
  Function for publishing build output from Run-AlPipeline to storage account
  Modified version of Freddy's
 .Parameter StorageConnectionString
  A connectionstring with access to the storage account in which you want to publish artifacts (SecureString or String)
 .Parameter containerName
  Project name of the app you want to publish. This becomes part of the blob url.
 .Parameter destinationPath
  Path inside blob of the archive you want to publish. This becomes part of the blob url.
 .Parameter appNames
  Comma-separated list of app names to save
 .Parameter appBasePath
  Base path where apps are stored

function Save-AppsToAzureStorage {
        [string] $containerName,
        [string] $destinationPath,
        [switch] $silent

  $tempFile = Join-Path ([System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "$([Guid]::newguid().ToString()).zip" 

  $appNames | splitToArray(',') | findAppByNameInFolder($appBasePath) | Compress-Archive -DestinationPath $tempFile

  Copy-FileToAzureStorage `
      -storageConnectionString "$StorageConnectionString" `
      -containerName $containerName `
      -filename $tempFile `
      -destinationPath $destinationPath `

  Remove-Item $tempFile -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue 

Write-Verbose "Function imported: Save-AppsToAzureStorage"