
Sets values in a company's profile.
The Set-Company cmdlet sets values in a company's profiles. There are three sets of parameters that can be used.
 - Active Directory Settings
 - OnPremise Services Settings (Such as Exchange)
 - Office365 Settings
The Company name that was created with New-Company.
The drive letter to use with active directory drives. It is recomended to use between one and
four characters, but any number of characters can be used.
The full qualified domain name of the Active Directory Domain for this company.
.PARAMETER ADPreferedDomainController
If specified, SPMTools will use this domain controller for the AD drive.
If this parameter is not specified, the FQDN will be used.
Favorites allow Mount-ADDrive to only mount the most used AD drives.
Set this option to mark a Company's AD configuration as a favorite so it can be loaded
with Mount-ADDrive -Favorites
A PSCredential Object containing the credentials for this company's AD domain.
If not spcified, implicit credentials will be used.
.PARAMETER OnPremExchangeHost
The Exchange server to connect to when using Connect-ExchangeOnPrem.
It is recomended that this host be one of these in order of most to least preffered:
 - The Hybrid Exchange Server (in O365 Hybrid Environments)
 - The Nearest Exchange Server
 - Any other Exchange Server
Please use FQDNs when possible.
In certain circumstances, the Exchange URI may be different than http://Host/Powershell.
In these circumstances, this parameter can be used to specify a separate URI to use when connecting.
.PARAMETER OnPremSkypeHost
The Skype Host to connect to.
In almost all circumstances, this should be the full Qualified Front End Pool name.
In certain circumstances, the Skype URI may be different than http://Host/OCSPowershell.
In these circumstances, this parameter can be used to specify a separate URI to use when connecting.
.PARAMETER OnPremCredential
A PSCredential Object containing the credentials for this company's services.
If not spcified, implicit credentials will be used.
If specified, Online commands will not use MFA when connecting.
It is generally recomended to enable MFA for all admin accounts.
.PARAMETER OnlineExchangeURI
In certain circumstances, the ExchangeOnline URI will be different from the default.
In these circumstances, this parameter can be used to specify a separate URI to use when connecting.
In certain circumstances, the SkypeOnline URI will be different from the default.
In these circumstances, this parameter can be used to specify a separate URI to use when connecting.
.PARAMETER OnlineSharePointURI
The SharePointOnline cmdlet uses a best effort approach to guess the tenant URL. If this fails,
use this parameter to specify the URL. It should look like:
.PARAMETER OnlineDirSyncHost
The FQDN of the machine running the AzureADConnect service.
.PARAMETER OnlineDirSyncScript
An Optional script to execute against the DirSync Host.
This defualts to { Start-ADSyncSyncCycle -PolicyType Delta }
.PARAMETER OnlineCredential
A PSCredential Object containing the credentials for this company's online services.
If not spcified, implicit credentials will be used.
This is required even when using MFA, as it will prefill the prompt
.PARAMETER RemoveADCredential
Specify this switch with -Company to remove AD credentials from the specified company.
.PARAMETER RemoveOnPremCredential
Specify this switch with -Company to remove OnPremise services credentials from the specified company.
.PARAMETER RemoveOnlineCredential
Specify this switch with -Company to remove Office365 credentials from the specified company.
Set OnPremise settings for ExampleServices.
Set-Company -Company ExampleServices -ADDriveName ES -ADFQDN -ADCredential example\username
Set Exchange settings for ExampleServices.
Set-Company -Company ExampleServices -OnPremExchangeHost -OnPremCredential example\username
Set Office365 settings for ExampleServices.
Set-Company -Company ExampleServices -OnlineCredential example\username
Set cmdlets to connect without MFA
Set-Company -Company ExampleServices -OnlineCredential example\username -OnlineNoMFA
Company profiles are stored in %APPDATA%\.SPMTools
Credentials are stored securely in the Windows Credential Vault.

Function Set-Company {
        # AD Set





        # OnPrem Set





        # Online Set










        # Removal Set


    DynamicParam {
        $ParameterName = 'Name'
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary
        $ParameterAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute

        $ParameterAttribute.Mandatory = $true
        $ParameterAttribute.Position = 1
        $ParameterAttribute.ValueFromPipeline = $true

        $AttributeCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute]

        $ValidateSet = $Script:Config.Companies.Keys
        if($ValidateSet.length -gt 0) {
            $ValidateSetAttribute = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute($ValidateSet)
        $RuntimeParameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter($ParameterName, [string], $AttributeCollection)
        $RuntimeParameterDictionary.Add($ParameterName, $RuntimeParameter)
        return $RuntimeParameterDictionary
    Begin {
        $CompanyName = $PSBoundParameters.Name
        #Validation Error handling
        if(!$Script:Config.Companies.ContainsKey($CompanyName)) {
            $message = "No companies have been set up. Please use the New-Company command to create one."
            $Param = @{
                ExceptionName = "System.ArgumentException"
                ExceptionMessage = $message
                ErrorId = "SetCompanyNoCompaniesAvailable" 
                CallerPSCmdlet = $PSCmdlet
                ErrorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
            ThrowError @Param

        $CompanyObj = $Script:Config.Companies.$CompanyName

        ## AD Settings
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'AD') {
            # Inital Settings
            if(!$CompanyObj.Domain) {
                $CompanyObj.Domain = @{
                    PSDriveLetter = ''
                    FQDN = ''
                    PreferedDomainController = $false
                    Favorite = $false
                    CredentialName = $false

            # Addition of Paramaters
            if($ADDriveName) {
                $CompanyObj.Domain.PSDriveLetter = $ADDriveName

            if($ADFQDN) {
                $CompanyObj.Domain.FQDN = $ADFQDN

            if($ADPreferedDomainController) {
                $CompanyObj.Domain.PreferedDomainController = $ADPreferedDomainController

            if($ADFavorite) {
                $CompanyObj.Domain.Favorite = $true
            else {
                $CompanyObj.Domain.Favorite = $false

            if($ADCredential) {
                $Param = @{
                    Target = "AD_$CompanyName" 
                    Persist = 'Enterprise' 
                    Credentials = $ADCredential
                $null = New-StoredCredential @Param
                $CompanyObj.Domain.CredentialName = "AD_$CompanyName"

        ## On-Prem Services Settings
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'OnPrem') {
            # OnPrem does not have inital settings as these are set
            # by New-Company

            # Addition of Paramaters
            if($OnPremExchangeHost) {
                $Uri = "http://$OnPremExchangeHost/PowerShell/"
                $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.ExchangeURI = $Uri

            if($OnPremExchangeURI) {
                $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.ExchangeURI = $OnPremExchangeURI

            if($OnPremSkypeHost) {
                $Uri = "https://$OnPremSkypeHost/OCSPowerShell/"
                $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.SkypeURI = $Uri

            if($OnPremSkypeURI) {
                $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.SkypeURI = $OnPremSkypeURI

            if($OnPremCredential) {
                $Param = @{
                    Target = "OnPrem_$CompanyName" 
                    Persist = 'Enterprise' 
                    Credentials = $OnPremCredential
                $null = New-StoredCredential @Param
                $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.CredentialName = "OnPrem_$CompanyName"

        ## Office365 Configuration
        if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Online') {
            # Initial Settings
            if(!$CompanyObj.O365) {
                $CompanyObj.O365 = @{
                    Mfa = $false
                    ExchangeOnlineUri = $false
                    SkypeOnlineUri = $false
                    SharePointOnlineUri = $false
                    ComplianceCenterUri = $false
                    AzureADAuthorizationEndpointUri = $false
                    CredentialName = $false
                    AzureUsageLocation = $false
                    RemoteRoutingSuffix = $false
                    DirSync = $false

            # Addition of Paramaters
            if($OnlineNoMFA -eq $true) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.Mfa = $false
            else {
                $CompanyObj.O365.Mfa = $true

            if($OnlineExchangeURI) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.ExchangeOnlineUri = $OnlineExchangeURI
            else {
                $CompanyObj.O365.ExchangeOnlineUri = ''

            if($OnlineSkypeURI) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.SkypeOnlineUri = $OnlineSkypeURI
            else {
                # This default is not used due to New-CSOnlineSession
                $CompanyObj.O365.SkypeOnlineUri = ''

            if($OnlineSharePointURI) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.SharePointOnlineUri = $OnlineSharePointURI
            else {
                # This tells Connect-SharePointOnline to use the logon name instead
                $CompanyObj.O365.SharePointOnlineUri = $false

            if($OnlineComplianceCenterURI) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.ComplianceCenterUri = $OnlineComplianceCenterURI
            else {
                $CompanyObj.O365.ComplianceCenterUri = ''

            if($OnlineAuthorizationEndpointURI) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.AzureADAuthorizationEndpointUri = $OnlineAuthorizationEndpointURI
            else {
                $CompanyObj.O365.AzureADAuthorizationEndpointUri = ''

            if($OnlineDirSyncHost -and !$CompanyObj.O365.DirSync) {
                #Create DirSync Record
                $CompanyObj.O365.DirSync = @{
                    Host = $false
                    ConfigurationName = $false
                    PolicyType = "Delta"

                Write-Warning "In order to use Invoke-DirSync, the user context for this command must be able to create a remote Powershell session with the DirSync host and must be a member of \ADSyncOperators"
            if($OnlineDirSyncHost) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.DirSync.Host = $OnlineDirSyncHost

            if(($OnlineDirSyncPolicyType -or $OnlineDirSyncConfigurationName) -and $CompanyObj.O365.DirSync) {
                if($OnlineDirSyncPolicyType) {
                    $CompanyObj.O365.DirSync.PolicyType = $OnlineDirSyncPolicyType
                if($OnlineDirSyncConfigurationName) {
                    $CompanyObj.O365.DirSync.ConfigurationName = $OnlineDirSyncConfigurationName
            elseif ($OnlineDirSyncPolicyType) {
                $message = "No DirSync Host specified or in configuration."
                $Param = @{
                    ExceptionName = "System.ArgumentException"
                    ExceptionMessage = $message
                    ErrorId = "SetCompanyNoDirSyncHost" 
                    CallerPSCmdlet = $PSCmdlet
                    ErrorCategory = 'InvalidArgument'
                ThrowError @Param

            if($OnlineCredential) {
                $Param = @{
                    Target = "O365_$CompanyName" 
                    Persist = 'Enterprise' 
                    Credentials = $OnlineCredential
                $null = New-StoredCredential @Param
                $CompanyObj.O365.CredentialName = "O365_$CompanyName"
            if($OnlineAzureUsageLocation) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.AzureUsageLocation = $OnlineAzureUsageLocation
            if($OnlineRemoteRoutingSuffix) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.RemoteRoutingSuffix = $OnlineRemoteRoutingSuffix
            if($OnlineDirSyncHost) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.DirSyncHost = $OnlineDirSyncHost
            if($OnlineDirSyncDC) {
                $CompanyObj.O365.DirSyncDC = $OnlineDirSyncDC


        ## Credential removal
        if($RemoveADCredential -and $CompanyObj.Domain) {
            Remove-StoredCredential -Target "AD_$CompanyName"
            $CompanyObj.Domain.CredentialName = $false

        if($RemoveOnPremCredential -and $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.CredentialName) {
            Remove-StoredCredential -Target "OnPrem_$CompanyName"
            $CompanyObj.OnPremServices.CredentialName = $false

        if($RemoveOnlineCredential -and $CompanyObj.O365) {
            Remove-StoredCredential -Target "O365_$CompanyName"
            $CompanyObj.O365.CredentialName = $false

        $script:Config.Companies.$CompanyName = $CompanyObj