function ConvertTo-O365{ [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Separator = "`t", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [hashtable] $Licenses ) try{ $Inventory = new-object -TypeName psobject -Property @{ Users = @() Groups = @() } $Content = Import-CSV -Path $Path -Delimiter $Separator $CSVProperties = get-member -InputObject $Content -MemberType NoteProperty $UserProperties = @() [user]::new()|get-member -MemberType Property|%{$UserProperties += $_.Name} foreach($Property in $CSVProperties){ if($UserProperties -notcontains $Property.Name){ write-log -Type Error -Message "CSV was not in the correct format: '$($Property.Name)' is not recognized." return $null } } foreach($Item in $Content){ $User = new-object User foreach($Property in $UserProperties){ switch($Property){ "DisplayName" {$User.DisplayName = [Regex]::Replace($Item.First,'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '') + "." + [Regex]::Replace($Item.Last,'[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '')} "Password"{break;} "Login"{break;} "License" { if(($License = $Licenses[$Item.License]) -ne $null){ if($License.Available -le 0){ throw "There are not enough licenses available to provision the users ($($License.Name))" } $User.License = $License $License.Available-- } else { Write-Log -Type Warning -Message "License $($Item.License) for user $($Item.DisplayName) not found in the subscription" } break; } "Groups" { $Group = new-object Group <# if($Item.Groups.StartsWith('*')){ $Group.Owner = ([ref]$User).value $Group.Name = $Item.Groups.substring(1,$Item.Groups.length - 1) $found = $false $Inventory.Groups.ForEach{ if($_.Name -eq $Group.Name){ $_.Owner = ([ref]$Group.Owner).value $found = $true } } } else { #> $Group.Name = $Item.Groups # } if((($Inventory.Groups).ForEach{$_.Name}) -notcontains $Group.Name){ $Group.Owner = ([ref]$User).Value $Inventory.Groups += $Group } $User.Groups.Add($Group); break; } default {$User.$_ = $Item.$_;break;} } } $Inventory.Users += $User } return $Inventory } catch { throw "Error while parsing CSV to O365 Inventory: '$_' @ $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber) - $($_.InvocationInfo.Line)" } } |