<# Get-SMBIOS Copyright (C) 2020 Vincent Anso This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. This program was inspired by DMI Decode. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Alan Cox <> Copyright (C) 2002-2020 Jean Delvare <> #> using module ".\SMBIOSLib.psm1" using namespace System.Collections using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Collections.Specialized function Get-SMBIOS { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) informations. .DESCRIPTION The Get-SMBIOS function gets the SMBIOS table contents in the form of objects. .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to Get-SMBIOS. .OUTPUTS System.Collections.Generic.List[Object] Get-SMBIOS returns a list of SMBIOS objects. .EXAMPLE # Get all properties of Type 0 (BIOS). C:\PS> Get-SMBIOS -Type 0 _Type : 0 _Description : BIOS _Handle : 26 Vendor : Apple Inc. Version : ReleaseDate : jeudi 13 juin 2019 AddressSegment : 0x00000 ROMSize : 8 192 Kb ImageSize : 1 024 Kb Characteristics : {PCI is supported, BIOS is upgradeable (Flash), BIOS shadowing is allowed, Boot from CD is supported} Release : 0.1 FirmwareRelease : Not available .EXAMPLE # Display all properties of Type 0 (BIOS) and Type 1 (System). Get-SMBIOS -Type 0,1 .EXAMPLE # Get Vendor and Version properties of Type 0 C:\PS> Get-SMBIOS -Type 0 -Property Vendor, Version _Type : 0 _Description : BIOS _Handle : 26 Vendor : Apple Inc. Version : .EXAMPLE # Get the value of the Vendor property of Type 0 (as SMBString type). C:\PS> (Get-SMBIOS -Type 0 -Property Vendor).Vendor Apple Inc. .EXAMPLE # Get the value of the ChassisType property of Type 3 (as StringValue type). C:\PS> (Get-SMBIOS -Type 3 -Property ChassisType).ChassisType Value DisplayValue ----- ------------ 10 Notebook .EXAMPLE # Get the value of the Features property of Type 2 (as StringValue array type). C:\PS> (Get-SMBIOS -Type 2 -Property Features).Features Value DisplayValue ----- ------------ 0 is a hosted board 3 is replacable .LINK .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "Type")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Type", Position=0)] # Display all properties of a specified SMBIOS type. [Byte[]]$Type = 0..[Byte]::MaxValue, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Type", Position=1)] # Display selected properties of a specified SMBIOS type (Defined by the Type parameter). [String[]]$Property = "*", [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Handle")] # Display all properties of a specified SMBIOS handle. [UInt16[]]$Handle = 0..[UInt16]::MaxValue, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Type")] # Display all properties in a expanded form (Value DisplayValue). [Switch]$Expand = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Type")] # Specifies the memory size unit used for displaying memory capacities (B, kB, MB, GB, TB, PB ,EB ,ZB ,YB, Auto). [MemorySizeUnit]$MemorySizeUnit = [MemorySizeUnit]::Auto, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ListTypes")] # List all SMBIOS types. [Switch]$ListTypes, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ListAvailableTypes")] # List availables SMBIOS types. [Switch]$ListAvailableTypes, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "ExcludeOEMTypes")] # List availables SMBIOS types without thoses greater than type 127. [Switch]$ExcludeOEMTypes, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Raw")] # Gets the SMBIOS table contents in the form of a minimal hash table (Type, Handle, Length, Data, Strings). [Switch]$Raw, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Version")] # Display the SMBIOS version. [Switch]$Version, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Statistics")] # Display statistics about the SMBIOS. [Switch]$Statistics ) [Settings]::MemorySizeUnit = $MemorySizeUnit [Settings]::Verbose = $PSBoundParameters['Verbose'] [Settings]::Expand = $Expand [Settings]::TemperatureUnit = [TemperatureUnit]::Celsius $PSPlatformName = $null # When $IsWindows doesn't exist on PowerShell 5.x if ($PSVersionTable.Platform) { if ($IsMacOS) { $PSPlatformName = "macOS" [OSPlatform]::IsMacOS = $true } elseif ($IsLinux) { $PSPlatformName = "Linux" [OSPlatform]::IsLinux = $true } elseif ($IsWindows) { $PSPlatformName = "Windows" [OSPlatform]::IsWindows = $true } } else { $PSPlatformName = "Windows" [OSPlatform]::IsWindows = $true } Write-Verbose "PSPlatformName : $PSPlatformName" switch ($PSPlatformName) { "macOS" { $entryPoint = [SMBIOS]::ReadAppleSMBIOSProperty("`"SMBIOS-EPS`"") $tableData = [SMBIOS]::ReadAppleSMBIOSProperty("`"SMBIOS`"") } "Linux" { if (Test-Path -Path "/sys/firmware/dmi/tables/smbios_entry_point") { try { $entryPoint = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("/sys/firmware/dmi/tables/smbios_entry_point") } catch { Write-Host "An error occurred with reading the SMBIOS entry point ($($error[0].Exception.InnerException.Message))" break } } if (Test-Path -Path "/sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI") { try { $tableData = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("/sys/firmware/dmi/tables/DMI") } catch { Write-Host "An error occurred with reading the SMBIOS table $($error[0].Exception.InnerException.Message)" break } } } "Windows" { $SMBIOSRaw = (Get-CimInstance -Namespace root/WMI -ClassName MSSmBios_RawSMBiosTables -Verbose:$false -ErrorVariable cmdletError -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if ($cmdletError) { Write-Host "SMBIOS data not found ($($cmdletError.Exception.Message))." break } $tableData = $SMBIOSRaw.SMBIOSData [SMBIOS]::TableDataSize = $SMBIOSRaw.Size [SMBIOS]::Version = [Version]::new($SMBIOSRaw.SmbiosMajorVersion, $SMBIOSRaw.SmbiosMinorVersion) } } if ( -Not ([OSPlatform]::IsWindows) ) { if ($entryPoint) { [SMBIOS]::ParseEntryPoint($entryPoint) } else { Write-Host "SMBIOS entry point not found." break } } if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Version") { return [SMBIOS]::Version } if ($tableData) { [SMBIOS]::ParseTableData($tableData) } else { Write-Host "SMBIOS table data not found." break } Write-Verbose "SMBIOS version : $([SMBIOS]::Version)" Write-Verbose "$([SMBIOS]::Structures.Count) structures found in $([SMBIOS]::TableDataSize) bytes." [List[Hashtable]]$elements = $null switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Type" { $elements = [SMBIOS]::Structures.FindAll( { $Type -contains $args[0].Type } ) } "Handle" { $elements = [SMBIOS]::Structures.FindAll( { $Handle -contains $args[0].Handle } ) } "ListTypes" { $list = [ArrayList]::new() for ($SMBIOSType = 0; $SMBIOSType -le 44; $SMBIOSType++) { $list.Add( [SMBIOS]::Types[$SMBIOSType] ) | Out-Null } for ($SMBIOSType = 126; $SMBIOSType -le 127; $SMBIOSType++) { $list.Add( [SMBIOS]::Types[$SMBIOSType] ) | Out-Null } $list.Add( [SMBIOSType]::new(128, [Localization]::LocalizedString("START_OEM_RANGE") , @() ) ) | Out-Null $list.Add( [SMBIOSType]::new(255, [Localization]::LocalizedString("END_OEM_RANGE"), @() ) ) | Out-Null return $list } "ListAvailableTypes" { $availableTypes = [SMBIOS]::Structures.Type | Select-Object -Unique $list = [ArrayList]::new() foreach ($SMBIOSType in $availableTypes) { $list.Add( [SMBIOS]::Types[$SMBIOSType] ) | Out-Null } return $list } "ExcludeOEMTypes" { $excludeTypes = [SMBIOS]::Structures.Type | Where-Object { $_ -le 127 } | Select-Object -Unique $list = [ArrayList]::new() foreach ($SMBIOSType in $excludeTypes) { $list.Add( [SMBIOS]::Types[$SMBIOSType] ) | Out-Null } return $list } "Raw" { return [SMBIOS]::Structures } "Statistics" { $unit = [Localization]::LocalizedString([MemorySizeUnit]::B) return [Ordered]@{ NumberOfStructures = $([SMBIOS]::Structures.Count) ; TableDataLength = $([StringValue]::new([SMBIOS]::TableDataSize, "{0} $unit")) } } } $outputs = [List[Object]]::new() $counter = 0 foreach ($element in $elements) { $_type = $element.Type $_length = $element.Length $_handle = $element.Handle $_data = $element.Data $_strings = $element.Strings $counter = $counter + 1 Write-Progress -Activity "Structures remaining to be readed : $($elements.count - $counter)" -Status "Reading structure : $counter - Type : $_type ($([SMBIOS]::Types[$_type].Name)), Handle : $_handle, Length : $_length bytes" -PercentComplete $($counter / $elements.count * 100) switch ($_type) { 0 { $object = [BIOSInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("bios", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 1 { $object = [SystemInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("system", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 2 { $object = [BaseboardInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("baseboard", "module", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 3 { $object = [SystemEnclosure]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("system", "enclosure", "chassis"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 4 { $object = [ProcessorInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("processor", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 5 { $object = [MemoryControllerInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("memory", "controller", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 6 { $object = [MemoryModuleInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("memory", "module", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 7 { $object = [CacheInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("cache", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 8 { $object = [PortConnectorInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("port", "connector", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 9 { $object = [SystemSlots]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("sytem", "slots"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 10 { $object = [OnBoardDevicesInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("onboard", "devices", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 11 { $object = [OEMStrings]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("oem", "strings"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 12 { $object = [SystemConfigurationOptions]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("strings"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 13 { $object = [BIOSLanguageInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("bios", "language", "information"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 14 { $object = [GroupAssociations]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("group", "associations"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 15 { $object = [SystemEventLog]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("system", "event", "log"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 16 { $object = [PhysicalMemoryArray]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("physical", "memory"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 17 { $object = [MemoryDevice]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @("memory", "device"), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 18 { $object = [_32BitMemoryErrorInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 19 { $object = [MemoryArrayMappedAddress]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 20 { $object = [MemoryDeviceMappedAddress]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 21 { $object = [BuiltInPointingDevice]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 22 { $object = [PortableBattery]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 23 { $object = [SystemReset]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 24 { $object = [HardwareSecurity]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 25 { $object = [SystemPowerControls]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 26 { $object = [VoltageProbe]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 27 { $object = [CoolingDevice]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 28 { $object = [TemperatureProbe]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 29 { $object = [ElectricalCurrentProbe]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 30 { $object = [OutOfBandRemoteAccess]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 31 { $object = [BootIntegrityServicesEntryPoint]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 32 { $object = [SystemBootInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 33 { $object = [_64BitMemoryErrorInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 34 { $object = [ManagementDevice]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 35 { $object = [ManagementDeviceComponent]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 36 { $object = [ManagementDeviceThresholdData]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 37 { $object = [MemoryChannel]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 38 { $object = [IPMIDeviceInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 39 { $object = [SystemPowerSupply]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 40 { $object = [AdditionalInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 41 { $object = [OnboardDevicesExtendedInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 42 { $object = [ManagementControllerHostInterface]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) } 43 { $object = [TPMDevice]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) } 44 { $object = [ProcessorAdditionalInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) } 126 { $object = [Inactive]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } 127 { $object = [EndOfTable]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } default { $object = [OEMSpecificInformation]::new($_type, [SMBIOS]::Descriptions[$_type].Description, @(), $_length, $_handle, $_data, $_strings) break } } $object.SetProperties($Property) $object.Properties.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $object | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $($_.Key) -Value $($_.Value) -Force } $outputs.Add($object) } Write-Progress "Done" -Completed return $outputs } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-SMBIOS |