
function Get-SchoolSectionByStudent

        Education Management School API - Returns a collection of sections for the specified student ID(s).

        Education Management School API - Returns a collection of sections for the specified student ID(s).
        Note: Academic Group Managers cannot use this endpoint.
        The user requesting the information must be the student, parent of the student or faculty member associated with the student.

        .PARAMETER Student_ID
        Required. Array of user IDs for each student you want sections for returned.

        Get-SchoolSectionByStudent -Student_ID 6111769,2772870

        [int[]]$Student_ID # Array as we loop through submitted IDs
    # Get the SKY API subscription key
    $sky_api_config = Get-SKYAPIConfig -ConfigPath $sky_api_config_file_path
    $sky_api_subscription_key = $sky_api_config.api_subscription_key

    # Grab the security tokens
    $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile

    # Set the endpoints
    $endpoint = ''
    $endUrl = '/sections'

    # Get data for one or more IDs
    foreach ($uid in $Student_ID)
        $response = Get-SKYAPIUnpagedEntity -uid $uid -url $endpoint -endUrl $endUrl -api_key $sky_api_subscription_key -authorisation $AuthTokensFromFile