using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo; using SQL.SMO.Framework; using System; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Security; namespace SQL.SMO.Cmdlets { #region New-SMO -- PSCmdlet [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.New, "SMO")] [OutputType(typeof(Server))] [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = false)] public class NewSMO : PSCmdlet { #region Constants private const string constr = "Server={0};"; #endregion #region Parameters [Parameter(Mandatory = false, Position = 0, HelpMessage = "The name of the SQL server (preferably the FQDN)")] public string ServerName = "localhost"; [Parameter(Mandatory = false, Position = 1)] public string InstanceName = String.Empty; [Parameter(Mandatory = false, HelpMessage = "The SQL Authentication credentials for the chosen server/instance.")] public PSCredential SQLCredential; #endregion #region Process protected override void ProcessRecord() { base.ProcessRecord(); SqlConnection sqlConn = MakeConnection(ServerName, InstanceName, SQLCredential); try { sqlConn.Open(); } catch (SqlException e) { throw new ContextExecutionError("A SQL error occurred while setting the context! " + e.Message, e); } catch (InvalidOperationException e) { throw new ContextExecutionError("An invalid operation occurred while setting the context! " + e.Message, e); } //ConfigProperty ServerConnection conn = new ServerConnection(sqlConn); Server smo = new Server(conn); WriteObject(smo, false); } #endregion #region Cmdlet Methods private SqlConnection MakeConnection(string name, string instance, PSCredential sqlCreds) { string srvStr; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(instance) && instance != "MSSQLSERVER") { srvStr = String.Format(constr, name + "\\" + instance); } else { srvStr = String.Format(constr, name); } SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(); if (sqlCreds != null) { SecureString pass = sqlCreds.Password; pass.MakeReadOnly(); SqlCredential sc = new SqlCredential(sqlCreds.UserName, pass); sqlConn.Credential = sc; } else { srvStr = srvStr + "Integrated Security=true;"; } sqlConn.ConnectionString = srvStr; return sqlConn; } #endregion } #endregion } |