
# TODO - There is a bug with the dates not appearing correctly on the website when submitting occupations on this endpoint. I have a support request open with Blackbaud
# They were able to replicate the issue and have passed it on to the product development team for further review.

function New-SchoolUserOccupation
        Education Management School API - Creates an occupation record for the specified user IDs and returns the ID of the occupation created.

        Education Management School API - Creates an occupation record for the specified user IDs and returns the ID of the occupation created.

        .PARAMETER User_ID,
        Required. Array of the user IDs.
        .PARAMETER business_name
        Name of the employing business.
        .PARAMETER job_title
        Employed individual's job title.
        .PARAMETER business_url
        URL of the employing business.
        .PARAMETER industry
        Industry of the employing business.
        .PARAMETER organization
        Maps to the employee's 'Organization' field.
        .PARAMETER occupation
        Maps to the employee's 'Profession' field.
        .PARAMETER matching_gift
        Indicates if employer matches employee donations.
        .PARAMETER begin_date
        Employees start date at this business.
        .PARAMETER end_date
        Employees end date at this business.
        .PARAMETER specialty
        Maps to the employee's 'Specialty' field.
        .PARAMETER parent_company
        Parent company of employing business.
        .PARAMETER job_function
        Description of the work done by the employee.
        .PARAMETER years_employed
        Number of years employee has been at this business.
        .PARAMETER current
        Indicates if this is the individuals current employer.
        New-SchoolUserOccupation -User_ID 3156271, 3294459 -business_name "Don's Auto" -job_title "Director of Shiny Things" -current $true
        $params = @{
            'User_ID' = 3156271
            'business_name' = "Don's Auto"
            'job_title' = "Director of Shiny Things"
            'business_url' = ""
            'industry' = "Automotive"
            'organization' = "Don's Group"
            'occupation' = "Mechanical Technician"
            'matching_gift' = $true
            'begin_date' = "2020-07-01"
            'end_date' = "2023-06-30"
            'specialty' = "Classic Cars"
            'parent_company' = "Don's Group"
            'job_function' = "Rebuilds classic cars into shiny new beasts."
            'years_employed' = 3
            'current' = $false
        New-SchoolUserOccupation @params

        [int[]]$User_ID, # Array as we loop through submitted IDs















    # Set the endpoints
    $endpoint = ''
    $endUrl = '/occupations'

    # Set the parameters
    $parameters = @{}
    foreach ($parameter in $PSBoundParameters.GetEnumerator())

    # Remove the $User_ID parameter since we don't pass that on
    $parameters.Remove('User_ID') | Out-Null

    # Get the SKY API subscription key
    $sky_api_config = Get-SKYAPIConfig -ConfigPath $sky_api_config_file_path
    $sky_api_subscription_key = $sky_api_config.api_subscription_key

    # Grab the security tokens
    $AuthTokensFromFile = Get-SKYAPIAuthTokensFromFile
    # Set data for one or more IDs
    foreach ($uid in $User_ID)
        $response = Submit-SKYAPIEntity -uid $uid -url $endpoint -end $endUrl -api_key $sky_api_subscription_key -authorisation $AuthTokensFromFile -params $parameters