
This is the rough plan for how this will work.
Subject to change as I split apart the script this started off as, and as I try to build in testing

Import-Module .\SQLAutoRestores.psm1

#GEt connection to SQL Server we're going to restore onto
$SQLconnection = New-SQLConnection 'server1\instance2'

#get all the possible folders holding SQL Server backups
$folders = Get-BottomFolders c:\somefolder\
$folders += Get-BottomFolders \\server2\backups$\

#Pick a folder at random, then check it holds SQL Server backups, if not pick another, keep going till we get one
$RestoreFolder = Get-RandomElement $folders
while (!(Test-DBBackupsExist $RestoreFolder)){
 $RestoreFolder = Get-RandomElement $folders                    

#Pass in the files we found to return an object holding all the info from the file headers. Also checks for multiple backups inside a file
$BackupObjects = Get-DBBackupObject -InputPath $RestoreFolder -ServerInstance $SQLconnection

#Pick a time to restore to based on the coverage of the backups found above, or we could just set the variable to the one we want to use
$TimeToRestore = Get-PointInTime -BackupsObject $BackupObjects

#Or just restore to the latest point held in the files
$Objective = Get-RestoreSet -BackupsObject $BackupObjects -Latest
$Objective = Get-RestoreSet -BackupsObject $BackupObjects -TargetTime $TimeToRestore

#Redirect the files to the required location on restore server
$Objective = Get-FileRestoreMove -BackupsObject $Objective -DestinationPath e:\some\path

#Check if DB name exists
Test-DatabaseExists -RestoreSQLServer $SQLconnection -DatabaseName $Objective[0].DatabaseName

#check for space
Test-RestoreSpace -BackupsObject $Objective -RestoreSQLServer $SQLconnection -RestorePath e:\some\Path

#Check we can restore the db on the specified server version
Test-DBRestoreVersion -BackupsOject $Objective -RestoreSQLServer $SQLconnection

#Restore the Database
Restore-Database -BackupsObject $Objective -RestoreSQLServer $SQLconnection -RestoreTime $TimeToRestore

#Test it's OK (currently just a DBCC check)
Test-Database -DatabaseName $Objective.Databasename -RestoreSQLServer $SQLconnection

#Clear down the restored DB so we can do it all over again with another one.
Remove-Database -DatabaseName $Objective.Databasename -RestoreSQLServer $SQLconnection