
  Function for publishing build output from Run-AlPipeline to storage account
  Example of json file:
        "publishProfiles": [
                "profile": "latest-apps",
                "collection": "apps",
                "filename": "latest",
                "saveFixedVersion": false
                "profile": "release-apps",
                "collection": "apps",
                "filename": "release",
                "saveFixedVersion": true
                "profile": "testapps",
                "collection": "testapps",
                "filename": "latest",
                "saveFixedVersion": false
        "publishCollections": [
                "collection": "apps",
                "items": [
                        "appNames": "SMART Helpers,SMART Core,SMART Excel Report Builder,SMART Core Localization for Ukraine,SMART Operational Reporting,SMART VAT Localization for Ukraine",
                        "shortName": "ua"
                        "appNames": "SMART Helpers,SMART Core",
                        "shortName": "core"
                "destinations": [
                        "appType": "RuntimePackages",
                        "containerName": "localization-runtimes"
                        "appType": "Apps",
                        "containerName": "localization-apps"
                "collection": "testapps",
                "items": [
                        "appNames": "SMART Core Test Library",
                        "shortName": "core-test-library"
                        "appNames": "SMART Core Test",
                        "shortName": "core-tests"
                "destinations": [
                        "appType": "TestApps",
                        "containerName": "localization-testapps"
 .Parameter settingsFile
  Json file with publish settings
 .Parameter profileNames
  Comma-separated profile names from the settings file that you need to publish
 .Parameter StorageConnectionString
  A connectionstring with access to the storage account in which you want to publish artifacts (SecureString or String)

function Save-PublishProfileToAzureStorage {
        [string] $profileNames,
        [string] $settingsFile,

    $settings = Get-Content -Path $settingsFile | ConvertFrom-Json

    $profiles = $profileNames | splitToArray

    foreach ($profileName in $profiles)
        $profile = $settings.publishProfiles | Where-Object { $_.profile -eq $profileName }

        $collection = $settings.publishCollections | Where-Object { $_.collection -eq $profile.collection }

        foreach ($item in $collection.items) 
            foreach ($destination in $collection.destinations) 
                $basePath = Join-Path $appBasePath $($destination.appType)

                if ($profile.type -eq "nuget")
                    $appNamesArray = $($item.appNames) -split ','
                    $appPaths = @()
                    foreach ($appName in $appNamesArray) {
                        $appPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $basePath -Filter "*$appName*.app" -Recurse
                        if ($appPath) {
                            $appPaths += $appPath.FullName
                    Save-NuGetPackage `
                        -nuGetFeed $($destination.nuGetFeedUrl) `
                        -appNames $appPaths

                } else {
                    $destinationPath = Join-Path $item.shortName ($profile.filename + ".zip")

                    Write-Host -NoNewline "Saving $($item.appNames) to $($destination.containerName)\$destinationPath ... "
                    Save-AppsToAzureStorage `
                        -appNames $($item.appNames) `
                        -appBasePath $basePath `
                        -storageConnectionString "$StorageConnectionString" `
                        -containerName $($destination.containerName) `
                        -destinationPath $destinationPath `
                    Write-Host "done"

                    if ($profile.saveFixedVersion) {
                        $version = Get-BuildVersionFromArtifacts -appBasePath $basePath
                        if ($version -ne "") {
                            $destinationPath = Join-Path $item.shortName ($version + ".zip")
                            Write-Host -NoNewline "Saving $($item.appNames) to $($destination.containerName)\$path ... "
                            Save-AppsToAzureStorage `
                                -appNames $($item.appNames) `
                                -appBasePath $basePath `
                                -storageConnectionString "$StorageConnectionString" `
                                -containerName $($destination.containerName) `
                                -destinationPath $destinationPath `
                            Write-Host "done"

Write-Verbose "Function imported: Save-PublishProfileToAzureStorage"