# This function has an alias for the deprecated 'Get-SchoolLegacyList' endpoint and is backwards compatible ( function Get-SchoolList { <# .LINK .LINK Endpoint: .SYNOPSIS Education Management School API - Returns a collection of results from a basic or advanced list. .DESCRIPTION Education Management School API - Returns a collection of results from a basic or advanced list. The requested list must have access permissions enabled for a role listed below or the user requesting the list needs read permission to that list. Requires one of the following roles in the Education Management system: - Page Manager - Content Editor - Teacher - Coach - Community Group Manager - Mentor Manager - Alumni Group Manager - Athletic Group Manager - Academic Group Manager - System Group Manager - Content Manager - Community Group Owner - Dorm Group Manager - Activity Group Manager - Advisory Group Manager - Advisor - Dorm Supervisor - Activity Leader - Pending Teacher - Pending Advisor - Pending Dorm Supervisor - Pending Activity Leader - Platform Manager .PARAMETER List_ID Required. Array of list IDs to get results of. When multiple list IDs are specified, the function will return combined results even if lists have different headers. Use Get-SchoolListOfLists to get a collection of basic and advanced lists the authorized user has access to. .PARAMETER page Results will start with this page of results in the result set. Defaults to 1 if not specified. .PARAMETER ResponseLimit Limits response to this number of results. .EXAMPLE [array]$SchoolList = Get-SchoolList -List_ID 30631,52631 .EXAMPLE The way list results collections are returned are fairly unique and diffferent than most other endpoints. You can use the following trick store a list of values for a specific header. Change the Where-Object filter (i.e., 'First Name') value to the header label you want returned. [array]$SchoolList = Get-SchoolList -List_ID 30631 [array]$ArrayOfFirstNames = foreach ($listItem in $SchoolList) { $listItem | select-object -ExpandProperty "columns" | Where-Object {$ -eq "First Name"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value } $ArrayOfFirstNames .EXAMPLE The way list results collections are returned are fairly unique and diffferent than most other endpoints. You can use the following trick to have a usable PowerShell ArrayList of the returned results. Below is an example that builds an ArrayList with the following header values for each School Advisory section returned: - Group Identifier - First Name - Last Name Change these values to the header labels you want returned and create/remove headers as desired. $AdvisorySectionListID = 52631 $Classes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() [array]$AdvisorySectionList = Get-SchoolList -List_ID $AdvisorySectionListID foreach ($advisory in $AdvisorySectionList) { # Get the advisory's group identifier and teacher information from the ID in the advisory. [string]$AdvisoryGroupId = $advisory | select-object -ExpandProperty "columns" | Where-Object {$ -eq "Group Identifier"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value [string]$AdvisoryFacultyEmail = $advisory | select-object -ExpandProperty "columns" | Where-Object {$ -eq "E-Mail"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value [string]$AdvisoryFacultyFirstName = $advisory | select-object -ExpandProperty "columns" | Where-Object {$ -eq "First Name"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value [string]$AdvisoryFacultyLastName = $advisory | select-object -ExpandProperty "columns" | Where-Object {$ -eq "Last Name"} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value # Build the 'Class' section object. $Class = New-Object System.Object $Class | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "offering_type" -Value "Advisory" # Tip: you can add additional values to the ArrayList if you want. $Class | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "section" -Value $AdvisoryGroupId $Class | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "teacher_email" -Value $AdvisoryFacultyEmail $Class | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "teacher_firstname" -Value $AdvisoryFacultyFirstName $Class | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "teacher_lastname" -Value $AdvisoryFacultyLastName # Add the class object to classes ArrayList $null = $Classes.Add($Class) } $Classes #> [cmdletbinding()] Param( [parameter( Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int[]]$List_ID, # Array as we loop through submitted IDs. Enpoint only takes one item and cannot handle comma-separated values. [parameter( Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int]$page, [parameter( Position=2, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int]$ResponseLimit ) # Set API responses per page limit. $PageLimit = 1000 # Specify Marker Type [MarkerType]$MarkerType = [MarkerType]::NEXT_PAGE # Set the endpoints $endpoint = '' # Set the response field $ResponseField = "results.rows" # Set the parameters $parameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) foreach ($parameter in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $parameters.Add($parameter.Key,$parameter.Value) } # Set/Replace Page parameter to 1 if not set or 0. That way it can do pagination properly. if ($null -eq $page -or $page -eq '' -or $page -eq 0) { $parameters.Remove('page') | Out-Null [int]$page = 1 $parameters.Add('page',$page) } # Remove the $List_ID & ResponseLimit parameters since they are passed on in the URL or handled differently. $parameters.Remove('List_ID') | Out-Null $parameters.Remove('ResponseLimit') | Out-Null # Get the SKY API subscription key $sky_api_config = Get-SKYAPIConfig -ConfigPath $sky_api_config_file_path $sky_api_subscription_key = $sky_api_config.api_subscription_key # Grab the security tokens $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile # Get data for one or more IDs foreach ($uid in $List_ID) { $response = Get-SKYAPIPagedEntity -uid $uid -url $endpoint -api_key $sky_api_subscription_key -authorisation $AuthTokensFromFile -params $parameters -response_field $ResponseField -response_limit $ResponseLimit -page_limit $PageLimit -marker_type $MarkerType $response } } |