Set-PSFScriptblock -Name 'SMAX.PagingHandler' -Scriptblock { # $EnablePaging -eq $true $logTagName = "SMAX.PagingHandler" Write-PSFMessage "Start SMAX.PagingHandler" -FunctionName 'SMAX.PagingHandler' try { if (-not ($result.meta)) { Write-PSFMessage "Paging enabled, but no meta.total_count result" -Level Warning -FunctionName $logTagName } else { $totalCount = $result.meta.total_count Write-PSFMessage "Paging enabled, starting loop, totalCount=$totalCount" -ModuleName ServiceManagementX -FunctionName 'SMAX.PagingHandler' $allItems = $result.entities $resultCount = ($result.entities | Measure-Object).count $allItemsCount = ($allItems | Measure-Object).count write-psfmessage "Current Item-Count: $allItemsCount" -ModuleName ServiceManagementX -FunctionName 'SMAX.PagingHandler' # If no Page was given as a parameter then the returned object count as the configured size if (!($UrlParameter.size)) { $UrlParameter.size = $resultCount } # If no Page was given as a parameter then it was page 1 we just requested if (!($UrlParameter.skip)) { $UrlParameter.skip = 0 } while ($totalCount -gt $allItems.count -and $result.meta.completion_status -eq 'OK') { # Fetch the next page of items $UrlParameter.skip = $allItems.count Write-PSFMessage "totalCount=$totalCount -gt allItems.count=$($allItems.count)" -ModuleName ServiceManagementX -FunctionName 'SMAX.PagingHandler' $nextParameter = @{ Connection = $Connection Path = $Path Body = $Body UrlParameter = $UrlParameter Method = $Method LoggingAction = "Paging" LoggingActionValues = @($allItems.count,$totalCount) # NO EnablePaging in the next Call } write-psfmessage "InvokeAPI with Params= $($nextParameter|convertto-json -depth 10)" -Level Debug -ModuleName ServiceManagementX -FunctionName 'SMAX.PagingHandler' $result = Invoke-SMAXAPI @nextParameter $allItems += ($result.entities) } if ($result.meta.completion_status -ne 'OK') { Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning "completion_status NOT OK, $($result.meta |ConvertTo-Json -Compress)" } return $allItems } } catch { Write-PSFMessage "$_" -ErrorRecord $_ -Tag "Catch" } } |