Function Sync-CBDataFromAeriesToGoogle { <# .SYNOPSIS Import Chromebook data from Aeries to Google .DESCRIPTION Updates Associated User and comment field from Aeries Items back into Google. .EXAMPLE Sync-CBDataFromAeriesToGoogle .PARAMETER .INPUTS .OUTPUTS .NOTES .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] #Enable all the default paramters, including -Verbose Param( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position=0)] [string]$config ) Begin { Write-Verbose -Message "Starting $($MyInvocation.InvocationName) with $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) parameterset..." Write-Verbose -Message "Parameters are $($PSBoundParameters | Select-Object -Property *)" #include $DistrictAssetConfig . $env:LOCALAPPDATA\powershell\SPSAeriesAssetSync\$config\DistrictAssetConfig.ps1 Set-PSGSuiteConfig $DistrictAssetConfig.PSGSuiteConfig Set-SPSAeriesConfiguration -Name $DistrictAssetConfig.SPSAeriesConfig $SchoolConfigs = $DistrictAssetConfig.SchoolConfigs } Process { # We'll pull Active chromebooks from each 1:1 unassigned directory # and put into a hastable with the serial number as the key $cbHT = @{} foreach ($schoolConfig in $SchoolConfigs) { foreach ($GoogleOU in $schoolconfig.GoogleOUs) { [string]$OUPath = $GoogleOU Write-Verbose "Retrieving active Chromebooks from $($OUPath)" Get-GSChromeOSDevice -Filter status:ACTIVE -OrgUnitPath $OUPath -Projection FULL | ForEach-Object { $cbHT[$_.serialnumber] = $_ $cbHT[$_.serialnumber] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'AeriesSiteCode' -NotePropertyValue $schoolConfig.AeriesSiteCode $cbHT[$_.serialnumber] | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Site' -NotePropertyValue $schoolConfig.Site } Write-Verbose "Chromebooks Pulled from $($OUPath): $($cbHT.Count)" } } Write-Verbose "Total Chromebook count: $($cbHT.Count)" # Get unique models so we know what items to compare against in Aeries $Models = $cbHT.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {$_.Value.Model} | Sort-Object | Get-Unique Write-Verbose "Found unique models: $($Models)" # Get Updated list of District Asset Titles $AeriesTitles = Get-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetTitle | Where-Object {$Models -contains $_.Title} $TitlesHT = @{} $ItemsHT = @{} $AeriesTitles | ForEach-Object {$TitlesHT[$_.Title] = $_} # Hashtable for all Chromebook items in Aeries foreach ($title in $TitlesHT.GetEnumerator()) { Get-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetItem -AssetTitleNumber $title.Value.AssetTitleNumber | ForEach-Object { $ItemsHT[$_.Barcode] = $_ } } Write-Verbose "Including items to check assigned users: " Write-Verbose $ItemsHT # Go through and match Aeries items to Google items to compare Comments->Notes and Assigned users foreach ($item in $ItemsHT.GetEnumerator()) { $item = $item.Value if ($cbHT.ContainsKey($item.SerialNumber)) { $cb = $cbHT[$item.SerialNumber] $itemAssoc = Get-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation -AssetTitleNumber $item.AssetTitleNumber -AssetItemNumber $item.AssetItemNumber | Select-Object -Last 1 if ($itemAssoc -And [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($itemAssoc.DateReturned)) { # If Date returned is empty, the item is currently checked out to a user # We want to check this first because Get-SPSAeriesDistrictAssetAssociation will return an assigned user whether # the device is checked out or not and we don't want to populate Google with the last user to have the # chromebook if they don't currently have it. #Get assigned student/staff email address $userEmail = $null if ($itemAssoc.UserType -like "S") { $userEmail = "$($itemAssoc.UserID)" } elseif ($itemAssoc.UserType -like "T") { $userEmail = (Get-SPSAeriesStaffEmail -ID $itemAssoc.UserID).EmailAddress } Write-Verbose "Checking annotated user for CB $($cb.SerialNumber)" # Let's make sure the right user is annotated in Google if ($userEmail -like $cb.annotatedUser) { Write-Verbose "Aeries User $($userEmail) matches $($cb.annotatedUser) is already annotated for CB $($cb.SerialNumber)" # Users match, do nothing } else { # Users don't match, update var for annotatedUser in Google Write-Verbose "Updating CB $($cb.SerialNumber) with user: $($userEmail)" Update-GSChromeOSDevice -ResourceID $cb.DeviceId -AnnotatedUser $userEmail } } else { # Date returned has a value, so it shouldn't be checked out to a user. if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($cb.annotatedUser)) { # If no annoted user, then all is good, nothing to update } else { # If it does have a value, it should be made blank, as the device is not checked out. Write-Verbose "Updating CB $($cb.SerialNumber) with no user" Update-GSChromeOSDevice -ResourceID $cb.DeviceId -AnnotatedUser '' } } if ($item.Comment -like $cb.Notes) { # If comment in Aeries matches Notes in Google, do nothing } else { # Fields don't match, update Notes field in Google Write-Verbose "Updating CB $($cb.SerialNumber) with Note: $($item.Comment)" Update-GSChromeOSDevice -ResourceID $cb.DeviceId -Notes $item.Comment } } } } End { Write-Verbose -Message "Ending $($MyInvocation.InvocationName)..." } } |