
Function New-ADDrive {

    Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Started"
    $inputObj = $PSBoundParameters.InputObj

    Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Checking for ActiveDirectory PSProvider"
    Try {
        $null = Get-PSProvider -PSProvider ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] PSProvider Found"
    Catch [System.Management.Automation.ProviderNotFoundException] {
        Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] PSProvider Missing"
        $ADPS_LoadDriveState = $false
            $Env:ADPS_LoadDefaultDrive -eq 1 -or
            $Env:ADPS_LoadDefaultDrive -eq $null
        ) {
            #Save old value if needed.
            #If the value is not set, the module sets it to '1' on startup
            Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] LoadDefaultDrive set to TRUE"
            $ADPS_LoadDriveState = 1
            $Env:ADPS_LoadDefaultDrive = 0

        #The ActiveDirectory PSProvider can go missing after it's imported.
        #Thus we refrest to be sure
        Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Removing and re-adding ActiveDirectory"
        Remove-Module ActiveDirectory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Import-Module ActiveDirectory -ErrorAction Stop

        #Reset value back to defaults
        if($ADPS_LoadDriveState -eq 1) {
            Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Restoring LoadDefaultDrive state"
            $Env:ADPS_LoadDefaultDrive = $ADPS_LoadDriveState

    ForEach ($DomainObj in $inputObj) {
        #First let's make sure a drive doesn't exist
        Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Checking if $($DomainObj.PSDriveLetter) exists"
        $DriveExists = $false
        Try {
            $null = Get-PSDrive -Name $DomainObj.PSDriveLetter -ErrorAction Stop
            $DriveExists = $true
            Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Drive exists"
        Catch { 
            Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Drive does not exist"

        if(!$DriveExists) {
            Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Creating drive"
            $Param = @{
                Name = $DomainObj.PSDriveLetter
                PSProvider = 'ActiveDirectory'
                Root = ''
                Scope = 'Global'
            if($DomainObj.PreferedDomainController) {
                Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Using Prefered Domain Controller $($DomainObj.PreferedDomainController)"
            else {
                Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Using FQDN"

            if($DomainObj.CredentialName) {
                Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Credentials found. Using $($DomainObj.CredentialName)"
                $ConnectionCredentials = Get-StoredCredential -Target $DomainObj.CredentialName        
            Write-Debug "[New-ADDrive] Calling New-PSDrive"
            New-PSDrive @Param
        else {
            $message = "The drive '$($DomainObj.PSDriveLetter)' exists. Please unmount it before calling '$($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.InvocationName)' again"
            $Exception = [System.Management.Automation.DriveNotFoundException]::new($message)
            Throw $Exception