#requires -Version 3 -Modules SCOrchDev-Exception <# .SYNOPSIS Runs a rest query and either uses a PSCredential or not .OUTPUTS Results of the rest query .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Internet resource to which the web request is sent. This parameter supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FILE values. .PARAMETER Method Specifies the method used for the web request. Valid values are Default, Delete, Get, Head, Merge, Options, Patch, Post, Put, and Trace. .PARAMETER Body Specifies the body of the request. The body is the content of the request that follows the headers. You can also pipe a body value to Invoke-RestMethod. The Body parameter can be used to specify a list of query parameters or specify the content of the response. When the input is a GET request, and the body is an IDictionary (typically, a hash table), the body is added to the URI as query parameters. For other request types (such as POST), the body is set as the value of the request body in the standard name=value format. When the body is a form, or it is the output of another Invoke-WebRequest call, Windows PowerShell sets the request content to the form fields. For example: $r = Invoke-WebRequest $r.Forms[0].Name = "MyName" $r.Forms[0].Password = "MyPassword" Invoke-RestMethod -Body $r - or - Invoke-RestMethod -Body $r.Forms[0] .PARAMETER Headers Specifies the headers of the web request. Enter a hash table or dictionary. To set UserAgent headers, use the UserAgent parameter. You cannot use this parameter to specify UserAgent or cookie headers. .PARAMETER ContentType Specifies the content type of the web request. If this parameter is omitted and the request method is POST, Invoke-RestMethod sets the content type to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Otherwise, the content type is not specified in the call. .PARAMETER Credential The PSCredential to use for the query. If not passed used default credentials #> Function Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True) ][string] $Uri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][object] $Body, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][string] $ContentType, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Headers, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][pscredential] $Credential = $Null ) $null = $( $RestMethodParameters = @{ 'URI' = $URI } If ( $Body ) { $RestMethodParameters += @{ 'Body' = $Body } } If ( $Method ) { $RestMethodParameters += @{ 'Method' = $Method } } If ( $Headers ) { $RestMethodParameters += @{ 'Headers' = $Headers } } If ( $ContentType ) { $RestMethodParameters += @{ 'ContentType' = $ContentType } } If ( $Credential ) { $RestMethodParameters += @{ 'Credential' = $Credential } } Else { $RestMethodParameters += @{ 'UseDefaultCredentials' = $True } } $Results = $null Write-Debug -Message (ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $RestMethodParameters) $Results = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethodParameters -Verbose:$False ) return $Results } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a well formed Uri for a SharePoint site with or without a list and list filter .OUTPUTS [string] -URI of the SharePoint site to query .PARAMETER SPFarm The farm to generate the Uri for Ex: .PARAMETER SPSite The Site to generate the Uri for Ex: gcloud .PARAMETER SPList The list to generate the Uri for Ex: .PARAMETER SPList The filter query to use in the Uri Ex: StatusValue eq 'New' .PARAMETER UseSSL Use ssl (https) or not Default is true .Example Site Format-SPUri -SPFarm '' ` -SPSite 'gcloud' .Example List Format-SPUri -SPFarm '' ` -SPSite 'gcloud' ` -SPList 'AddDiskToAVirtualServer' .Example List with Filter Format-SPUri -SPFarm '' ` -SPSite 'gcloud' ` -SPList 'AddDiskToAVirtualServer' ` -SPFilter 'StatusValue eq Failed'$filter=StatusValue eq Failed .Example List with Filter and non SSL Format-SPUri -SPFarm '' ` -SPSite 'gcloud' ` -SPList 'AddDiskToAVirtualServer' ` -SPFilter 'StatusValue eq Failed' ` -UseSsl $false$filter=StatusValue eq Failed #> Function Format-SPUri { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true) ][string] $SPFarm, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true) ][string] $SPSite, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $SPList, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][string] $SPFilter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][bool] $UseSSl = $true ) $null = $( if($UseSSl) { $SPUri = 'https' } else { $SPUri = 'http' } $SPUri = "$SPUri`://$SPFarm/$SPCollection/$SPSite/_vti_bin/listdata.svc" if($SPList) { $SPUri = "$SPUri/$($SPList)" if($SPFilter) { $SPUri = "$SPUri`?`$filter=$SPFilter" } } ) return $SPUri } <# .SYNOPSIS Get all SharePoint list names for the given SharePoint site .OUTPUTS Arraylist of strings representing all list names .PARAMETER SPUri The full uri to the sharepoint site Ex: .PARAMETER SPFarm The name of the sharepoint farm to query Ex: .PARAMETER SPSite The name of the sharepoint site to query Ex: gcloud .PARAMETER UseSSL Use ssl (https) or not Default is true .PARAMETER Credential Optional PSCredential to use when querying sharepoint #> Function Get-SPList { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)][string]$SPUri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $true) ][string] $SPFarm, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $true) ][string] $SPSite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][string] $SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $false)][bool] $UseSSl = $true, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][PSCredential] $Credential ) $null = $( if(-not $SPUri) { $SPUri = Format-SPUri -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPCollection $SPCollection -UseSSl $UseSSl } $returnLists = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList $ListService = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Uri $SPUri -Credential $Credential $Lists = $ListService.Service.Workspace.ChildNodes.Title Foreach($List in $Lists) { if($List) { $returnLists.Add($list) } } ) return $returnLists } <# .SYNOPSIS Get SharePoint list item(s). .OUTPUTS Converts SharePoint list items to SPListItem objects .PARAMETER SPUri URI of the SharePoint list or list item or list item child item to query (optional) .PARAMETER SPFarm The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPSite, SPList and UseSSl to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPSite The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPList and UseSSl to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPList The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPFarm, SPSite and UseSSl to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER UseSSl The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPSite and SPList to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly Default Value: True Action: Sets either a http or https prefix for the SPUri .PARAMETER Filter Filter definition .PARAMETER DownloadAttachment A boolean flag. If set to true attachments will be downloaded .PARAMETER AttachmentFormat What format the attachment should be in Default: Binary ASCII: Ascii formatting .PARAMETER Credential Credential with rights to query SharePoint list. If not used default credentials will be used .EXAMPLE Get all list items from a SharePoint list Get-SPListItem -SPURI $SPListURI -Credential $SPCred .EXAMPLE Get all list items from a SharePoint list Get-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -Credential $SPCred .EXAMPLE Get all list items from a SharePoint list that match the specified filter Sample filters $SPFilter = "StageValue eq 'Complete'" $SPFilter = "StageValue ne 'Complete' and AssignedId ne HiddenAssignedId" $SPFilter = "Enabled and Status ne 'Launching'" # 'Enabled' is a boolean column $DateString = $Date.ToString( "s" ) # Dates in filters need to be in this format $SPFilter = "Status eq 'Pending' and StartTime lt datetime'$DateString'" $SPFilter = "substringof('Recycle',Title)" Get-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -Credential $SPCred -Filter $SPFilter .EXAMPLE Expand a linked property such as a linked user Get-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -ExpandProperty CreatedBy .EXAMPLE Expand all linked properties Get-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -ExpandProperty * #> Function Get-SPListItem { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'BuildURI')] Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)] [string]$SPUri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ] [string]$SPFarm, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ] [string]$SPSite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ] [string]$SPList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)] [string]$SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)] [bool]$UseSsl = $True, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$Filter, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string[]]$ExpandProperty, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [bool] $DownloadAttachment = $False, [ValidateSet('ASCII','')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [string]$AttachmentFormat, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) $null = $( if( -not $SPUri ) { $SPUri = Format-SPUri -SPFarm $SPFarm ` -SPSite $SPSite ` -SPList $SPList ` -SPCollection $SPCollection ` -UseSSl $UseSsl } if ( $Filter ) { $SPUri += "?`$filter=$($Filter)" } # Get the first page of items in the list (up to the SQL defined limit, usually 1000) $MoreItems = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Uri $SPUri -Credential $Credential $RawList = @() # As long as we keep getting more items... while ( $MoreItems ) { # Add the items to the list $RawList += $MoreItems # Get the next page of item in the list if($RawList[-1] -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { $LastID = $RawList[-1].Content.Properties.ID.'#text' if(-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($LastID)) { If ( $Filter ) { $PageURI = "$SPUri&`$skiptoken=$LastID" } Else { $PageURI = "$SPUri/?`$skiptoken=$LastID" } $MoreItems = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Uri $PageURI -Credential $Credential } else { break } } else { break } } $ReturnList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]' foreach( $ListItem in $RawList ) { $SPListItem = ConvertFrom-RawSPItem -ListItem $ListItem -Immutable $False if($ExpandProperty -contains '*') { if($ListItem -is [System.Xml.XmlElement]) { $links = $ListItem. Link } else { $links = $ListItem.Entry.Link } $ExpandLinks = ($links | Where-Object { $_.rel -ne 'edit' }).Title } else { $ExpandLinks = $ExpandProperty } foreach($Property in $ExpandLinks) { if($Property -eq 'Attachments') { if($DownloadAttachment) { $LinkedItem = Get-SPListItemAttachment -SPUri $SPListItem.Id ` -Credential $Credential ` -AttachmentFormat $AttachmentFormat } } else { $LinkedItem = Get-SPListItemImmutable -SPUri "$($SPListItem.Id)/$Property" -Credential $Credential } if(-not ($SPListItem.LinkedItems.ContainsKey($Property))) { $SPListItem.addLinkedItem($Property, $LinkedItem) } } $ReturnList.Add($SPListItem) } ) return $ReturnList } <# .SYNOPSIS Get SharePoint list items that are immutable. This function is an internal function used by Get-SPListItem to return immutable objects that are linked to the target object .OUTPUTS Converts SharePoint list items to SPListItemImmutable .PARAMETER SPUri URI of the SharePoint list item .PARAMETER Credential Credential with rights to query SharePoint list. If not used default credentials will be used #> Function Get-SPListItemImmutable { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPUri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) $null = $( $Item = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Uri $SPUri -Credential $Credential if($Item) { $SPItemImmutable = @() foreach($i in $Item) { $SPItemImmutable += ConvertFrom-RawSPItem -ListItem $i -Immutable $True } } ) return $SPItemImmutable } <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new SPListItem object. .OUTPUTS A PSObject representing a SharePoint list item. .PARAMETER Id Th Id of the list item (e.g. '') .PARAMETER Created The date when the item was created .PARAMETER Modified The date when the item was modified .PARAMETER Version The version of the item .PARAMETER Properites A dictionary representing the list item's properties, including column values .PARAMETER LinkedItems A dictionary whose keys are strings and values are list item objects. For example, "CreatedBy" would point to the SharePoint person object who created the list item. #> Function New-SPListItemObject { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [System.DateTime] $Created, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [System.DateTime] $Modified, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [String] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, Object]] $Properties = (New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, Object]'), [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, Object]] $LinkedItems = (New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, Object]'), [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [Switch] $Immutable ) $DisplayId = [System.String]::Empty if($Id -and $Properties) { if($Properties.ContainsKey('Path') -and $Properties.ContainsKey('Id')) { $SiteParts = $id.Split('/') if($SiteParts.Length -ge 2) { $SiteURI = "$($SiteParts[0])//$($SiteParts[2])" $DisplayId = "$SiteURI$($Properties['Path'])/DispForm.aspx?ID=$($Properties['Id'])" } else { $DisplayId = $Id } } } $ListName = $null if($Id -match '/([^/]+)\(\d+\)$') { $ListName = $Matches[1] } $ASMXWebservicePath = Format-SPListASMXPath -ListItemID $Id $SPListItemProperties = Split-SPListItemId -SPListItemID $Id $ObjectProperties = @{ 'Id' = [String] $Id ; 'DisplayId' = [String] $DisplayId ; 'ASMXWebserviceEndpoint' = [String] $ASMXWebservicePath ; 'ListName' = [String] $ListName ; 'ListItemIndex' = [String] $SPListItemProperties.SPListItemIndex ; 'Site' = [String] $SPListItemProperties.SPSite ; 'Collection' = [String] $SPListItemProperties.SPCollection ; 'Farm' = [String] $SPListItemProperties.SPFarm ; 'Created' = [System.DateTime] $Created ; 'Modified' = [System.DateTime] $Modified ; 'Version' = [String] $Version ; 'Properties' = $Properties ; 'LinkedItems' = @{} ; } $addLinkedItem = { Param($PropertyName, $Item) $this.LinkedItems[$PropertyName] = $Item } # TODO: Implement immutable object functionality $SPListItem = New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property $ObjectProperties Add-Member -InputObject $SPListItem -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name 'addLinkedItem' -Value $addLinkedItem Return $SPListItem } <# .SYNOPSIS Given the URI for a SharePoint list item, gets the attachments for the list item. .OUTPUTS A list of attachment objects. .PARAMETER SPUri URI of the SharePoint list or list item to get attachment(s) for. .PARAMETER AttachmentFormat What format the attachment should be in Default: Binary ASCII: Ascii formatting #> Function Get-SPListItemAttachment { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)][string] $SPUri, [ValidateSet('ASCII','')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][String] $AttachmentFormat, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) if($Credential) { $WebRequestParams = @{'Credential' = $Credential} } else { $WebRequestParams = @{'UseDefaultCredentials' = $True} } $AttachmentList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.ArrayList' $Attachment = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Uri "$SPUri/Attachments" -Credential $Credential foreach($_Attachment in $Attachment) { $AttachmentObject = New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property @{'Uri' = $_Attachment.content.src; 'Content' = $null} $content = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $AttachmentObject.Uri @WebRequestParams).Content Switch($AttachmentFormat) { 'ASCII' { $Attachmentobject.content = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::ASCII.GetString($Content) } default { $attachmentobject.content = $content } } $AttachmentList.Add($AttachmentObject) | Out-Null } return $AttachmentList } <# .SYNOPSIS Takes the raw output of Invoke-RestMethod and wrapps it into a custom class for SharePoint objects (either SPListItem or SPListItemImmutable depending on the value of Immutable flag) .OUTPUTS Converts the output of Invoke-RestMethod into SharePoint list items .PARAMETER ListItem The Xml output of Invoke-RestMethod for a SharePoint list item .PARAMETER Immutable A flag to determine if the outputed object will be immutable or not #> Function ConvertFrom-RawSPItem { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True) ] $ListItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][bool] $Immutable = $False ) $null = $( if ( $ListItem -is [System.Xml.XmlElement] ) { $Id = $ListItem. id; $ListItemProperties = $ListItem. Content.Properties } else { $Id = $; $ListItemProperties = $ListItem.Entry.Content.Properties } $ListItemPropertyNames = ( $ListItemProperties | Get-Member -MemberType Property ).Name if($ListItemPropertyNames.Contains('Created')) { } else { $ListItemCreated = [System.DateTime]::MinValue } if($ListItemPropertyNames.Contains('Modified')) { $ListItemModified = [DateTime]$ListItemProperties.Modified.'#text' } else { $ListItemModified = [System.DateTime]::MinValue } if($ListItemPropertyNames.Contains('Version')) { $ListItemVersion = $ListItemProperties.Version.'#text' } else { $ListItemVersion = [System.String]::Empty } $PropertyList = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,object]' $ListItemCreated = [System.DateTime]::MinValue $ListItemModified = [System.DateTime]::MinValue $ListItemVersion = [System.String]::Empty foreach( $PropertyName in $ListItemPropertyNames ) { $Property = $ListItemProperties."$PropertyName" if ( $Property -is [string] ) { $Value = [string]$Property } elseif( $Property.Null -eq 'True' ) { $Value = [string]'' } else { switch -CaseSensitive ( $Property.Type ) { 'Edm.DateTime' { $Value = [datetime]$Property.'#text' } 'Edm.DateTimeOffset' { $Value = [datetime]$Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Time' { $Value = [timespan]$Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Int16' { $Value = [int16] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Int32' { $Value = [int32] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Int64' { $Value = [int64] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Decimal' { $Value = [decimal] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Float' { $Value = [single] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Double' { $Value = [double] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Boolean' { $Value = [boolean]($Property.'#text' -eq 'true') } 'Edm.Byte' { $Value = [byte] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.SByte' { $Value = [sbyte] $Property.'#text' } 'Edm.Guid' { $Value = [guid] $Property.'#text' } default { $Value = [string] $Property.'#text' } } } $LowerCasePropertyName = $PropertyName.ToLower() Switch -CaseSensitive ( $LowerCasePropertyName ) { 'created' { $ListItemCreated = $Value } 'modified' { $ListItemModified = $Value } 'version' { $ListItemVersion = $Value } default { $PropertyList.Add($PropertyName,$Value) } } } $SPListItem = New-SPListItemObject -Id $Id -Created $ListItemCreated -Modified $ListItemModified ` -Version $ListItemVersion -Properties $PropertyList -Immutable:$Immutable ) return $SPListItem } <# .SYNOPSIS Update SharePoint list item .OUTPUTS None .PARAMETER SPUri URI of the SharePoint list or list item or list item child item to update .PARAMETER SPFarm The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPSite, SPList, UseSSl and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPSite The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPList, UseSSl and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPList The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPFarm, SPSite, UseSSl and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER UseSSl The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPSite, SPList and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly Default Value: True Action: Sets either a http or https prefix for the SPUri .PARAMETER SPListItemIndex Index of a specific SharePoint list item to update. Used with SPFarm, SPSite, SPList and UseSSl to create SPUri .PARAMETER Data A hashtable representing the data in the SharePoint list item to be updated. Each key must match an internal SharePoint column name or column reference. .PARAMETER SPListItem The SPList item with all modifications made to it to update .PARAMETER PassThru Return an updated version of the SPListItem object or not Defaults to False .PARAMETER Credential Credential with rights to update SharePoint list .EXAMPLE Update SharePoint list item $Data = @{ 'LastRun' = (Get-Date); 'Status' = $FinalStatus } Update-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -SPListItemIndex 7 -Data $Data -Credential $SPCred .EXAMPLE Update SharePoint list item $SPUri = "" $Data = @{ 'LastRun' = (Get-Date); 'Status' = $FinalStatus } Update-SPListItem -SPUri $SPUri -Data $Data -Credential $SPCred .EXAMPLE Update SharePoint list items assigned to the given team with the new team name $SPFilter = "Team eq 'WE-Apps'" $ListItems = Get-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSIte $SPSite -SPList $SPList -Filter $SPFilter -Credential $SPCred Foreach($ListItem in $ListItems) { $ListItem.Properties.Team = 'Web Hosting' Update-SPListItem -SPListItem $ListItem -Credential $SPCred } #> Function Update-SPListItem { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)][string]$SPUri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPFarm, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPSite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][string]$SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPListItemIndex, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][bool] $UseSsl = $True, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)][HashTable]$Data, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SPListItem', Mandatory = $True)][object]$SPListItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][bool] $PassThru = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) $null = $( If($SPListItem) { # If a whole item is passed in compare all of the properties. If there are any that don't match # the current list item add them to the data hashtable for processing # Set SPUri to the item id $SPUri = $SPListitem.Id $CurrentSPListItem = Get-SPListItem -SPUri $SPUri -Credential $Credential $Data = @{} Foreach($PropertyKey in $SPListItem.Properties.Keys) { if($CurrentSPListItem.Properties."$($PropertyKey)" -ne $SPListItem.Properties."$($PropertyKey)") { $Data.Add($PropertyKey, $SPListItem.Properties."$($PropertyKey)") } } } ElseIf($SPFarm) { $SPUri = "$(Format-SPUri -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -SPCollection $SPCollection -UseSSl $UseSsl)($SPListItemIndex)" } ElseIf($SPUri) { # SPUri was passed no processing to do } Else { Write-Error -Message "You must pass one of the following parameter sets`n -SPUri `$SPUri -Data `$Data -SPFarm `$SPFarm -SPSite `$SPSIte -SPList `$SPList -SPListItemIndex `$SPListItemIndex -Data `$Data`n -SPListItem `$SPListITem" } # Convert all datetime values in the Data hashtable to short strings $UpdateData = @{} ForEach($Key in $Data.Keys) { if($Data[$Key] -is [DateTime]) { $UpdateData.Add($Key, $Data[$Key].ToString('s')) } else { $UpdateData.Add($Key, $Data[$Key]) } } # Convert the Hashtable to a JSON format $RESTBody = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $UpdateData # Update the item using merge $Invoke = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Method Merge ` -Uri $SPUri ` -Body $RESTBody ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Headers @{ 'If-Match' = '*' } ` -Credential $Credential if($PassThru) { $returnItem = Get-SPListItem -SPUri $SPUri -Credential $Credential } ) if($PassThru) { return $returnItem } } <# .SYNOPSIS Add new SharePoint list item(s) .OUTPUTS None .PARAMETER SPUri URI of the SharePoint list (optional) .PARAMETER SPFarm The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPSite, SPList and UseSSl to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPSite The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPList and UseSSl to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPList The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPFarm, SPSite and UseSSl to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER UseSSl The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPSite and SPList to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly Default Value: True Action: Sets either a http or https prefix for the SPUri .PARAMETER Data A hashtable representing the data in the SharePoint list item to be created. Each key must match an internal SharePoint column name or column reference. .PARAMETER Credential Credential with rights to update SharePoint list .EXAMPLE Add SharePoint list item. Any unspecified columns take default values (if any). $Data = @{ 'LastRun' = (Get-Date); 'Status' = $FinalStatus } Add-SPListItem -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPList $SPList -Data $Data #> Function Add-SPListItem { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)][string]$SPUri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPFarm, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPSite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][string]$SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][bool] $UseSsl = $True, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True) ][HashTable] $Data, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][bool] $PassThru = $False, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) if(-not $SPUri) { $SPUri = Format-SPUri -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPCollection $SPCollection -SPList $SPList -UseSSl $UseSsl } $UpdateData = @{} ForEach($Key in $Data.Keys) { if($Data[$Key] -is [DateTime]) { $UpdateData.Add($Key, $Data[$Key].ToString('s')) } else { $UpdateData.Add($Key, $Data[$Key]) } } # Convert the Hashtable to a JSON format $RESTBody = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $UpdateData $Invoke = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Method Post ` -URI $SPUri ` -Body $RESTBody ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Credential $Credential } <# .SYNOPSIS Delete target SharePoint list item .OUTPUTS None .PARAMETER SPUri URI of the SharePoint list item to delete .PARAMETER SPFarm The name of the SharePoint farm to delete. Used with SPSite, SPList, UseSSl and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPSite The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPList, UseSSl and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER SPList The name of the SharePoint farm to query. Used with SPFarm, SPSite, UseSSl and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly .PARAMETER UseSSl The name of the SharePoint site. Used with SPFarm, SPSite, SPList and SPListItemIndex to create SPUri Use this parameter set or specifiy SPUri directly Default Value: True Action: Sets either a http or https prefix for the SPUri .PARAMETER SPListItemIndex Index of a specific SharePoint list item to delete .PARAMETER SPListItem The SPList item with all modifications made to it to delete .PARAMETER Credential Credential with rights to the SharePoint list .EXAMPLE Delete SharePoint list item #> Function Remove-SPListItem { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)][string]$SPUri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPFarm, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPSite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][string]$SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True) ][string]$SPListItemIndex, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)][bool] $UseSsl = $True, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SPListItem', Mandatory = $True)][object]$SPListItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)][PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) $null = $( If($SPListItem) { # If a whole item is passed in compare delete it based on its Id $SPUri = $SPListitem.Id } ElseIf($SPFarm) { # If the BuildURI Parameter set is passed created the correct SPUri $SPUri = "$(Format-SPUri -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPCollection $SPCollection -SPList $SPList -UseSSl $UseSsl)($SPListItemIndex)" } ElseIf($SPUri) { # SPUri was passed no processing to do } Else { Write-Error -Message "You must pass one of the following parameter sets`n -SPUri `$SPUri -SPFarm `$SPFarm -SPSite `$SPSIte -SPList `$SPList -SPListItemIndex `$SPListItemIndex`n -SPListItem `$SPListItem" } $Invoke = Invoke-RestMethod-Wrapped -Method Delete ` -URI $SPUri ` -ContentType 'application/json' ` -Credential $Credential ) } <# .SYNOPSIS Given a SharePoint person, returns that person's e-mail address as listed in Active Directory. .DESCRIPTION SharePoint does not always return a full description of a person. One field that is always returned is Account, so we can use that to do a lookup against AD. .OUTPUTS A string containing an e-mail address .PARAMETER SharePointPerson A Sharepoint list item describing a person (i.e. a LinkedItem describing a person from Get-SPListItem) .EXAMPLE $ListItem = Get-SPListItem -SPUri $Uri -ExpandProperty 'CreatedBy' $Email = Get-SharePointPersonEmail -SharePointPerson $ListItem.LinkedItems.CreatedBy #> Function Get-SharePointPersonEmail { Param([Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] $SharePointPerson) $Domain, $Username = $SharePointPerson.Properties.Account.Split('\') $ADUser = Get-ADUser -Identity $Username -Properties mail -Server $Domain Return $ADUser.mail } <# .SYNOPSIS Compares the ScheduledStartTime value of the target SP List item against the current time. If the time is outside of the bounds returns false else returns true .PARAMETER SPUri The Uri to the list item to test .PARAMETER Credential Optional. Credential to use for querying sharepoint .PARAMETER MaxSecondOffset The maximum number of seconds away from the list item's 'starttime' parameter before the function will return false .EXAMPLE Test-SPListItemStartTime -SPUri $NewRequestUri -MaximumSecondOffset 900 #> Function Test-SPListItemStartTime { [OutputType([bool])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPUri, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [PSCredential] $Credential, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [int] $MaxSecondOffset = 300 ) $null = $( $GetSPListItemParameters = @{ 'SPUri' = $SPUri } if($Credential) { $GetSPListItemParameters.Add('Credential', $Credential) } $ListItem = Get-SPListItem @GetSPListItemParameters if(-not $ListItem.Properties.ContainsKey('StartTime')) { Throw-Exception -Type 'StartTimeKeyMissing' ` -Message 'The list item passed does not have a StartTime property.' ` -Property @{ 'GetSPListItemParameters' = (ConvertTo-JSON -InputObject $GetSPListItemParameters) ; 'ListItem' = (ConvertTo-JSON -InputObject $ListItem) ; } } $StartTime = $ListItem.Properties.StartTime -as [datetime] $Status = ($StartTime.AddSeconds($MaxSecondOffset) -ge (Get-Date)) -as [bool] ) Return $Status } <# .Synopsis Adds an attachment to a SharePoint list item. .Paramter SPUri The URI to the list item to attach the item to .Paramter SPFarm The farm of the list item to attach the atachment to. Used for building the SPUri .Paramter SPSite The site of the list item to attach the atachment to. Used for building the SPUri .Paramter SPList The list of the list item to attach the atachment to. Used for building the SPUri .Paramter SPCollection The collection of the list item to attach the atachment to. Used for building the SPUri .Paramter SPListItemIndex The item index of the list item to attach the atachment to. Used for building the SPUri .Paramter UseSsl Use SSL (True or False) for building the SPUri .Paramter SPListItem An item pointer to the item to add the attachment to .Paramter Credential Optional credential to use for accessing the sharepoint list .Paramter AttachmentPath The path to the item to attach to the list .Example Add-SPListItemAttachment -SPListItem $SPListItem -Credential $SPCred -AttachmentPath 'C:\temp\blah.xlsx' #> Function Add-SPListItemAttachment { Param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ExplicitURI', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPUri, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPFarm, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPSite, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPList, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)] [string] $SPCollection = 'Sites', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPListItemIndex, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'BuildURI', Mandatory = $False)] [bool] $UseSsl = $True, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'SPListItem', Mandatory = $True)] [object] $SPListItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [PSCredential] $Credential = $null, [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string] $AttachmentPath ) $null = $( If($SPUri) { # If a whole item is passed in compare delete it based on its Id $SPListItem = Get-SPListItem -SPUri $SPUri } ElseIf($SPFarm) { # If the BuildURI Parameter set is passed created the correct SPUri $SPUri = "$(Format-SPUri -SPFarm $SPFarm -SPSite $SPSite -SPCollection $SPCollection -SPList $SPList -UseSSl $UseSsl)($SPListItemIndex)" $SPListItem = Get-SPListItem -SPUri $SPUri } if(-not (Test-Path -Path $AttachmentPath -ErrorAction Stop)) { Throw-Exception -Type 'FileNotFound' ` -Message 'Could not find the attachment file specified' ` -Property @{ 'AttachmentPath' = $AttachmentPath } } $AttachmentFI = Get-ChildItem -Path $AttachmentPath $FileBytes = Get-Content -Path $AttachmentPath ` -Raw ` -Encoding Byte $ASMXListItem = Get-ASMXListItem -SPListItem $SPListItem ` -Credential $Credential $WebserviceProxy = New-SharepointASMXWebserviceProxy -SPListItem $SPListItem ` -Credential $Credential $null = $WebServiceProxy.AddAttachment( $ASMXListItem.Title -as [string], $SPListItem.ListItemIndex -as [string], $AttachmentFI.Name -as [string], $FileBytes -as [byte[]] ) ) } <# #> Function New-SharepointASMXWebserviceProxy { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [object] $SPListItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [PSCredential] $Credential = $Null ) $Null = $( $WebServiceProxyParams = @{ 'Uri' = $SPListItem.ASMXWebserviceEndpoint } if($Credential) { $WebServiceProxyParams.Add( 'Credential', $Credential ) } else { $WebServiceProxyParams.Add( 'UseDefaultCredential', $True ) } $WebServiceProxy = New-WebServiceProxy @WebServiceProxyParams ) Return $WebServiceProxy } <# #> Function Get-ASMXListItem { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [object] $SPListItem, [Parameter(Mandatory = $False)] [PSCredential] $Credential ) $null = $( $WebServiceProxy = New-SharepointASMXWebserviceProxy -SPListItem $SPListItem ` -Credential $Credential $AllASMXLists = $WebServiceProxy.GetListCollection() for($i = 0 ; $i -lt $AllASMXLists.List.Count ; $i++) { $ASMXListItem = $AllASMXLists.List[$i] $FormattedListName = $ASMXListItem.Title.Replace(' ','') if($FormattedListName -eq $SPListItem.ListName) { break } } if($i -ge $AllASMXLists.List.Count) { Throw-Exception -Type 'ASMXListMatchNotFound' ` -Message 'Did not find a list in the ASMX webservice with the same target name' ` -Property @{ 'ListName' = $SPListItem.ListName } } ) return $ASMXListItem } <# .Synopsis Takes a list item ID (path to the item for the rest interface) and converts it to the path to the asmx web service .Parameter ListItemID The list item ID to convert #> Function Format-SPListASMXPath { [OutputType([string])] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [String] $ListItemID ) $SPListASMXPath = "$($listitemid.Substring(0,$listitemid.IndexOf('/listdata.svc')))/lists.asmx?WSDL" Return $SPListASMXPath -as [string] } Function Split-SPListItemId { Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $True)] [string] $SPListItemID ) $Null = $( $SPListItemArray = $SPListItemID.Split('/') if($SPListItemArray.Length -ge 2) { $SPFarm = $SPListItemArray[2] } else { $SPFarm = '' } if($SPListItemArray.Length -ge 3) { $SPCollection = $SPListItemArray[3] } else { $SPCollection = '' } if($SPListItemArray.Length -ge 4) { $SPSite = $SPListItemArray[4] } else { $SPSite = '' } if($SPListItemArray.Length -ge 7) { $SPListObj = $SPListItemArray[7] $SPListObjArray = $SPListObj.Split('()') $SPList = $SPListObjArray[0] if($SPListObjArray.Length -ge 1) { $SPListItemIndex = $SPListObjArray[1] } else { $SPListItemIndex = '' } } else { $SPList = '' ; $SPListItemIndex = '' } $ObjectProperties = @{ 'SPFarm' = $SPFarm ; 'SPCollection' = $SPCollection ; 'SPSite' = $SPSite ; 'SPList' = $SPList ; 'SPListItemIndex' = $SPListItemIndex } $SPListItemProperties = New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property $ObjectProperties ) return $SPListItemProperties } Export-ModuleMember -Function * -Verbose:$false |