
# Generic function to avoid code duplication
Sets properties on an input object based on a configuration JSON file.
The `Set-SC365PropertiesFromConfigJson` function takes an input object and updates its properties using values from a provided JSON object.
It handles general properties, as well as properties specific to routing, options, and regions, ensuring configuration consistency across components.
.PARAMETER InputObject
The object whose properties will be updated based on the JSON configuration.
A JSON object containing the configuration settings. The function expects the JSON to include general properties and optionally,
nested `Routing`, `Option`, or `Region` sections.
An optional parameter specifying the routing type. If provided, the function will apply settings from the corresponding
`Routing` section in the JSON object.
An optional array of configuration options. The function applies properties from the `Option` section in the JSON
for the specified options.
An optional parameter specifying the geographic region. If provided, the function applies settings from the
`Region` section in the JSON object.
The function modifies the `InputObject` in place.
PS> $config = Get-Content "config.json" | ConvertFrom-Json
PS> $obj = New-Object PSObject
PS> Set-SC365PropertiesFromConfigJson -InputObject $obj -Json $config -Routing "Hybrid" -Option @("Option1", "Option2") -Region "NorthAmerica"
This example updates the properties of `$obj` using the configuration in `config.json`, applying settings for the `Hybrid` routing type,
`Option1` and `Option2`, and the `NorthAmerica` region.
- This function assumes the JSON structure includes general properties and optionally, nested sections for `Routing`, `Option`, and `Region`.
- The function skips certain predefined keys (`Name`, `Option`, `Routing`, `Region`) for general property updates.
- PowerShell 5.1 or later.
- A properly structured JSON configuration file.
For information on managing JSON data in PowerShell, see:

function Set-SC365PropertiesFromConfigJson
        [psobject] $InputObject,
        [psobject] $Json,
        [SC365.MailRouting] $Routing,
        [SC365.ConfigOption[]] $Option,
        [SC365.GeoRegion] $Region

    # Set all properties that aren't version specific
    $ | Foreach-Object {
        if ($_.Name -notin @("Name", "Option", "Routing", "Region"))
        { $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value }

    if($routing -and $json.Routing)
        $json.Routing.$ | Foreach-Object {
            $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value

    if($Option -and $json.Option)
        $Option | Where-Object {$json.Option.$_} | ForEach-Object{
            $Json.Option.$ | ForEach-Object{
                $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value

    if($Region -and $json.Region)
        $json.Region.$ | %Foreach-Object {
            $InputObject.$($_.Name) = $_.Value

Retrieves inbound connector settings for a specified routing type.
The `Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings` function reads inbound connector settings from a JSON configuration file
and retrieves the settings specific to the provided routing type. The function ensures case-insensitivity for
routing type lookups and returns the relevant configuration as a hashtable.
Specifies the routing type for which inbound connector settings are to be retrieved.
This parameter is mandatory.
Specifies additional options for the function. This parameter is optional.
A hashtable containing the inbound connector settings for the specified routing type.
PS> Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -Routing "HybridRouting"
This example retrieves the inbound connector settings for the routing type `HybridRouting`.
PS> Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -Routing "DirectRouting" -Option $customOption
This example retrieves the inbound connector settings for the routing type `DirectRouting`,
taking into account additional custom options provided via the `Option` parameter.
- The function reads the JSON file `InBound.json` located in the `ExOConfig\Connectors\` directory relative to the script root.
- Ensure the JSON file is properly formatted and includes a `routing` section with routing-specific settings.
- The `ToLower()` method ensures case-insensitive lookup for the routing type.
- PowerShell 5.1 or later.
- A valid `InBound.json` file located in the `ExOConfig\Connectors\` directory.
For more information on configuring inbound connectors in Exchange Online, visit:

function Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings

    Write-Verbose "Loading inbound connector settings for routingtype $Routing"
    $inBoundRaw = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\Connectors\InBound.json" -Raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable)
    $ret = $inBoundRaw.routing.($routing.Tolower())

    return $ret
Retrieves outbound connector settings for a specified routing type.
The `Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings` function loads and returns outbound connector configuration settings
from a JSON file based on the specified routing type. It parses the JSON file and retrieves the relevant settings
for the provided routing option, ensuring case-insensitivity for routing type lookup.
Specifies the routing type for which outbound connector settings are to be retrieved.
This parameter is mandatory and must be provided.
Specifies additional configuration options that may influence the settings retrieval.
This parameter is optional.
A hashtable containing the outbound connector settings for the specified routing type.
PS> Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings -Routing "HybridRouting"
This example retrieves the outbound connector settings for the routing type `HybridRouting`.
PS> Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings -Routing "DirectRouting" -Option $customOption
This example retrieves the outbound connector settings for the routing type `DirectRouting`,
taking into account the additional custom option.
- The function reads outbound connector settings from the `OutBound.json` file located in the
`$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\Connectors\` directory.
- The JSON file must be properly formatted and include a `routing` section with routing-specific settings.
- The `ToLower()` method ensures case-insensitive lookup for the routing type.
- PowerShell 5.1 or later.
- A valid `OutBound.json` file located in the `ExOConfig\Connectors\` directory.
For more information on Exchange Online connectors, visit:

function Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings

    Write-Verbose "Loading outbound connector settings"
    $outBoundRaw = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\Connectors\OutBound.json" -Raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable)
    $ret= $outBoundRaw.routing.($routing.ToLower())
    return $ret

function Get-SC365TransportRuleSettings
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $routing,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $file,
        [switch] $IncludeSkipped

    begin {
        $ret = $null
        $raw = $null
    process {
        $raw = (Get-Content $File -Raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable)
        $ret = $raw.routing.($routing.ToLower())
    end {
        return $ret    
Retrieves the cloud configuration for a specified geographic region.
The `Get-SC365CloudConfig` function loads and returns cloud configuration settings for a specific region by reading and parsing a JSON file.
The function retrieves the relevant configuration based on the provided region and ensures that the region name is case-insensitive.
The geographic region for which the cloud configuration is to be retrieved.
This parameter is mandatory and must be provided as a string.
An object containing the cloud configuration settings for the specified region.
PS> Get-SC365CloudConfig -Region "ch"
This example retrieves the cloud configuration settings for the `NorthAmerica` region.
PS> Get-SC365CloudConfig -Region "eu"
This example retrieves the cloud configuration settings for the `Europe` region. The region name is not case-sensitive.
- The function reads from a file named `GeoRegion.json` located in the `CloudConfig` directory relative to the script root.
- Ensure that the JSON file is properly formatted and includes a `GeoRegion` section with region-specific configuration.
- PowerShell 5.1 or later.
- A valid `GeoRegion.json` file located at `$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\CloudConfig\GeoRegion.json`.

function Get-SC365CloudConfig

    Write-Verbose "Loading inbound connector settings for region $Region"

    $ret = (ConvertFrom-Json (Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\CloudConfig\GeoRegion.json" -Raw)).GeoRegion.($region.ToLower())
    return $ret
Converts a raw numeric value into a human-readable file size format (kB, MB, GB, TB).
The `Convertto-SC365Numberformat` function takes an integer input representing a raw numeric value (e.g., bytes)
and converts it into a human-readable format, such as kilobytes (kB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB),
based on the size of the input number.
An integer value representing the size to be converted. The value is categorized into the appropriate unit
based on its length and then formatted to two decimal places.
A formatted string indicating the size in the appropriate unit (e.g., "1.23 MB").
PS> Convertto-SC365Numberformat -RawNumber 123456
This example converts 123,456 into the string "120.56 kB".
PS> Convertto-SC365Numberformat -RawNumber 1234567890
This example converts 1,234,567,890 into the string "1.15 GB".
- The function uses the `switch` statement to determine the appropriate size category.
- The thresholds for determining the unit are based on the number of digits in the input number.

function ConvertTo-SC365NumberFormat 
    param (
    $ConvertedNumber = switch ($rawNumber.ToString().Length) {
                           {($_ -le 5)} {($rawNumber/1KB).ToString("N2") + " kB"} 
         {(($_ -gt 5) -and ($_ -le 9))} {($rawNumber/1MB).ToString("N2") + " MB"} 
        {(($_ -gt 9) -and ($_ -le 12))} {($rawNumber/1GB).ToString("N2") + " GB"} 
                          {($_ -gt 12)} {($rawNumber/1TB).ToString("N2") + " TB"} 
    return $ConvertedNumber
Generates a hash value from a given input string using a specified hashing algorithm.
The `Get-SC365StringHash` function computes a hash value for an input string using the specified algorithm.
It supports common hashing algorithms such as MD5, RIPEMD160, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.
The function outputs the computed hash as a hexadecimal string.
The input string to be hashed. This parameter is mandatory and can accept input from the pipeline.
Specifies the hashing algorithm to use.
Valid values are "MD5", "RIPEMD160", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", and "SHA512".
The default is "SHA1" if no value is specified.
The function returns a hexadecimal string representing the hash of the input.
PS> Get-SC365StringHash -String "HelloWorld"
This example computes the SHA1 hash of the string "HelloWorld" and outputs the hash value.
PS> "MyString" | Get-SC365StringHash -HashName SHA256
This example pipes the string "MyString" to the function and computes its SHA256 hash.
- This function uses the .NET `System.Security.Cryptography` library to perform hashing.
- Ensure the input string is not null or empty to avoid errors.

Function Get-SC365StringHash {
      [parameter(ValueFromPipeline, Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
      [parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory = $false, Position = 1)]
      [ValidateSet("MD5", "RIPEMD160", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA384", "SHA512")]
      [String]$HashName = 'SHA1'
    begin {
    Process {
      $StringBuilder = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder
      [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($HashName).ComputeHash([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($String))| foreach-object {
      $output = $StringBuilder.ToString()
    end {
      return $output

Removes domains with the `` suffix from a given list of domains.
The `Remove-SC365OnMicrosoftDomain` function filters out all domains in the input `DomainList` that have the `` suffix.
It returns a new list containing only the domains that do not match this suffix. This is useful for cleaning up domain lists when
you want to exclude temporary or system-generated Microsoft 365 domains.
A mandatory parameter that accepts an array list of domain names to process.
The list must be provided as a `[System.Collections.ArrayList]` object.
A new array list containing only the domains that do not have the `` suffix.
PS> $domains = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@('', '', '')
PS> $filteredDomains = Remove-SC365OnMicrosoftDomain -DomainList $domains
PS> $filteredDomains
This example filters out the `` domain, returning:
PS> $domains = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@('', '')
PS> Remove-SC365OnMicrosoftDomain -DomainList $domains
This example returns only ``.
- The function uses the `-NotLike` operator to filter out `` domains.
- The function returns a new array list while leaving the original `DomainList` unchanged.
- PowerShell 5.1 or later.
For more information on Microsoft 365 domains, see:

Function Remove-SC365OnMicrosoftDomain {
    [System.Collections.ArrayList]$NewDomainList= @()
    Foreach ($domain in $DomainList) {
        if ($domain -Notlike '*') {
    return $NewDomainList    
Extracts a semantic version number from a given input string.
The `Get-SC365ModuleVersion` function searches a given input string for a semantic version number using a regular expression.
The function supports versions in the format `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` (e.g., `1.3.8`). If a version number is found, it is returned;
otherwise, a message indicating no version number was found is returned.
.PARAMETER InputString
A string that potentially contains a semantic version number. This parameter is mandatory.
- If a version number is found, the function returns the version in `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH` format (e.g., `1.3.8`).
- If no version number is found, the function returns the string "No version number found."
PS> Get-SC365ModuleVersion -InputString "PowerShell Module version 1.3.8"
PS> Get-SC365ModuleVersion -InputString "No version in this string."
No version number found.
- The function uses a regular expression to identify semantic version numbers in the input string.
- Semantic version numbers must follow the pattern `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`, where each part consists of numeric digits.
For more information about semantic versioning, see:

Function Get-SC365ModuleVersion {
    param (
    # Check if the string contains "[]"
    if ($InputString -like "*[]*") {
        # Perform regex match to extract semantic version
        if ($InputString -match "\d+\.\d+\.\d+") {
            return $matches[0]
        } else {
        #Write-Information "Not a connector/rule or no version number included"
            return "-not available in comments-"

#Beginning with v 1.4.0 this function is obsolete
<#function Get-ExoHTMLData {
    param (
              Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Enter Cmdlte to ')]
    try {
        $allCmd = $exoCmd.Split('|')[0].Trim()
        $htmlSelectCmd = $exoCmd.Split('|')[1].Trim()
        $rawData = Invoke-Expression -Command $allCmd
        if ($null -eq $rawData) {
            $ExoHTMLData = New-object -type PSobject -property @{Result = '--- no information available ---'}|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
        } else {
            $ExoHTMLCmd = "{0}|{1}" -f $allcmd,$htmlSelectCmd
            $ExoHTMLData = Invoke-expression -Command $ExoHTMLCmd |Convertto-HTML -Fragment
            if ($jsonBackup) {
                $script:JsonData += '---' + $AllCmd + '---'|Convertto-Json
                $script:JsonData += $rawData|ConvertTo-Json
        return $ExoHTMLData
    catch {
        Write-Warning "Could not fetch data from command '$exoCmd'"

Generates a unique report filename based on the current time and the default domain name.
The `New-SelfGeneratedReportName` function creates a unique, self-generated report filename.
The filename includes the current time in `HHm-ddMMyyy` format and the default email domain name,
retrieved from the output of the `Get-AcceptedDomain` cmdlet. The filename is appended with `.html`.
PS> New-SelfGeneratedReportName
This will return a string similar to ``, where:
- `1507` represents the current time in hours and minutes.
- `10112024` represents the date in `ddMMyyyy` format.
- `` is the default email domain.
The function does not accept parameters.
A string representing the self-generated filename.
- Ensure the `Get-AcceptedDomain` cmdlet is available and provides a `default` property to identify the default domain.
- The function requires the `-ExpandProperty` flag in `Select-Object` to retrieve the `Domainname` property.
- PowerShell 5.1 or later
- Exchange Online PowerShell module or other modules providing the `Get-AcceptedDomain` cmdlet.

function New-SelfGeneratedReportName {
    Write-Verbose "Creating self-generated report filename."
    return ("{0:HHm-ddMMyyy}" -f (Get-Date)) + (Get-AcceptedDomain|where-object default -eq $true|select-object -expandproperty Domainname) + '.html'

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# 86ODGoqdaqIRmcg6CAHhYw==
# SIG # End signature block