# # Returns a paginated list of users, limited to 1000 users per page. # Note that this takes BASE ROLE IDs and not roles. So a person might show up in the Staff list even if they are not in the Staff role # because they are in the "Admin Team" roll which has the same base_roll_id as Staff. # Parameter,Required,Type,Description # base_role_ids,yes,string,Comma delimited list of base role IDs to get users for. # Marker,no,integer,Results will start with the user AFTER the specified user's ID in the result set. # ResponseLimit,no,integer,Limits response to this number of results. function Get-SchoolUserExtendedByBaseRole { [cmdletbinding()] param( [parameter( Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string]$base_role_ids, # This doesn't need to be an array since the parameter takes comma-separated values by default. [parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int]$Marker, [parameter( ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [int]$ResponseLimit ) # Set API responses per page limit. $PageLimit = 1000 # Specify Marker Type [MarkerType]$MarkerType = [MarkerType]::LAST_USER_ID # Set the endpoints $endpoint = '' # Set the response field $ResponseField = "value" # Set the parameters $parameters = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) foreach ($parameter in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) { $parameters.Add($parameter.Key,$parameter.Value) } # Get the SKY API subscription key $sky_api_config = Get-SKYAPIConfig -ConfigPath $sky_api_config_file_path $sky_api_subscription_key = $sky_api_config.api_subscription_key # Grab the security tokens $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile $response = Get-SKYAPIPagedEntity -url $endpoint -api_key $sky_api_subscription_key -authorisation $AuthTokensFromFile -params $parameters -response_field $ResponseField -response_limit $ResponseLimit -page_limit $PageLimit -marker_type $MarkerType $response } |