
    Detects the SEPPmail.Cloud Deploymemnt status, based in M365 Tenant information
    Checks Deplyoment Status of the SEPPmail.Cloud based on M365 Tenantinformation from outside, based on DNS information
    - Queries routingmode based on available MX records in the
    - Queries region based on IP adresses and mailhosts
    - Tests if MX record is set correctly in Inline Mode
    - Checks if the is prepared for Certificate-based-Connectors
    Creates a PSObject with the following values:
    Routing = inline/parallel # Routing Mode
    Region = ch/de/prv # Cloud Region (Datacenter location)
    SEPPmailCloudDomain = '','' # Maildomains which will be routet via SEPPmail. Is basis for naming the mailrouting hosts (gate/relay/mail)
    CBCenabled = $true/$false # Certificate Based Connectors setup available
    CBCConnectorHost = '<tenantid>.<rg>' # Hostname of TLS host for CBC
    InlineMXMatch = $true/$false # (Inline Mod only) MX record points to the correct (SEPPmail) host
    RelayHost = # Name of relay host
    GateHost = # Name of gate host
    MailHost = # Name of mail host
    Emits parameters for New-SC365Setup
    DeployMentStatus : True
    SEPPmailCloudDomain :
    Region : ch
    Routing : inline
    InBoundOnly : False
    CBCDeployed : True
    CBCConnectorHost :
    CBCDnsEntry :
    InlineMXMatch : True
    MailHost :
    RelayHost :
    GateHost :

function Get-SC365DeploymentInfo {
    param (
            Mandatory   = $false,
            HelpMessage = "Domain name you selected for Tenant-onboarding"
    begin {
        if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)){
            throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect to the designated tenant prior to using this CmdLet" }
        else {
            Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue
        # Reset the Stage
        $DeployMentStatus = $null
        $region = $null
        $routing = $null
        $inBoundOnly = $null

        $DeplyoymentInfo = [PSCustomObject]@{
            DeployMentStatus    = $null
            SEPPmailCloudDomain = $Null
            region              = $null
            routing             = $null
            InBoundOnly         = $null
            CBCDeployed         = $Null
            CBCConnectorHost    = $null
            CBCDnsEntry         = $null
            CBCDnsTimeStamp     = $null
            InlineMXMatch       = $null
            MailHost            = $null
            GateHost            = $null
            RelayHost           = $null

    process {
        #region Select DefaultDomain
            if (!($SEPPmailCloudDomain)) {
                [String]$SEPPmailCloudDomain = $tenantAcceptedDomains |Where-Object 'Default' -eq $true |select-Object -ExpandProperty DomainName
                Write-Verbose "Extracted Default-Domain with name $SEPPmailcloudDomain from TenantDefaultDomains"
            if (($SEPPmailCloudDomain) -and (!($tenantAcceptedDomains.DomainName.Contains($SEPPmailCloudDomain)))) {
               throw [System.Exception] "Domain $SEPPmailCloudDomain is not member of this tenant! Check for typos or connect to different tenant"
        #endregion Select DefaultDomain

        #region Query SEPPmail routing-Hosts DNS records and detect routing mode and in/oitbound
            [string]$relayHost = $SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.','-') + ''
             [string]$mailHost = $SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.','-') + ''
             [string]$gateHost = $SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.','-') + ''
        if (((Resolve-Dns -Query $GateHost).Answers)) {
            $routing = 'inline'
            if ((Resolve-Dns -Query $RelayHost).Answers) {                    
                $inBoundOnly = $false
                Write-Verbose "$Gatehost and $relayHost alive ==> InLine-bidirectional"
                $deploymentStatus = $true                
            } else {
                if (!((Resolve-Dns -Query $RelayHost).Answers)) {
                    $inBoundOnly = $true
                    $relayHost = $null
                    Write-Verbose "$Gatehost alive,$relayHost missing ==> InLine-InBound only"
                    $deploymentStatus = $true                
        else {
            if ((Resolve-Dns -Query $MailHost ).Answers) {
                Write-verbose "$mailHost alive ==> parallel"
                $routing = 'parallel'
                $deploymentStatus = $true                
            } else {
                $mailHost = $null
                $deploymentStatus = $false
        #endregion Mailhost queries

        #region DoubleCheck if MX Record is set correctly
            $mxFull = get-mxrecordreport -Domain $SEPPmailCloudDomain
        if ($mxFull.Count -eq 0) {
            $DeployMentStatus = $false
        else {
            if ($mxFull.Count -eq 1) {
                $mx = $mxFull
            if ($mxFull.Count -gt 1) {
                $mx = $mxFull[0] | Select-Object -ExpandProperty highestpriorityMailHost -Unique
            if (($mx.Split($SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.', '-'))) -eq '') {
                Write-Verbose "MX = SEPPmail"
            if (($mx.Split($SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.', '-'))) -eq '') {
                Write-Verbose "MX = Microsoft"
            if ($routing -eq 'inline') {
                if ($mx -eq $gateHost) {
                    Write-Verbose "MX record $mx in M365 Config matches $gateHost"
                    $mxMatch = $true
                else {
                    Write-Warning "MX Record $mx configured in M365 does not fit to SEPPmail GateHost $gateHost in DNS - Check your provisioning Status in Portal"
                    $mxMatch = $false
                    $DeployMentStatus = $false
        #endRegion MX Check

        #region Identify region based on Cloud-IPAddresses
            $region = $null
            $ch = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'ch'
            $de = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'de'
            $prv = Get-SC365CloudConfig -region 'prv'
            if ($routing -eq 'inline') {
                [String[]]$GateIP = ((Resolve-Dns -Query $GateHost).Answers)|Select-Object -expand Address| Select-Object -expand IPAddresstoString
                Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($ch.GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'ch';break}}
                Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($de.GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'de';break}}
                Foreach ($IP in $GateIP) {if ($prv.GateIPs.Contains($Ip)) {$region = 'prv';break}}
            if ($routing -eq 'parallel') {
               $MailIP = ((Resolve-Dns -Query $MailHost).Answers)|Select-Object -expand Address| Select-Object -expand IPAddresstoString
               Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($ch.MailIPs.Contains($Ip)) { $region = 'ch';break}}
               Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($de.MailIPs.Contains($Ip)) { $region = 'de';break}}
               Foreach ($ip in $mailIp) {if ($prv.MailIPs.Contains($IP)) { $region = 'prv';break}}
        #endregion Cloud-IP-Addresses

        #region Check CBC Availability
            [String]$TenantID = Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain $seppmailclouddomain -OutVariable "TenantID"
            $TenantIDHash = Get-SC365StringHash -String $TenantID
            [string]$hashedDomain =  $TenantIDHash + ''
            #if ((((resolve-dns -query $hashedDomain -QueryType TXT).Answers).Text) -eq 'CBC') {

            <# Prep for TimestampInfo
            $CBCRecord = (Resolve-DNS -query $hashedDomain -QueryType TXT).Answers
            if (!($CBCRecord)) {$CBCDeployed = $false} else {
                [DateTime]$DeployMentTime = Get-Date -UnixTime $CBCRecord.Text
            if (((resolve-dns -query $hashedDomain -QueryType TXT).Answers)) {
               $CBCDeployed = $true
               Write-Verbose "$HashedDomain of TenantID $tenantId has a CBC entry"
            } else {
               $CBCDeployed = $false
               Write-Warning "Could not find TXT Entry for TenantID $TenantID of domain $SEPPmailCloudDomain. Setup will most likely fail! Go to the and check the deployment status."
        #endregion CBC availability
    end {
        $DeplyoymentInfo.DeployMentStatus = $DeploymentStatus
        $DeplyoymentInfo.Region = $region
        $DeplyoymentInfo.Routing = $routing
        $DeplyoymentInfo.InBoundOnly  = $inBoundOnly
        $DeplyoymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain = $SEPPmailCloudDomain
        $DeplyoymentInfo.CBCDeployed = $CBCDeployed
        if ($DeplyoymentInfo.DeployMentTime) {$DeplyoymentInfo.DeployMentTime = $DeployMentTime}
        if ($region) {$DeplyoymentInfo.CBCConnectorHost = ($tenantId + ((Get-Variable $region).Value.TlsCertificate).Replace('*',''))}
        if ($CBCDeployed -eq $true) {$DeplyoymentInfo.CBCDnsEntry = ($TenantIDHash + '')}
        if ($routing -eq 'inline') {$DeplyoymentInfo.InlineMXMatch = $MxMatch}
        if (($routing -eq 'inline') -and (!($inBoundOnly))) {$DeplyoymentInfo.RelayHost = $relayHost}
        if ($routing -eq 'inline') {$DeplyoymentInfo.GateHost = $gateHost}
        if ($routing -eq 'parallel') {$DeplyoymentInfo.MailHost = $MailHost}

        return $DeplyoymentInfo

    Generates a report of the current Status of the Exchange Online environment
    The report will write all needed information of Exchange Online into an HTML file. This is useful for documentation and decisions for the integration. It also makes sense as some sort of snapshot documentation before and after an integration into
    PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport
    This reads relevant information of Exchange Online and writes a summary report in an HTML in the current directory
    PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -FilePath '~/Desktop'
    -Filepath requires a relative path and may be used with or without filename (auto-generated filename)
    PS C:\> New-SC365ExoReport -LiteralPath c:\temp\expreport.html
    Literalpath requires a full and valid path
    HTML Report
    See for more

function New-SC365ExOReport {
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
                ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
     DefaultParameterSetName  = 'FilePath',
                      HelpURI = ''
    Param (
        # Define output relative Filepath
           Mandatory   = $false,
           HelpMessage = 'Relative path of the HTML report on disk',
           ParameterSetName = 'FilePath',
           Position = 0
           #Position = 0
        [string]$filePath = '.',

           Mandatory   = $false,
           HelpMessage = 'Literal path of the HTML report on disk',
           ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath',
           Position = 0
        [string]$Literalpath = '.'

        if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)){
            throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" }
        else {
            Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue
            Write-verbose 'Defining Function fo read Exo Data and return an info Message in HTML even if nothing is retrieved'

        function New-SelfGeneratedReportName {
            Write-Verbose "Creating self-generated report filename."
            return ("{0:HHm-ddMMyyy}" -f (Get-Date)) + (Get-AcceptedDomain|where-object default -eq $true|select-object -expandproperty Domainname) + '.html'

        #region Filetest only if not $Literalpath is selected
        if ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "FilePath") {

            If (Test-Path $FilePath -PathType Container) {
                Write-Verbose "Filepath $Filepath is a directory"
                if (Test-Path (Split-Path (Resolve-Path $Filepath) -Parent)) {
                    Write-Verbose "Filepath $Filepath Container exists on disk, creating default ReportFilename"
                    $ReportFilename = New-SelfGeneratedReportName
                    $FinalPath = Join-Path -Path $filePath -ChildPath $ReportFilename
                } else {
                    throw [System.Exception] "$FilePath is not valid. Enter a valid filepath like ~\Desktop or c:\temp\expreport.html"

                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "FilePath $Filepath is a Full Path including Filename"
                    if ((Split-Path $FilePath -Extension) -eq '.html') {
                        $FinalPath = $Filepath
                    } else {
                        throw [System.Exception] "$FilePath is not an HTML file. Enter a valid filepath like ~\Desktop or c:\temp\expreport.html"

        else {
        # Literalpath
            $SplitLiteralPath = Split-Path -Path $LiteralPath -Parent
            If (Test-Path -Path $SplitLiteralPath) {
                $finalPath = $LiteralPath
            } else {
                throw [System.Exception] "$LiteralPath does not exist. Enter a valid literal path like ~\exoreport.html or c:\temp\expreport.html"

        function Get-ExoHTMLData {
            param (
                      Mandatory = $true,
                    HelpMessage = 'Enter Cmdlte to ')]
            try {
                $rawData = Invoke-Expression -Command $exoCmd
                if ($null -eq $rawData) {
                    $ExoHTMLData = New-object -type PSobject -property @{Result = '--- no information available ---'}|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
                } else {
                    $ExoHTMLData = $rawData|Convertto-HTML -Fragment
                return $ExoHTMLData
            catch {
                Write-Warning "Could not fetch data from command '$exoCmd'"

        try {
            if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Target", "Operation")) {
                #"Whatis is $Whatif and `$pscmdlet.ShouldProcess is $($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess) "
                #For later Use
            $mv = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Version
            $Top = "<p><h1>Exchange Online Report</h1><p>"
            $now = Get-Date
            if ($PSVersionTable.OS -like 'Microsoft Windows*') {
                $repUser = [System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name
            } else {
                $repUser = (hostname) + '/' + (whoami)
            $RepCreationDateTime = "<p><body>Report created on: $now</body><p>"
            $RepCreatedBy = "<p><body>Report created by: $repUser</body><p>"
            $ReportFilename = Split-Path $FinalPath -Leaf
            $moduleVersion = "<p><body>SEPPmail365cloud Module Version: $mv</body><p>"
            $reportTenantID = Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain (Get-AcceptedDomain|where-object InitialDomain -eq $true|select-object -expandproperty Domainname)
            $TenantInfo = "<p><body>Microsoft O/M365 AzureAD Tenant ID: $reportTenantID</body><p>"
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Accepted Domains"
            $hSplitLine = '<p><h2>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</h2><p>'
            #region General infos
            $hGeneral =  '<p><h2>General Exchange Online and Subscription Information</h2><p>'
            $hA = '<p><h3>Accepted Domains</h3><p>'
            $A = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-AcceptedDomain |select-object Domainname,DomainType,Default,EmailOnly,ExternallyManaged,OutboundOnly|Sort-Object -Descending Default '
            # Find out Office Configuration
            Write-Verbose "Collecting M365 Configuration"
            $hB = '<p><h3>ExO Configuration Details</h3><p>'
            $B = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-OrganizationConfig |Select-Object DisplayName,ExchangeVersion,AllowedMailboxRegions,DefaultMailboxRegion,DisablePlusAddressInRecipients'

            # Find out possible Sending Limits for LFT
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Send and Receive limits for SEPPmail LFT configuration"
            $hP = '<p><h3>Send and Receive limits (for SEPPmail LFT configuration)</h3><p>'
            $P = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd  'Get-TransportConfig |Select-Object MaxSendSize,MaxReceiveSize'

            # Find out possible Office Message Encryption Settings
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Office Message Encryption Settings"
            $hP = '<p><h3>Office Message Encryption Settings</h3><p>'
            $P = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-OMEConfiguration|Select-Object PSComputerName,TemplateName,OTPEnabled,SocialIdSignIn,ExternalMailExpiryInterval,Identity,IsValid'
            # Get MX Record Report for each domain
            $hO = '<p><h3>MX Record for each Domain</h3><p>'
            $O = $Null
            $oTemp = Get-AcceptedDomain
            Foreach ($AcceptedDomain in $oTemp.DomainName) {
                    $O += (Get-MxRecordReport -Domain $AcceptedDomain|Select-Object -Unique|Select-Object HighestPriorityMailhost,HighestPriorityMailhostIpAddress,Domain|Convertto-HTML -Fragment)

            #region Security
            $hSecurity = '<p><h2>Security related Information</h2><p>'
            $hC = '<p><h3>DKIM Settings</h3><p>'
            $C = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-DkimSigningConfig|Select-Object Domain,Enabled,Status,Selector1CNAME,Selector2CNAME|sort-object Enabled -Descending'
            Write-Verbose "Collecting Phishing and Malware Policies"
            $hD = '<p><h3>Anti Phishing Policies</h3><p>'
            $D = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-AntiPhishPolicy|Select-Object Identity,isDefault,IsValid,AuthenticationFailAction'
            $hE = '<p><h3>Anti Malware Policies</h3><p>'
            $E = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-MalwareFilterPolicy|Select-Object Identity,Action,IsDefault,Filetypes'

            $hk = '<p><h3>Content Filter Policy</h3><p>'
            $k= Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HostedContentFilterPolicy|Select-Object QuarantineRetentionPeriod,EndUserSpamNotificationFrequency,TestModeAction,IsValid,BulkSpamAction,PhishSpamAction,OriginatingServer'

            Write-Verbose "Blocked Sender Addresses"
            $hH = '<p><h3>Show Senders which are locked due to outbound SPAM</h3><p>'
            $h = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-BlockedSenderAddress'
            Write-Verbose "Get Outbound SPAM Filter Policy"
            $hJ = '<p><h3>Outbound SPAM Filter Policy</h3><p>'
            $J = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy|Select-Object Name,IsDefault,Enabled,ActionWhenThresholdReached'
            Write-Verbose "Get Filter Policy"
            $hJ1 = '<p><h3>SPAM Filter Policy</h3><p>'
            $J1 = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy|select-Object Name,IsDefault,Enabled,IPAllowList,IPBlockList'
            #endregion Security

            #region other connectors
            $hOtherConn = '<p><h2>Hybrid and other Connectors</h2><p>'
            Write-Verbose "Get-HybridMailflow"
            $hG = '<p><h3>Hybrid Mailflow Information</h3><p>'
            $g = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-HybridMailflow'

            Write-Verbose "Get-IntraorgConnector"
            $hI = '<p><h3>Intra Org Connector Settings</h3><p>'
            $I = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-IntraOrganizationConnector|Select-Object Identity,TargetAddressDomains,DiscoveryEndpoint,IsValid'

            #region connectors
            $hConnectors = '<p><h2>Existing Exchange Connectors</h2><p>'
            Write-Verbose "InboundConnectors"
            $hL = '<p><h3>Inbound Connectors</h3><p>'
            $L = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-InboundConnector |Select-Object Identity,Enabled,SenderDomains,SenderIPAddresses,OrganizationalUnitRootInternal,TlsSenderCertificateName,OriginatingServer,IsValid'
            Write-Verbose "OutboundConnectors"
            $hM = '<p><h3>Outbound Connectors</h3><p>'
            $M = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-OutboundConnector -IncludeTestModeConnectors:$true|Select-Object Identity,Enabled,SmartHosts,TlsDomain,TlsSettings,RecipientDomains,OriginatingServer,IsValid'
            #endregion connectors
            #region mailflow rules
            $hTransPortRules = '<p><h2>Existing Mailflow Rules</h2><p>'
            Write-Verbose "TransportRules"
            $hN = '<p><h3>Existing Transport Rules</h3><p>'
            $N = Get-ExoHTMLData -ExoCmd 'Get-TransportRule | select-object Name,State,Mode,Priority,FromScope,SentToScope'
            #endregion transport rules

            $HeaderLogo = [Convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content -path $PSScriptRoot\..\HTML\SEPPmailLogo_T.png -AsByteStream))

            $LogoHTML = @"
<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,$($HeaderLogo)" style="left:150px alt="Exchange Online System Report">

            $hEndOfReport = '<p><h2>--- End of Report ---</h2><p>'
            $style = Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\HTML\SEPPmailReport.css
            $finalreport = Convertto-HTML -Body "$LogoHTML $Top $RepCreationDatetime $RepCreatedBy $moduleVersion $TenantInfo`
                   $hSplitLine $hGeneral $hSplitLine $hA $a $hB $b $hO $o`
                  $hSplitLine $hSecurity $hSplitLine $hC $c $hd $d $hE $e $hP $P $hH $H $hK $k $hJ $j $hJ1 $J1 `
                 $hSplitLine $hOtherConn $hSplitLine $hG $g $hI $i `
                $hSplitLine $hConnectors $hSplitLine $hL $l $hM $m `
            $hSplitLine $hTransPortRules $hSplitLine $hN $n $hEndofReport "
 -Title "SEPPmail365 Exo Report" -Head $style

            # Write Report to Disk
            try {
                $finalReport|Out-File -FilePath $FinalPath -Force
                Write-Warning "Could not write report to $FinalPath"
                if ($IsWindows) {
                    $FinalPath = Join-Path -Path $env:localappdata -ChildPath $ReportFilename
                if ($IsMacOs) {
                    $Finalpath = Join-Path -Path $env:HOME -ChildPath $ReportFilename
                Write-Verbose "Writing report to $finalPath"
                try {
                    $finalReport|Out-File -FilePath $finalPath -Force
                catch {

            if ($IsWindows) {
                Write-Information -MessageData "Opening $finalPath with default browser"
                Invoke-Expression "& '$finalpath'"
            if ($IsMacOs) {
                "Report is stored on your disk at $finalpath. Open with your favorite browser."
        catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    end {

    Removes all Rules and Connectors
    Based on autodiscovery, or forced values through parameters, Remove-SC365Setup removes all connectors and rules from an Exo-Tenant
    - none -
    # Without any parameters, it runs discovery mode and removes rules and connectors
    Remove-SC365Setup -parallel
    # Forces to remove parallel setup config
    Remove-SC365Setup -inline
    # Forces to remove inline setup config
    Remove-SC365Setup -inline -inBoundOnly
    # Forces to remove inline in "InbohndOnly" mode setup config

function Remove-SC365Setup {
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
            ParameterSetName = 'parallel',
            HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)"
            ParameterSetName = 'inline',
            HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)"

            ParameterSetName = 'inline',
            HelpMessage="No routing of outbound traffic via"
    Begin {
        if ((!($InboundOnly)) -or (!($routing)) ) {
            try {
                $deploymentInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo
            } catch {
                Throw [System.Exception] "Could not autodetect Deployment Status, use manual parameters"
            if ($DeploymentInfo.DeployMentStatus -eq $false) {
                Write-Error " setup not (fully) deployed. Use Cloud-Portal and fix deployment."
            } else {
                if ($Deploymentinfo) {
                                   if ($deploymentInfo.Routing) {$Routing = $deploymentInfo.Routing} else {Write-Error "Cloud not autodetect routig info, use manual parameters"; break}
                     if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $true) {$inboundOnly = $true}
                    if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $false) {$inboundOnly = $false}
                     if ($null -eq $DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly) {$inboundOnly = $false}
        } else {
            if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'p') {$routing = 'parallel'}
            if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'i') {$routing = 'inline'}
    Process {
        Write-Verbose "Creating Progress Bar"
        $objectCount = $null
        # Count Rules
        foreach ($file in (Get-Childitem -Path "$psscriptroot\..\ExOConfig\Rules\")) {
            $objectCount += if ((Get-SC365TransportRuleSettings -routing $routing -file $file).count -gt 0) {1}

        # Count Connectors
        #if ((Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -routing $routing -file $file).count -gt 0) {1}
        $objectCount += 2

        try {
            if ($InBoundOnly) {
                #Write-Progress -Activity "Removing SEPPmail.Cloud Setup" -Status "Removing Rules" -PercentComplete (0)
                Write-Information '--- Remove connector(s) ---' -InformationAction Continue
                Remove-SC365Connectors -routing $routing -Inboundonly:$inboundonly
            else {
                #Write-Progress -Activity "Removing SEPPmail.Cloud Setup" -Status "Removing Rules" -PercentComplete (0)
                Write-Information '--- Removing transport rules ---' -InformationAction Continue
                Remove-SC365Rules -Routing $routing
                Write-Information '--- Remove connector(s) ---' -InformationAction Continue
                Remove-SC365Connectors -routing $routing -Inboundonly:$inboundonly
        } catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        Write-Information "--- Successfully removed Setup in $routing mode ---" -InformationAction Continue


    Creates all Rules and Connectors for
    Based on autodiscovery, or forced values through parameters, New-SC365Setup creates all connectors and rules for an Exo-Tenant
    - none -
    # Without any parameters, it runs discovery mode and created rules and connectors
    New-SC365Setup -force
    # The force parameter will force the removal of an existig setup and recreate connectors and rules
    New-SC365Setup -SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing parallel -region ch
    # Creates a setup for one domain in parallel mode and in region Switzerland
    New-SC365Setup -SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing inline -region de
    # Creates a setup for one domain in inline mode and in region Germany/EU
    New-SC365Setup -SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing inline -region de -inboundonly
    # Creates a setup for one domain in inline mode and in region Germany/EU inbound only.

function New-SC365Setup {
        SupportsShouldProcess = $true,
        ConfirmImpact = 'Medium',
        HelpURI = ''

    # Specifies a path to one or more locations.
            HelpMessage="The primary domain, booked in the"
            HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)"
            HelpMessage="Physical location of your data"

            HelpMessage="No routing of outbound traffic via"

            HelpMessage="Removes existing setup"

    Begin {
        if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) {
            throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue
        if ((!($SeppmailcloudDomain)) -or (!($Region)) -or (!($routing)) ) {
            try {
                $deploymentInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo
            } catch {
                Throw [System.Exception] "Could not autodetect Deployment Status, use manual parameters"
            if ($DeploymentInfo.DeployMentStatus -eq $false) {
                Write-Error " setup not (fully) deployed. Use Cloud-Portal and fix deployment."
            } else {
                if ($Deploymentinfo) {
                            if ($deploymentInfo.Routing) {$Routing = $deploymentInfo.Routing} else {Write-Error "Cloud not autodetect routig info, use manual parameters"; break}
                             if ($deploymentInfo.Region) {$Region = $deploymentInfo.Region} else {Write-Error "Could not autodetect region. Use manual parameters"; break}
                if ($DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain) {$SEPPmailCloudDomain = $DeploymentInfo.SEPPmailCloudDomain} else {Write-Error "Could not autodetect SEPPmailCloudDomain. Use manual parameters"; break}          
              if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $true) {$inboundOnly = $true}
             if ($DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly -eq $false) {$inboundOnly = $false}
              if ($null -eq $DeploymentInfo.inBoundOnly) {$inboundOnly = $false}
        } else {
            if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'p') {$routing = 'parallel'}
            if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'i') {$routing = 'inline'}
            Write-Verbose "Confirming if $SEPPmailCloudDomain is part or the tenant"
            $TenantDefaultDomain = $null
            foreach ($validationDomain in $SEPPmailCloudDomain) {
                if ((Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain -ValidationDomain $validationDomain) -eq $true) {
                    Write-verbose "Domain is part of the tenant and the Default Domain"
                    $TenantDefaultDomain = $ValidationDomain
                } else {
                    if ((Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain -ValidationDomain $validationDomain) -eq $false) {
                        Write-verbose "Domain is part of the tenant"
                    } else {
                        Write-Error "Domain is NOT Part of the tenant"
    Process {
        try {
            if ($force) {
        } catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
            Write-Error "Setup removal failed. Try removing Rules and Connectors from Portal of with native CmdLets."

        try {
            if ($InBoundOnly -eq $true) {
                Write-Information '--- Creating inbound connector ---' -InformationAction Continue
                New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain $SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing $routing -region $region -inboundonly:$true
            } else {
                Write-Information '--- Creating in and outbound connectors ---' -InformationAction Continue
                New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain $SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing $routing -region $region
        } catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        try {
            if ($inboundonly -eq $false) {
                Write-Information '--- Creating transport rules ---' -InformationAction Continue
                New-SC365Rules -SEPPmailCloudDomain $SEPPmailCloudDomain -routing $routing
        } catch {
            throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)"
        if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($SEPPmailCloudDomain)) {
            Write-Information "--- Successfully created Setup for $seppmailclouddomain in region $region in $routing mode ---" -InformationAction Continue
            Write-Information "--- Wait a few minutes until changes are applied in the Microsoft cloud ---" -InformationAction Continue
            Write-Information "--- Afterwards, start testing E-Mails in and out ---" -InformationAction Continue

    Reads all Rules and Connectors for in an Exo-Tenant
    Based on autodiscovery, or forced values through parameters, Get-SC365Setup reads all connectors and rules from an Exo-Tenant
    - none -
    # Without any parameters, it runs discovery mode and reads rules and connectors
    Get-SC365Setup -parallel
    # Reads parallel setup config
    Get-SC365Setup -inline
    # Reads inline setup config
    Get-SC365Setup -inline -inBoundOnly
    # Reads inline in "InbohndOnly" mode setup config

function Get-SC365Setup {
            ParameterSetName = 'parallel',
            HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)"
            ParameterSetName = 'inline',
            HelpMessage="Inline routing via SEPPmail (MX ==> SEPPmail), or routing via Microsoft (MX ==> Microsoft)"

            ParameterSetName = 'inline',
            HelpMessage="No routing of outbound traffic via"
    Begin {
        if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) {
            throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue
        if ((!($InboundOnly)) -or (!($routing)) ) {
            try {
                $deploymentInfo = Get-SC365DeploymentInfo
            } catch {
                Throw [System.Exception] "Could not autodetect Deployment Status, use manual parameters"
            if ($DeploymentInfo.DeployMentStatus -eq $false) {
                Write-Error " setup not (fully) deployed. Use Cloud-Portal and fix deployment."
            } else {
                if ($Deploymentinfo) {
                    if ($deploymentInfo.Routing) {$Routing = $deploymentInfo.Routing} else {Write-Error "Cloud not autodetect routig info, use manual parameters"; break}
                    if ($deploymentInfo.InBoundOnly -eq $true) {$InBoundOnly = $deploymentInfo.InBoundOnly} else {$InBoundOnly = $false}
        } else {
            if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'p') {$routing = 'parallel'}
            if ($deploymentInfo.routing -eq 'i') {$routing = 'inline'}
    Process {
        if ($InBoundOnly -eq $true) {
            $smcConn = Get-SC365Connectors -Routing $routing -inboundonly:$true
        } else {
            $smcConn = Get-SC365Connectors -Routing $routing -inboundonly:$false
        if ($InBoundOnly -eq $false) {
            $smcTRules = Get-SC365Rules -Routing $routing
        Out-Host -InputObject $smcConn -Paging
        if ($InBoundOnly -eq $false) {
            Out-Host -InputObject $smcTRules -Paging

    Read Office/Microsoft365 Azure TenantID
    Every Exchange Online is part of some sort of Microsoft Subscription and each subscription has an Azure Active Directory included. We need the TenantId to identify managed domains in
    PS C:\> Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain ''
    Explanation of what the example does
    Maildomain as string (mandatory)
    TenantID (GUID) as string
    See for more

Function Get-SC365TenantID {
        HelpURI = ''
    param (

    $uri = '' + $maildomain + '/.well-known/openid-configuration'
    $TenantId = (Invoke-WebRequest $uri| ConvertFrom-Json).token_endpoint.Split('/')[3]
    Return $tenantid

    Test Exchange Online connectivity
    When staying in a Powershell Session with Exchange Online many things can occur to disturb the session. The Test-SC365connectivity CmdLet figures out if the session is still valid
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus
    Whithout any parameter the CmdLet emits just true or false
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -verbose
    For deeper analisys of connectivity issues the verbose switch provides a lot of relevant information.
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -showDefaultDomain
    ShowDefaultdomain will also emit the current default e-mail domain
    PS C:\> Test-SC365ConnectionStatus -Connect
    Connnect will try to connect via the standard method (web-browser)
    Inputs (if any)
    See for more

function Test-SC365ConnectionStatus
        HelpURI = ''
            HelpMessage = 'If turned on, the CmdLet will emit the current default domain'

            HelpMessage = 'If turned on, the CmdLet will try to connect to Exchange Online is disconnected'


    [bool]$isConnected = $false

    Write-Verbose "Check if module ExchangeOnlineManagement is imported"
    if(!(Get-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        Write-Warning "ExchangeOnlineManagement module not yet imported, importing ..."

        if(!(Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement -PassThru -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        {throw [System.Exception] "ExchangeOnlineManagement module does not seem to be installed! Use 'Install-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement' to install.'"}
        $ExoConnInfo = if (Get-Connectioninformation) {(Get-ConnectionInformation)[-1]}

        if ($ExoConnInfo) {
            Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Online Tenant $($ExoConnInfo.TenantID)"
            if ((!($global:tenantAcceptedDomains)) -or ((Get-AcceptedDomain) -ne $tenantAcceptedDomains) ) {
                try {
                    $global:tenantAcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain -Erroraction silentlycontinue
                catch {
                    Write-Error "Cannot detect accepted domains, maybe disconnected. Connect to Exchange Online and load the module again!"
            [datetime]$TokenExpiryTimeLocal = $ExoConnInfo.TokenExpiryTimeUTC.Datetime.ToLocalTime()
            $delta = New-TimeSpan -Start (Get-Date) -End $TokenExpiryTimeLocal
            $ticks = $delta.Ticks
            if ($ticks -like '-*') # Token expired
                $isconnected = $false
                Write-Warning "You're not actively connected to your Exchange Online organization. TOKEN is EXPIRED"
                if(($InteractiveSession) -and ($Connect))# defined in public/Functions.ps1
                        # throws an exception if authentication fails
                        Write-Verbose "Reconnecting to Exchange Online"
                        Connect-ExchangeOnline -SkipLoadingFormatData
                        $isConnected = $true
                        throw [System.Exception] "Could not connect to Exchange Online, please retry."}
                else {
                    $isConnected = $false
            else # Valid connection
                $tokenLifeTime = [math]::Round($delta.TotalHours)
                Write-verbose "Active session token exipry time is $TokenExpiryTimeLocal (roughly $tokenLifeTime hours)"
                $tmpModuleName = Split-Path -Path $ExoConnInfo.ModuleName -Leaf
                Write-verbose "Active session Module name is $tmpModuleName"
                $isConnected = $true
                [string] $Script:ExODefaultDomain = Get-AcceptedDomain | Where-Object{$_.Default} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DomainName -First 1
                if ($showDefaultDomain) {"$Script:ExoDefaultdomain"}
            else # No Connection
                if(($InteractiveSession) -and ($connect)) # defined in public/Functions.ps1
                        # throws an exception if authentication fails
                        Write-Verbose "Connecting to Exchange Online"
                        Connect-ExchangeOnline -SkipLoadingFormatData
                        throw [System.Exception] "Could not connect to Exchange Online, please retry."}
                else {
                    $isConnected = $false
    return $isConnected
    Validates if a given strig (domainname) is the tenant default maildomain
    It takes the string and prooves if the domain is a member of the tenant. If this fails, the function returns an error and stops.
    If the domain is a tenant-member it returns true/false if its the domain default.
    - none -
    - none -
    Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain -Domain ''
    Returns either an error if the domain is NOT in the tenant, of true or false.

function Confirm-SC365TenantDefaultDomain {
    param (

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

    begin {
        $TenantDefaultDomain = $TenantAcceptedDomains.Where({$_.Default -eq $true}).DomainName     
    process {
        If (!($TenantAcceptedDomains.DomainName -contains $ValidationDomain)) {
            Write-Error "$ValidationDomain is not member of the connected tenant. Retry using only tenant-domains (Use CmdLet: Get-AcceptedDomain)"
        } else {
            if ($Validationdomain -eq $TenantDefaultDomain) {
                return $true
            } else {
                return $false
    end {

    Tracks Messages in Exchange Online connected with
    Combines information from messagetrace and messagetrace details, to emit information how a specific message went throught Exchangeonline
    - none -
    - none -
    Get-SC365Messagetrace -MessageId '' -RecipientAddress ''

function Get-SC365MessageTrace {
        HelpURI = ''
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)]
    begin {
        Write-Information "This CmdLet is still under development" -InformationAction Continue
        try {
            if (!($ibc = Get-Inboundconnector -Identity '[SEPPmail*')) {
                Write-Error "Could not find SEPPmail.Cloud Inbound-Connecor"
            if (!($obc = Get-Outboundconnector -Identity '[SEPPmail*')) {
                Write-Error "Could not find SEPPmail.Cloud Outbound-Connecor"
        catch {
            Write-Error "Could not detect SEPPmail-Cloud Connectors, aborting"
        $TenantAcceptedDomains = Get-AcceptedDomain
    process {

        Write-Verbose "Retrieving initial Message-Trace id MessageID $MessageId for recipient $Recipient"
        Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 0 -CurrentOperation "Start"

        $PlainMessageID = $MessageId.Trim('<','>')
        Write-Verbose "Formatting Parameterinput Messageid:$MessageId - adding < and > at beginning and end to filter property"
        if (!($MessageId.StartsWith('<'))) {$MessageId = "<" + $MessageId}
        if (!($MessageId.EndsWith('>'))) {$MessageId = $MessageId + ">"}
        Write-Verbose "MessageID after formatting is now $MessageId"

        Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 40 -CurrentOperation "Messages loaded"
        $MessageTrace = Get-MessageTrace -MessageId $PlainMessageId -RecipientAddress $Recipient
        if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {
            Write-Verbose "Try to find modified encrypted message"
            $EncMessageTrace = Get-MessageTrace -RecipientAddress $Recipient  | Where-Object {($_.MessageId -like '*' + $PlainMessageId + '>')}
            Write-verbose "Found message with modified MessageID $Messagetrace.MessageID"
            if ($EncMessageTrace.count -eq 2) {
                $MessageTrace = Get-MessageTrace -RecipientAddress $Recipient  | Where-Object {($_.MessageId -like '*' + $PlainMessageId + '>')}
        if (!($MessageTrace)){
            Write-Error "Could not find Message with ID $MessageID and recipient $recipient. Look for typos. Message too old ? Try Search-MessageTrackingReport or Get-Messagetrace"
        try {
            Write-verbose "Test Maildirection, based on the fact that the $Recipient is part of TenantDomains"
            If (($TenantAcceptedDomains.DomainName).Contains(($Recipient -Split '@')[-1])) {
                $MailDirection = 'InBound'
            else {
                $MailDirection = 'OutBound'
        catch {
            Write-Error "Could not detech mail-direction of recipient-address $recipient. Check for typos and see error below."

        Write-Verbose "Crafting basic MessageTraceInfo"

        $OutPutObject = [PSCustomObject][ordered]@{
            Subject                = if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {$MessageTrace.Subject} else {$MessageTrace[0].Subject}
            Size                   = if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {Convertto-SC365Numberformat -rawnumber $($MessageTrace.Size)} else {Convertto-SC365Numberformat -rawnumber $($MessageTrace[0].Size)}
            SenderAddresses        = if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {$MessageTrace.SenderAddress} else {$MessageTrace[0].SenderAddress}
            MailDirection          = $MailDirection
            RoutingMode            = if (($ibc.identity -eq "[] Inbound-Parallel") -or ($obc.identity -eq "[] Outbound-Parallel")) {'Parallel'} else {'Inline'}
        Write-Verbose "Add MessageTraceId´s"
        foreach ($i in $Messagetrace) {Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ('MessageTraceId' + ' Index'+ $I.Index) -Value $i.MessagetraceId}

        if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {
            Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromIP -Value $MessageTrace.FromIP
            Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromDNS -Value (Resolve-DNS -query $MessageTrace.FromIP).Answers|Select-Object -ExpandProperty Address|Select-Object -ExpandProperty IPAddressToString
            if ($messagetrace.ToIp) {Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToIP -Value $MessageTrace.ToIP}
            if ($messagetrace.ToIp) {Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToDNS -Value (((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace.ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value}

        } else {
            if ($Messagetrace[0].FromIP) {
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromIP -Value $MessageTrace[0].FromIP
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[0].FromIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value)
            else {
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromIP -Value '---empty---'
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutputObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalFromDNS -Value '---empty---'
            if ($MessageTrace[0].ToIP) {
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToIP -Value $MessageTrace[0].ToIP
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[0].ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value)
            } else {
                Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name ExternalToIP -Value '---empty---'
        Add-Member -InputObject $OutPutObject -membertype NoteProperty -Name 'SplitLine' -Value "-------------------- MessageTrace DETAIL Info Starts Here --------------------"

        switch ($maildirection)
            {($_ -eq 'InBound') -and ($ibc.identity -eq "[] Inbound-Parallel")} 
                # Im Parallel Mode kommt die Mail 2x, einmal von externem Host und einmal von SEPpmail, Index 0 und 1
                $MessageTraceDetailExternal = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                $MTDExtReceived = $MessageTraceDetailExternal[0]
                $MTDExtExtSend = $MessageTraceDetailExternal[1]
                $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                $MTDSEPPReceived = $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail[0]
                $MTDSEPPDelivered = $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail[1]
                Write-Verbose "Crafting Inbound Connector Name"
                try {
                    $ibcName = (($MTDSEPPReceived.Data).Split(';') | Select-String 'S:InboundConnectorData=Name').ToString().Split('=')[-1]
                    $ibcName = '--- E-Mail did not go over SEPPmail Connector ---'
                Write-Verbose "Preparing Output (Receive)Inbound-Parallel"
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalReceivedTime -Value $messageTrace[1].Received
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalReceivedSize -Value $messageTrace[1].Size
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToIP -Value $messageTrace[1].ToIP
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[1].ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value)
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtMessageTraceId -Value $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId.Guid
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPMessageTraceId -Value $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId.Guid
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDExtReceived.Date -End $MTDSEPPDelivered.Date).Seconds
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDExtReceived.Date -End $MTDExtExtSend.Date).Seconds
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SEPPTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDSEPPReceived.Date -End $MTDSEPPDelivered.Date).Seconds
                #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SubmitDetail -Value $MTDSEPPDelivered.Detail # Boring
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtSendDetail -Value $MTDExtExtSend.Detail
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InboundConnectorName -Value $ibcName
            {($_ -eq 'InBound') -and ($ibc.identity -eq "[] Inbound-Inline")} 
                $MessageTraceDetail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace.MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                $MTDReceived = $MessageTraceDetail|where-object {($_.Event -eq 'Received') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Empfangen')} 
                #$MTDDelivered = $MessageTraceDetail|where-object {($_.Event -eq 'Delivered') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Zustellen')}
                Write-Verbose "Crafting Inbound Connector Name"
                try {
                    $ibcName = (($MTDReceived.Data).Split(';')|select-string 'S:InboundConnectorData=Name').ToString().Split('=')[-1]
                } catch {
                    $ibcName = '--- E-Mail did not go over SEPPmail Connector ---'
                Write-Verbose "Preparing Output (Receive)Inbound-Inline"
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalReceivedTime -Value $messageTrace.Received
                #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name DeliveredDetail -Value $MTDDelivered.Detail # Boring Info
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceivedDetail -Value  $MTDReceived.Detail
                if ($MTReceived) {
                    $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransportTime (s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTReceived.Date -End $MTDelivered.Date).Seconds
                } else {
                    $outPutObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransportTime (s)' -Value '---cannot determine transporttime in inline mode---'
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name InboundConnectorName -Value $ibcName
            {($_ -eq 'OutBound') -and ($obc.identity -eq "[] Outbound-Parallel")}
                # We take one of 2 Send/Receive Messagetraces from SEPPmail and get the details
                #if ($MessageTrace.count -eq 1) {
                 # $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace.MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                #} else {
                    $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[1].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                # Now this one has 3 Parts. 0= Recieve from Mailboxhost, 1 = SumbitMessage (Exo internal), 2 = Send to SEPPmail
                $MTDSEPPReceive = $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail[0]
                # $MTDSEPPSubmit = $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail[1] Not interesting for us
                $MTDSEPPExtSend = $MessageTraceDetailSEPPmail[2]
                $MessageTraceDetailExternal = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace[0].MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                $MTDExtReceive = $MessageTraceDetailExternal[0]
                $MTDExtExtSend = $MessageTraceDetailExternal[1]
                try {
                    $obcName = (((($MTDSEPPExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:Microsoft.Exchange.Hygiene.TenantOutboundConnectorCustomData').ToString()).Split('=')[-1]
                }catch {
                    $obcName = "--- E-Mail did not go via a SEPPmail Connector ---"
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToIP -Value $messageTrace[1].ToIP
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name FromExternalSendToDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[1].ToIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value)
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPmailReceivedFromIP -Value $messageTrace[1].FromIP
                try { 
                    $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPmailReceivedFromDNS -Value ((((Resolve-DNS -Query $MessageTrace[1].FromIP -QueryType PTR).Answers).PtrDomainName).Value)
                catch {
                    Write-Information "Cannot Resolve $($messageTrace[1].FromIP)" -InformationAction Continue
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoTransPortTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDExtReceive.Date -End $MTDExtExtSend.Date).Seconds
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'SEPPmailTransPortTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDSEPPReceive.Date -End $MTDSEPPExtSend.Date).Seconds
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'FullTransPortTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDSEPPReceive.Date -End $MTDExtExtSend.Date).Seconds
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPReceiveDetail -Value $MTDSEPPReceive.Detail
                #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPSubmitDetail -Value $MTDSEPPSubmit.Detail # Boring
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SEPPSendExtDetail -Value $MTDSEPPExtSend.Detail
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtReceiveDetail -Value $MTDExtReceive.Detail
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtSendDetail -Value $MTDExtExtSend.Detail
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OutboundConnectorName -Value $obcName
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalSendLatency -Value (((($MTDExtExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:ExternalSendLatency').ToString()).Split('=')[-1]
            {($_ -eq 'OutBound') -and ($obc.identity -eq "[] Outbound-Inline")}
                Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 40 -CurrentOperation "Get-Messagetrace"
                $MessageTraceDetail = Get-MessagetraceDetail -MessageTraceId $MessageTrace.MessageTraceId -Recipient $Recipient
                # 1 = Empfangen/Receive
                $MTDReceive = $MessageTraceDetail|Where-Object {(($_.Event -eq 'Empfangen') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Receive'))}
                # 2 = Übermitteln/Submit
                # $MTDSubmit = $MessageTraceDetail|Where-Object {(($_.Event -eq 'Übermitteln') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Submit'))}
                # 3 = Send external/Extern senden
                $MTDExtSend = $MessageTraceDetail|Where-Object {(($_.Event -eq 'Send external') -or ($_.Event -eq 'Extern senden'))}
                Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "MessageTrace" -PercentComplete 80 -CurrentOperation "Preparing Output"
                Write-Verbose "Crafting Oubound Connector Name" 
                try {
                    $obcName = (((($MTDExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:Microsoft.Exchange.Hygiene.TenantOutboundConnectorCustomData').ToString()).Split('=')[-1]
                } catch {
                    $obcName = '--- E-Mail did not go over SEPPmail Connector ---'
                Write-verbose "Adding Specific Outbound-Inline Data to output"
                if (($MTDReceive.Date) -and ($MTDExtSend.Date)) {$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'ExoInternalTransportTime(s)' -Value (New-TimeSpan -Start $MTDReceive.Date -End $MTDExtSend.Date).Seconds}
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ReceiveDetail -Value $MTDReceive.Detail
                #$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name SubmitDetail -Value $MTDSubmit.Detail # Keine Relevante Info
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExtSendDetail -Value $MTDExtSend.Detail
                $Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name OutboundConnectorName -Value $obcName
                if ($MTDExtSend) {$Outputobject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name ExternalSendLatency -Value (((($MTDExtSend.Data -Split '<') -replace ('>','')) -split (';') | select-String 'S:ExternalSendLatency').ToString()).Split('=')[-1]}
                Write-Progress -Activity "Loading message data" -Status "StatusMessage" -PercentComplete 100 -CurrentOperation "Done"


        #endregion Send/Outbound
    end {
        #$SC365MessageTrace = New-Object -TypeName pscustomobject -ArgumentList $SC365MessageTraceHT
        return $OutPutObject

    Read Office/Microsoft365 Azure TenantID
    Every Exchange Online is part of some sort of Microsoft Subscription and each subscription has an Azure Active Directory included. We need the TenantId to identify managed domains in
    PS C:\> Get-SC365TenantID -maildomain ''
    Explanation of what the example does
    Maildomain as string (mandatory)
    TenantID (GUID) as string
    See for more

Function Show-sc365Tenant {
        HelpURI = ''
    param (

    if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) {
        throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue
        try {
            $where = Get-OrganizationConfig
            $youare = [PSCustomobject]@{
                                 'Name' = $where.Name 
                          'DisplayName' = $where.DisplayName 
                 'DefaultMailboxRegion' = $where.DefaultMailboxRegion 
                'AllowedMailboxRegions' = $where.AllowedMailboxRegions 
                      'ExchangeVersion' = $where.ExchangeVersion
                 'SendFromAliasEnabled' = $where.SendFromAliasEnabled
                'IsTenantInGracePeriod' = $Where.IsTenantInGracePeriod        
            return $youare
         } catch {
            Write-Error $Error[0].Message   


Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-SC365TenantId -ParameterName MailDomain -ScriptBlock $paramDomSB
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-SC365Setup -ParameterName SEPPmailCloudDomain -ScriptBlock $paramDomSB

# SIG # Begin signature block
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# SIG # End signature block