.SYNOPSIS Read existing Exchange Online connectors .DESCRIPTION uses 2 Connectors to transfer messages between and Exchange Online This commandlet will show existing connectors. .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Connectors -routing -parallel Shows Connectors in parallel mode .EXAMPLE Get-SC365Connectors -routing -inline Shows Connectors in inline mode .NOTES See for more #> function Get-SC365Connectors { [CmdletBinding( HelpURI = '' )] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true )] [ValidateSet('inline','parallel')] $routing ) if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } else { Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue $inbound = Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -Routing $routing $outbound = Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings -Routing $routing $obc = Get-OutboundConnector $outbound.Name -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ibc = Get-InboundConnector $inbound.Name -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($obc | Where-Object Identity -eq $($outbound.Name)) { $obc|select-object Name,Enabled,WhenCreated,@{Name = 'Region'; Expression = {($_.TlsDomain.Split('.')[1])}} } else { Write-Warning "No Outbound Connector with name `"$($outbound.Name)`" found. Wrong routing mode or Inboundonly ?" } if ($ibc | Where-Object Identity -eq $($inbound.Name)) { $ibc|select-object Name,Enabled,WhenCreated,@{Name = 'Region'; Expression = {($_.TlsSenderCertificateName.Split('.')[1])}} } else { Write-Warning "No Inbound Connector with Name `"$($inbound.Name)`" found - Wrong routing mode ?" } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Adds/Renews Exchange Online connectors .DESCRIPTION uses 2 Connectors to transfer messages between and Exchange Online This commandlet will create the connectors for you, depending on routing mode and the region. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain '' -region 'ch' -routing 'inline' Creates Connectors for the maildomain environment ist Switzerland and customers uses mailfilter. MX points to .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain '' -region 'ch' -routing 'inline' -disabled Creates Connectors for the maildomain, the environment ist Switzerland and customers uses mailfilter. MX points to Connectors will be created in "disabled"-mode. You need to enable them manually. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain '' -region 'ch' -routing 'inline' -Confirm:$false -Force Creates Connectors for the maildomain, the environment ist Switzerland and customers uses mailfilter. MX points to Connectors will be created and existing connectors will be deleted without any further interaction. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain '' -routing 'parallel' -region 'de' Creates Connectors for the maildomain, environment ist Germany and customers uses Microsoft mailfilter. MX points to Microsoft. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain '' -routing 'parallel' -region 'de' -InboundEFSkipIPs Creates Connectors for the maildomain, environment ist Germany and customers uses Microsoft mailfilter. MX points to Microsoft. In addition the IP-Addresses of are listed in the "Enhanced Filter Skip list". This should not be neeed with Version 1.2.0+ as we do ARC-signing! .EXAMPLE PS C:\> New-SC365Connectors -SEPPmailCloudDomain '' -routing 'parallel' -region 'de' -option AntiSpamAllowListing Creates Connectors for the maildomain, environment ist Germany and customers uses Microsoft mailfilter. MX points to Microsoft. In addition the IP-addresses of are listed in the Default Hosted Connection Filter Policy. This will impact SPAM of detection of MS Defender, USE WITH CARE! .INPUTS .OUTPUTS Inbound and OutboundConnectors .NOTES See for more #> function New-SC365Connectors { [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium', DefaultparameterSetname = 'BothDirections', HelpURI = '' )] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetname = 'Bothdirections', Helpmessage = 'Default E-Mail domain of your Exchange Online tenant.', Position = 0 )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetname = 'InBoundOnly', Helpmessage = 'Default E-Mail domain of your Exchange Online tenant.', Position = 0 )] [Alias('domain','maildomain','primaryMailDomain')] [String] $SEPPmailCloudDomain, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'BothDirections', HelpMessage = 'Geographcal region of the service', Position = 1 )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'InBoundOnly', HelpMessage = 'Geographcal region of the service', Position = 1 )] [ValidateSet('ch','prv','de')] [String]$region, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetname = 'BothDirections', Helpmessage = '`"seppmailcloud`": mx points to, `"parallel`": mx points to Microsoft', Position = 2 )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetname = 'InBoundOnly', Helpmessage = '`"inline`": mx points to, `"parallel`": mx points to Microsoft', Position = 2 )] [ValidateSet('inline','parallel')] [String] $routing, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'InBoundOnly', HelpMessage = 'For routingtype `"inline`", if only inbound service is used.' )] [switch]$inBoundOnly = $false, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetname = 'BothDirections', Helpmessage = 'Force set IP-addresses of sending servers in EFSkipIPs in inbound connector.' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetname = 'InBoundOnly', Helpmessage = 'Force set IP-addresses of sending servers in EFSkipIPs in inbound connector' )] [switch]$InboundEFSkipIPs = $false, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'BothDirections', HelpMessage = 'Which configuration option to use' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'InBoundOnly', HelpMessage = 'Which configuration option to use' )] [ValidateSet('AntiSpamAllowListing')] [String[]]$option, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'BothDirections', HelpMessage = 'Disable the connectors on creation' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'InBoundOnly', HelpMessage = 'Disable the connectors on creation' )] [switch]$disabled, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetname = 'BothDirections', HelpMessage = 'Force overwrite of existing connectors and ignore hybrid setup' )] [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetname = 'InBoundOnly', HelpMessage = 'Force overwrite of existing connectors and ignore hybrid setup' )] [switch]$force ) begin { if(!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) {throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet"} Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue #region Preparing common setup Write-Debug "Preparing values for Cloud configuration" Write-debug "Prepare smarthosts for e-Mail domain $SEPPmailCloudDomain" if ($routing -eq 'inline') { $OutboundSmartHost = ($SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.','-')) + '' } if ($routing -eq 'parallel') { $OutboundSmartHost = ($SEPPmailCloudDomain.Replace('.','-')) + '' } Write-Verbose "Outbound SmartHost is: $OutboundSmartHost" Write-Debug "Prepare GeoRegion configuration for region: $region" $CloudConfig = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\ExOConfig\CloudConfig\GeoRegion.json" -raw|Convertfrom-Json -AsHashtable $regionConfig = $cloudConfig.GeoRegion.($region.Tolower()) $SEPPmailIPv4Range = $regionConfig.IPv4AllowList $TlsCertificateName = $regionConfig.TlsCertificate Write-Verbose "TLS Certificate is $TlsCertificateName" Write-Debug "Set timestamp and Moduleversion for Comments" $Now = Get-Date $moduleVersion = $myInvocation.MyCommand.Version #endregion commonsetup #region collecting existing connectors and test for hybrid Setup Write-Debug "Collecting existing connectors" $allInboundConnectors = Get-InboundConnector $allOutboundConnectors = Get-OutboundConnector -WarningAction SilentlyContinue Write-Verbose "Testing for hybrid Setup" $HybridInboundConn = $allInboundConnectors |Where-Object {(($_.Name -clike 'Inbound from *') -or ($_.ConnectorSource -clike 'HybridWizard'))} $HybridOutBoundConn = $allOutboundConnectors |Where-Object {(($_.Name -clike 'Outbound to *') -or ($_.ConnectorSource -clike 'HybridWizard'))} if (($HybridInboundConn -or $HybridOutBoundConn) -and (!($force))) { Write-Warning "!!! - Hybrid Configuration detected - we assume you know what you are doing. Be sure to backup your connector settings before making any change." if($InteractiveSession) { Write-Verbose "Ask user to continue if Hybrid is found." Do { try { [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$hybridContinue = Read-Host -Prompt "Create SEPPmail connectors in hybrid environment ? (Y/N)" } catch { } } until ($?) if ($hybridContinue -eq 'n') { Write-Verbose "Exiting due to user decision." break } } else { # should we error out here, since connector creation might be dangerous? } } else { Write-Verbose "No Hybrid Connectors detected, seems to be a clean cloud-only environment" -InformationAction Continue } Write-Debug "Checking for existing rules" $existingSc365Rules = Get-TransportRule -Identity '[SEPPmail.Cloud]*' -WarningAction SilentlyContinue -erroraction SilentlyContinue #endregion Write-Debug "Look for ARC-Signature for and add if missing" try { [string]$ath = (Get-ArcConfig).ArctrustedSealers if ($ath) { if ((!($ath.Contains('')))) { Write-Verbose "ARC header `'$ath`' exists, but does not contain" $athnew = $ath.Split(',') + '' Set-ArcConfig -Identity default -ArcTrustedSealers $athNew|Out-Null } } if (!($ath)) { Write-Verbose "ARC header is empty, adding" Set-ArcConfig -Identity default -ArcTrustedSealers ''|Out-Null } if (($ath.Contains(''))) { Write-Verbose "ARC header `'$ath`' exists and contains, no action required" } } catch { throw [System.Exception] "Error: $($_.Exception.Message)" } } process { #region - OutboundConnector Write-Debug "Building Outbound parameters based on smarthost $outboundtlsdomain" #$outbound = Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings -routing $routing -Option $Option $param = Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings -Routing $routing -Option $option $param.SmartHosts = $OutboundSmartHost Write-Verbose "Outbound Connector Smarthosts are $($param.SmartHosts)" $param.TlsDomain = $TlsCertificateName Write-Verbose "Outbound Connector TLS certificate name is $($param.TlsDomain)" Write-verbose "if -disabled switch is used, the connector stays deactivated" if ($Disabled) { $param.Enabled = $false } Write-Debug "Read existing outbound connector" $existingSMOutboundConn = $allOutboundConnectors | Where-Object Name -eq $param.Name # only $false if the user says so interactively [bool]$createOutBound = $true #Set Default Value #wait-debugger if ($existingSMOutboundConn) { if (!($existingsc365rules)) { Write-Warning "Found existing outbound connector with name: `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.Name)`" created on `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.WhenCreated)`" pointing to SEPPmail `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.TlsDomain)`" " if (($InteractiveSession) -and (!($force))) { [string] $tmp = $null Do { try { [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$tmp = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate the outbound connector (will only work if no rules use it)? (Y/N)" break } catch {} } until ($?) if ($tmp -eq 'y') { $createOutbound = $true Write-Verbose "Removing existing Outbound Connector $($existingSMOutboundConn.Name) !" if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($existingSMOutboundConn.Name), 'Removing existing Outbound Connector')) { Remove-OutboundConnector -Identity $($ExistingSMOutboundConn.Identity) -Confirm:$false # user confirmation action if (!$?) { throw $error[0] } } } else { Write-Warning "Leaving existing SEPPmail outbound connector `"$($existingSMOutboundConn.Name)`" untouched." $createOutbound = $false } } else { if (!($force)) { throw [System.Exception] "Outbound connector $($outbound.Name) already exists" } else { Write-Verbose "Removing existing OutBound Connector $existingSMOutboundConn.Identity due to -force parameter" try { $existingSMOutboundConn | Remove-OutboundConnector -Confirm:$false # due to -force } catch { # Errormessage $error[0] } } } } else { Write-Error "There are still transport-rules pointing to the outbound Connector $($existingSMOutboundConn.Identity) Use Remove-SC365rules -routing <routingmode>" } } else { Write-Verbose "No existing Outbound Connector found" } if($createOutbound -and (!($inboundonly))) { Write-Debug "Creating Outbound Connector $($param.Name)!" if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($param.Name), 'Creating Outbound Connector')) { $param.Comment += "`nCreated with SEPPmail365cloud PowerShell Module version $moduleVersion on $now" New-OutboundConnector @param | Select-Object Identity,Enabled,WhenCreated,@{Name = 'Region'; Expression = {($_.TlsDomain.Split('.')[1])}} if(!$?) {throw $error[0]} } } #endregion - OutboundConnector #region - InboundConnector Write-Debug "Read Inbound Connector Settings" $param = $null $param = Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -routing $routing -option $option Write-verbose "if -disabled switch is used, the connector stays deactivated" if ($disabled) { $param.Enabled = $false } Write-Verbose "Read existing SEPPmail Inbound Connector from Exchange Online" $existingSMInboundConn = $allInboundConnectors | Where-Object Name -EQ $param.Name # only $false if the user says so interactively [bool]$createInbound = $true if ($existingSMInboundConn) { Write-Warning "Found existing inbound connector with name: `"$($existingSMInboundConn.Name)`", created `"$($existingSMInboundConn.WhenCreated)`" incoming SEPPmail is `"$($existingSMInboundConn.TlsSenderCertificateName)`"" if (($InteractiveSession) -and (!($force))) { [string] $tmp = $null Do { try { [ValidateSet('y', 'Y', 'n', 'N')]$tmp = Read-Host -Prompt "Shall we delete and recreate the inbound connector (will only work if no rules use it)? (Y/N)" break } catch {} } until ($?) if ($tmp -eq 'y') { $createInbound = $true Write-Verbose "Removing existing Inbound Connector $($existingSMInboundConn.Name) !" if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($existingSMInboundConn.Name), 'Removing existing inbound Connector')) { $existingSMInboundConn | Remove-InboundConnector -Confirm:$false # user already confirmed action if (!$?) { throw $error[0] } } } else { Write-Warning "Leaving existing Inbound Connector `"$($existingSMInboundConn.Name)`" untouched." $createInbound = $false } } else { if (!($force)) { throw [System.Exception] "Inbound connector $($param.Name) already exists" } else { $existingSMInboundConn | Remove-InboundConnector -Confirm:$false # due to -force } } } else {Write-Verbose "No existing Inbound Connector found"} #region ibc if($createInbound) { Write-Verbose "Setting $TlscertificateName as TLSSendercertificate and IP addresses to region $region" if ($routing -eq 'parallel') {$param.RestrictDomainsToIPAddresses = $false} #60 if ($routing -eq 'parallel') {$param.SenderIPAddresses = $SEPPmailIPv4Range} if ($routing -eq 'inline') {$param.SenderDomains = 'smtp:' + $TlsCertificateName + ';1'} $param.TlsSenderCertificateName = $TlsCertificateName #region EFSkipIP in inbound connector if ($InboundEFSkipIPs){ [String[]]$EfSkipIPArray = $cloudConfig.GeoRegion.($region.Tolower()).IPv4AllowList + $cloudConfig.GeoRegion.($region.Tolower()).IPv6AllowList $param.EFSkipIPs = $EfSkipIPArray } else { Write-verbose "Inbound Connector $param.Name will be build WITHOUT IP-addresses in EFSkipIPs." } #endregion EFSkip In ibc Write-Verbose "Creating Inbound Connector $($param.Name)!" if ($PSCmdLet.ShouldProcess($($param.Name), 'Creating Inbound Connector')) { $param.Comment += "`nCreated with SEPPmail365cloud PowerShell Module version $moduleVersion on $now" #[void](New-InboundConnector @param) New-InboundConnector @param |Select-Object Identity,Enabled,WhenCreated,@{Name = 'Region'; Expression = {($_.TlsSenderCertificateName.Split('.')[1])}} if(!$?) { throw $error[0] } else { #region - Add Region-based IP-range to hosted Connection Filter Policy AllowList if ($option -eq 'AntiSpamAllowListing') { Write-Verbose "Adding to AllowList in 'Hosted Connection Filter Policy'" Write-Verbose "Collecting existing AllowList" $hcfp = Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy [string[]]$existingAllowList = $hcfp.IPAllowList Write-verbose "Adding IP ranges to HostedConnectionFilterPolicy $($hcfp.Id)" if ($existingAllowList) { $FinalIPList = ($existingAllowList + $SEPPmailIPv4Range)|sort-object -Unique } else { $FinalIPList = $SEPPmailIPv4Range } Write-verbose "Adding IPaddress list with content $finalIPList to hosted connection filter policy $($hcfp.Id)" if ($FinalIPList) { [void](Set-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy -Identity $hcfp.Id -IPAllowList $finalIPList) } } #endRegion - Hosted Connection Filter Policy AllowList } } } #endRegion - InboundConnector #} } end { #$SC365Connectors = New-Object -TypeName PSobject -property $SC365ConnectorsHash #$SC365Connectors } } <# .SYNOPSIS Removes the SEPPmail inbound and outbound connectors .DESCRIPTION Convenience function to remove the SEPPmail connectors .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Remove-SC365Connectors -routing parallel Removes all SEPPmail Connectors from the exchange online environment in parallel mode. .NOTES See for more #> function Remove-SC365Connectors { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium', HelpURI = '' )] Param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Helpmessage = 'The routing tyoe of the connector to you want to remove' )] [ValidateSet('inline','parallel')] [String]$routing, [ValidateSet('AntiSpamAllowListing')] [String]$option ) if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue $inbound = Get-SC365InboundConnectorSettings -routing $routing $outbound = Get-SC365OutboundConnectorSettings -routing $routing $hcfp = Get-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($outbound.Name, "Remove SEPPmail outbound connector $($Outbound.Name)")) { if (Get-OutboundConnector -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $($outbound.Name)}) { Remove-OutboundConnector $outbound.Name -confirm:$false } else { Write-Warning 'No SEPPmail Outbound Connector found' } } if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($inbound.Name, "Remove SEPPmail inbound connector $($inbound.Name)")) { $InboundConnector = Get-InboundConnector | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $($inbound.Name)} if ($inboundConnector) { Write-Verbose 'Collect Inbound Connector IP for later AllowListremoval' [string]$InboundSEPPmailIP = $null if ($inboundConnector.TlsSenderCertificateName) { [array]$InboundSEPPmailIP = $inboundConnector.SenderIPAddresses -split ' ' } Remove-InboundConnector $inbound.Name -confirm:$false Write-Verbose "If Inbound Connector has been removed, remove also AllowListed IPs" if ((!($Option -like 'AntiSpamAllowListing')) -and (!(Get-InboundConnector | Where-Object Identity -eq $($inbound.Name)))) { Write-Verbose "Remove SEPPmail Appliance IP from AllowList in 'Hosted Connection Filter Policy'" Write-Verbose "Collecting existing AllowList" [System.Collections.ArrayList]$existingAllowList = $hcfp.IPAllowList Write-verbose "Removing SEPPmail Appliance IP $InboundSEPPmailIP from Policy $($hcfp.Id)" if ($existingAllowList) { foreach ($IP in $InboundSEPPmailIP) { $existingAllowList.Remove($IP) } Set-HostedConnectionFilterPolicy -Identity $hcfp.Id -IPAllowList $existingAllowList Write-Verbose "IP: $InboundSEPPmailIP removed from Hosted Connection Filter Policy $hcfp.Id" } } } else { Write-Warning 'No SEPPmail.Cloud Inbound Connector found' } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Backs up all existing connectors to individual json files .DESCRIPTION Convenience function to perform a backup of all existing connectors .EXAMPLE Backup-SC365Connectors -OutFolder "C:\temp" .NOTES See for more #> function Backup-SC365Connectors { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Folder in which the backed up configuration will be stored' )] [Alias('Folder','Path')] [String] $OutFolder ) begin { if (!(Test-SC365ConnectionStatus)) { throw [System.Exception] "You're not connected to Exchange Online - please connect prior to using this CmdLet" } Write-Information "Connected to Exchange Organization `"$Script:ExODefaultDomain`"" -InformationAction Continue } process { if(!(Test-Path $OutFolder)) {New-Item $OutFolder -ItemType Directory} Get-InboundConnector | foreach-object{ $n = $_.Name $n = $n -replace "[\[\]*\\/?:><`"]" $p = "$OutFolder\inbound_connector_$n.json" Write-Verbose "Backing up $($_.Name) to $p" ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_ | Out-File $p } Get-OutboundConnector -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | foreach-object { $n = $_.Name $n = $n -replace "[\[\]*\\/?:><`"]" $p = "$OutFolder\outbound_connector_$n.json" Write-Verbose "Backing up $($_.Name) to $p" ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $_ | Out-File $p } } } if (!(Get-Alias 'Set-SC365Connectors' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { New-Alias -Name Set-SC365Connectors -Value New-SC365Connectors } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-SC365Connectors -ParameterName SEPPmailCloudDomain -ScriptBlock $paramDomSB Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-SC365Connectors -ParameterName region -ScriptBlock $paramRegionSB Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-SC365Connectors -ParameterName routing -ScriptBlock $paramRoutingModeSB # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIL1wYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIILyDCCC8QCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUpVZdK4urfWbWNl/tGZgcnGuo # LCeggglAMIIEmTCCA4GgAwIBAgIQcaC3NpXdsa/COyuaGO5UyzANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQsFADCBqTELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFTATBgNVBAoTDHRoYXd0ZSwgSW5jLjEoMCYG # A1UECxMfQ2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbiBTZXJ2aWNlcyBEaXZpc2lvbjE4MDYGA1UECxMv # KGMpIDIwMDYgdGhhd3RlLCBJbmMuIC0gRm9yIGF1dGhvcml6ZWQgdXNlIG9ubHkx # HzAdBgNVBAMTFnRoYXd0ZSBQcmltYXJ5IFJvb3QgQ0EwHhcNMTMxMjEwMDAwMDAw # WhcNMjMxMjA5MjM1OTU5WjBMMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEVMBMGA1UEChMMdGhhd3Rl # LCBJbmMuMSYwJAYDVQQDEx10aGF3dGUgU0hBMjU2IENvZGUgU2lnbmluZyBDQTCC # ASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAJtVAkwXBenQZsP8KK3TwP7v # 4Ol+1B72qhuRRv31Fu2YB1P6uocbfZ4fASerudJnyrcQJVP0476bkLjtI1xC72Ql # WOWIIhq+9ceu9b6KsRERkxoiqXRpwXS2aIengzD5ZPGx4zg+9NbB/BL+c1cXNVeK # 3VCNA/hmzcp2gxPI1w5xHeRjyboX+NG55IjSLCjIISANQbcL4i/CgOaIe1Nsw0Rj # gX9oR4wrKs9b9IxJYbpphf1rAHgFJmkTMIA4TvFaVcnFUNaqOIlHQ1z+TXOlScWT # af53lpqv84wOV7oz2Q7GQtMDd8S7Oa2R+fP3llw6ZKbtJ1fB6EDzU/K+KTT+X/kC # AwEAAaOCARcwggETMC8GCCsGAQUFBwEBBCMwITAfBggrBgEFBQcwAYYTaHR0cDov # L3QyLnN5bWNiLmNvbTASBgNVHRMBAf8ECDAGAQH/AgEAMDIGA1UdHwQrMCkwJ6Al # oCOGIWh0dHA6Ly90MS5zeW1jYi5jb20vVGhhd3RlUENBLmNybDAdBgNVHSUEFjAU # BggrBgEFBQcDAgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgEGMCkGA1UdEQQiMCCk # HjAcMRowGAYDVQQDExFTeW1hbnRlY1BLSS0xLTU2ODAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUV4abVLi+ # pimK5PbC4hMYiYXN3LcwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUe1tFz6/Oy3r9MZIaarbzRutXSFAw # DQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBACQ79degNhPHQ/7wCYdo0ZgxbhLkPx4flntrTB6H # novFbKOxDHtQktWBnLGPLCm37vmRBbmOQfEs9tBZLZjgueqAAUdAlbg9nQO9ebs1 # tq2cTCf2Z0UQycW8h05Ve9KHu93cMO/G1GzMmTVtHOBg081ojylZS4mWCEbJjvx1 # T8XcCcxOJ4tEzQe8rATgtTOlh5/03XMMkeoSgW/jdfAetZNsRBfVPpfJvQcsVncf # hd1G6L/eLIGUo/flt6fBN591ylV3TV42KcqF2EVBcld1wHlb+jQQBm1kIEK3Osgf # HUZkAl/GR77wxDooVNr2Hk+aohlDpG9J+PxeQiAohItHIG4wggSfMIIDh6ADAgEC # AhBdMTrn+ZR0fTH9F/xerQI2MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMEwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlVT # MRUwEwYDVQQKEwx0aGF3dGUsIEluYy4xJjAkBgNVBAMTHXRoYXd0ZSBTSEEyNTYg # Q29kZSBTaWduaW5nIENBMB4XDTIwMDMxNjAwMDAwMFoXDTIzMDMxNjIzNTk1OVow # XTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0gxDzANBgNVBAgMBkFhcmdhdTERMA8GA1UEBwwITmV1ZW5o # b2YxFDASBgNVBAoMC1NFUFBtYWlsIEFHMRQwEgYDVQQDDAtTRVBQbWFpbCBBRzCC # ASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAKE54Nn5Vr8YcEcTv5k0vFyW # 26kzBt9Pe2UcawfjnyqvYpWeCuOXxy9XXif24RNuBROEc3eqV4EHbA9v+cOrE1me # 4HTct7byRM0AQCzobeFAyei3eyeDbvb963pUD+XrluCQS+L80n8yCmcOwB+weX+Y # j2CY7s3HZfbArzTxBHo5AKEDp9XxyoCc/tUQOq6vy+wdbOOfLhrNMkDDCsBWSLqi # jx3t1E+frAYF7tXaO5/FEGTeb/OjXqOpoooNL38FmCJh0CKby090sBJP5wSienn1 # NdhmBOKRL+0K3bomozoYmQscpT5AfWo4pFQm+8bG4QdNaT8AV4AHPb4zf23bxWUC # AwEAAaOCAWowggFmMAkGA1UdEwQCMAAwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUV4abVLi+pimK5PbC # 4hMYiYXN3LcwHQYDVR0OBBYEFPKf1Ta/8vAMTng2ZeBzXX5uhp8jMCsGA1UdHwQk # MCIwIKAeoByGGmh0dHA6Ly90bC5zeW1jYi5jb20vdGwuY3JsMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQE # AwIHgDATBgNVHSUEDDAKBggrBgEFBQcDAzBuBgNVHSAEZzBlMGMGBmeBDAEEATBZ # MCYGCCsGAQUFBwIBFhpodHRwczovL3d3dy50aGF3dGUuY29tL2NwczAvBggrBgEF # BQcCAjAjDCFodHRwczovL3d3dy50aGF3dGUuY29tL3JlcG9zaXRvcnkwVwYIKwYB # BQUHAQEESzBJMB8GCCsGAQUFBzABhhNodHRwOi8vdGwuc3ltY2QuY29tMCYGCCsG # 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