# Configure script to use TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

# Set Global User Data Path Variable
New-Variable -Name 'sky_api_user_data_path' -Value "$([Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('LOCALAPPDATA'))\SKYAPI PowerShell" -Scope Global -Force

# Aliases
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolLegacyList -Value Get-SchoolList
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolSchedulesMeetings -Value Get-SchoolScheduleMeeting
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolActivityListBySchoolLevel -Value Get-SchoolActivityBySchoolLevel
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolAdvisoryListBySchoolLevel -Value Get-SchoolAdvisoryBySchoolLevel
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolCourseList -Value Get-SchoolCourse
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolDepartmentList -Value Get-SchoolDepartment
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolEducationList -Value Get-SchoolUserEducation
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolGradeLevelList -Value Get-SchoolGradeLevel
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolLevelList -Value Get-SchoolLevel
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolNewsCategories -Value Get-SchoolNewsCategory
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolNewsItems -Value Get-SchoolNewsItem
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolOfferingTypeList -Value Get-SchoolOfferingType
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolRoleList  -Value Get-SchoolRole
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolSectionListBySchoolLevel -Value Get-SchoolSectionBySchoolLevel
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolSectionListByStudent -Value Get-SchoolSectionByStudent
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolSectionListByTeacher -Value Get-SchoolSectionByTeacher
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolStudentEnrollmentList -Value Get-SchoolStudentEnrollment
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolStudentListBySection -Value Get-SchoolStudentBySection
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolTermList -Value Get-SchoolTerm
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolUserExtendedList -Value Get-SchoolUserExtendedByBaseRole
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolUserList -Value Get-SchoolUserByRole
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolUserPhoneList -Value Get-SchoolUserPhone
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolUserPhoneTypeList -Value Get-SchoolUserPhoneType
Set-Alias -Name Get-SchoolYearList -Value Get-SchoolYear
Set-Alias -Name New-SchoolEventsCategory -Value New-SchoolEventCategory

# Type Definitions

# Public Enum
# Name: MarkerType
# Value: NEXT_RECORD_NUMBER - Use the record number as the marker value to return the next set of results. For example: marker=101 will return the second set of results.
# Value: OFFSET - The record to start the next collection on.
# Value: LAST_USER_ID - Use the last user's ID as the marker value to return the next set of results.
# Value: NEXT_PAGE - Use the page number as the marker value to return the next set of results. For example: page=2 will return the second set of results.

# Check to see if the MarkerType Type is already loading to prevent the "Cannot add type. The type name 'MarkerType' already exists." error message.
if ("MarkerType" -as [type]) {} else {
Add-Type -TypeDefinition @"
public enum MarkerType {


# Functions
function Set-SKYAPIConfigFilePath
    param (
    New-Variable -Name 'sky_api_config_file_path' -Value $Path -Scope Global -Force

function Set-SKYAPITokensFilePath
    param (
    New-Variable -Name 'sky_api_tokens_file_path' -Value $Path -Scope Global -Force

Function Get-SKYAPIAuthToken

    #Build token request
    $AuthorizationPostRequest = 'grant_type=' + $grant_type + '&' +
    'redirect_uri=' + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirect_uri) + '&' +
    'client_id=' + $client_id + '&' +
    'client_secret=' + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($client_secret) + '&' +
    'code=' + $authCode

    $Authorization =
        Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Post `
                            -ContentType application/x-www-form-urlencoded `
                            -Uri $token_uri `
                            -Body $AuthorizationPostRequest

    Get-SKYAPIAccessToken: Uses the long life (365 days) refresh_token to get a new access_token.
    When you use a refresh token, you'll receive a new short-lived access token (60 minutes)
    that you can use when making subsequent calls to the SKY API.
    Using a refresh token also exchanges the current refresh token for a new one to reset the token life.

Function Get-SKYAPIAccessToken

    #Build token request
    $AuthorizationPostRequest = 'grant_type=' + $grant_type + '&' +
    'redirect_uri=' + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirect_uri) + '&' +
    'client_id=' + $client_id + '&' +
    'client_secret=' + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($client_secret) + '&' +
    'refresh_token=' + $authCode

    $Authorization =
        Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Post `
                            -ContentType application/x-www-form-urlencoded `
                            -Uri $token_uri `
                            -Body $AuthorizationPostRequest
    # Add in creation timestamps for the tokens (NOTE THIS IS UTC).
    $Timestamp = $((Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().ToString("o"))
    $Authorization | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "refresh_token_creation" -Value $Timestamp -Force
    $Authorization | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "access_token_creation" -Value $Timestamp -Force


# Helper function to get a specified nested member property of an object.
# From:
# This will take an array with each item as the next property in the path, or you can use a string with a delimiter (e.g., "results.rows")
function Resolve-SKYAPIMemberChain
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

            $MemberPath = $MemberPath.Split([string[]]@($Delimiter))

        foreach($obj in $InputObject)
            $cursor = $obj
            foreach($member in $MemberPath)
                $cursor = $cursor.$member

# Helper to make sure Browser Emulation/Compatibility Mode is Off When Using the WebBrowser Control.
# This function will set the Internet Explorer emulation mode for the running executable. This allows the WebBrowser control to support newer html features and improves compatibility with modern websites.
# Modified from (see also
function Set-SKYAPIWebBrowserEmulation
        $ExecutableName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName)
    #region Get IE Version
    $valueNames = 'svcVersion', 'svcUpdateVersion', 'Version', 'W2kVersion'
    $version = 0;
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $valueNames.Length; $i++)
        $objVal = [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::GetValue('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer', $valueNames[$i], '0')
        $strVal = [System.Convert]::ToString($objVal)
        if ($strVal)
            $iPos = $strVal.IndexOf('.')
            if ($iPos -gt 0)
                $strVal = $strVal.Substring(0, $iPos)
            $res = 0;
            if ([int]::TryParse($strVal, [ref]$res))
                $version = [Math]::Max($version, $res)
    if ($version -lt 7)
        $version = 7000
        $version = $version * 1000
    [Microsoft.Win32.Registry]::SetValue('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION', $ExecutableName, $version)

Function Show-SKYAPIOAuthWindow

        [ValidateSet('','EdgeWebView2','MiniHTTPServer','LegacyIEControl')] # Allows null to be passed


    # If Edge WebView 2 is the Authentication Method & the runtime not installed -
    # If you run the following command from an elevated process or command prompt, it triggers a per-machine install.
    # If you don't run the command from an elevated process or command prompt, a per-user install will take place.
    #However, a per-user install is automatically replaced by a per-machine install, if a per-machine Microsoft Edge Updater is in place.
    #A per-machine Microsoft Edge Updater is provided as part of Microsoft Edge, except for the Canary preview channel of Microsoft Edge.
    #For more information, see
    if ($null -eq $AuthenticationMethod -or "" -eq $AuthenticationMethod -or $AuthenticationMethod -eq "EdgeWebView2")
        # Check if WebView2 is installed
        $SourceProductName = 'Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime' # Partial Name is Fine as Long as it is Unique enough for a match

        # Get a Listing of Installed Applications From the Registry
        $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry = @()
        $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # HKLM Apps
        $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry += Get-ItemProperty "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" #HKCU Apps
        if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess)
            $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # x86 Apps when on 64-bit
        # Get EdgeWebView2 Installed Version (only pull the 1st entry in case more than one comes up)
        $EdgeWebViewVersionInstalled = $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $SourceProductName}
        if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($EdgeWebViewVersionInstalled))
            $EdgeWebViewVersionInstalled = "" # Good idea to set something in case it's not installed due to casting later on.
            $EdgeWebViewVersionInstalled = $([array]($InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $SourceProductName})[0]).Version

        while ((-not ($InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -match $SourceProductName})) -and ($null -eq $AuthenticationMethod -or "" -eq $AuthenticationMethod -or $AuthenticationMethod -eq "EdgeWebView2") )
            Write-Warning "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime is not installed and is required for browser-based authentication. Please install the runtime and try again."
            $PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Title = "Options"
            $PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Message = "Enter your choice:"
            $PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@("&Download & install the Edge WebView2 runtime", "&Try alternative method (beta)", "&Cancel & exit")
            $PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Default = 0
            $PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Selection = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Title,$PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Message,$PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Choices,$PromptNoWebView2Runtime_Default)

                0   {
                        Write-Host "Attempting to download & install the Microsoft Edge WebView2 runtime"
                        # Create Download Folder If It Doesn't Already Exist
                        $DownloadPath = "$sky_api_user_data_path\Downloads"
                        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $DownloadPath -Force

                        # Download WebView2 Evergreen Bootstrapper
                        $DownloadURL = ""
                        $DownloadContent = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $DownloadURL
                        $DownloadFileName = "Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime Installer.exe"

                        # Create the file (this will overwrite any existing file with the same name)
                        $WebView2Installer = [System.IO.FileStream]::new("$DownloadPath\$DownloadFileName", [System.IO.FileMode]::Create)
                        $WebView2Installer.Write($DownloadContent.Content, 0, $DownloadContent.RawContentLength)

                        # Install
                        Write-Host "File Downloaded. Attempting to run installer."
                        Start-Process -Filepath "$DownloadPath\$DownloadFileName" -Wait

                        # Get a Listing of Installed Applications From the Registry
                        $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry = @()
                        $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # HKLM Apps
                        $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry += Get-ItemProperty "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" #HKCU Apps
                        if ([System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess)
                            $InstalledApplicationsFromRegistry += Get-ItemProperty "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*" # x86 Apps when on 64-bit

                        # Retry Opening Authentication Window
                        Write-Host "Retrying Authentication...`n"
                1   {
                        $AuthenticationMethod = "MiniHTTPServer"
                2   {
                        Write-Host "Exiting..."
    switch ($AuthenticationMethod)
        MiniHTTPServer # TODO
            Write-Host "`nUsing this option will attempt to authenticate using an alternate method by building a mini webserver in PowerShell. Continue?"
            $PromptMiniWebserver_Title = "Options"
            $PromptMiniWebserver_Message = "Enter your choice:"
            $PromptMiniWebserver_Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@("&Load temporary HTTP server", "&Cancel & exit")
            $PromptMiniWebserver_Default = 0
            $PromptMiniWebserver_Selection = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($PromptMiniWebserver_Title,$PromptMiniWebserver_Message,$PromptMiniWebserver_Choices,$PromptMiniWebserver_Default)

                0   {
                        Write-Warning "Sorry. The mini webserver authentication feature is not yet implemented."
                        Write-Host "Exiting..."
                1   {
                        Write-Host "Exiting..."

            if ($ClearBrowserControlCache)
                # Try to clear IE cache
                # More info:
                # Using 4351 (0x10FF) to clear all + files and settings stored by add-ons. Convert Hex to Decimal.
                # // This magic value is the combination of the following bitflags:
                # // #define CLEAR_HISTORY 0x0001 // Clears history
                # // #define CLEAR_COOKIES 0x0002 // Clears cookies
                # // #define CLEAR_CACHE 0x0004 // Clears Temporary Internet Files folder
                # // #define CLEAR_CACHE_ALL 0x0008 // Clears offline favorites and download history
                # // #define CLEAR_FORM_DATA 0x0010 // Clears saved form data for form auto-fill-in
                # // #define CLEAR_PASSWORDS 0x0020 // Clears passwords saved for websites
                # // #define CLEAR_PHISHING_FILTER 0x0040 // Clears phishing filter data
                # // #define CLEAR_RECOVERY_DATA 0x0080 // Clears webpage recovery data
                # // #define CLEAR_PRIVACY_ADVISOR 0x0800 // Clears tracking data
                # // #define CLEAR_SHOW_NO_GUI 0x0100 // Do not show a GUI when running the cache clearing
                # //
                # // Bitflags available but not used in this magic value are as follows:
                # // #define CLEAR_USE_NO_THREAD 0x0200 // Do not use multithreading for deletion
                # // #define CLEAR_PRIVATE_CACHE 0x0400 // Valid only when browser is in private browsing mode
                # // #define CLEAR_DELETE_ALL 0x1000 // Deletes data stored by add-ons
                # // #define CLEAR_PRESERVE_FAVORITES 0x2000 // Preserves cached data for "favorite" websites
                Write-Warning "Note: You may have to close PowerShell and start a new session for clearing the IE cache to take effect."
                Start-Process -FilePath 'RunDll32.exe' -ArgumentList 'InetCpl.cpl, ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351' -Wait
                $ClearBrowserControlCache = $false

            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
            $form = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{Width=600;Height=800}
            $web = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser -Property @{Width=584;Height=760;Url=($url)}
            $DocComp = {
                $Global:uri = $web.Url.AbsoluteUri
                if ($Global:Uri -match "error=[^&]*|code=[^&]*") {$form.Close() }
            $web.ScriptErrorsSuppressed = $true

            $form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

            # Parse Return URL
            $queryOutput = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($web.Url.Query)
            $output = @{}
            foreach($key in $queryOutput.Keys){
                $output["$key"] = $queryOutput[$key]

            # Dispose Form & IE WebBrowser Control
        default # EdgeWebView2
            # Set EdgeWebView2 Control Version to Use
            $EdgeWebView2Control_VersionNumber = '1.0.1518.46'
            switch ($PSVersionTable.PSEdition)
                Desktop {$EdgeWebView2Control_DotNETVersion = "net45"}
                Core {$EdgeWebView2Control_DotNETVersion = "netcoreapp3.0"}
                Default {$EdgeWebView2Control_DotNETVersion = "netcoreapp3.0"}
            switch ([System.Environment]::Is64BitProcess)
                $true {$EdgeWebView2Control_OSArchitecture = "win-x64"}
                $false {$EdgeWebView2Control_OSArchitecture = "win-x86"}
                Default {$EdgeWebView2Control_OSArchitecture = "win-x64"}
            # Update $AuthenticationMethod Variable (not currently needed but is useful to have in a variable)
            $AuthenticationMethod = "EdgeWebView2"
            # Load Assemblies
            Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms

            # Unpack the nupkg and grab the following two DLLs out of the /lib folder.
            # - Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.dll (there's a different version for each .NET type, but the same file for x86 & x64)
            # - Microsoft.Web.WebView2.Core.dll (while there's a copy for each .NET type, so far they have been the same exact file; same file for x86 & x64 too)
            # In addition, get the following file from the /runtimes folder and put it in the same locations.
            # - WebView2Loader.dll (different for x86 & x64, but same for .NET Core & .NET 45)
            Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Dependencies\Microsoft.Web.WebView2\$EdgeWebView2Control_VersionNumber\$EdgeWebView2Control_DotNETVersion\$EdgeWebView2Control_OSArchitecture\Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.dll"

            $form = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{Width=600;Height=800}
            $WebView2 = New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.WebView2

            $WebView2.CreationProperties = New-Object -TypeName 'Microsoft.Web.WebView2.WinForms.CoreWebView2CreationProperties'
            $WebView2.CreationProperties.UserDataFolder = $sky_api_user_data_path

            # Clear WebView2 cache in the previously specified UserDataFolder, if requested.
            # Using the WebView2 SDK to clear the browsing data is best, but wasn't released until version 1.0.1245.22 of the control.
            # This version SDK requires EdgeWebView2 version 102.0.1245.22 to be installed for full API compatibility.
            # So, we only clear the cache using the SDK if this version or higher of the WebView2 runtime is installed.
            # Otherwise, we just hardcode deleting the folder.
            # Note that we have to delete the folder before the control is loaded,
            # but we can't call the clear until it is initialized (so that code is further down).
            if ($ClearBrowserControlCache -and [System.Version]$EdgeWebViewVersionInstalled -lt [System.Version]'102.0.1245.22')
                Remove-Item "$($WebView2.CreationProperties.UserDataFolder)\EBWebView\Default" -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction Ignore
                $ClearBrowserControlCache = $false

            $WebView2.Source = $Url
            $WebView2.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(584, 760)

            # Set Event Handlers. See APIs here:
            $WebView2_NavigationCompleted = {
                # Write-Host $($WebView2.Source.AbsoluteUri) # DEBUG LINE
                if ($WebView2.Source.AbsoluteUri -match "error=[^&]*|$([regex]::escape($redirect_uri))*")

            # Set Event Handler for Clearing the Browser Data, if requested.
            # We can't actually clear the browser data until the CoreWebView2 property is created, so that's why it's down here as an event action.
            # More info:
            # This event is triggered when the control's CoreWebView2 has finished being initialized
            # (regardless of how initialization was triggered) but before it is used for anything.
            # More info:
            if ($ClearBrowserControlCache -and [System.Version]$EdgeWebViewVersionInstalled -ge [System.Version]'102.0.1245.22')
                $WebView2_CoreWebView2InitializationCompleted = {
                $ClearBrowserControlCache = $false
            # Add WebView2 Control to the Form and Show It
            $form.TopMost = $true # Make's the dialog coming up above the PowerShell console more consistent (though not 100% it seems).
            $form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null

            # Parse Return URL
            $queryOutput = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($WebView2.Source.Query)
            $output = @{}
            foreach($key in $queryOutput.Keys){
                $output["$key"] = $queryOutput[$key]

            # Dispose Form & Webview2 Control

    # Validate the $output variable before returning
    if ($null -eq $output["code"]) {
        Write-Warning "Authentication or authorization failed. Try again?"
        $PromptNoAuthCode_Title = "Options"
        $PromptNoAuthCode_Message = "Enter your choice:"
        $PromptNoAuthCode_Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]@("&Yes", "&No; exit the script")
        $PromptNoAuthCode_Default = 0
        $PromptNoAuthCode_Selection = $host.UI.PromptForChoice($PromptNoAuthCode_Title,$PromptNoAuthCode_Message,$PromptNoAuthCode_Choices,$PromptNoAuthCode_Default)

            0   { # Retry authenticating & authorizing
                    $authOutput = Show-SKYAPIOAuthWindow -url $Url -AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod -ClearBrowserControlCache:$ClearBrowserControlCache
                    return $authOutput
            1   {
                    throw "Authentication or authorization failed. Exiting..."

    Return $output

Function Get-SKYAPINewTokens
            [ValidateSet('','EdgeWebView2','MiniHTTPServer','LegacyIEControl')] # Allows null to be passed


    # Set the Necessary Config Variables
    $sky_api_config = Get-SKYAPIConfig -ConfigPath $sky_api_config_file_path
    $client_id = $sky_api_config.client_id
    $client_secret = $sky_api_config.client_secret
    $redirect_uri = $sky_api_config.redirect_uri
    $authorize_uri = $sky_api_config.authorize_uri
    $token_uri = $sky_api_config.token_uri

    # Load Web assembly
    [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Web") | Out-Null

    # Build authorisation URI
    $strUri = $authorize_uri +
    "?client_id=$client_id" +
    "&redirect_uri=" + [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($redirect_uri) +

    $authOutput = Show-SKYAPIOAuthWindow -Url $strUri -AuthenticationMethod $AuthenticationMethod -ClearBrowserControlCache:$ClearBrowserControlCache

    # Get auth token
    $Authorization = Get-SKYAPIAuthToken -grant_type 'authorization_code' -client_id $client_id -redirect_uri $redirect_uri -client_secret $client_secret -authCode $authOutput["code"] -token_uri $token_uri

    # Swap Refresh token for an Access token (which when requested returns both refresh and access tokens)
    $Authorization = Get-SKYAPIAccessToken -grant_type 'refresh_token' -client_id $client_id -redirect_uri $redirect_uri -client_secret $client_secret -authCode $authorization.refresh_token -token_uri $token_uri

    # Make sure path to credentials file parent folder exists and if it doesn't, create it
    $sky_api_tokens_file_path_ParentDir = Split-Path -Path $sky_api_tokens_file_path
    If(-not (Test-Path $sky_api_tokens_file_path_ParentDir))
        $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $sky_api_tokens_file_path_ParentDir

    # Save credentials to file
    $Authorization | ConvertTo-Json `
        | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force `
        | ConvertFrom-SecureString `
        | Out-File -FilePath $sky_api_tokens_file_path -Force

# Handle Common Errors >
function SKYAPICatchInvokeErrors($InvokeErrorMessageRaw)
    # Convert From JSON
        $InvokeErrorMessage = $InvokeErrorMessageRaw.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json
        throw $InvokeErrorMessageRaw
    # Get Status Code, or Error if Code is blank. Blackbaud sends error messages at least 3 different ways so we need to account for that. Yay for no consistency.
    If ($InvokeErrorMessage.statusCode)
        $StatusCodeorError = $InvokeErrorMessage.statusCode
    elseif ($InvokeErrorMessage.error)
        $StatusCodeorError = If($InvokeErrorMessage.statusCode) {$InvokeErrorMessage.statusCode} else {$InvokeErrorMessage.error}
    elseif ($InvokeErrorMessage.errors) {
        $StatusCodeorError = If($InvokeErrorMessage.errors.error_code) {$InvokeErrorMessage.errors.error_code} else {$InvokeErrorMessage.errors}
        # If it's not in a format the module recognizes, then just throw the raw message.
        throw $InvokeErrorMessageRaw

    # Try and handle the error message.
    Switch ($StatusCodeorError)
        invalid_client # You usually see this error when providing an invalid .
            # We will display the error, try again and handle the issue later.
            Write-Warning $InvokeErrorMessageRaw
        invalid_grant # You usually, but not always, see this error when providing an invalid, expired, or previously used authorization code.
            # We will display the error, try again and handle the issue later.
            Write-Warning $InvokeErrorMessageRaw
        400 # Bad request. Usually means that data in the initial request is invalid or improperly formatted.
            throw $InvokeErrorMessageRaw
        401 # Unauthorized Request. Could mean that the authenticated user does not have rights to access the requested data or does not have permission to edit a given record or record type. An unauthorized request also occurs if the authorization token expires or if the authorization header is not supplied.
            # This can happens if the token has expired so we will try to refresh and then run the invoke again.
            Connect-SKYAPI -ForceRefresh
        429 # Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 1 seconds. Technically, the number of seconds is returned in the 'Retry-After' header, but I think it's best not to wait longer.
            # Sleep for 1 second and return the try command.
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
        500 # Internal Server Error.
            # Sleep for 5 seconds and return the try command. I don't know if this is a good length, but it seems reasonable since we try 5 times before failing.
            # The other option would be to use the exponential backoff method where You can periodically retry a failed request over an increasing amount of time to handle errors
            # related to rate limits, network volume, or response time. For example, you might retry a failed request after one second, then after two seconds, and then after four seconds.
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
        503 # The service is currently unavailable.
            # Sleep for 5 seconds and return the try command. I don't know if this is a good length, but it seems reasonable since we try 5 times before failing.
            # The other option would be to use the exponential backoff method where You can periodically retry a failed request over an increasing amount of time to handle errors
            # related to rate limits, network volume, or response time. For example, you might retry a failed request after one second, then after two seconds, and then after four seconds.
            Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
            throw $InvokeErrorMessageRaw

Function Get-SKYAPIUnpagedEntity

    # Reconnect If the Access Token is Expired
    if (-NOT (Confirm-SKYAPITokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $authorisation.access_token_creation -TokenType Access))
        Connect-SKYAPI -ForceRefresh
        $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
        $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
        $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    # Create Request Uri
    $uid = [uri]::EscapeDataString($uid)
    $fullUri = $url + $uid + $endUrl
    $Request = [System.UriBuilder]$fullUri
    if ($null -ne $params -and $params -ne '') {
        $Request.Query = $params.ToString()
    # Run Invoke Command and Catch Responses
    [int]$InvokeCount = 0
    [int]$MaxInvokeCount = 5
        $InvokeCount += 1
        $NextAction = $null
            if ($ReturnRaw)
                $apiCallResult =
                Invoke-WebRequest   -Method Get `
                                    -ContentType application/json `
                                    -Headers @{
                                            'Authorization' = ("Bearer "+ $($authorisation.access_token))
                                            'bb-api-subscription-key' = ($api_key)} `
                                    -Uri $($Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri)
                return $apiCallResult.Content
                $apiCallResult =
                Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Get `
                                    -ContentType application/json `
                                    -Headers @{
                                            'Authorization' = ("Bearer "+ $($authorisation.access_token))
                                            'bb-api-subscription-key' = ($api_key)} `
                                    -Uri $($Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri)
                # If there is a response field set for the endpoint cmdlet, return that.
                if ($null -ne $response_field -and "" -ne $response_field)
                    # return $apiCallResult.$response_field
                    return Resolve-SKYAPIMemberChain -InputObject $apiCallResult -MemberPath $response_field -Delimiter "."
                else # else return the entire API call result
                    return $apiCallResult
            # Process Invoke Error
            $LastCaughtError = ($_)
            $NextAction = SKYAPICatchInvokeErrors($_)

            # Just in case the token was refreshed by the error catcher, update these
            $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
            $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
            $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    }while ($NextAction -eq 'retry' -and $InvokeCount -lt $MaxInvokeCount)

    if ($InvokeCount -ge $MaxInvokeCount)
        throw $LastCaughtError

Function Get-SKYAPIPagedEntity

    # Reconnect If the Access Token is Expired
    if (-NOT (Confirm-SKYAPITokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $authorisation.access_token_creation -TokenType Access))
        Connect-SKYAPI -ForceRefresh
        $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
        $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
        $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)

    # Create Request Uri
    $uid = [uri]::EscapeDataString($uid)
    $fullUri = $url + $uid + $endUrl
    $Request = [System.UriBuilder]$fullUri
    $Request.Query = $params.ToString()

    # Create records array
    $allRecords = @()

    # Run Invoke Command and Catch Responses
    [int]$InvokeCount = 0
    [int]$MaxInvokeCount = 5
        $InvokeCount += 1
        $NextAction = $null
            # Call to the API and loop unless the $page record count is reached.
                $apiItems =
                Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Get `
                                    -ContentType application/json `
                                    -Headers @{
                                            'Authorization' = ("Bearer "+ $authorisation.access_token)
                                            'bb-api-subscription-key' = ($api_key)} `
                                    -Uri $($Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri)
                # If there is a response field set for the endpoint cmdlet, return that.
                if ($null -ne $response_field -and "" -ne $response_field)
                    $recordsThisIteration = Resolve-SKYAPIMemberChain -InputObject $apiItems -MemberPath $response_field -Delimiter "."
                    $allRecords += $recordsThisIteration
                    $pageRecordCount = $recordsThisIteration.count
                else # No response field
                    $allRecords += $apiItems
                    $pageRecordCount = $apiItems.count
                $totalRecordCount = $allRecords.count

                # Update marker location for next page
                switch ($marker_type)
                        [int]$params['marker'] += $page_limit
                        $Request.Query = $params.ToString()
                        [int]$params['offset'] += $page_limit
                        $Request.Query = $params.ToString()
                        [int]$params['marker'] = $allRecords[-1].id
                        $Request.Query = $params.ToString()
                        [int]$params['page'] += 1
                        $Request.Query = $params.ToString()

                # If the user supplied a limit, then respect it and don't get subsequent pages
                if (($null -ne $response_limit -and $response_limit -ne 0 -and $response_limit -ne "") -and $response_limit -le $totalRecordCount)
                        # If we have too many records, remove the extra ones
                        if ($totalRecordCount -gt $response_limit)
                            $allRecords = $allRecords[0..($response_limit - 1)]
                        return $allRecords
            while ($pageRecordCount -eq $page_limit) # Loop to the next page if the current page is full

            # Process Invoke Error
            $LastCaughtError = ($_)
            $NextAction = SKYAPICatchInvokeErrors($_)

            # Just in case the token was refreshed by the error catcher, update these
            $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
            $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
            $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    }while ($NextAction -eq 'retry' -and $InvokeCount -lt $MaxInvokeCount)

    if ($InvokeCount -ge $MaxInvokeCount)
        throw $LastCaughtError

Function Remove-SKYAPIEntity
    Param($uid, $url, $endUrl, $api_key, $authorisation, $params, $response_field)

    # Reconnect If the Access Token is Expired
    if (-NOT (Confirm-SKYAPITokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $authorisation.access_token_creation -TokenType Access))
        Connect-SKYAPI -ForceRefresh
        $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
        $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
        $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    # Create Request Uri
    $uid = [uri]::EscapeDataString($uid)
    $fullUri = $url + $uid + $endUrl
    $Request = [System.UriBuilder]$fullUri
    if ($null -ne $params -and $params -ne '') {
        $Request.Query = $params.ToString()
    # Run Invoke Command and Catch Responses
    [int]$InvokeCount = 0
    [int]$MaxInvokeCount = 5
        $InvokeCount += 1
        $NextAction = $null
            $apiCallResult =
            Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Delete `
                                -ContentType application/json `
                                -Headers @{
                                        'Authorization' = ("Bearer "+ $($authorisation.access_token))
                                        'bb-api-subscription-key' = ($api_key)} `
                                -Uri $($Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri)
            # If there is a response field set for the endpoint cmdlet, return that.
            if ($null -ne $response_field -and "" -ne $response_field)
                # return $apiCallResult.$response_field
                return Resolve-SKYAPIMemberChain -InputObject $apiCallResult -MemberPath $response_field -Delimiter "."
            else # else return the entire API call result
                return $apiCallResult
            # Process Invoke Error
            $LastCaughtError = ($_)
            $NextAction = SKYAPICatchInvokeErrors($_)

            # Just in case the token was refreshed by the error catcher, update these
            $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
            $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
            $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    }while ($NextAction -eq 'retry' -and $InvokeCount -lt $MaxInvokeCount)

    if ($InvokeCount -ge $MaxInvokeCount)
        throw $LastCaughtError

function Submit-SKYAPIEntity
    Param($uid, $url, $endUrl, $api_key, $authorisation, $params, $response_field)

    # Reconnect If the Access Token is Expired
    if (-NOT (Confirm-SKYAPITokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $authorisation.access_token_creation -TokenType Access))
        Connect-SKYAPI -ForceRefresh
        $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
        $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
        $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)

    # Create Request Uri
    $uid = [uri]::EscapeDataString($uid)
    $fullUri = $url + $uid + $endUrl
    $Request = [System.UriBuilder]$fullUri

    # Build Body
    $PostRequest = $params | ConvertTo-Json

    # Run Invoke Command and Catch Responses
    [int]$InvokeCount = 0
    [int]$MaxInvokeCount = 5
        $InvokeCount += 1
        $NextAction = $null
            $apiCallResult =
            Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Post `
                                -ContentType application/json `
                                -Headers @{
                                        'Authorization' = ("Bearer "+ $($authorisation.access_token))
                                        'bb-api-subscription-key' = ($api_key)} `
                                -Uri $($Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri) `
                                -Body $PostRequest
            # If there is a response field set for the endpoint cmdlet, return that.
            if ($null -ne $response_field -and "" -ne $response_field)
                # return $apiCallResult.$response_field
                return Resolve-SKYAPIMemberChain -InputObject $apiCallResult -MemberPath $response_field -Delimiter "."
            else # else return the entire API call result
                return $apiCallResult
            # Process Invoke Error
            $LastCaughtError = ($_)
            $NextAction = SKYAPICatchInvokeErrors($_)

            # Just in case the token was refreshed by the error catcher, update these
            $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
            $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
            $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    }while ($NextAction -eq 'retry' -and $InvokeCount -lt $MaxInvokeCount)

    if ($InvokeCount -ge $MaxInvokeCount)
        throw $LastCaughtError

function Update-SKYAPIEntity
    Param($uid, $url, $endUrl, $api_key, $authorisation, $params, $response_field)

    # Reconnect If the Access Token is Expired
    if (-NOT (Confirm-SKYAPITokenIsFresh -TokenCreation $authorisation.access_token_creation -TokenType Access))
        Connect-SKYAPI -ForceRefresh
        $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
        $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
        $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
        $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)

    # Create Request Uri
    $uid = [uri]::EscapeDataString($uid)
    $fullUri = $url + $uid + $endUrl
    $Request = [System.UriBuilder]$fullUri

    # Build Body
    $PatchRequest = $params | ConvertTo-Json

    # Run Invoke Command and Catch Responses
    [int]$InvokeCount = 0
    [int]$MaxInvokeCount = 5
        $InvokeCount += 1
        $NextAction = $null
            $apiCallResult =
            Invoke-RestMethod   -Method Patch `
                                -ContentType application/json `
                                -Headers @{
                                        'Authorization' = ("Bearer "+ $($authorisation.access_token))
                                        'bb-api-subscription-key' = ($api_key)} `
                                -Uri $($Request.Uri.AbsoluteUri) `
                                -Body $PatchRequest
            # If there is a response field set for the endpoint cmdlet, return that.
            if ($null -ne $response_field -and "" -ne $response_field)
                # return $apiCallResult.$response_field
                return Resolve-SKYAPIMemberChain -InputObject $apiCallResult -MemberPath $response_field -Delimiter "."
            else # else return the entire API call result
                return $apiCallResult
            # Process Invoke Error
            $LastCaughtError = ($_)
            $NextAction = SKYAPICatchInvokeErrors($_)

            # Just in case the token was refreshed by the error catcher, update these
            $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
            $authorisation.access_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token)
            $authorisation.refresh_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.refresh_token_creation)
            $authorisation.access_token_creation = $($AuthTokensFromFile.access_token_creation)
    }while ($NextAction -eq 'retry' -and $InvokeCount -lt $MaxInvokeCount)

    if ($InvokeCount -ge $MaxInvokeCount)
        throw $LastCaughtError

# Check to See if Refresh Token or Access Token is Expired
function Confirm-SKYAPITokenIsFresh
    param (


    # For security purposes, access tokens will expire after 60 minutes.
    # Refresh tokens will also expire after a much longer period of time (currently 365 days).
    # More information available at
    $maxRefreshTokenTimespan = new-timespan -days 364
    $maxAccessTokenTimespan = new-timespan -minutes 59

    switch ($TokenType)
        Refresh {$MaxTokenTimespan = $maxRefreshTokenTimespan}
        Access  {$MaxTokenTimespan = $maxAccessTokenTimespan}

    if (((get-date) - $TokenCreation) -lt $MaxTokenTimespan)

function Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
    param (

    # Make Sure Requested Path Isn't Null or Empty
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($sky_api_tokens_file_path))
        throw "`'`$sky_api_tokens_file_path`' is not specified. Don't forget to first use the `'Set-SKYAPIConfigFilePath`' & `'Set-SKYAPITokensFilePath`' cmdlets!"

        $apiTokens = Get-Content $sky_api_tokens_file_path -ErrorAction Stop
        $SecureString = $apiTokens | ConvertTo-SecureString -ErrorAction Stop
        $AuthTokensFromFile = ((New-Object PSCredential "user",$SecureString).GetNetworkCredential().Password) | ConvertFrom-Json
        throw "Key JSON tokens file is missing, corrupted or invalid. Please run Connect-SKYAPI with the -ForceReauthentication parameter to recreate it."    

# Fix date-only fields since the API returns dates with improper time values (sends it as -05:00 or sometimes -04:00).
# Converting to UTC should resolve the issue (though it makes the unused time portion 5 AM or 4AM, the date is accurate).
function Repair-SkyApiDate
    param ([DateTime]$Date)
    $Date = (($(Get-Date($Date).ToUniversalTime()).ToString('o')) -split "T")[0] # Can't use -AsUTC since that's PS Core only (not Windows PS 5.1).
    # Alternative way to do the same thing? # $Date = $Date.ToUniversalTime() -Format "yyyy-MM-dd"

# Iterates through an object replacing all or part of matching string values
# with the specified value using regular expressions.
function Set-PSObjectText
    param (

        [string]$OldValue, # Regex

        [string]$NewValue # Regex

    if ($null -eq $InputObject)

    switch ($InputObject.GetType().Name)
            $InputObject = $InputObject -replace $OldValue, $NewValue
            foreach ($item in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties | Where-Object -Property MemberType -EQ 'NoteProperty')
                $ItemName = $item.Name
                $InputObject.$ItemName = Set-PSObjectText -InputObject $($InputObject.$ItemName) -OldValue $OldValue -NewValue $NewValue
        'Object[]' # Array
            $InputObject = foreach ($item in $InputObject)
                Set-PSObjectText -InputObject $item -OldValue $OldValue -NewValue $NewValue
            # Do nothing to the Object.
            # Do nothing to the Object.
            # Do nothing to the Object.

    return $InputObject

# Converts From JSON Without Deserializing DateTime Strings
# Dates must be in the roundtrip format and specify the offset (DateTimeKind.Local or DateTimeKind.Utc).
# Examples:
# - 2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000000Z
# - 2009-06-15T13:45:30.0000000-07:00
# - 2009-06-15T13:45:00-07:00
# More Information: Since PowerShell v6, ConvertTo-Json automatically deserializes strings that contain
# an "o"-formatted (roundtrip format) date/time string (e.g., "2023-06-15T13:45:00.123Z")
# or a prefix of it that includes at least everything up to the seconds part as [datetime] instances.
function ConvertFrom-JsonWithoutDateTimeDeserialization
    param (

    # Set the regular expression patterns.
    $DateTimeRegex = '"(\d+-\d+.\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+\.?\d+(\+|\-)\d+:\d+)"'
    $DateTimeRegexWithHash = '(#)(\d+-\d+.\d+T\d+:\d+:\d+\.?\d+(\+|\-)\d+:\d+)'

    # Prepend the hash sign to round-trip date/time pattern strings.
    [string]$JsonWithPrefix = $InputObject -replace $DateTimeRegex, '"#$1"'

    # Convert to a PSCustomObject object.
    [pscustomobject]$PSObjectWithPrefix = $JsonWithPrefix | ConvertFrom-Json

    # Remove the added hash signs.
    Set-PSObjectText -InputObject $PSObjectWithPrefix -OldValue $DateTimeRegexWithHash -NewValue '$2'

    # return $InputObject

# Import the functions
$SKYAPIFunctions = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\Functions\*.ps1)

Foreach($SKYAPIFunction in $SKYAPIFunctions)
    Write-Verbose "Importing $SKYAPIFunction"
        . $SKYAPIFunction.fullname
        Write-Error -Message "Failed to import function $($SKYAPIFunction.fullname): $_"