
function ConvertTo-SGEncryptedToken {
    Encrypts token with machine key for later use.
    Encrypts token with machine key for later use.
    .Parameter Token
    Token to be encrypted.
    ConvertTo-SGEncryptedToken -Token "SG.asdfASDF1234....."

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
    return [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Protect([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($Token), $null, [Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::LocalMachine))

function ConvertFrom-SGEncryptedToken {
    Decrypts token with machine key.
    Decrypts token with machine key.
    .Parameter Token
    Token to be decrypted.
    ConvertFrom-SGEncryptedToken -Token "SG.asdfASDF1234....."

    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
    return [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([Security.Cryptography.ProtectedData]::Unprotect([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Token), $null, [Security.Cryptography.DataProtectionScope]::LocalMachine))
function New-SGToken{
    Gets the SendGridToken via SendGrid REST API v3.
    Gets the SendGridToken via SendGrid REST API v3.
    .Parameter AdminToken
    SendGrid token with at least api_keys.create, api_keys.delete,, api_keys.update, mail.send privilege.
    .Parameter APIKeyName
    SendGrid API key name. Give a recognizable name to the API key. Defaults to $env:COMPUTERNAME
    New-SGToken -AdminToken "SG.asdfASDF1234....."
    New-SGToken -APIKeyName "Johns PC" -AdminToken "SG.asdfASDF1234....."

    ## Adding REST parameters
        Headers=@{"authorization"="Bearer $AdminToken"}
            "name" = $APIKeyName
            "scopes" = @("mail.send")
    ## Sending REST request
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    $ApiKey = (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).api_key
    return $ApiKey
function Install-SGToken{
    Sets the SendGridToken environment variable. After usage, please restart PS session.
    Sets the Token parameter as encrypted to the SendGridToken environment variable. After usage, please restart PS session.
    .Parameter Token
    SendGrid token. Should be able to have at least "send email" privilege.
    Install-SGToken -Token "SG.asdfASFD1234....."


    ##Determining active process elevation
    if(!([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")){
        Write-Host "`r`n Opening new elevated pwsh window to set environment variable machine-wide.`r`n Press any key to continue...`r`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") |out-null

        ##Scriptblock for converting Token to SecureString and setting as SendGridToken environment variable
        $SetENVVar = [Scriptblock]::Create("[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('SendGridToken',(ConvertTo-SGEncryptedToken -Token $Token),'Machine')")

        ##Starting elevated process and executing the scriptblock
        Start-Process powershell.exe -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "-command $SetENVVar"
        ##Converting Token to SecureString and setting as SendGridToken environment variable
        [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('SendGridToken',(ConvertTo-SGEncryptedToken -Token $Token),'Machine')

function Send-SGMail{
    Sends an email via SendGrid REST API v3.
    Sends an email via SendGrid REST API v3.
    .Parameter From
    Sender email address.
    .Parameter To
    Recipient email address.
    .Parameter Subject
    Subject of the email.
    .Parameter NoHTML
    If set, email body will be sent as plaint text, not HTML.
    .Parameter SendGridToken
    Direct input of the SendGrid REST API v3 token.
    Default: use encrypted token from $env:SendGridToken (which can be installed using Install-SGToken)
    .Parameter Body
    Email body as string.
    # Send an HTML email
    Send-SGMail -From -To -Subject "Confession" -Body "<p><b>LOVE</b> <i>you!</i></p>"
    # Send a plain text email
    Send-SGMail -From -To -Subject "Re: Confession" -Body "Love you too!" -NoHTML


    ## Setting content-type

    ## Getting SendGridToken
        if("SendGridToken" -in (Get-Item 'Registry::HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\' |select -ExpandProperty property)){
            $SendGridToken = ConvertFrom-SGEncryptedToken -Token (Get-ItemProperty 'Registry::HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment' -Name SendGridToken).SendGridToken
        else{throw "SendGridToken missing. Give it directly using the -SendGridToken parameter or install it using the Install-SGToken command."}

    ## Building data for JSON
    $SendGridBody = [pscustomObject]@{
        "personalizations"= @(
        "from"= @{"email"=$From}

    ## Adding REST parameters
        Headers=@{"authorization"="Bearer $SendGridToken"}
        Body=($SendGridBody|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4)

    ## Sending REST request
    [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
    Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters

Export-ModuleMember -Function Send-SGMail,Install-SGToken,New-SGToken,ConvertTo-SGEncryptedToken,ConvertFrom-SGEncryptedToken