function Get-SnmpData { <# .SYNOPSIS Function reading data from SNMP. .DESCRIPTION Function reads data from SNMP using library SharpSnmpLib. Libraries taken from project SharpSnmpLib ( #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Endpoint IP address. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Endpoint IP address' )] [Net.IPAddress]$IP, # OID list. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OID list' )] [string[]]$OID, # SNMP Community. [string]$Community = 'public', # SNMP port. [int]$UDPport = 161, # SNMP version. [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.VersionCode]$Version = 'V2', # Time out value. [int]$TimeOut = 3000 ) $variableList = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable] foreach ($singleOID in $OID) { $variableList.Add($( New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ObjectIdentifier $singleOID )) } $endpoint = New-Object Net.IpEndPoint $IP, $UDPport try { $message = [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.Messenger]::Get( $Version, $endpoint, $Community, $variableList, $TimeOut ) } catch { Write-Host "SNMP Get error: $_" return } foreach ($variable in $message) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ OID = $variable.Id.ToString() Data = $variable.Data.ToString() } } } function Set-SnmpData { <# .SYNOPSIS Function that changes data in SNMP. .DESCRIPTION Function that changes data in SNMP using SharpSnmpLib library. Libraries taken from project SharpSnmpLib ( #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Endpoint IP address. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Endpoint IP address' )] [Net.IPAddress]$IP, # OID of object that will be set. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OID of object that will be set' )] [string]$OID, # Value that will be used. $Value, # Type of value. [ValidateSet( 'Integer32', 'Gauge32', 'TimeTicks', 'IP', 'ObjectIdentifier', 'OctetString', 'Null', IgnoreCase = $false )] [string]$ValueType = 'OctetString', # SNMP Community. [string]$Community = 'private', # SNMP port. [int]$UDPport = 161, # SNMP version. [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.VersionCode]$Version = 'V2', # Time out value. [int]$TimeOut=3000 ) if ($ValueType -eq 'Null' -or $Value -eq $null) { $CookedValue = New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Null } else { $CookedValue = New-Object "Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.$ValueType" $Value } $VariableList = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable] $VariableList.Add($( New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable -ArgumentList @( $(New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ObjectIdentifier $OID), $CookedValue ) )) $Endpoint = New-Object Net.IpEndPoint $IP, $UDPport try { $Message = [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.Messenger]::Set( $Version, $Endpoint, $Community, $VariableList, $TimeOut ) } catch { Write-Host "SNMP Set błąd: $_" return } foreach ($Variable in $Message) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ OID = $Variable.Id.ToString() Data = $Variable.Data.ToString() } } } function Invoke-SnmpWalk { <# .SYNOPSIS Function reading data from SNMP using "Walk" method. .DESCRIPTION Function reading data from SNMP using "Walk" method using SharpSnmpLib library. Libraries taken from project SharpSnmpLib ( #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Endpoint IP address. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Endpoint IP address' )] [Net.IPAddress]$IP, # OID of root object. [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'OID of root object' )] [string[]]$OIDStart, # SNMP Community. [string]$Community = 'public', # SNMP port. [int]$UDPport = 161, # SNMP version. [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.VersionCode]$Version = 'V2', # "Walk" method mode. [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.WalkMode]$WalkMode = 'WithinSubtree', # Time out value. [int]$TimeOut = 3000 ) $OID = New-Object Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.ObjectIdentifier $OIDStart $results = New-Object Collections.Generic.List[Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Variable] $endpoint = New-Object Net.IpEndPoint $IP, $UDPport try { [Lextm.SharpSnmpLib.Messaging.Messenger]::Walk( $Version, $endpoint, $Community, $OID, $results, $TimeOut, $WalkMode ) | Write-Verbose -Message { 'Found: {0}' -f [bool]$_ } } catch { Write-Host "SNMP Walk issue: $_" return } foreach ($variable in $results) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ OID = $variable.Id.ToString() Data = $variable.Data.ToString() } } } |