.SYNOPSIS Detects the SEPPmail.Cloud Deploymemnt status, based in M365 Tenant information .DESCRIPTION Checks Deplyoment Status of the SEPPmail.Cloud based on M365 Tenantinformation from outside, based on DNS information - Queries routingmode based on available MX records in the - Queries region based on IP adresses and mailhosts - Tests if MX record is set correctly in Inline Mode - Checks if the is prepared for Certificate-based-Connectors Creates a PSObject with the following values: Routing = inline/parallel # Routing Mode Region = ch/de/prv # Cloud Region (Datacenter location) SEPPmailCloudDomain = '','' # Maildomains which will be routet via SEPPmail. Is basis for naming the mailrouting hosts (gate/relay/mail) CBCenabled = $true/$false # Certificate Based Connectors setup available CBCConnectorHost = '<tenantid>.<rg>' # Hostname of TLS host for CBC InlineMXMatch = $true/$false # (Inline Mod only) MX record points to the correct (SEPPmail) host RelayHost = # Name of relay host GateHost = # Name of gate host MailHost = # Name of mail host .NOTES Emits parameters for New-SC365Setup .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-SC365DeploymentInfo DeployMentStatus : True SEPPmailCloudDomain : Region : ch Routing : inline InBoundOnly : False CBCDeployed : True CBCConnectorHost : CBCDnsEntry : InlineMXMatch : True MailHost : RelayHost : GateHost : .EXAMPLE Get-SC365DeploymentInfo -SEPPmailCLoudDomain DeployMentStatus : True SEPPmailCloudDomain : Region : de Routing : inline InBoundOnly : False CBCDeployed : True CBCConnectorHost : CBCDnsEntry : InlineMXMatch : True MailHost : RelayHost : GateHost : #> function Get-SC365DeploymentInfo { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Domain name you selected for Tenant-onboarding" )] [string[]]$SEPPmailCloudDomain ) begin { if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)){ throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect to the designated tenant prior to using this CmdLet" } else { Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue } # Reset the Stage $DeployMentStatus = $null $region = $null $routing = $null $inBoundOnly = $null $DeploymentInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{ DeploymentStatus = $null SEPPmailCloudDomain = $Null Region = $null Routing = $null InboundOnly = $null CBCDeployed = $Null CBCConnectorHost = $null CBCDnsEntry = $null InlineMXMatch = $null MailHost = $null GateHost = $null RelayHost = $null SwissSignCheckTXT = $null spfTXT = $null DnsSecurEmailCNAME = $null DnsLetsEncryptCNAME = $null DnsDKIMTXT = $null DnsWildCardActive = $null } } process { #region Select DefaultDomain if (!($SEPPmailCloudDomain)) { [String]$DNSHostDomain = $tenantAcceptedDomains |Where-Object 'Default' -eq $true |select-Object -ExpandProperty DomainName Write-Verbose "Extracted Default-Domain with name $DNSHostDomain from TenantDefaultDomains" } else { foreach ($dom in $SEPPmailCloudDomain) { if (!($tenantAcceptedDomains.DomainName.Contains($Dom))) { throw [System.Exception] "Domain $Dom is not member of this tenant! Check for typos or connect to different tenant" } else { Write-Verbose "Domain $Dom is member of the tenant domains" if ($dom -eq ($tenantAcceptedDomains |Where-Object 'Default' -eq $true |select-Object -ExpandProperty DomainName)) { $DnsHostDomain = $dom } else { Write-Verbose "TenantDefaultDomain not selected, using $dom ans DNSHostDoman" $DnsHostDomain = $dom } } } } #endregion Select DefaultDomain #region Query SEPPmail routing-Hosts DNS records and detect routing mode and in/oitbound [string]$relayHost = $DnsHostDomain.Replace('.','-') + '' [string]$mailHost = $DnsHostDomain.Replace('.','-') + '' [string]$gateHost = $DnsHostDomain.Replace('.','-') + '' $defEAPref = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $DeploymentStatus = 'unknown' if (((Resolve-Dns -Query $GateHost).Answers)) { $routing = 'inline' if ((Resolve-Dns -Query $RelayHost).Answers) { $inBoundOnly = $false Write-Verbose "$GateHost and $relayHost alive ==> InLine-bidirectional" $deploymentStatus = $true } else { if (!((Resolve-Dns -Query $RelayHost).Answers)) { $inBoundOnly = $true $relayHost = $null Write-Verbose "$GateHost alive,$relayHost missing ==> InLine-InBound only" $deploymentStatus = $true } } } else { if ((Resolve-Dns -Query $MailHost ).Answers) { Write-verbose "$mailHost alive ==> parallel" $routing = 'parallel' $deploymentStatus = $true } else { $mailHost = $null $deploymentStatus = $false } } #endregion Mailhost queries #region DoubleCheck if MX Record is set correctly $mxFull = get-mxrecordreport -Domain $DnsHostDomain if ($mxFull.Count -eq 0) { $DeployMentStatus = $false } else { if ($mxFull.Count -eq 1) { $mx = $mxFull | Select-Object -ExpandProperty highestpriorityMailHost -Unique } if ($mxFull.Count -gt 1) { $mx = $mxFull[0] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty highestpriorityMailHost -Unique } if (($mx.Split($DnsHostDomain.Replace('.', '-'))) -eq '') { Write-Verbose "MX = SEPPmail" } if (($mx.Split($DnsHostDomain.Replace('.', '-'))) -eq '') { Write-Verbose "MX = Microsoft" } if ($routing -eq 'inline') { if ($mx -eq $gateHost) { Write-Verbose "MX record $mx in M365 Config matches $gateHost" $mxMatch = $true } else { Write-Warning "MX Record $mx configured in M365 does not fit to SEPPmail GateHost $gateHost in DNS - Check your provisioning Status in Portal" $mxMatch = $false $DeployMentStatus = $false } } } #endRegion MX Check #region Identify region based on Cloud-IPAddresses $region = $null $ch = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'ch' $de = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'de' $prv = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'prv' $dev = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'dev' if ($routing -eq 'inline') { [String[]]$GateIP = ((Resolve-Dns -Query $GateHost).Answers)|Select-Object -expand Address| Select-Object -expand IPAddressToString Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($ch.IPv4GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'ch';break}} Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($de.IPv4GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'de';break}} Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($prv.IPv4GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'prv';break}} Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($dev.IPv4GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'dev';break}} } if ($routing -eq 'parallel') { [string[]]$MailIP = ((Resolve-Dns -Query $MailHost).Answers)|Select-Object -expand Address| Select-Object -expand IPAddressToString Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($ch.IPv4MailIPs.Contains($Ip)) { $region = 'ch';break}} Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($de.IPv4MailIPs.Contains($Ip)) { $region = 'de';break}} Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($prv.IPv4MailIPs.Contains($IP)) { $region = 'prv';break}} Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($dev.IPv4MailIPs.Contains($IP)) { $region = 'dev';break}} } #endregion Cloud-IP-Addresses #region Check CBC Availability [String]$TenantID = Get-SC365TenantID -MailDomain $DnsHostDomain -OutVariable "TenantID" $TenantIDHash = Get-SC365StringHash -String $TenantID [string]$hashedDomain = $TenantIDHash + '' if (((resolve-dns -query $hashedDomain -QueryType TXT).Answers)) { $CBCDeployed = $true Write-Verbose "$HashedDomain of TenantID $tenantId has a CBC entry" } else { $CBCDeployed = $false Write-Warning "Could not find TXT Entry for TenantID $TenantID of domain $DNSHostCloudDomain. Setup will most likely fail! Go to the and check the deployment status." } #endregion CBC #region Advanced DNS Queries # TXT records (Swissign check and SPF) $txtRecords = (Resolve-dns -querytype TXT $DNSHostdomain).Answers if ($txtRecords) { $swisssignTXTRecord = $txtRecords|Where-Object EscapedText -like 'swisssign-check*' if ($swissSignTXTRecord) { $swissSignCheck = $swissSignTXTRecord.EscapedText.Trim('{','}') } else { Write-Warning "Swisssign TXT (swissSign-check) record is missing - SC-CERT deployment will fail!" } $spfTXTrecord = $txtRecords|Where-Object EscapedText -like 'v=spf*' if ($spfTXTrecord) { $spf = $spfTXTrecord.EscapedText.Trim('{','}') } else { Write-Warning "SPF TXT (v=spf*) record is missing" } } ## WebService hosts [String]$SecurEmailCNAME = (Resolve-dns -querytype CNAME -Query ('securemail.' + $DNSHostdomain)).Answers.CanonicalName.Value ## Letsencrypt [String]$LetsEncryptCNAME = (Resolve-dns -querytype CNAME -Query ('_acme-challenge.securemail.' + $DNSHostdomain)).Answers.CanonicalName.Value ## DKIM (default._domainkey) [String]$dkimRecord = (resolve-dns -QueryType TXT -query ('default._domainkey.' + $DNSHostDomain)).Answers.EscapedText ## Wildcard records if ((resolve-dns -query ('jioak84-nlkjec.' + $DNSHostDomain)).Answers.EscapedText) { $WildcardRecord = $true } else { $WildcardRecord = $false } $ErrorActionPreference = $defEAPref #endregion } end { $DeploymentInfo.DeploymentStatus = $DeploymentStatus $DeploymentInfo.Region = $region $DeploymentInfo.Routing = $routing $DeploymentInfo.InboundOnly = $inBoundOnly $DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain = $DNSHostDomain $DeploymentInfo.CBCDeployed = $CBCDeployed if ($region) {$DeploymentInfo.CBCConnectorHost = ($tenantId + ((Get-Variable $region).Value.TlsCertificate).Replace('*',''))} if ($CBCDeployed -eq $true) {$DeploymentInfo.CBCDnsEntry = ($TenantIDHash + '')} if ($routing -eq 'inline') {$DeploymentInfo.InlineMXMatch = $MxMatch} if (($routing -eq 'inline') -and (!($inBoundOnly))) {$DeploymentInfo.RelayHost = $relayHost} if ($routing -eq 'inline') {$DeploymentInfo.GateHost = $gateHost} if ($routing -eq 'parallel') {$DeploymentInfo.MailHost = $MailHost} # DNS Records $DeploymentInfo.swisssignCheckTXT = $swisssignCheck $DeploymentInfo.spfTXT = $spf $DeploymentInfo.DnsSecurEmailCNAME = $SecurEmailCNAME $DeploymentInfo.DnsLetsEncryptCNAME = $LetsEncryptCNAME $DeploymentInfo.DnsDKIMTXT = $DKIMRecord $DeploymentInfo.DnsWildCardActive = $wildcardRecord return $DeploymentInfo } } <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a report of the current Status of the Exchange Online environment .DESCRIPTION The report will write all needed information of Exchange Online into an HTML file. This is useful for documentation and decisions for the integration. It also makes sense as some sort of snapshot documentation before and after an integration into .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport This reads relevant information of Exchange Online and writes a summary report in an HTML in the current directory .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -FilePath '~/Desktop' -Filepath requires a relative path and may be used with or without filename (auto-generated filename) .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -LiteralPath c:\temp\expreport.html Literalpath requires a full and valid path .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -jsonBackup -FilePath '~/Desktop' JSONBackup writes a JSON file with all relevant configuration of the Exchange Online Tenanant in addition to the HTML report. .INPUTS FilePath .OUTPUTS HTML Report and JSON backup file .NOTES See for more #> function New-SC365ExOReport { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium', DefaultParameterSetName = 'FilePath', HelpURI = '' )] Param ( # Define output relative Filepath [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Relative path of the HTML report on disk', ParameterSetName = 'FilePath', Position = 0 )] [Alias('Path')] [string]$filePath = '.', [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Literal path of the HTML report on disk', ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', Position = 0 )] [string]$Literalpath = '.', [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Literal path of the HTML report on disk', ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', Position = 1 )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Literal path of the HTML report on disk', ParameterSetName = 'FilePath', Position = 1 )] [switch]$jsonBackup ) begin { if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)){ throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } else { Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue } #region Filetest only if not $Literalpath is selected if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FilePath") { If (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Container) { Write-Verbose "Filepath $Filepath is a directory" if (Test-Path (Split-Path (Resolve-Path $Filepath) -Parent)) { Write-Verbose "Filepath $Filepath Container exists on disk, creating default ReportFilename" $ReportFilename = New-SelfGeneratedReportName $FinalPath = Join-Path -Path $filePath -ChildPath $ReportFilename } else { throw [System.Exception] "$FilePath is not valid. Enter a valid filepath like ~\Desktop or c:\temp\expreport.html" } } else { Write-Verbose "FilePath $Filepath is a Full Path including Filename" if ((Split-Path $FilePath -Extension) -eq '.html') { $FinalPath = $Filepath } else { throw [System.Exception] "$FilePath is not an HTML file. Enter a valid filepath like ~\Desktop or c:\temp\expreport.html" } } } else { # Literalpath $SplitLiteralPath = Split-Path -Path $LiteralPath -Parent If (Test-Path -Path $SplitLiteralPath) { $finalPath = $LiteralPath } else { throw [System.Exception] "$LiteralPath does not exist. Enter a valid literal path like ~\exoreport.html or c:\temp\expreport.html" } } if ($jsonBackup) { $jsonPath = (Join-Path -Path (split-path $FinalPath -Parent) -ChildPath (split-path $FinalPath -leafbase)) + '.json' } #endregion #Region Design parameters $colorSEPPmailGreen = '#C7D400' $colorSEPPmailGrey = '#575757' $colorSEPPmailLightGrey = '#BEBEBE' $sectionStyle = @{ Direction = 'column' Margin = 2 HeaderText = 'Exchange Online Status Report' HeaderBackGroundColor = $ColorSEPPmailgreen HeaderTextColor = $ColorSEPPmailGrey HeaderTextSize = 20 BackgroundColor = $colorSEPPmailLightGrey BorderRadius = '5px' } $contentHeaderStyle = @{ HeaderTextAlignment = 'center' HeaderTextColor = $ColorSEPPmailGreen HeaderBackGroundColor = $colorSEPPmailGrey HeaderTextSize = 18 } $contentBodyStyle = @{ Margin = 7 BorderRadius = '5px' JustifyContent = 'center' CanCollaps = $true BackgroundColor = 'White' } $tableStyle = @{ Style = 'display' # 'cell-border', compact, display, hover, nowrap, order-column, row-border, stripe Buttons = 'copyHtml5','csvHtml5','excelHtml5','pdfHtml5','print' DisablePaging = $false DisableSearch = $false DisableOrdering = $false DisableResponsiveTable = $false SearchBuilderLocation= 'bottom' EnableColumnReorder = $true EnableRowReorder = $false HideFooter = $true AutoSize = $false TextWhenNoData = 'No data in Exchange Online tenant available.' } $helpTextStyle = @{ FontSize = 11 Color = $colorSEPPmailLightGrey } #endregion } process { try { # Initialize JsonDATA to be filled by Get-ExoHTMLData for Backup Purposes $script:JsonData = $null if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Target", "Operation")) { #"Whatis is $Whatif and `$pscmdlet.ShouldProcess is $($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess) " #For later Use } #region Collecting Report Header CreateUser if ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Microsoft Windows*') { $repUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name } else { $repUser = (hostname) + '/' + (whoami) } #endregion #region NEW Way of Collecting Data $ExoData = [ordered]@{} $ExoData['AccDom']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'AccDom' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-AcceptedDomain' TabDat = 'Domainname,DomainType,Default,EmailOnly,ExternallyManaged,OutboundOnly,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Accepted Domains' HlpInf = 'The list of configured E-Mail-domains in this Tenant. The Tenant-Default-Domain is listed first. If the domain is default, its highlighted in red.' } $ExoData['RemDom']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'RemDom' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-RemoteDomain' TabDat = 'DomainName,ContentType,IsInternal,SmtpDaneMandatoryModeEnabled,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Remote Domains' HlpInf = 'Remote Domains are used to control mail flow with more precision, apply message formatting and messaging policies and specify acceptable character sets for messages sent to and received from the remote domain' } $ExoData['OrgCfg']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'OrgCfg' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-OrganizationConfig' TabDat = 'DisplayName,ExchangeVersion,SendFromAliasEnabled,AllowedMailboxRegions,DefaultMailboxRegion,DisablePlusAddressInRecipients,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Organizational Config' HlpInf = 'Some data around the physical location of your M365-Tenant' } $ExoData['TspCfg']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'TspCfg' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-TransportConfig' TabDat = 'MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Transport Configuration' HlpInf = 'View organization-wide transport configuration settings' } $ExoData['MxrRep']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'MxrRep' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = '$accDom.DomainName |ForEach-Object {Get-MXRecordReport -Domain $_}' TabDat = 'Domain,HighestPriorityMailhostIpAddress,HighestPriorityMailhost,IsAcceptedDomain,Organization,PointsToService,RecordExists' HdgTxt = 'MX-Record Report' HlpInf = 'MX-Record DNS entries and IP-addresses of every accepted domain' } $ExoData['ArcSlr']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'ArcSlr' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-ArcConfig' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'Trusted ARC Sealer Configuration' HlpInf = 'ARC is used to run or the SEPPmail Appliance in parallel mode with Exchange Online' } $ExoData['DkmSig']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'dkmsig' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-DkimSigningConfig' TabDat = 'Domain,Enabled,Status,Selector1CNAME,Selector2CNAME,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'DKIM Signing Configuration' HlpInf = 'DKIM Keys per Domain, DNS entries contains a public key used to verify the digital signature of an email. Makes only sense if MX record points to Microsoft.' } $ExoData['DanSts']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'dansts' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-SmtpDaneInboundStatus -DomainName (($accDom|Where-Object {$_.Default -eq $true}).DomainName)' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'DANE Inbound Status for Default Domain' HlpInf = 'A DANE record is a DNSSEC-protected TLSA record that specifies the expected TLS certificate or certificate authority information for securely connecting to a server.' } $ExoData['ibdCon']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'ibdcon' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-InboundConnector' TabDat = 'Identity,Enabled,ConnectorType,SenderDomains,SenderIPAddresses,TlsSenderCertificateName,EFSkipLastIP,EFSkipIPs,Comment,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Inbound Connectors' HlpInf = 'Connectivity for E-Mails flowing Inbound to Exchange Online' } $ExoData['obdCon']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'obdCon' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-OutboundConnector -IncludeTestModeConnectors:$true' TabDat = 'Identity,Enabled,ConnectorType,SmartHosts,TlsDomain,TlsSettings,RecipientDomains,Comment,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Outbound Connectors' HlpInf = 'Connectivity for E-Mails flowing Outbound from Exchange Online' } $ExoData['malFlw']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'malFlw' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-MailFlowStatusReport -StartDate (Get-Date) -EndDate ((Get-Date).AddDays(1))' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'Mail Flow Status Report' HlpInf = 'E-Mails categorized by by severity, of the last 24 hours' } $ExoData['tapRls']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'tapRls' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-TransportRule' TabDat = 'Name,State,Mode,Priority,FromScope,SentToScope,StopRuleProcessing,ManuallyModified,Comments,Description,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'E-Mail Transport Rules' HlpInf = 'Transport rules control mail flow by conditions and are important for the SEPPmail integration.' } $ExoData['apsPol']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'apsPol' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-AntiPhishPolicy' TabDat = 'Identity,isDefault,IsValid,AuthenticationFailAction,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Anti-Phishig Policies' HlpInf = 'Anti-Phish Policies are a security measure designed to protect against phishing attacks by identifying and blocking emails' } $ExoData['MwfPol']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'MwfPol' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-MalwareFilterPolicy' TabDat = 'Identity,Action,IsDefault,Filetypes,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Anti-Malware Policies' HlpInf = 'Anti-Malware Policies are a security configuration that scans and blocks email messages containing malicious software, such as viruses or ransomware.' } $ExoData['hctFpl']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'hctFpl' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy' TabDat = 'Name,IsDefault,ObjectState,MarkAsSpamSpfRecordHardFail,QuarantineRetentionPeriod,EndUserSpamNotificationFrequency,TestModeAction,IsValid,BulkSpamAction,PhishSpamAction,OriginatingServer,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Hosted Content Filter Policies' HlpInf = 'The HostedContentFilterPolicy in Exchange Online is a configuration that determines the filtering actions and thresholds for email content, including spam detection, safe sender lists, and quarantining, to protect against unwanted or malicious emails' } $ExoData['hcnFpl']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'hcnFpl' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'Hosted Connection Filter Policies' HlpInf = 'The HostedConnectionFilterPolicy in Exchange Online is a configuration that controls the connection filtering settings for incoming email, such as blocking or allowing specific IP addresses and domains, to manage spam and phishing protection.' } $ExoData['blkSnd']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'blkSnd' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-BlockedSenderAddress' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'Blocked Sender Address List' HlpInf = 'The BlockedSenderAddress list in Exchange Online specifies individual email addresses that are explicitly blocked from sending messages to recipients in your organization, helping to prevent spam or unwanted emails from those addresses.' } $ExoData['hobFpl']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'hobFpl' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy' TabDat = 'Name,IsDefault,Enabled,ActionWhenThresholdReached,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Hosted Outbound SPAMfilter Policies' HlpInf = 'The HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy in Exchange Online controls the filtering and management of outbound emails to detect and block potential spam or malicious messages sent from your organization, protecting your domains reputation.' } $ExoData['qarPol']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'qarPol' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-QuarantinePolicy' TabDat = 'Name,IsValid,QuarantinePolicyType,QuarantineRetentionDays,EndUserQuarantinePermissions,ESNEnabled,WhenCreated,WhenChanged' HdgTxt = 'Quarantine Policies' HlpInf = 'A quarantine policy in Exchange Online defines how quarantined emails are handled, including permissions for users to view, release, or report messages, and specifies notification settings for administrators and end users.' } $ExoData['iorCon']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'iorCon' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-IntraOrganizationConnector' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'Intra Organization Connectors' HlpInf = 'Intra-Organization Connectors in Exchange Online enable seamless mail flow, free/busy calendar sharing, and other organizational data sharing between different Exchange Online organizations or between Exchange Online and on-premises Exchange environments in a hybrid setup.' } $ExoData['hybMdc']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'hybMdc' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = 'Get-HybridMailflowDatacenterIPs' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = 'Hybrid Mailflow Datacenter IPs' HlpInf = 'List of IP addresses used by Microsoft datacenters for managing hybrid mail flow in an Exchange hybrid deployment' } <#$ExoData['nnnNnn']=[ordered]@{ VarNam = 'nnnNnn' WebLnk = '' RawCmd = '' TabDat = '' HdgTxt = '' HlpInf = '' }#> $totalItems = $ExoData.Count $j = 0 foreach ($ExoDataKey in $ExoData.Keys) { $InfoData = $ExoData[$ExoDataKey] $j++ # Execute the RawCmd and store the raw result in a variable with 'Raw' postfix $rawVariableName = "$($InfoData.VarNam)Raw" try { Set-Variable -Name $rawVariableName -Value (Invoke-Expression $InfoData.RawCmd) -Scope Script } catch { Set-Variable -Name $rawVariableName -Value "$($_.Exception.Message)" -Scope Script } # Execute the RawCmd and pipe it to Select-Object with TabDat members $processedVariableName = $InfoData.VarNam Write-Progress -Activity 'Receiving Exchange Online Information by:'` -Status "Processing $($infoData.RawCmd)" ` -PercentComplete (($j / $totalItems) * 100) if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($InfoData.TabDat)) { # If TabDat (Select-Object of Data) is empty, use the raw variable value Set-Variable -Name $processedVariableName -Value (Get-Variable -Name $rawVariableName -ValueOnly) -Scope Script } else { # Otherwise, process RawCmd with Select-Object and TabDat properties try { Set-Variable -Name $processedVariableName -Value (Invoke-Expression "$($InfoData.RawCmd) | Select-Object -Property $($InfoData.TabDat)") -Scope Script } catch { Set-Variable -Name $rawVariableName -Value "$($_.Exception.Message)" -Scope Script } } } Write-Progress -Activity 'Receiving Exchange Online Information' -Status "Completed" -Completed #endregion #region Generate the HTML report $finalReport = New-HTML -HtmlData { New-HTMLImage -Source '' -Width '20%' #New-HTMLLogo -LogoPath '/Users/romanstadlmair/Desktop/NewReport/' -LeftLogoName 'SEPPmailLogo.png' -LeftLogoString '/Users/romanstadlmair/Desktop/NewReport/SEPPmailLogo.png' New-HTMLSection @sectionStyle -Headertext "Exchange Online Status Report for: $($OrgCfg.DisplayName)" -Content { New-HTMLContent @contentHeaderStyle @ContentbodyStyle -HeaderText 'Report Information' -Direction 'column' -Collapsed -Content { $RawData =[ordered]@{ 'Report created' = (Get-Date) 'Report created by' = $repUser 'FileName' = Split-Path $FinalPath -Leaf 'FilePath' = Split-Path $FinalPath -Parent 'Fullpath' = $FinalPath 'SEPPmail365cloud Module Version' = $Global:ModuleVersion 'Microsoft Tenant ID' = Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain (Get-AcceptedDomain|where-object InitialDomain -eq $true|select-object -expandproperty Domainname) } if ($jsonBackup) {$RawData.'Link to JSON File on Disk' = $JsonPath} $RawDataNoHeader = [PSCustomObject]$RawData New-HTMLTable -DataTable $rawDataNoHeader @TableStyle -TextWhenNoData 'Could not fetch this value' -EnableRowReorder } New-HTMLContent @ContentHeaderStyle @contentBodyStyle -HeaderText 'General Setup' -Direction 'column' -Content { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.AccDom.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "$($ExoData.AccDom.HlpInf)"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.AccDom.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} Write-Verbose "Add Logic to detect if the default accepted domain is the domain" if (!($accDom|Get-Member -Name onmicrosoftIsDefault)) { $accDom|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name onmicrosoftIsDefault -Value 'False' } Foreach ($domain in $accDom) { if (($domain.Default -eq $True) -and ($domain.DomainName -like '*') ){ $domain.onmicrosoftIsDefault = 'True' } } New-HTMLTable -DataTable $accDom @tablestyle -ExcludeProperty 'onmicrosoftIsDefault' -DefaultSortColumn 'Default' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Default' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'True' -Row -FontWeight bold New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'onmicrosoftIsDefault' -ComparisonType bool -Operator eq -Value $true -row -Color red } New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.RemDom.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "$($ExoData.RemDom.HlpInf)"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.RemDom.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $RemDom @tablestyle -ExcludeProperty 'onmicrosoftIsDefault' -DefaultSortColumn 'Default' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.OrgCfg.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "$($ExoData.OrgCfg.HlpInf)"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.OrgCfg.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $OrgCfg @tableStyle New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.TspCfg.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "$($ExoData.TspCfg.HlpInf)"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.TspCfg.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $TspCfg @tableStyle New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.MxrRep.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "$($ExoData.MxrRep.HlpInf)"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.MxrRep.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $MxrRep @tableStyle -DefaultSortColumn 'HighestPriorityMailhostIpAddress' } New-HTMLContent @ContentHeaderStyle @contentBodyStyle -HeaderText 'SMTP Security' -Direction 'row'-Content { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.ArcSlr.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.ArcSlr.HlpInf)} -FontStyle italic -LineBreak New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.ArcSlr.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"} New-HTMLText -Text $arcSlr.ArcTrustedSealers -FontSize 14 -LineBreak New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.dkmSig.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.dkmSig.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.dkmSig.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $dkmSig @tableStyle -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Enabled' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'False' -Color 'red' -row -FontWeight bold } New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.danSts.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.DanSts.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.danSts.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"} New-HTMLText -Text $DanSts -FontSize 14 -LineBreak } New-HTMLContent @contentHeaderStyle @ContentBodyStyle -Headertext 'External Connectivity' -Direction 'column' -Content { if ($ibdcon) { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.ibdcon.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.ibdcon.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.ibdcon.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} Write-verbose "Add Logic to detect if the correct EFIP logic is set" if (!($ibdcon|Get-Member -Name EfSkipConfig)) {$ibdcon|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name EfSkipConfig -Value 'undefined'} Foreach ($ib in $ibdcon) { if (($ib.Identity -like '**') -and ($ib.ConnectorType -like 'OnPremises')) { if ((!($ib.EFSkipIPs)) -and ($ib.EFSkipLastIP -eq $true)){ $ib.EfSkipConfig = 'parallel' } if ((!(!($ib.EFSkipIPs))) -and ($ib.EFSkipLastIP -eq $true)){ $ib.EfSkipConfig = 'EFSkipIPs not empty' } if ((!($ib.EFSkipIPs)) -and ($ib.EFSkipLastIP -eq $false)){ $ib.EfSkipConfig = 'EFSkipLastIP is $false' } if ((!(!($ib.EFSkipIPs))) -and ($ib.EFSkipLastIP -eq $false)){ $ib.EfSkipConfig = 'EFSkipLastIP is $false AND EFSkipIPs not empty' } } } Write-Verbose "Add PowerShell Module version number to SEPPmail Connectors if available" $IbcVersion = Get-SC365ModuleVersion -InputString $ibdcon.Comment $ibdcon|Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name SC365Version -value $IbcVersion.Tostring() Write-Verbose "Create the IBC Data Table" New-HTMLTable -DataTable $ibdcon @tableStyle -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Identity' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'SEPPmail' -FontWeight bold -Color $colorSEPPmailGreen -Row New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Identity' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'CodeTwo' -BackgroundColor GoldenYellow -Row New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Identity' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'Exclaimer' -BackgroundColor GoldenYellow -Row New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'EfSkipConfig' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'EFSkip' -row -Color red } } if ($obdCon) { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.obdCon.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.obdCon.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.obdCon.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} Write-Verbose "Add PowerShell Module version number to SEPPmail Connectors if available" $obdVersion = Get-SC365ModuleVersion -InputString $obdCon.Comment $obdCon|Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name SC365Version -value $obdVersion New-HTMLTable -DataTable $obdCon @tableStyle -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Identity' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'CodeTwo' -BackgroundColor GoldenYellow -Row New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Identity' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'Exclaimer' -BackgroundColor GoldenYellow -Row New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Identity' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value 'SEPPmail' -FontWeight bold -Color $colorSEPPmailGreen -Row } } if ($malFlw) { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.malFlw.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.malFlw.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.malFlw.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} #Mailflowstatusreport und Paging auf 20 Einträge (eingeklappt oder anpassen) New-HTMLTable -DataTable $malFlw @tableStyle -PagingLength 20 } #FIXME: Else Messages incl Style } New-HTMLContent @contentHeaderStyle @ContentBodyStyle -HeaderText 'Transport Rules' -Direction 'column' -Content { if ($tapRls) { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.tapRls.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.tapRls.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.tapRls.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} Write-Verbose "Add PowerShell Module version number to SEPPmail Transportrules if available" foreach ($rule in $tapRls) { $tnrVersion = Get-SC365ModuleVersion -InputString $rule.Comments $rule|Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name SC365Version -value $tnrVersion } New-HTMLTable -DataTable $tapRls @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'Name' -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'Name' -ComparisonType string -Operator like -Value '[SEPPmail' -FontWeight bold -Color $colorSEPPmailGreen -Row #FIXME: doesnt match anymore :-) } } else { New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "No data found"} } } New-HTMLContent @contentHeaderStyle @ContentBodyStyle -HeaderText 'Defender Configuration' -Direction 'column' -Content { if ($apsPol) { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.apsPol.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.apsPol.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.apsPol.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $apsPol @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'IsDefault' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'isDefault' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'True' -FontWeight bold -row } } New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.MwfPol.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.mwfPol.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.MwfPol.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $MwfPol @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'IsDefault' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'isDefault' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'True' -FontWeight bold -row } New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.hctFpl.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.hctFpl.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.HctFpl.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $hctFpl @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'IsDefault' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'isDefault' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'True' -FontWeight bold -row New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'MarkAsSpamSpfRecordHardFail' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'On' -Row -Color Red -FontWeight bold } ##FIXME Im Parallel Modus darf die Default Policy NICHT aktiv sein ==> ROT New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.hcnFpl.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.hcnFpl.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.HcnFpl.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $hcnFpl @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'IsDefault' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' -SearchBuilder { New-HTMLTableCondition -Name 'isDefault' -ComparisonType string -Operator eq -Value 'True' -FontWeight bold -row } if ($blkSnd) { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.blkSnd.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.hcnFpl.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.blkSnd.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $blkSnd @tablestyle } New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.qarPol.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.qarPol.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.qarPol.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $qarPol @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'IsDefault' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.hobFpl.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.hobFpl.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.hobFpl.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $hobFpl @tablestyle -DefaultSortColumn 'IsDefault' -DefaultSortOrder 'Descending' } New-HTMLContent @contentHeaderStyle @ContentBodyStyle -Headertext 'Hybrid Information' -Direction 'column' -Collapsed -Content { New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.iorCon.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.iorCon.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.iorCon.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $iorCon @tablestyle New-HTMLHeading -Heading h2 -HeadingText $ExoData.hybMdc.HdgTxt -Color $ColorSEPPmailGreen -Underline New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output $($ExoData.hybMdc.HlpInf)} New-HTMLTextBox @helpTextStyle -TextBlock {Write-Output "Link to the original CmdLet for further exploration <a href =`"$($ExoData.hybMdc.WebLnk)`" target=`"_blank`">CmdLet Help</a>"} New-HTMLTable -DataTable $hybMdc.DatacenterIPs @tableStyle } } } #endregion # Write Report to Disk Write-Verbose "Write the Files to Disk" try { $finalReport|Out-File -FilePath $FinalPath -Force Write-Verbose "If JSONBackup is selected, write a JSON Backup" if ($jsonBackup) { # Store json in the same location as HTML #FIXME erzeuge RAWDATA foreach ($ExoDataKey in $ExoData.Keys) { $InfoData = $ExoData[$ExoDataKey] $VarNamRawJSON = "$($InfoData.VarNam)" + "Raw" $script:JsonData += (Get-Variable -Name $VarNamRawJSON | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Value)|Convertto-Json -Depth 5 } $jsonData = Set-Content -Value $JsonData -Path $jsonPath -force } } catch{ Write-Warning "Could not write report to $FinalPath" if ($IsWindows) { $FinalPath = Join-Path -Path $env:localappdata -ChildPath $ReportFilename if ($jsonBackup) { $jsonpath = (Join-Path -Path (split-path $FinalPath -Parent) -ChildPath (split-path $FinalPath -leafbase)) + '.json' } } if (($IsMacOs) -or ($isLinux)) { $Finalpath = Join-Path -Path $env:HOME -ChildPath $ReportFilename if ($jsonBackup) { $jsonpath = (Join-Path -Path (split-path $FinalPath -Parent) -ChildPath (split-path $FinalPath -leafbase)) + '.json' } } Write-Verbose "Writing report to $finalPath" try { $finalReport|Out-File -FilePath $finalPath -Force if ($jsonBackup) { # Store json in the same location as HTML Set-Content -Value $JsonData -Path $jsonPath -force } } catch { $error[0] } } if ($IsWindows) { Write-Information -MessageData "Opening $finalPath with default browser" Invoke-Expression "& '$finalpath'" } if (($IsMacOs) -or ($isLinux)) { "Report is stored on your disk at $finalpath. Open with your favorite browser." if ($jsonBackup) { "Json Backup is stored on your disk at $jsonPath. Open with your favorite editor." } } } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } end { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes all Rules and Connectors .DESCRIPTION Based on autodiscovery, or forced values through parameters, Remove-SC365Setup removes all connectors and rules from an Exo-Tenant .NOTES - none - .LINK .EXAMPLE Remove-SC365Setup # Without any parameters, it runs discovery mode and removes rules and connectors .EXAMPLE Remove-SC365Setup -parallel # Forces to remove parallel setup config .EXAMPLE Remove-SC365Setup -inline # Forces to remove inline setup config .EXAMPLE Remove-SC365Setup -inline -inBoundOnly # Forces to remove inline in "InbohndOnly" mode setup config #> function Remove-SC365Setup { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium', DefaultParameterSetName='parallel' )] param( [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'parallel', Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('parallel','inline','p','i')] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'inline', Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('parallel','inline','p','i')] [String]$routing, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'inline', Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="No routing of outbound traffic via" )] [switch]$InBoundOnly ) Begin { if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } else { if ((!($InboundOnly)) -or (!($routing)) ) { try { $deploymentInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo } catch { Throw [System.Exception] "Could not autodetect Deployment Status, use manual parameters" } if ($DeploymentInfo.DeployMentStatus -eq $false) { Write-Error " setup not (fully) deployed. Use Cloud-Portal and fix deployment." break } else { if ($Deploymentinfo) { if ($deploymentInfo.Routing) {$Routing = $deploymentInfo.Routing} else {Write-Error "Cloud not autodetect routig info, use manual parameters"; break} if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $true) {$inboundOnly = $true} if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $false) {$inboundOnly = $false} if ($null -eq $DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly) {$inboundOnly = $false} } } } else { if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'p') {$routing = 'parallel'} if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'i') {$routing = 'inline'} } } } Process { Write-Verbose "Creating Progress Bar" $objectCount = $null # Count Rules foreach ($file in (Get-Childitem -Path "$psscriptroot\..\ExOConfig\Rules\")) { $objectCount += if ((Get-SC365TransportRuleSettings -routing $routing -file $file).count -gt 0) {1} } # Count Connectors #if ((Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -routing $routing -file $file).count -gt 0) {1} $objectCount += 2 try { if ($InBoundOnly) { #Write-Progress -Activity "Removing SEPPmail.Cloud Setup" -Status "Removing Rules" -PercentComplete (0) Write-Information '--- Remove connector(s) ---' -InformationAction Continue Remove-SC365Connectors -routing $routing -Inboundonly:$inboundonly } else { #Write-Progress -Activity "Removing SEPPmail.Cloud Setup" -Status "Removing Rules" -PercentComplete (0) Write-Information '--- Removing transport rules ---' -InformationAction Continue Remove-SC365Rules Write-Information '--- Remove connector(s) ---' -InformationAction Continue Remove-SC365Connectors -routing $routing -Inboundonly:$inboundonly } } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" break } } End{ Write-Information "--- Successfully removed Setup in $routing mode ---" -InformationAction Continue } } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates all Rules and Connectors for .DESCRIPTION Based on autodiscovery, or forced values through parameters, New-SC365Setup creates all connectors and rules for an Exo-Tenant .NOTES - none - .LINK .EXAMPLE New-SC365Setup # Without any parameters, it runs discovery mode and created rules and connectors .EXAMPLE New-SC365Setup -force # The force parameter will force the removal of an existig setup and recreate connectors and rules .EXAMPLE New-SC365Setup -SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing parallel -region ch # Creates a setup for one domain in parallel mode and in region Switzerland .EXAMPLE New-SC365Setup -SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing inline -region de # Creates a setup for one domain in inline mode and in region Germany/EU .EXAMPLE New-SC365Setup -SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing inline -region de -inboundonly # Creates a setup for one domain in inline mode and in region Germany/EU inbound only. #> function New-SC365Setup { [CmdLetBinding( SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium', HelpURI = '' )] # Specifies a path to one or more locations. param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="The primary domain, booked in the" )] [Alias('domain')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]]$SEPPmailCloudDomain, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('parallel','inline','p','i')] [String]$routing, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Physical location of your data" )] [ValidateSet('dev','prv','de','ch')] [String]$region, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="No routing of outbound traffic via" )] [switch]$InBoundOnly, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Removes existing setup" )] [switch]$force ) Begin { if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } else { Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue } # If user tries to use * domain ==> BREAK if ($SEPPmailCloudDomain -like '*') { Write-Error "Domain $SEPPmailcloudDomain is not intended for E-Mail sending and cannot be booked for the SEPPmail-cloud Service. Specify a custom domain of your tenant and retry." break } Write-Verbose "Detecting Deploymentstatus frpm setup" try { $deploymentInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo } catch { Throw [System.Exception] "Could not autodetect deployment status, check portal deployment status" } Write-Verbose "Not enough parameters given, reading from Tenant, otherwise use data from console" if ((!($SEPPmailCloudDomain)) -or (!($region)) -or (!($routing)) ) { # Customers where TDAD is set to * ==> BREAK if ($DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain -like '*') { Write-Error "Domain $($DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain) is set as the tenant default accepted domain. $($DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain) is not intended for E-Mail sending and cannot be booked for the SEPPmail-cloud Service. Specify a custom domain of your tenant and retry or change the Default accepted domain in your Exchange Online tenant." break } if ($DeploymentInfo.DeployMentStatus -eq $false) { Write-Error " setup for domain $deploymentinfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain is not (fully) deployed. Use Cloud-Portal and fix deployment." break } else { if ($Deploymentinfo) { if ($deploymentInfo.Routing) {$Routing = $deploymentInfo.Routing} else {Write-Error "Cloud not autodetect routig info, use manual parameters"; break} if ($deploymentInfo.Routing -ne $routing) {Write-Error " is deployed with routing $deploymentInfo.Routing but the routing parameter is set to $routing, this will NOT WORK, exiting ..."; break} if ($deploymentInfo.Region) {$Region = $deploymentInfo.Region} else {Write-Error "Could not autodetect region. Use manual parameters"; break} if ($deploymentInfo.Region -ne $region) {Write-Error " is deployed in region $deploymentInfo.Region but the region parameter is set to $region, this will NOT WORK, exiting ..."; break} if ($DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain) {$SEPPmailCloudDomain = $DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain} else {Write-Error "Could not autodetect SEPPmailCloudDomain. Use manual parameters"; break} if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $true) {$inboundOnly = $true} if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $false) {$inboundOnly = $false} if ($null -eq $DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly) {$inboundOnly = $false} } } } else { if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'p') {$routing = 'parallel'} if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'i') {$routing = 'inline'} Write-Verbose "Checking if console parameter fit to deployment Info" if ($SEPPmailCloudDomain -ne $deploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain) {Write-Warning "Domain `"$SEPPmailCloudDomain`" does not fit to collected deployment info, just detected domain `"$($deploymentInfo.SEPPmailcloudDomain)`""} if ($routing -ne $deploymentInfo.routing) {Write-Error "Routing mode `"$routing`" does not fit to deployment info, just detected routing mode `"$($DeploymentInfo.routing)`" STOPPING because deployment will FAIL";break} if ($region -ne $deploymentInfo.region) {Write-Error "Region `"$region`" does not fit to deployment info, just detected region `"$($deploymentInfo.region)`" STOPPING because deployment will FAIL";break} Write-Verbose "Confirming if $SEPPmailCloudDomain is part or the tenant" $TenantDefaultDomain = $null foreach ($validationDomain in $SEPPmailCloudDomain) { if ((Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain -ValidationDomain $validationDomain) -eq $true) { Write-verbose "Domain is part of the tenant and the Default Domain" $TenantDefaultDomain = $ValidationDomain } else { if ((Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain -ValidationDomain $validationDomain) -eq $false) { Write-verbose "Domain is part of the tenant" } else { Write-Error "Domain is NOT Part of the tenant" break } } } } } Process { try { if ($force) { Remove-SC365Setup } } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Error "Setup removal failed. Try removing Rules and Connectors from the Microsoft portal or with native Exchange Online PowerShell Module CmdLets." break } # For Connectors - use Tenant Default Domain # For TransportRules, use all domains in the array if ($SEPPmailCloudDomain.count -le 1) { $ConnectorDomain = $SEPPmailCloudDomain[0] } else { $ConnectorDomain = $TenantDefaultDomain } try { if ($InBoundOnly -eq $true) { Write-Information '--- Creating inbound connector ---' -InformationAction Continue New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain $ConnectorDomain -routing $routing -region $region -inboundonly:$true } else { Write-Information '--- Creating in and outbound connectors ---' -InformationAction Continue New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain $ConnectorDomain -routing $routing -region $region } } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" break } try { if ($inboundonly -eq $false) { Write-Information '--- Creating transport rules ---' -InformationAction Continue New-SC365Rules -SEPPmailCloudDomain $SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing $routing } } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" break } } End{ Write-Information "--- Successfully created Setup for $SEPPmailCloudDomain in region $region in $routing mode ---" -InformationAction Continue Write-Information "--- Wait a few minutes until changes are applied in the Microsoft cloud ---" -InformationAction Continue Write-Information "--- Afterwards, start testing E-Mails in and out ---" -InformationAction Continue } } <# .SYNOPSIS Reads all Rules and Connectors for in an Exo-Tenant .DESCRIPTION Based on autodiscovery, or forced values through parameters, Get-SC365Setup reads all connectors and rules from an Exo-Tenant .NOTES - none - .LINK .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Setup # Without any parameters, it runs discovery mode and reads rules and connectors .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Setup -parallel # Reads parallel setup config .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Setup -inline # Reads inline setup config .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Setup -inline -inBoundOnly # Reads inline in "InbohndOnly" mode setup config #> function Get-SC365Setup { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='parallel')] param( [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'parallel', Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('parallel','inline','p','i')] [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'inline', Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)" )] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet('parallel','inline','p','i')] [String]$routing, [Parameter( ParameterSetName = 'inline', Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage="No routing of outbound traffic via" )] [switch]$InBoundOnly ) Begin { if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } else { Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue } if (!((!($InboundOnly)) -or (!($routing)))) { try { $deploymentInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo } catch { Throw [System.Exception] "Could not autodetect Deployment Status, use manual parameters" } if ($DeploymentInfo.DeployMentStatus -eq $false) { Write-Error " setup not (fully) deployed. Use Cloud-Portal and fix deployment." break } else { if ($Deploymentinfo) { if ($deploymentInfo.Routing) {$Routing = $deploymentInfo.Routing} else {Write-Error "Cloud not autodetect routig info, use manual parameters"; break} if ($deploymentInfo.InBoundOnly -eq $true) {$InBoundOnly = $deploymentInfo.InBoundOnly} else {$InBoundOnly = $false} } } } else { if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'p') {$routing = 'parallel'} if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'i') {$routing = 'inline'} } } Process { try { if ($InBoundOnly -eq $true) { Write-Verbose "Get Connectors in inbound-only mode" $smcConn = Get-SC365Connectors -Routing $routing -inboundonly:$true } else { Write-Verbose "Get Connectors" $smcConn = Get-SC365Connectors -Routing $routing -inboundonly:$false } if ($InBoundOnly -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "Get Transpprt Rules" $smcTRules = Get-SC365Rules } } catch { Write-Warning "Found no or incomplete setup, please check manually in EAC." break } } End{ Out-Host -InputObject $smcConn -Paging if ($InBoundOnly -eq $false) { Out-Host -InputObject $smcTRules -Paging } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Read Office/Microsoft365 Azure TenantID .DESCRIPTION Every Exchange Online is part of some sort of Microsoft Subscription and each subscription has an Azure Active Directory included. We need the TenantId to identify managed domains in .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain '' Explanation of what the example does .INPUTS Maildomain as string (mandatory) .OUTPUTS TenantID (GUID) as string .NOTES See for more #> Function Get-SC365TenantID { [CmdLetBinding( HelpURI = '' )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('SEPPmailCloudDomain')] [string]$maildomain ) $uri = '' + $maildomain + '/.well-known/openid-configuration' $TenantId = (Invoke-WebRequest $uri| ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3] Return $tenantid } <# .SYNOPSIS Test Exchange Online connectivity .DESCRIPTION When staying in a Powershell Session with Exchange Online many things can occur to disturb the session. The Test-SC365connectivity CmdLet figures out if the session is still valid .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus Whithout any parameter the CmdLet emits just true or false .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -verbose For deeper analisys of connectivity issues the verbose switch provides a lot of relevant information. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -showDefaultDomain ShowDefaultdomain will also emit the current default e-mail domain .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -Connect Connnect will try to connect via the standard method (web-browser) .INPUTS Inputs (if any) .OUTPUTS true/false .NOTES See for more #> function Test-SC365ConnectionStatus { [CmdLetBinding( HelpURI = '' )] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = 'If turned on, the CmdLet will emit the current default domain' )] [switch]$showDefaultDomain, [Parameter( Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = 'If turned on, the CmdLet will try to connect to Exchange Online is disconnected' )] [switch]$Connect ) [bool]$isConnected = $false Write-Verbose "Check if module ExchangeOnlineManagement is imported" if(!(Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Warning "ExchangeOnlineManagement module not yet imported, importing ..." if(!(Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {throw [System.Exception] "ExchangeOnlineManagement module does not seem to be installed! Use 'Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement' to install.'"} } else { $ExoConnInfo = if (Get-Connectioninformation) {(Get-ConnectionInformation)[-1]} if ($ExoConnInfo) { Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Online Tenant $($ExoConnInfo.TenantID)" if ((!($global:tenantAcceptedDomains)) -or ((Get-AcceptedDomain) -ne $tenantAcceptedDomains) ) { try { $global:tenantAcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain -Erroraction silentlycontinue } catch { Write-Error "Cannot detect accepted domains, maybe disconnected. Connect to Exchange Online and load the module again!" break } } [datetime]$TokenExpiryTimeLocal = $ExoConnInfo.TokenExpiryTimeUTC.Datetime.ToLocalTime() $delta = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $TokenExpiryTimeLocal $ticks = $delta.Ticks if ($ticks -like '-*') # Token expired { $isconnected = $false Write-Warning "You're not actively connected to your Exchange Online organization. TOKEN is EXPIRED" if(($InteractiveSession) -and ($Connect))# defined in public/Functions.ps1 { try { # throws an exception if authentication fails Write-Verbose "Reconnecting to Exchange Online" Connect-ExchangeOnline -SkipLoadingFormatData $isConnected = $true } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Could not connect to Exchange Online, please retry."} } else { $isConnected = $false } } else # Valid connection { $tokenLifeTime = [math]::Round($delta.TotalHours) Write-verbose "Active session token exipry time is $TokenExpiryTimeLocal (roughly $tokenLifeTime hours)" $tmpModuleName = Split-Path -Path $ExoConnInfo.ModuleName -Leaf Write-verbose "Active session Module name is $tmpModuleName" $isConnected = $true [string] $Script:ExODefaultDomain = Get-AcceptedDomain | Where-Object{$_.Default} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DomainName -First 1 if ($showDefaultDomain) {"$Script:ExoDefaultdomain"} } } else # No Connection { if(($InteractiveSession) -and ($connect)) # defined in public/Functions.ps1 { try { # throws an exception if authentication fails Write-Verbose "Connecting to Exchange Online" Connect-ExchangeOnline -SkipLoadingFormatData } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Could not connect to Exchange Online, please retry."} } else { $isConnected = $false } } } return $isConnected } <# .SYNOPSIS Validates if a given strig (domainname) is the tenant default maildomain .DESCRIPTION It takes the string and prooves if the domain is a member of the tenant. If this fails, the function returns an error and stops. If the domain is a tenant-member it returns true/false if its the domain default. .NOTES - none - .LINK - none - .EXAMPLE Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain -Domain '' Returns either an error if the domain is NOT in the tenant, of true or false. #> function Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain { param ( [CmdLetBinding()] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$ValidationDomain ) begin { $TenantDefaultDomain = $TenantAcceptedDomains.Where({$_.Default -eq $true}).DomainName } process { If (!($TenantAcceptedDomains.DomainName -contains $ValidationDomain)) { Write-Error "$ValidationDomain is not member of the connected tenant. Retry using only tenant-domains (Use CmdLet: Get-AcceptedDomain)" break } else { if ($Validationdomain -eq $TenantDefaultDomain) { return $true } else { return $false } } } end { } } <# .SYNOPSIS Tracks Messages in Exchange Online connected with .DESCRIPTION Combines information from messagetrace and messagetrace details, to emit information how a specific message went throught Exchangeonline .NOTES - none - .LINK - none - .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Messagetrace -MessageId '' -RecipientAddress '' #> function Get-SC365MessageTrace { [CmdLetBinding( HelpURI = '' )] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [String]$MessageId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Alias('RecipientAddress')] [String]$Recipient ) begin { $OldEaPreference = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Write-Information "This CmdLet is still under development" -InformationAction Continue Write-Verbose "Collecting SEPPmail Connectors for Messagetrace-Detail analysis" try { if (!($ibc = Get-Inboundconnector -Identity '[SEPPmail*')) { Write-Error "Could not find SEPPmail Inbound-Connecor" } if (!($obc = Get-Outboundconnector -Identity '[SEPPmail*')) { Write-Error "Could not find SEPPmail Outbound-Connecor" } } catch { Write-Error "Could not detect SEPPmail Connectors, aborting" break } $TenantAcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain } process { Write-Verbose "Retrieving initial Message-Trace id MessageID $MessageId for recipient $Recipient" Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 0 -CurrentOperation "Start" $PlainMessageID = $MessageId.Trim('<','>') Write-Verbose "Formatting Parameterinput Messageid:$MessageId - adding < and > at beginning and end to filter property" if (!($MessageId.StartsWith('<'))) {$MessageId = "<" + $MessageId} if (!($MessageId.EndsWith('>'))) {$MessageId = $MessageId + ">"} Write-Verbose "MessageID after formatting is now $MessageId" Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 40 -CurrentOperation "Messages loaded" $MessageTrace = Get-MessageTrace -MessageId $PlainMessageId -RecipientAddress $Recipient if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) { Write-Verbose "Try to find modified encrypted message" $EncMessageTrace = Get-MessageTrace -RecipientAddress $Recipient | Where-Object {($_.MessageId -like '*' + $PlainMessageId + '>')} Write-verbose "Found message with modified MessageID $Messagetrace.MessageID" if ($EncMessageTrace.count -eq 2) { $MessageTrace = Get-MessageTrace -RecipientAddress $Recipient | Where-Object {($_.MessageId -like '*' + $PlainMessageId + '>')} } } if (!($MessageTrace)){ Write-Error "Could not find Message with ID $MessageID and recipient $recipient. Look for typos." Write-Error "Message too young ? Try Get-Messagetrace" Write-Error "Message too old ? Try Search-MessageTrackingReport " break } try { Write-verbose "Test Maildirection, based on the fact that the $Recipient is part of TenantDomains" If (($TenantAcceptedDomains.DomainName).Contains(($Recipient -Split '@')[-1])) { $MailDirection = 'InBound' } else { $MailDirection = 'OutBound' } } catch { Write-Error "Could not detech mail-direction of recipient-address $recipient. Check for typos and see error below." $error[0] break } Write-Verbose "Crafting basic MessageTraceInfo" $OutPutObject = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{ Subject = if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {$MessageTrace.Subject} else {$MessageTrace[0].Subject} Size = if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {Convertto-SC365Numberformat -rawnumber $($MessageTrace.Size)} else {Convertto-SC365Numberformat -rawnumber $($MessageTrace[0].Size)} SenderAddresses = if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {$MessageTrace.SenderAddress} else {$MessageTrace[0].SenderAddress} MailDirection = $MailDirection RoutingMode = if (($ibc.identity -eq "[] Inbound-Parallel") -or ($obc.identity -eq "[] Outbound-Parallel")) {'Parallel'} else {'Inline'} } Write-Verbose "Add MessageTraceId´s" foreach ($i in $Messagetrace) {Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ('MessageTraceId' + ' Index'+ $I.Index) -Value $i.MessagetraceId} if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) { Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromIP -Value $MessageTrace.FromIP Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromDNS -Value (Resolve-DNS -query $MessageTrace.FromIP).Answers|Select-Object -ExpandProperty Address|Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPAddressToString if ($messagetrace.ToIp) {Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToIP -Value $MessageTrace.ToIP} if ($messagetrace.ToIp) {Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToDNS -Value (((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace.ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value} } else { if ($Messagetrace[0].FromIP) { Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromIP -Value $MessageTrace[0].FromIP Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[0].FromIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value) } else { Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromIP -Value '---empty---' Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromDNS -Value '---empty---' } if ($MessageTrace[0].ToIP) { Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToIP -Value $MessageTrace[0].ToIP Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[0].ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value) } else { Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToIP -Value '---empty---' } } Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name 'SplitLine' -Value "-------------------- MessageTrace DETAIL Info Starts Here --------------------" switch ($maildirection) { {(($_ -eq 'InBound') -and ($ibc.identity -match "\[SEPPmail\]") -and ($ibc.ConnectorType -eq 'OnPremises'))} { # Im Parallel Mode kommt die Mail 2x, einmal von externem Host und einmal von SEPpmail, Index 0 und 1 #$MessageTraceDetailExternal = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient $MTDExtReceived = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient -Event 'RECEIVE' $MTDExtExtSend = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient | Where-Object event -like '*send*' #$MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient $MTDSEPPReceived = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient -Event 'RECEIVE' $MTDSEPPDelivered = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient -Event 'DELIVER' Write-Verbose "Crafting Inbound Connector Name" try { $ibcName = (($MTDSEPPReceived.Data).Split(';') | Select-String 'S:InboundConnectorData=Name').ToString().Split('=')[-1] } catch { $ibcName = '--- E-Mail did not go over SEPPmail Connector ---' } Write-Verbose "Preparing Output (Receive)Inbound-Parallel" $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalReceivedTime -Value $messageTrace[1].Received $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalReceivedSize -Value $messageTrace[1].Size $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToIP -Value $messageTrace[1].ToIP $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[1].ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value) $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtMessageTraceId -Value $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId.Guid $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPMessageTraceId -Value $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId.Guid $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDExtReceived.Date -End $MTDSEPPDelivered.Date).Seconds $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDExtReceived.Date -End $MTDExtExtSend.Date).Seconds $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SEPPTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDSEPPReceived.Date -End $MTDSEPPDelivered.Date).Seconds #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SubmitDetail -Value $MTDSEPPDelivered.Detail # Boring $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtSendDetail -Value $MTDExtExtSend.Detail $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InboundConnectorName -Value $ibcName } {(($_ -eq 'InBound') -and ($ibc.identity -match "\[SEPPmail\]") -and ($ibc.ConnectorType -eq 'Partner'))} { $MessageTraceDetail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace.MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient #$MTDReceived = $MessageTraceDetail|where-object {($_.Event -eq 'Received') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Empfangen')} $MTDReceived = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace.MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient -event 'received' #$MTDDelivered = $MessageTraceDetail|where-object {($_.Event -eq 'Delivered') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Zustellen')} Write-Verbose "Crafting Inbound Connector Name" try { $ibcName = (($MTDReceived.Data).Split(';')|select-string 'S:InboundConnectorData=Name').ToString().Split('=')[-1] } catch { $ibcName = '--- E-Mail did not go over SEPPmail Connector ---' } Write-Verbose "Preparing Output (Receive)Inbound-Inline" $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalReceivedTime -Value $messageTrace.Received #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DeliveredDetail -Value $MTDDelivered.Detail # Boring Info $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceivedDetail -Value $MTDReceived.Detail if ($MTReceived) { $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransportTime (s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTReceived.Date -End $MTDelivered.Date).Seconds } else { $outPutObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransportTime (s)' -Value '---cannot determine transporttime in inline mode---' } $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InboundConnectorName -Value $ibcName } {(($_ -eq 'OutBound') -and ($obc.identity -match "\[SEPPmail\]") -and ($ibc.ConnectorType -eq 'OnPremises'))} { # We take one of 2 Send/Receive Messagetraces from SEPPmail and get the details # Now this one has 3 Parts. 0= Recieve from Mailboxhost, 1 = SumbitMessage (Exo internal), 2 = Send to SEPPmail $MTDSEPPReceive = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient -Event 'receive' $MTDSEPPExtSend = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient |where-object Event -like '*SEND*' # $MTDSEPPSubmit = $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail[1] Not interesting for us $MTDExtReceive = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient -Event 'receive' $MTDExtExtSend = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient |where-object Event -like '*SEND*' try { $obcName = (((($MTDSEPPExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:Microsoft.Exchange.Hygiene.TenantOutboundConnectorCustomData').ToString()).Split('=')[-1] }catch { $obcName = "--- E-Mail did not go via a SEPPmail Connector ---" } $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToIP -Value $messageTrace[1].ToIP $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[1].ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value) $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPmailReceivedFromIP -Value $messageTrace[1].FromIP try { $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPmailReceivedFromDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[1].FromIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value) } catch { Write-Information "Cannot Resolve $($messageTrace[1].FromIP)" -InformationAction Continue } $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransPortTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDExtReceive.Date -End $MTDExtExtSend.Date).Seconds $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SEPPmailTransPortTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDSEPPReceive.Date -End $MTDSEPPExtSend.Date).Seconds $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullTransPortTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDSEPPReceive.Date -End $MTDExtExtSend.Date).Seconds $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPReceiveDetail -Value $MTDSEPPReceive.Detail #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPSubmitDetail -Value $MTDSEPPSubmit.Detail # Boring $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPSendExtDetail -Value $MTDSEPPExtSend.Detail $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtReceiveDetail -Value $MTDExtReceive.Detail $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtSendDetail -Value $MTDExtExtSend.Detail $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OutboundConnectorName -Value $obcName $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalSendLatency -Value (((($MTDExtExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:ExternalSendLatency').ToString()).Split('=')[-1] } {(($_ -eq 'OutBound') -and ($obc.identity -match "\[SEPPmail\]") -and ($ibc.ConnectorType -eq 'Partner'))} { Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 40 -CurrentOperation "Get-Messagetrace" $MessageTraceDetail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace.MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient # 1 = Empfangen/Receive $MTDReceive = $MessageTraceDetail|Where-Object {(($_.Event -eq 'Empfangen') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Receive'))} # 2 = Übermitteln/Submit # $MTDSubmit = $MessageTraceDetail|Where-Object {(($_.Event -eq 'Übermitteln') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Submit'))} # 3 = Send external/Extern senden $MTDExtSend = $MessageTraceDetail|Where-Object {(($_.Event -eq 'Send external') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Extern senden'))} Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 80 -CurrentOperation "Preparing Output" Write-Verbose "Crafting Oubound Connector Name" try { $obcName = (((($MTDExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:Microsoft.Exchange.Hygiene.TenantOutboundConnectorCustomData').ToString()).Split('=')[-1] } catch { $obcName = '--- E-Mail did not go over SEPPmail Connector ---' } Write-verbose "Adding Specific Outbound-Inline Data to output" if (($MTDReceive.Date) -and ($MTDExtSend.Date)) {$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoInternalTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDReceive.Date -End $MTDExtSend.Date).Seconds} $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveDetail -Value $MTDReceive.Detail #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SubmitDetail -Value $MTDSubmit.Detail # Keine Relevante Info $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtSendDetail -Value $MTDExtSend.Detail $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OutboundConnectorName -Value $obcName if ($MTDExtSend) {$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalSendLatency -Value (((($MTDExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:ExternalSendLatency').ToString()).Split('=')[-1]} Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "StatusMessage" -PercentComplete 100 -CurrentOperation "Done" } Default { $OutputObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "SEPPmail Integration" -Value 'none found' Write-Verbose "E-Mail direction was $_, could not detect SEPPmail" } } } end { return $OutPutObject $ErrorActionPreference = $OldEaPreference } } <# .SYNOPSIS Read Office/Microsoft365 Azure TenantID .DESCRIPTION Every Exchange Online is part of some sort of Microsoft Subscription and each subscription has an Azure Active Directory included. We need the TenantId to identify managed domains in .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain '' Explanation of what the example does .INPUTS Maildomain as string (mandatory) .OUTPUTS TenantID (GUID) as string .NOTES See for more #> Function Show-SC365Tenant { [CmdLetBinding( HelpURI = '' )] param ( ) if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } else { Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue try { $where = Get-OrganizationConfig $youare = [PSCustomobject]@{ 'Name' = $where.Name 'DisplayName' = $where.DisplayName 'DefaultMailboxRegion' = $where.DefaultMailboxRegion 'AllowedMailboxRegions' = $where.AllowedMailboxRegions 'ExchangeVersion' = $where.ExchangeVersion 'SendFromAliasEnabled' = $where.SendFromAliasEnabled 'IsTenantInGracePeriod' = $Where.IsTenantInGracePeriod } return $youare } catch { Write-Error $Error[0].Message } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Read DateTime of Setup .DESCRIPTION Reads the Creation Time of the Inbound Connector and emits dateTime of the moment the setup occured. .NOTES none .LINK none .EXAMPLE Get-SC365SetupTime Montag, 20. März 2023 10:56:04 .EXAMPLE Get-Sc365SetupTime -verbose Montag, 20. März 2023 10:56:04 VERBOSE: SEPPmail Cloud was created 13 days ago VERBOSE: Inbound Connector Comments writes install date is: 03/20/2023 10:56:04 #> Function Get-SC365SetupTime { [CmdLetBinding()] param () begin {} process { $ibc = Get-InboundConnector -Identity '[SEPPmail.Cloud]*' | select-object -first 1 $ibc|Select-Object -ExpandProperty WhenCreated $days = (New-Timespan -Start (Get-Date $ibc.WhenCreated) -End (Get-Date)).Days Write-Output "SEPPmail Cloud was created $days days ago" $commentstime = ((($ibc.comment|select-String 'Created with') -split 'version').trim()[-1] -split 'on').trim()[-1] Write-Verbose "Inbound Connector Comments writes install date is: $commentsTime" } end{} } <# .SYNOPSIS Convert a DNS domain to IDNA Format .DESCRIPTION The CmdLet uses the System.Globalization.IdnMapping .NET Method to convert a DNS Domain with special characters like ä, ü, or ß to the IDNA format. .NOTES none .LINK none .EXAMPLE Get-Sc365SetupTime ö #> function ConvertTo-SC365IDNA { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [string]$String ) $idn = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new() return $idn.GetAscii($String) } <# .SYNOPSIS Convert a IDNA Formatted Domain to DNS .DESCRIPTION The CmdLet uses the System.Globalization.IdnMapping .NET Method to convert a IDNA Domain with special characters like ä, ü, or ß to the original DNS format. .NOTES none .LINK none .EXAMPLE Get-Sc365SetupTime ö #> function ConvertFrom-SC365IDNA { [CmdLetBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true )] [string]$String ) $idn = [System.Globalization.IdnMapping]::new() return $idn.GetUnicode($String) } function Update-SC365Setup { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true ) ] param( # Indicates whether the old setup should be removed during the update process. [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Specify if the old setup should be removed during the update process." )] [bool]$remove = $false, # Specifies the name for the backup to be created during the update process. [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Provide a custom name for the backup mailflow object during the update process." )] [string]$BackupName = 'SC-BKP', # Specifies the name for the backup to be created during the update process. [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Prefix for connectors for temporary swapping rules traffic" )] [string]$TempPrefix = 'temp' ) begin { $existEAValue = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' } process { #region Infoblock Write-Host "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| This script is a helper and provides basic steps to upgrade your |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| integration. It covers only STANDARD Setups!|" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| The Script will: |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 1.) Check if there are any orphaned rule or connector objects |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 2.) Rename Transport rules to `$backupName |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 3.) Create Connectors with Temp Name |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 4.) Set (200) outbound transport rule to New-Connector |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 5.) Rename Connectors to `$backupName |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 6.) Attach old Transport rules to old Connector with BackupNam |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| ----------------- OLD SETUP STILL RUNNING ------------------ |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 7.) Rename NEW Connectors to original names |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 8.) Create new transport rules -PlacementPriority TOP |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| -------------------- NEW SETUP RUNNING ---------------------- |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 9.) Disable old rules |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 10.) Disable old connectors |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| 11.) on -remove delete old transport rules and connectors |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| If you have any: |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| - customizations to rules |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| - other corporate transport rules |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| - disclaimer Services integrated via rules |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| - or other special scenarios in your Exo-Tenant |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| you need to adapt/change/post-configure the outcome of this script! |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "| DO NOT JUST FIRE IT UP AND HOPE THINGS ARE GOING TO WORK !!!!!! |" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black Write-Host "+---------------------------------------------------------------------+" -ForegroundColor Magenta -BackgroundColor Black #endregion $response = Read-Host "I have read and understood the above warning (Type MURPHY if you agree)!" if ($response -eq 'MURPHY') { Write-Verbose '1 - Checking if there are existing Backup objects in the Exchange Tenant' $backupWildCard = '[' + $backupName + '*' Write-Verbose "1a - Checking if there are any orphaned backup objects" if (!((Get-InboundConnector -Identity $BackupWildcard -ea SilentlyContinue) -or (Get-OutboundConnector -Identity $backupWildCard -ea SilentlyContinue) -or (Get-TransportRule -Identity $backupWildCard -ea SilentlyContinue))) { #region 1a - Get-DeploymentInfo Write-Verbose "1b - Getting DeploymentInfo" $DeplInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo #region 2 - rename existing rules to backup name Write-Verbose "2 - Rename existing rules" $oldTrpRls = Get-TransportRule -Identity '[]*' foreach ($rule in $oldTrpRls) { Set-TransportRule -Identity $rule.Name -Name ($rule.Name -replace 'SEPPmail.Cloud', $BackupName) @psBoundParameters } #endregion rename existing rules to backup name #region 3 - create new connectors with temp Name Write-Verbose "3 - Creating new connectors with temp name" #$newConnectors = New-SC365connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain $DeplInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain -region $DeplInfo.region -routing $DeplInfo.routing -NamePrefix $tempPrefix # -routing $($DeplInfo.Routing) -region $($DeplInfo.region) #FIXME: if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('New connectors','create')){ $newConnectors = New-SC365connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain $DeplInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain -region $DeplInfo.region -routing $DeplInfo.routing -NamePrefix $tempPrefix @psBoundParameters } #endregion create new connectors with temp Name #region 4 - set outbound rule to new connector (Inline 200, parallel 1xx) Write-Verbose "4 - Set outbound rules to new connector" $oldObc = Get-OutboundConnector -Identity '[] Outbound-*' [string]$tempObcName = $TempPrefix + $($OldObc.Identity) $rulesToChange = Get-TransportRule -Identity '[*' | Where-Object {($null -ne $_.RouteMessageOutboundConnector) -and ($_.Name -like "*$backupName*")} foreach ($rule in $rulesToChange) { Set-TransportRule -Identity $($rule.Identity) -RouteMessageOutboundConnector $tempObcName @psBoundParameters } #endregion set outbound rule to new connector #region 5 - rename old connectors to backup Names Write-Verbose "5 - Rename existing Connectors to $backupName" Write-Verbose "5a - Rename existing Inbound Connector" $oldIbc = Get-InboundConnector -Identity '[] Inbound-*' Set-InboundConnector -Identity $($OldIbc.Identity) -Name ($($OldIbc.Identity) -replace 'SEPPmail.Cloud',$backupName) @PSBoundParameters Write-Verbose "5b - Rename existing Outbound Connector" $oldObc = Get-OutBoundConnector -Identity "[] OutBound-*" Set-OutBoundConnector -Identity $($oldObc.Identity) -Name ($oldObc.Identity -replace 'SEPPmail.Cloud',$backupName) @PSBoundParameters #endregion #region 6 - attach old outbound rules to old connector Write-Verbose "6 - Set outbound rule to old backup connector again" $bkpConnWildcard = "[" + $backupName + "]*" $bkpObc = Get-OutboundConnector -Identity $bkpConnWildcard foreach ($rule in $rulesToChange) { Set-TransportRule -Identity $($rule.Identity) -RouteMessageOutboundConnector $bkpObc @PSBoundParameters } #endregion #region 7 - rename new connectors to final Names Write-Verbose "7 - Rename existing $tempPrefix connectors to final name" $finalObCName = ($newConnectors|Where-Object Identity -like '*OutBound*').Identity -replace "^$([regex]::Escape($tempPrefix))", "" Set-OutboundConnector -Identity ($newConnectors|Where-Object Identity -like '*OutBound*').Identity -Name $finalObcName @PSBoundParameters $finalIbcName = ($newConnectors|Where-Object Identity -like '*Inbound*').Identity -replace "^$([regex]::Escape($tempPrefix))", "" Set-InBoundConnector -Identity ($newConnectors|Where-Object Identity -like '*InBound*').Identity -Name $finalIbcName @PSBoundParameters #endregion #region 8 - create New Transport rules Write-Verbose "8 - Creating new Transport Rules" New-SC365Rules -SEPPmailCloudDomain $DeplInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing $DeplInfo.routing -PlacementPriority Top @PSBoundParameters #endregion #region 9 - disable old Transport rules $trWildcard = '[' + $BackupName + ']*' Write-Verbose "9 - Disable old Transport Rules" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Disabling Transport Rules matching $trWildcard")) { Get-TransportRule -Identity $trWildcard | Disable-TransportRule -Confirm:$false @psboundParameters } #endregion 9 #region 10 - Disable old connectors Write-Verbose "10 - Disable old connectors" Set-InBoundConnector -Identity $bkpConnWildcard -Enabled:$false @psBoundParameters Set-OutBoundConnector -Identity $bkpConnWildcard -Enabled:$false @PSBoundParameters #endregion 10 #region 11 Remove old stuff if ($remove) { Write-Verbose "11a - Deleting old Transport Rules" Get-TransportRule -Identity $trWildcard | Remove-TransportRule -confirm:$false Write-Verbose "11b - Deleting old Inbound Connector" Remove-InBoundConnector -Identity $bkpConnWildcard -confirm:$false Write-Verbose "11c - Deleting old Outbound Connector" Remove-OutBoundConnector -Identity $bkpConnWildcard -confirm:$false } #endregion } else { Write-Error "STOPPING - Found Existing Backup Objects - clean up the environment from $BackupName objects (rules and connectors) and TRY again" break } } else { Write-Host "Wise decision! Analyze your integration with New-SC365ExoReport and come back again if you are more familiar with the environment." -ForegroundColor Green -BackgroundColor DarkGray } } end { $ErrorActionPreference = $existEAValue } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-SC365TenantId -ParameterName MailDomain -ScriptBlock $paramDomSB Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-SC365Setup -ParameterName SEPPmailCloudDomain -ScriptBlock $paramDomSB # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIVzAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIVvTCCFbkCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCA2Sc12FJiOlvYp # RCfd91LPI+X9FzDU2U8QDTmEGCaezqCCEggwggVvMIIEV6ADAgECAhBI/JO0YFWU # jTanyYqJ1pQWMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMHsxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # DBJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcMB1NhbGZvcmQxGjAYBgNVBAoM # EUNvbW9kbyBDQSBMaW1pdGVkMSEwHwYDVQQDDBhBQUEgQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgU2Vy # dmljZXMwHhcNMjEwNTI1MDAwMDAwWhcNMjgxMjMxMjM1OTU5WjBWMQswCQYDVQQG # EwJHQjEYMBYGA1UEChMPU2VjdGlnbyBMaW1pdGVkMS0wKwYDVQQDEyRTZWN0aWdv # IFB1YmxpYyBDb2RlIFNpZ25pbmcgUm9vdCBSNDYwggIiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA # A4ICDwAwggIKAoICAQCN55QSIgQkdC7/FiMCkoq2rjaFrEfUI5ErPtx94jGgUW+s # hJHjUoq14pbe0IdjJImK/+8Skzt9u7aKvb0Ffyeba2XTpQxpsbxJOZrxbW6q5KCD # J9qaDStQ6Utbs7hkNqR+Sj2pcaths3OzPAsM79szV+W+NDfjlxtd/R8SPYIDdub7 # P2bSlDFp+m2zNKzBenjcklDyZMeqLQSrw2rq4C+np9xu1+j/2iGrQL+57g2extme # me/G3h+pDHazJyCh1rr9gOcB0u/rgimVcI3/uxXP/tEPNqIuTzKQdEZrRzUTdwUz # T2MuuC3hv2WnBGsY2HH6zAjybYmZELGt2z4s5KoYsMYHAXVn3m3pY2MeNn9pib6q # RT5uWl+PoVvLnTCGMOgDs0DGDQ84zWeoU4j6uDBl+m/H5x2xg3RpPqzEaDux5mcz # mrYI4IAFSEDu9oJkRqj1c7AGlfJsZZ+/VVscnFcax3hGfHCqlBuCF6yH6bbJDoEc # QNYWFyn8XJwYK+pF9e+91WdPKF4F7pBMeufG9ND8+s0+MkYTIDaKBOq3qgdGnA2T # OglmmVhcKaO5DKYwODzQRjY1fJy67sPV+Qp2+n4FG0DKkjXp1XrRtX8ArqmQqsV/ # AZwQsRb8zG4Y3G9i/qZQp7h7uJ0VP/4gDHXIIloTlRmQAOka1cKG8eOO7F/05QID # AQABo4IBEjCCAQ4wHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUoBEKIz6W8Qfs4q8p74Klf9AwpLQwHQYD # VR0OBBYEFDLrkpr/NZZILyhAQnAgNpFcF4XmMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjAPBgNV # HRMBAf8EBTADAQH/MBMGA1UdJQQMMAoGCCsGAQUFBwMDMBsGA1UdIAQUMBIwBgYE # VR0gADAIBgZngQwBBAEwQwYDVR0fBDwwOjA4oDagNIYyaHR0cDovL2NybC5jb21v # ZG9jYS5jb20vQUFBQ2VydGlmaWNhdGVTZXJ2aWNlcy5jcmwwNAYIKwYBBQUHAQEE # KDAmMCQGCCsGAQUFBzABhhhodHRwOi8vb2NzcC5jb21vZG9jYS5jb20wDQYJKoZI # hvcNAQEMBQADggEBABK/oe+LdJqYRLhpRrWrJAoMpIpnuDqBv0WKfVIHqI0fTiGF # OaNrXi0ghr8QuK55O1PNtPvYRL4G2VxjZ9RAFodEhnIq1jIV9RKDwvnhXRFAZ/ZC # J3LFI+ICOBpMIOLbAffNRk8monxmwFE2tokCVMf8WPtsAO7+mKYulaEMUykfb9gZ # pk+e96wJ6l2CxouvgKe9gUhShDHaMuwV5KZMPWw5c9QLhTkg4IUaaOGnSDip0TYl # d8GNGRbFiExmfS9jzpjoad+sPKhdnckcW67Y8y90z7h+9teDnRGWYpquRRPaf9xH # +9/DUp/mBlXpnYzyOmJRvOwkDynUWICE5EV7WtgwggYaMIIEAqADAgECAhBiHW0M # UgGeO5B5FSCJIRwKMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBDAUAMFYxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRgwFgYD # VQQKEw9TZWN0aWdvIExpbWl0ZWQxLTArBgNVBAMTJFNlY3RpZ28gUHVibGljIENv # ZGUgU2lnbmluZyBSb290IFI0NjAeFw0yMTAzMjIwMDAwMDBaFw0zNjAzMjEyMzU5 # NTlaMFQxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRgwFgYDVQQKEw9TZWN0aWdvIExpbWl0ZWQxKzAp # BgNVBAMTIlNlY3RpZ28gUHVibGljIENvZGUgU2lnbmluZyBDQSBSMzYwggGiMA0G # CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBjwAwggGKAoIBgQCbK51T+jU/jmAGQ2rAz/V/9shTUxjI # ztNsfvxYB5UXeWUzCxEeAEZGbEN4QMgCsJLZUKhWThj/yPqy0iSZhXkZ6Pg2A2NV # DgFigOMYzB2OKhdqfWGVoYW3haT29PSTahYkwmMv0b/83nbeECbiMXhSOtbam+/3 # 6F09fy1tsB8je/RV0mIk8XL/tfCK6cPuYHE215wzrK0h1SWHTxPbPuYkRdkP05Zw # mRmTnAO5/arnY83jeNzhP06ShdnRqtZlV59+8yv+KIhE5ILMqgOZYAENHNX9SJDm # +qxp4VqpB3MV/h53yl41aHU5pledi9lCBbH9JeIkNFICiVHNkRmq4TpxtwfvjsUe # dyz8rNyfQJy/aOs5b4s+ac7IH60B+Ja7TVM+EKv1WuTGwcLmoU3FpOFMbmPj8pz4 # 4MPZ1f9+YEQIQty/NQd/2yGgW+ufflcZ/ZE9o1M7a5Jnqf2i2/uMSWymR8r2oQBM # dlyh2n5HirY4jKnFH/9gRvd+QOfdRrJZb1sCAwEAAaOCAWQwggFgMB8GA1UdIwQY # MBaAFDLrkpr/NZZILyhAQnAgNpFcF4XmMB0GA1UdDgQWBBQPKssghyi47G9IritU # pimqF6TNDDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwEgYDVR0TAQH/BAgwBgEB/wIBADATBgNV # HSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzAbBgNVHSAEFDASMAYGBFUdIAAwCAYGZ4EMAQQBMEsG # A1UdHwREMEIwQKA+oDyGOmh0dHA6Ly9jcmwuc2VjdGlnby5jb20vU2VjdGlnb1B1 # YmxpY0NvZGVTaWduaW5nUm9vdFI0Ni5jcmwwewYIKwYBBQUHAQEEbzBtMEYGCCsG # AQUFBzAChjpodHRwOi8vY3J0LnNlY3RpZ28uY29tL1NlY3RpZ29QdWJsaWNDb2Rl # 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