_date_utc is null or suppress_end_date_utc is null ) then 0 when [state] = 'Suppressed' and ( datediff(day,suppress_start_date_utc,suppress_end_date_utc) >= 7 ) then 0 else 1 end) = 1 ) go --create index ix_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__alert_key__active on $SdtAlertTable (alert_key) where [state] in ('Active','Suppressed') create unique index uq_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__alert_key__severity__active on $SdtAlertTable (alert_key, severity, email_to) where [state] in ('Active','Suppressed') go create index ix_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__created_date_utc__alert_key on $SdtAlertTable (created_date_utc, alert_key) go create index ix_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__state__active on $SdtAlertTable ([state]) where [state] in ('Active','Suppressed') go create index ix_$($SdtAlertTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__servers_affected on $SdtAlertTable ([servers_affected]); go "@ $global:SdtAlertRulesTableDefinitionSql = @" /* ALTER TABLE $SdtAlertRulesTable SET ( SYSTEM_VERSIONING = OFF) go drop table $SdtAlertRulesTable go drop table $($SdtAlertRulesTable)_history go */ create table $SdtAlertRulesTable ( rule_id bigint identity(1,1) not null, alert_key varchar(255) not null, server_friendly_name varchar(255) null, --server_owner varchar(500) null, [database_name] varchar(255) null, client_app_name varchar(255) null, login_name varchar(125) null, client_host_name varchar(255) null, severity varchar(15) null, severity_low_threshold decimal(5,2) null, severity_medium_threshold decimal(5,2) null, severity_high_threshold decimal(5,2) null, severity_critical_threshold decimal(5,2) null, alert_receiver varchar(500) not null, alert_receiver_name varchar(120) not null, delay_minutes smallint null, compute_duration_minutes smallint null, [start_date] date null, [start_time] time null, [end_date] date null, [end_time] time null, copy_dba bit not null default 1, created_by varchar(125) not null default suser_name(), created_date_utc datetime not null default getutcdate(), reference_request varchar(125) not null, is_active bit not null default 1 ,valid_from DATETIME2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW START HIDDEN NOT NULL ,valid_to DATETIME2 GENERATED ALWAYS AS ROW END HIDDEN NOT NULL ,PERIOD FOR SYSTEM_TIME (valid_from,valid_to) ,constraint pk_$($SdtAlertRulesTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__rule_id primary key clustered (rule_id) ) WITH (SYSTEM_VERSIONING = ON (HISTORY_TABLE = $($SdtAlertRulesTable)_history)); go create unique nonclustered index nci_uq_$($SdtAlertRulesTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__alert_key__plus on $SdtAlertRulesTable (alert_key, server_friendly_name, [database_name], client_app_name, login_name, client_host_name, severity) where is_active = 1; go alter table $SdtAlertRulesTable add constraint chk_$($SdtAlertRulesTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__severity check ( [severity] in ('Critical', 'High', 'Medium', 'Low') ) go --alter table $SdtAlertRulesTable add constraint chk_$($SdtAlertRulesTable -replace 'dbo.', '')__group_by check ( server_friendly_name is null or server_owner is null ) --go "@ $global:SdtCssStyle= @" <style> body { color:#333333; font-family:Calibri,Tahoma; font-size: 10pt; } h1 { text-align:center; } h2 { border-top:1px solid #666666; } th { font-weight:bold; color:#eeeeee; background-color:#333333; cursor:pointer; } .odd { background-color:#ffffff; } .even { background-color:#dddddd; } .paginate_enabled_next, .paginate_enabled_previous { cursor:pointer; border:1px solid #222222; background-color:#dddddd; padding:2px; margin:4px; border-radius:2px; } .paginate_disabled_previous, .paginate_disabled_next { color:#666666; cursor:pointer; background-color:#dddddd; padding:2px; margin:4px; border-radius:2px; } .dataTables_info { margin-bottom:4px; } .sectionheader { cursor:pointer; } .sectionheader:hover { color:red; } .grid { width:100% } .red { color:red; font-weight:bold; } .yellow { color:yellow; } .blue { color:blue; } </style> "@ $global:SdtCssStyleBasic= @" <style> TABLE {border-width: 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: black; border-collapse: collapse;} TD {border-width: 1px; padding: 3px; border-style: solid; border-color: black;} </style> "@ |